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Wasted (Kenshaw Ranch Book 5)

Page 8

by Piper Frost

  "I think I'll hang back."

  "Grant," she groans. "What'd she do? Why are you mad at her?"

  "What?" I bellow. "I'm not mad at her!"

  "She said you'd say that, and the fact you don't want to come to the pool makes me believe her. What happened between you two?"

  Oh, that dirty fucking girl. She's playing this game too good.

  "I'm not mad at her. Love that girl down there. She's a riot. I'm right behind you, sweet cheeks." I wink at her and yank my shorts from my bag aggressively. When Affton closes the door I let a long line of curses fly from my lips.

  Affton's as talkative as a yapping puppy as we head for the pool and the second my eyes land on Carter, I narrow them. It's fucking on.

  "Hey!" I call out and wave, dropping my swimming trunks to reveal my speedo. I snap goggles onto my face before pulling my flippers from Affton's bag. "Gonna do some snorkeling. You snorkel, Carter Dawn?" I call across the pool, making sure to get everyone's attention. "Never know what treasures are at the bottom of a pool." I lift my legs high, trying to make it to the pool with these flippers. I paid fifty dollars in the hotel store for them just to humiliate her. My nuts keep trying to twist around my dick and if I don't keep my thoughts under control, I'll be arrested for indecent exposure. If my dick gets hard in this tiny underwear, everything will be exposed.

  Carter belts out another one of those true, no holds barred laughs and shakes her head.

  "I have. In the ocean. Not in a pool, you idiot." She turns over in her lounge chair and unties the back of her suit. "You have fun. I need to make sure there aren't any tan lines."

  "Oh, no, no. What happened to the pool party?" I grab her hips but keep it friendly. Like I'm trying to get my sister into a pool. "Come on. You promised a pool party." I maneuver her off the chair while she flails, trying to hide her tits with the suit that almost fell. "Pool party, girl!" I lift my hand for a high five while she glares up at me.

  Her glare slowly turns into a sneaky grin as her hands that are currently holding her tits start pushing them up. Next the small pout of the bottom lip. And then her fingers start circling around her nipples with her eyes locked on mine.

  "You didn't oil these, Grant." The tone of her voice could make me fucking nut right here. "I'll get the oil. You missed a spot earlier."

  "I fuckin' hate you," I grumble, lifting my legs high and flapping my dumb ass to the pool.

  Throwing myself over the ledge because I need to submerge my dick, it takes a few minutes, but holding my breath underwater and cutting off oxygen to my brain finally helps my hardon go down.

  "Hey, we're heading out in an hour, guys," Tommy calls from the side of the pool. "Anyone have any suggestions for food? I'm starving."

  "Grant bought me the best burger today for lunch," Carter says. "So no burgers."

  "Grant bought you lunch?" Affton asks, her eyes burrowing into me like lasers.

  "Grant bought me lunch. And went shopping with me afterwards." Carter stands from her seat, still holding her tits with her arm and not even attempting to re-tie her top. "I've got to shower before we go. Affton?" She grins at me. "You want to get ready together?"

  "Yes I do. You two fry a few more brain cells in the sun." She points to Tommy then scowls at me and I give her an innocent look.

  "Y'all drag a guy to the pool then leave. Typical women."

  "Maybe if you weren't busy jerking off in the shower you would have been out here sooner." Carter's voice carries through the door as she heads inside and Tommy snickers next to me.

  I open my mouth, but close it, keeping my masturbating comment to myself. "Uptight, man," I huff and look at him.

  "I like her," Tommy says, smiling from ear to hear. "Not many girls have the power to shut up the great Grant Matthews." He laughs and I splash him in the face.

  "Yeah, well, only reason I'm letting her shut me up is so I can shut her up later." I struggle to get out of the pool while Tommy laughs his ass off instead of helping. With an aggravated grunt, I hurl the flippers from my feet. "Fucking women," I snap, pouting all the way back to the room.

  I make Tommy leave early with me. I can't stand the girly giggles and questionable noises coming from Affton's room anymore. I need a drink and it's so close to eight o'clock, I almost got this in the bag. When the girls walk through the door, I groan. Fucking fantasy inducing. This girl's gotta go. Affton doesn't need a personal assistant.

  Affton slides in next to Tommy and that leaves Carter moving closer to me. Her perfume makes me grit my teeth as my dick swells. Tommy's on Affton like he's never gotten laid before and I drop my head back, taking a deep breath before rolling my shoulders. Just a little more than an hour. I got this. Easy.

  Drinking is a bad idea for me because it turns my filter down; I barely have a filter as is. So I nurse my beer and try to act engaged in my phone, but there isn't shit goin' on on my phone.

  "So, Tommy." Carter downs her beer in three gulps. "Affton and I were talking." She grins. "And from the sounds of it you guys have been wanting to add a girl to the mix for a while now?"

  I watch Tommy's eyes go wide. I huff and shake my head.

  "Oh, you've been talking, huh?" He smiles at Affton. "That right, Beany?"

  "Maybe." She grins and leans closer to him. "I mean, we're all adults. Grant joins the fun." She gestures to me and all eyes are on me so I nod and lift my beer, gulping it down with no comment. "We've said we wanted to do it with a girl."

  "Hey, you know what? That's a really good idea." I speak up and slide toward, Carter. "You all should hash that out and I'm gonna meet y'all back at the room. Keep the noises to a minimum." I smile and wink at Tommy, needing to get the hell out of here.

  The thought of Carter...and Affton...and Tommy's lucky ass. Fuck this. Not easy anymore. I'm out of here.

  "Excuse me, Carter." I nudge her.

  "Stop," Carter blurts, her hand going to my thigh and squeezing tight. "I...I've never done something like this with a couple before..." She bites her lip, looking at me. "I thought maybe you could help," she whispers.

  "Help?" I raise my eyebrows. "Help." I start to chuckle. "No. I've never been a good teacher. I think you'll fair well enough. Uh..." I look at Affton then Tommy. "God speed." I nudge Carter again, about to lose it.

  I want to help!

  "I mean maybe that's a good idea though, man." Tommy speaks up then leans forward on the table, talking lower now so the tables around us don't hear. "I can't fill two holes at once," he says, a smug look on that fucking face. "And we've never tried the foursome route. Maybe that'll help your little problem."

  "My problem?" I blurt. "Oh Christ. This isn't fair." Looking at Carter, I narrow my eyes at her. "Not cool, Carter."

  "What?" She feigns innocence. "Do you know how long it's been since I've had sex?" She leans closer to me. "Months, Grant. Months. And I live in a house where I have live porno happening each and every night. What's so wrong about wanting to join in?"

  "Nothing at all. Join. Enjoy each other. May all the sparks fly. Don't let me get in the way."

  This fucking girl removes the stick in her ass for Tommy's cock but forces me not to talk about sex for eight fucking hours straight.

  "What if I want you in the way?" she whispers in my ear then pulls back and grins.

  "I think it's a fun idea," Tommy says, wrapping an arm around Affton.

  I give him a shitty smile and nod. "I'm sure you do." Turning my arm, I look at my wrist and my watch says I have thirty minutes. "You know what? Can we table this conversation for thirty minutes?" I ask Tommy and he nods but Affton speaks up.

  "Nope. I'm ready now. Right now."

  "Fuuuuuck you guys," I whine while Affton makes her moany Affton noises that makes Tommy usually fuck her on the spot.

  Fuck this.

  "Maybe we can table dinner?" Carter says, grabbing her purse. "I'm ready now." She downs the rest of her second beer. "Tommy, you ready?"

  "It's now or never, babe," Affton say
s, already out of the booth with her arm wrapping around Carter's.

  He drags his teeth along his bottom lip, watching his girl and Carter walk out of the restaurant then curses, slams his beer, and slides out of his seat. "Sorry, man. Now or never. Duty calls."

  "I'm gonna get the tab paid," I tell him, wanting to run after those girls like he is but I take my time...three minutes to be exact. Not enough fucking time. Then I stroll out of the restaurant. "Come on now. We all got dressed up for nothing. It's a hell of a night. Let's go...walking." I try to head in the opposite direction but Affton grabs my arm.

  "This is happening now. Carter just told me all the things she wants me to do to her pussy, it's happening right now."

  Evil, evil bitches!

  I take my time behind them. Stop to tie my shoe. Trip twice. Bump into a woman carrying eight bags then have to help her slowly gather her things. I'm sweating fucking bullets by the time we make it to the suite but I've managed to stay out of the dirty as fuck conversation whispered between those girls. I have five minutes. I close the door at my back and lean against it while Affton starts stripping clothes as she enters the suite.

  "I lost. I fucking lost. I can't avoid this for five more minutes," I mutter to myself.

  "Hey, you sure you're okay with this? We've never talked about adding another girl into the mix." Tommy watches the girls disappear into the room then turns back to me. "I'll be honest, it's hot as fuck and slightly terrifying." He lets out a nervous chuckle. "But holy fuck, dude!"

  "Yes, we should meditate for a minute! Just clear our heads, you know? Take a few minutes to think this through. We've done this before, but not with your fiancée, ya know? This is a big deal. I don't want to rush into anything." I look at my watch. "Let's think it over for three minutes. Without the girls." I try pulling him onto the balcony.

  "What?" He laughs. "You've lost your damn mind. Do you hear those noises?" He pauses and the sweet fucking sounds of whatever the girls are moaning about fill the air. "Three minutes is long enough for them to both realize they're not waiting around for us."

  "Hey, did I tell you Chase is considering closing the tattoo shop?" I look at my watch then toward the bedroom. "We'll be out of jobs." That gets him to stop and I look at my watch again.

  "Chase would never close that place. What the fuck is going on with you tonight?" His eyes narrow at me.

  "You boys coming or what?" Carter asks, standing in the bedroom doorway wearing the sexiest fuckin' lace thing I've ever seen.

  I wipe the sweat from my face and look at my watch. Two minutes. "Naw, you guys go on ahead." I wave while Tommy stares at me like I'm fucking loco. "I'm gonna make some toast," I squeak pathetically and mope toward the kitchen area.

  "Suit yourself." Carter shrugs. "Tommy? Your fiancée's ready for us."

  Tommy gives me a look and I pout like a kid, trying to ignore him. He shrugs then runs after the girls and the door slams.

  "Fuck," I groan, my stomach physically hurting because I'm so hard. I pant as I wait the minute but the second my watch hands land on eight o'clock I barrel my way toward the bedroom, butt ass naked by the time I get there. "Carter Dawn, I'm coming for that tight fucking pussy, you dirty girl. I want you to call me daddy and on your knees, baby."

  Sweet, sweet liberation!

  I did three shots before leaving for dinner just to get up the nerve for tonight. It was Affton's brilliant idea but as I stand here now, in the middle of this bedroom with my boss, her fiancé, and a red faced Grant in the doorway, I'm trembling and I can't tell if it's from lust and need or if it's from pure fear that this wasn't the best idea.

  "I don't get on my knees for any man," I say through a thick throat.

  "Yeah, yeah. No cares. I won, you dirty girl. I fucking won. Give me my prize." He stalks toward me.

  "What the fuck did you win? What the hell's going on?" Tommy blurts.

  "I'm shocked you had it in you, really. Congratulations, Sally."

  "Come on. Let it out. Talk dirty to me, baby. Explicit details." His thumb goes to my lips and the way he's looking at me is like he's about to swallow me whole. When his thumb opens my jaw and slides over my bottom teeth I dart my tongue out before closing my mouth around his finger and suck.

  He smiles and his eyes light up. "You probably shouldn't have started this little foursome 'cause you're about to say things you'll never want repeated and now you have three witnesses. A bet's a bet," he says, stroking his cock and my eyes flash to Tommy and Affton who are watching like we're a soap opera about to turn porno.

  He's trying to intimidate me, but he doesn't know I need this. This is the only way we can be together, because as much as I trust two of the people in this room I'm still deciding if I can trust the one man that wants to devour me.

  "I'll take my chances." I look down to where he's stroking himself. "So explicit details, huh?"

  "Dirtier than you've ever been. Don't hold back."

  "Good, good." I pause and glance at his dick like I'm about to drop to my knees in front of him, and while I want to, I skirt around him and make a beeline for Affton. "Hey," I whisper, pushing through the nerves.

  "Hey." She smiles, her kind gaze helping with my nerves. She slides her hand into my hair. "You sure you want to do this? We can take a rain check until you're ready."

  "I'm more than ready." I take a breath and narrow my eyes. "I want your lips on my pussy." I watch the smile spread on her lips then turn to Grant. "And you can watch."

  "Not really what I had in mind when I said you'd tell me what I could do to your pussy, but I'll take it." He snaps his fingers then crosses the room and sits in a chair. "Let's do this."

  I look toward Tommy then back to Affton.

  "You're more than welcome to do whatever the fuck you want." I crawl up the bed and lean against the headboard, slowly spreading my legs.

  Affton moves with me, hovering over me before she leans down for a kiss and her thigh rubs against my pussy. Before she slides down she rubs her clit against mine then moves her mouth to my tits. I arch my back when her teeth clamp around my nipple and behind her I see Tommy moving toward the bed, his dick in his hand.

  "Fuck," I manage to moan when Affton's fingers slide through my wet core.

  "Holy fuck, Beany, watching you play with her is hot as fuck," Tommy says from behind her, his fingers playing her. "You're so fucking wet, baby."

  "I don't know what the hell he's doing." She laughs at Grant in confusion and looks over at him as he gives us a wave.

  "Biding my time." His eyes are locked on mine and I have to look away because it's too much to handle.

  "I'm going to eat her out and I could really use a dick in me." Affton exhales a shaky breath, her attention on Tommy while she travels her finger up and down my clit softly. Her touch is softer than I'm used to but it's nice. I like it.

  "God," Tommy huffs, pushing into Affton and making her moan right as her lips connect with my pussy.

  She slides her fingers in me and I clench around her, bringing my hand to my nipple and squeezing while I watch Tommy pound into her. I let my eyes flash to Grant and the minute his gaze hits mine I moan and buck my hips into Affton's face.

  Grant stands and moves for the bed, kneeling next to us, stroking his cock. "She getting you nice and soaked? Getting your pussy dripping in come before I'm so deep inside you that you'll feel me the next time you touch yourself. What's her tongue doing, Carter Dawn?" He leans closer to my face and he replaces my hand on my nipple with his own. "You didn't pay up on the bet so at least tell me what she's doing to you."

  I let out a moan and my hand grips the back of Affton's hair as I push her face into my pussy.

  "She's li—" I gasp when her fingers curl inside me. "Fuck," I huff. "She's licking my clit," I pant. "And her fingers have found just the perfect spo—" I finish it on a scream when her mouth sucks around my clit. "Holy fuck," I manage. "I need a dick in me," I blurt, riding her face as she chuckles.

  "Just say th
e word, baby." Grant's eyes are on Affton who hasn't stopped licking me, and he continues to stroke his cock.

  Affton removes herself from between my legs and spins, kissing Tommy, her lips still coated in my juices. She nods towards me and lets her hand trail down his abs then plays with his dick.

  "You sure?" I don't know who Tommy's asking but with my fingers dancing around my clit, I spread my lips open and nod.

  "Please," I manage, then look up at Grant and wrap my hand around his dick, letting my fingers play with the metal studs. "Those scare me," I say, then let out a moan as Tommy fills me. "Holy shit, Affton!" I yell, earning a giggle from her.

  "Told you it's the magic dick."

  Before I can say anything, Grant grabs my hair and turns my head to look at him, there's a fury in his gaze and I almost push him away but he grabs my head and holds me still, sliding the head of his cock over my lips.

  "Open, Carter Dawn. Be a good whore."

  I moan, opening my mouth because as much as his dirty talk should piss me off it turns me on more. I relax the back of my throat and let him shove his dick as far back as it'll go. Reaching my hand over to Affton blindly, she guides my palm to her pussy and I start playing, sliding my fingers into her one at a time.

  Grant moves his hips, pushing his dick deeper down my throat as his hand wraps around my neck. "I think Carter Dawn needs the full DP experience." He's pissed, I can see it all over his face, but he turns to look at Tommy. "I call dibs on her ass." He looks at me again and smirks. "This is what a foursome's all about, baby." He winks at me and pulls his dick from my mouth, making sure to drag it over the inside of my cheek.

  Affton moans and rides my hand but Tommy pulls out of my pussy right when Grant pulls out of my mouth and I feel incredibly empty. I whimper, watching Tommy move on to Affton and spin her so she's on all fours before slamming into her again. My eyes flash to Grant and I crawl to my knees in front of him then take his dick in my hand, stroking him. I turn my head and watch Tommy fuck Affton hard, the noises the same as I hear every fucking night.

  "Fuck, Affton," Tommy huffs and the slapping of skin makes me even more wet. "Ah, fuck!" Tommy belts. "Bean, you close?"


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