Wild Need [Werewolves of Forever, Texas 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
Page 9
“You sound like you might believe him. Do you, Kate? Do you think Tucker, Cort, and I would stoop so low as to drug a bull so Litton would lose the competition?” Travis’s stomach flipped over. If Kate thought he was capable of cheating, what kind of a mate would she make? Could they have been wrong in thinking she was the one?
“I was only trying to stay neutral like a good employee would.” She frowned at him. “I tried to stay out of it.”
“Then what?” Cort reached for her, but she jerked away from him.
“He said you asked to see his cock.” The part about Litton accusing them of fixing the rodeo was bad enough, made even worse if she actually believed the lie, but both of those were nothing compared to Kate wanting to see what the big man had between his legs.
She appeared insulted, flabbergasted, as he’d expected her to, but when he saw the look in her eyes change, he wanted to shout at her to tell him it wasn’t true. For the first time, her gaze left his, darting to the floor before she lifted hers again to look at Cort. Uncertainty mixed with embarrassment on her features.
“Look, you have to understand. I was cornered with no way out of a bad situation. He came on to me, and I used it to my advantage.” She seemed unsure of herself, unsure of what to say, as though she were lying.
“I’m trying hard to understand any situation where you’d ask a man to show his cock.” Cort wiped a hand over his face and let out a pent-up sigh. “Help me out, Kate. Make us understand.”
“Not that you’ll believe me or anything, but I wanted to put him in a less powerful position. With his jeans around his ankles and his cock in good sight.”
Travis and Cort exchanged a pointed look. “I’m thinking a man would consider that not only a powerful position but a mighty good position as well.”
Her emerald eyes flashed with fury. “I’m sure he did, too. But if you hadn’t walked in when you did, he would’ve found out differently when I rammed him in the balls with my knee and ran. Having his jeans wrapped around his ankles would’ve thrown him off balance when I shoved him, and I’d have gotten a good head start.”
The memory of Litton standing before Kate, his jeans down at his ankles, flashed back to him. But it was the memory of her face that swamped him with regret. Although she’d faked a sultry look for Litton, he’d seen the fear mixed with determination in her eyes. She was telling him the truth.
“Okay, maybe that’s true.” He cringed. Why had he said maybe?
“Maybe?” She backed up, dropping her hands to her sides. “I’ll tell you what’s a maybe. Maybe I’ll march upstairs and pack my bags. Then, maybe, I can get Cort to take me into Shatland or wherever else I can hop the first bus back home.”
“Kate, wait a second.”
But she’d already spun on her heel and disappeared into the house. The knot tightened in his stomach.
Cort sucked in a breath and let it out in one long, exasperated blow. “You know what, bro? As a writer, you really suck with words.” He clucked to Buster and led him into the house.
Travis sat on the railing and stared at the front door. How the hell had he let things get so far out of hand? Had he lost their mate even before they’d had a chance to claim her?
Chapter Seven
Kate wiped away a tear, determined not to cry any longer. She’d already cried most of the afternoon. Why waste another tear?
She shoved two shirts into her suitcase and turned back to her closet to grab two more off their hangers. “Thank goodness I didn’t have my things shipped here already. At least now I can get out of here and back to civilization faster.”
She attempted to fold another shirt but gave up. Letting out another sob, she dropped to the bed and stared out the window. Although she’d only been at the ranch for a short time, she knew she’d miss the landscape, the way the sun slanted through her window, the sound of birds in the trees. She’d miss Buster, too. She’d liked having a dog around, something she couldn’t have as a child due to her father’s allergies.
But most of all she’d miss the men.
“Except that asshole, Travis. I won’t miss him at all. See what he’s done? He’s got me crying and talking to myself.”
She jumped as she heard noises coming from the bathroom she shared with Travis and dashed to her bathroom door to make certain it was locked. Yet as her hand landed on the doorknob, she had to force herself not to open it.
If he’s trying to get into my room, he has another thing coming. She put her ear to the door and listened. She could hear whispering and sounds of people moving, but she couldn’t make out the words.
They’re not trying to break into my room, are they? Did I make a major mistake trusting three men enough to live with them? What do I know about them, anyway? Nothing.
Another tear slid down her cheek as the emotions overwhelmed her. The truth of her emotions, of the special bond she felt whenever she saw them, flooded her, and she could no more deny the truth than she could’ve flown to the moon.
She knew enough about them. She knew she could trust them with her life. She knew they were good, honest men who would never cheat or drug an innocent animal to win a stupid rodeo. And she knew Travis didn’t really think she’d give a stranger a blow job. Tension had taken their conversation and warped their feelings along with their words.
She came back to the bed and sat down. But what should she do? Should she listen to her logical mind and leave before she got any more involved than she was already? Or should she listen to her heart and stay?
She’d never known her mother, since she’d died when Kate was five years old. Although she could remember the book her mother read her at night and the smell of blueberry pancakes in the morning—the same pancakes she’d made for the men—she couldn’t picture her mother’s face any longer. She had no idea what kind of advice her mother would give her. And her father? He’d never been very comfortable talking about relationships and emotions.
She tried to think of anyone else she could talk to but came up empty. Although she had lots of friends, none of them were close enough for her to call them for help. They were acquaintances more than friends.
She gazed out the window again. If she stayed, would she make friends in Forever? If the women of Forever were in the same type of multi-men partnering, would that give them a commonality that would transform into a friendship? For the first time in her life, she wanted a girlfriend, a confidant, but also for the first time in her life, she realized she was alone in the world.
Except for three men who want to love me forever.
A knock at her door broke her train of thought. She rose then paused. Was she ready to face them? Had she made up her mind whether to go or to stay?
She unlocked the door then peeked around the edge. At first she didn’t see anyone. But when a cold nose touched her ankle she dropped her gaze. Buster plopped down on his haunches, his big brown eyes looking at her with adoration and his tail wagging.
She glanced down the hallway before opening the door wide enough for him to come inside. He padded in then sat down to face her again.
“Hi, Buster.” She knelt in front of him and scratched his muzzle. “What’s this?”
A folded white note was tied to his collar with a red ribbon. She smiled, loving the idea of sending Buster as their messenger, and pulled the note free. “Come on. Let’s read this over here.”
Buster yelped and followed her to the rocking chair in the far corner. He settled at her feet, putting his head on his front paws, but kept wagging his tail. She unfolded the note, recognized Tucker’s handwriting, and took a deep breath, ready for whatever the message contained.
Dear Kate,
Some men are born intelligent, with the capacity to learn whatever they can. Others, like Travis, were blessed with only limited ability, and thus, we need to make allowances for them. However, like Buster, he can be trained. We hope you’ll stay and help us train Travis to think before he speaks.
She giggled then pre
ssed her fingertips to her lips to stop laughing before anyone heard her.
We apologize for what was said and implied earlier. We know you are a good, trustworthy, loving woman who would never give the time of day, much less anything else, to any other man. You’re our mate, our woman, our partner for the rest of our lives, and we pledge our undying devotion to you. If you stay, we’ll show you the truth behind our words.
However, we can also promise that there will be more times when you’ll feel like feeding our sorry asses to the vultures. But please remember, no matter what stupid thing we do, we will always care for and protect you with our last breath.
If you can forgive us, especially Travis, please enjoy the warm bath we’ve drawn for you. We’d also like to invite you to join us in a night of dancing and drinks at the Moonstone Bar. We hope you’ll give us another chance.
With respect,
Tucker, Cort, and our idiot friend, Travis
She laughed again, no longer caring if they heard her. “What do you say, Buster? Would you like to check out the bathroom with me?” She hurried to the door, unlocked it, and stepped inside.
The small room was filled with red roses and white carnations. Candles placed on the edge of the tub and on the counter provided a romantic setting. Steam rose from the tub filled with bubble bath. A new bar of soap rested in the soap dish, and a box of chocolates covered in a big red bow sat on a stool beside the tub. A docking station held an iPod, and a note stuck to the side told her to press “on” when she was ready for “the romantic stylings of Buck Harden and the Buckwheat Boys.”
She knelt and hugged Buster. “Who the heck are Buck Harden and the Buckwheat Boys? Probably a local band, huh? Obviously we don’t have the same taste in music, but it’s the thought that counts, right?”
She called Buster with her as she scooted back into her bedroom. Taking the note and a pen from her purse, she scribbled her response.
Dear Crazy Men,
Although it’s against my better judgment, I’d be happy to let you escort me to the dance hall.
Be ready by nine sharp. I do not like tardiness.
P.S. Tell Travis that lessons on keeping his mouth closed start immediately.
She hesitated a moment to consider adding of Mine to the Dear Crazy Men salutation and thought better of it. She still didn’t know whether or not she believed they were fated to be together, but she knew she wanted to find out.
Attaching the note to Buster’s collar with the same red ribbon they’d used, she opened her bedroom door and scooted him into the hall. “Go find them, Buster. Go on. Good boy.”
* * * *
Kate smoothed her short black skirt down, positioned her breasts in the tight, sleeveless white blouse, and gave her reflection one last look in the mirror. Instead of the four-inch heels she usually wore with her outfit, she’d opted to pull on her new red leather boots. She lifted one leg out to admire her boots. Thank goodness I didn’t wear them to get the cows back into the pasture.
The white winged details on the boots worked well with her shirt and would fit in better at a country bar. Deciding to leave her purse at home, she stuck her driver’s license in her skirt pocket, opened the door to the hallway, and stepped out.
She hadn’t seen the men since she’d gone upstairs and, aside from the microwave dinner they’d placed outside her door after her bath, she hadn’t known if they were still in the house. She paused as she started to turn toward the staircase, sensing them before she saw them.
The men waited at the bottom of the staircase, their attention glued on her as she started down the stairs. Cort and Tucker stood behind and to the side of Travis as though lending him moral support. Each man wore jeans and a plain shirt, but their buckles were shined and they’d put on dressier boots. Cort and Tucker nodded their heads in greeting while Travis kept his gaze locked on her. She couldn’t tell what he was thinking from his expression.
She reached the last step and stopped, waiting for them to say the first word. Her nerves took over, but she managed to hide it.
“You look…” Travis seemed to search for the right thing to say. His mouth moved, but no other sounds came out.
“Too damn good for him.” Cort bumped Travis out of the way and offered his hand to her.
She chuckled more at the way Travis’s face turned a bright pink than at Cort’s comment. Feeling like a teenager with three dates to the prom, she took Cort’s hand and let him lead her to the door. Once outside, Tucker and Travis rushed past her to the pickup parked next to the grass. They quarreled over who would get to open her door, but it was Cort who did the honors. He helped her into the passenger seat and scowled as Travis hurried to the driver’s side and hopped behind the wheel. Tucker slid onto the rear seat, giving Cort the last place next to him.
Travis shot her a smile. “What I meant to say was that you look amazing. You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”
Maybe it was the way he looked at her or maybe it was what he’d said, but she found it hard to respond. Their earlier disagreement was forgotten, and she wanted nothing except to have a good time tonight. Time to enjoy her new town and time to get to know the strange, wonderful men who had promised their lives to her. The only question remaining was if she could promise them the same.
“Thanks, Travis. You clean up good, too.” She gave Cort and Tucker a quick grin. “You, too, guys. I don’t think I’ve ever had men as handsome as you three take me to a dance.”
“Then that’s a damn shame.” Tucker slid his hot gaze over her. “Although I’m glad you haven’t. Otherwise, you might not be here with us.”
The short drive from the house to the bar was quiet but comfortable. She felt at ease with them, as though she’d known them all of her life. By the time they pulled into the parking lot of the Moonstone Bar, she was ready to dance until her feet hurt.
The Moonstone Bar was a large, one-story building that looked more like an American Legion Hall than a country bar. But neon lights on the outside boasting cold beer on draught and live music every Friday and Saturday night left no room for confusion. Kate waited until Cort opened the door then let him help her out of the high vehicle. Entwining her arms with Cort and Tucker, she led the way into the bar.
The sounds of laughter and lively music welcomed them as the foursome entered the biggest room. Kate could see the lights from the other rooms, including one where a scantily clad girl tried to hold on to a mechanical bull. The girl’s breasts bounced so much Kate was sure they’d pop out of her tight tank top at any moment.
“We called ahead and reserved a table next to the dance floor.” Tucker pulled her away from his friends and led her to a round table with four chairs. A handwritten sign pronounced the reservation for “The Moonlight Ranch men and their special lady”. The band struck up another fast tune, and people crowded onto the small dance floor. Buck Harden and the Buckwheat Boys, with their name written on the drummer’s largest drum, played a lively song.
She picked up the cardboard sign. “Nice touch, guys.”
Tucker pulled out a chair for her then grabbed the one next to her. “We thought so. You see, although we act like animals a lot of the time, we do have a more gentlemanly side. I guess we need to show that side to you more often from now on.”
Kate doubted any woman could resist his dark brown eyes and the soft yet burning expression in them. “Yeah, you could. But I like your animal sides, too. A girl likes a wild man, you know.”
“Then we’re the perfect men for you. We’re wild with a tender side. You just tell us when you’ve had too much of one side.”
Cort had disappeared only to show up with a large pitcher of beer and four glasses. “I figured since this is Kate’s first time at the bar, we’d use glasses instead of bottles.”
Travis poured the beer into the glasses as Cort returned the tray to the bar and strode back. Although Kate preferred a good wine to beer, she took her gla
ss and drank down a long sip of the cool liquid.
“Boys, if we weren’t sure before, we are now. Our woman can drink.” Cort raised his glass, signaling for a toast. “Here’s to our Kate. We have no doubt she’ll stay as beautiful as she is this minute for the rest of her life.”
“To Kate. May she keep the patience and the forgiveness she’s shown me tonight for the rest of her life. God knows she’s going to need it.” Travis held up his glass. “If she decides to stay.”
She laughed, touched her glass to each of the men’s, and took another sip. If someone had told her she’d have three hotter-than-a-supermodel men showing her a good time a week ago, she’d have told them they were insane.
“Are you boys out for a good time tonight?”
Kate put down her beer and twisted around in her chair. The beautiful brunette woman took a step to the right, giving Kate a better chance to see her. Kate guessed she was a little older than she was with long brown hair with golden highlights that shone under the overhead lights. Her brown eyes sparkled with merriment as she stuck out her hand. “Hi. I’m Emma Rand-Carr. Welcome to Forever.”
The men chimed in with their hellos as Kate took Emma’s hand. “Thanks. I’m Kate Wingate.”
Emma glanced at the men then her gaze landed on her again. “I heard these scruffy hounds finally found their lady. But Jackson didn’t tell me how gorgeous you are.”
Kate blushed at the compliment. “Jackson?”
Emma pointed at another table where three men stomped their feet and clapped their hands to the music. “He’s the one who’s waving at us right now. It’s funny how he always knows when I’m talking about him. The other two are his brothers, Jayden and Jacob.”