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Theron: Scifi Alien Invasion Romance (Hell Squad Book 12)

Page 10

by Anna Hackett

  The Garden never failed to make her smile. The large bowl had been cut into the escarpment overlooking the Enclave. Rock walls rose up, and overhead, she saw the faint glint of sunset lighting the sky. All around were gardens, lush grass, and trees. Fresh fruits and vegetables were grown in fenced-off gardens. A children’s play area sat beneath the taller trees, which were strung with fairy lights.

  It was one of the best parts of the Enclave, and actually quite safe. Sienna knew the open top was protected by an illusion system, and retractable doors could be closed, if required.

  She heard muffled conversation and laughter—the deeper tones of the men, and Cam’s distinctive, melodic chuckle. They were all clustered around the picnic tables under the trees. Someone had covered one tree in pink bows.

  In the center of the crowd stood Cruz Ramos—second in command of Hell Squad—along with his partner, Santha. Santha was sitting in a comfortable chair, while Cruz had their newborn daughter tucked into the crook of his arm. He looked like he’d been doing it for years.

  He was talking with Hell Squad’s leader, Marcus, and Roth. Marcus was sipping a beer, one arm around his wife, Elle. The rest of Hell Squad and their partners, as well as the members of Squad Nine, were dotted around the space, sitting, standing, plucking food off the loaded trays on the table.

  “Hey, leave some for the rest of us.” Hell Squad’s only female soldier, Claudia, slapped the man beside her in the back of his head.

  Hell Squad’s sniper spun around, frowning. “I’m hungry, Frost.”

  “So is everyone else, Baird.”

  “You are so ornery,” he muttered. Then he fisted a hand in her shirt and yanked her against him. “Only one way I know to sweeten your disposition.” He slammed his mouth down on hers.

  Sienna gave Claudia credit; she fought against the onslaught for a good three seconds, before she gave in. The tough female soldier melted, wrapping her arms around her partner.

  They were a perfect example of a couple who loved and worked together. As she and Theron joined the group, she saw Hemi look up from his chair. His gaze swiveled between her and Theron, his brows rising. Then he winked at her.

  Okay, it couldn’t be that obvious that she and Theron had gotten naked together. She was sure no one else would notice.

  Suddenly, Cam leaped off the picnic table she was sitting on. “Oh, you did not!”

  Sienna stiffened, surprised that Theron seemed so relaxed beside her.

  “Cam,” Sienna said in a warning tone.

  Taylor and Mac flanked their friend, the women staring at them.

  “They did,” Mac said.

  Taylor shook her head. “Dammit. Devlin picked it at the Christmas party, and I didn’t believe him. I mean it’s Theron…and Sienna.” She glanced at her man, a former spy and one of the Enclave’s best on the intel team. “Guess I lost our bet.”

  A smile crossed Devlin’s handsome face, and it told them all just how he’d extract his winnings from Taylor.

  Sienna’s face was burning. Of course, her friends would make a big deal of it. “Look, we—”

  “Banged each other’s brains out,” Theron said. “Numerous times. Planning to do it again.” His gaze met Roth’s. “A lot.”

  Sienna’s mouth dropped open. “Theron!”

  “I’m not lying or hiding us.”

  She struggled through feeling happy, embarrassed, and horrified. She decided to go with happy.

  He grabbed her hand and pulled her toward the table. “Let’s eat.” His gaze lingered on her face. “I’m starving.”

  As Theron piled food on a plate, Sienna gave Santha and Cruz a warm smile. “Your baby girl is getting bigger every day.”

  Santha looked like she was trying not to burst out laughing. “She is. And luckily for us, she’s a great baby.”

  Sienna looked around. “Where’s Bryony?” She didn’t see their adopted daughter—a girl Cruz and Santha had rescued from an alien lab—anywhere. The girl was usually hovering over her new sister.

  “Sleepover,” Cruz said, lifting the baby up for a snuggle. “Only time I get my smallest girl to myself.”

  Sienna felt her ovaries sigh. There was something about a sexy tough guy with a swirl of tattoos on his muscled arm snuggling a baby.

  As the conversation shifted, she sensed Roth move up beside her. She glanced at her friend and boss, suddenly nervous about what he might say. She knew the old rules of the Coalition military didn’t apply in this new world of theirs, but he would be completely within his rights to have concerns.


  “Just remember, no alcohol. We could still get called up for the oura mission.”

  She thought she caught a faint hint of concern in his gaze, but he was smiling.

  Sienna relaxed when Theron returned, and took the soda and the plate he offered. Soon, they were sitting amongst their friends, eating and drinking.

  “Any luck on the data we collected in the city?” Theron asked.

  A frown crossed Roth’s rugged face. “Nothing yet. They’re working around the clock, and the tech team is in chaos, trying to work out what this alien web is and those alien pods.”

  Sienna listened to the conversations around her. She watched Hemi staring at Cam with covetous eyes. Cam was pretending to ignore him. Her friend had defenses that would make a castle proud. Hemi had his work cut out for him, but the man was stubborn and determined.

  “Hemi, where’s the rest of your squad?” Sienna asked.

  “On their way.” He sipped his homebrewed beer. “They want to challenge the Hell Squad pussies to a rugby match.”

  There was a chorus of pithy replies from Hell Squad, Shaw’s the loudest.

  “Hey, baby present.” Cruz covered a sleeping Kari’s tiny ears.

  Sienna chuckled, and glanced over at Theron, who was listening to something Roth was saying. As she nibbled on her food, she felt his leg brush against hers. He wasn’t looking at her, but she knew he was aware of her. She heard Taylor laugh, and saw her friend staring up at Devlin, love glowing off them. They’d survived hellish raptor captivity and escaped together. The two of them were perfect for each other.

  Sienna was reminded that this was her family now. She knew she’d always have that dull pain in her chest when she thought of her of mama, her sisters, her nonna, and her family. Maybe she’d always feel that tiny pinch of guilt that she’d not only survived, but that she felt such happiness being with her squad. She’d fought alongside these people every day for almost two years. Trusted them with her life. They’d forged bonds in battle that went beyond blood.

  For the first time in her life, she felt truly accepted. Her squad accepted her as she was, and those dark and dirty moments with Theron had made other things click into place for her, too. Si, her mama would have welcomed Theron with open arms, and a huge plate of spaghetti.

  “Holy hell, the testosterone level in here just skyrocketed,” Roth’s partner, Avery, breathed. Sienna saw the woman looking back toward the door, and swiveled to take her own look.

  Oh, boy. Avery was not wrong.

  The rest of the berserkers had arrived.

  Squad Three was made up of the kind of men mothers warned their daughters to steer well clear of. These weren’t bad boys, these were deadly men—former bikers, ex-cons, and mercenaries.

  Tane stalked in, dreadlocks loose around his compelling face. She’d never seen him smile, but the look suited him. He moved like some sort of predator on the hunt. His squad members surrounded him.

  Tall, handsome Ash Connors, with two sleeves of colorful tattoos on his muscular arms. His best friend, Levi King, was beside him. Levi was a couple of inches shorter than his friend, but no less muscular, and with plenty of tattoos of his own. His long, brown hair was pulled back in a messy knot at the back of his head, and he was sporting a sexy-looking goatee. The men had run a motorcycle club before the invasion.

  On Tane’s other side was Griff Callan—a former cop and ex-con. He
wore his hair a little shaggy, and it was a deep, oak brown. He had the hard look of a man who’d done time in a Coalition supermax prison for murder. Two steps behind him was the man Sienna considered the most dangerous of the berserkers—hell, maybe the entire Enclave.

  Unlike the other berserkers, he was dressed in slacks and a white shirt. Dominic Santora had dark, Italian good looks, but his brown eyes were almost black, and held a deadly stillness that always gave her shivers. No one talked about where Dom was from, or what he’d done before the invasion…but Sienna had her suspicions.

  Hemi stood, knocking his knuckles against Tane’s. Soon, the berserkers were all nursing drinks and sprawling in chairs.

  Cam nudged some things aside on the table to make room. A few of the kitchen staff appeared, setting down desserts.

  “I bribed some of the kitchen staff for special treats.” Cam winked at Sienna, and pointed to bowls of chocolate and vanilla ice cream.

  Sienna wrinkled her nose. “I finished the last of my favorite sprinkles. Need to ask Squad Eight to keep an eye out for more on their next raid.”

  She was addicted to the sweet things. Luckily for her, Squad Eight was made up of non-military fighters who were usually tasked with raids to collect goods like foodstuffs, clothing, and medicine.

  Theron reached into his pocket and pulled something out. He held it up to her. “For you.”

  Frowning, she took the paper-wrapped jar. She ripped the covering off, and her heart clenched.

  “I knew your stash was running low,” he said.

  Theron had given her a new jar of the sugary sprinkles she loved. “Where—?”

  A shrug of his big shoulder. “They’re handmade. I traded a few boxing lessons for the son of a lady in the kitchen who made them for me.”

  With her heart full, she reached out and touched his arm. “Thanks, Big T.”

  He cupped her chin, one hand falling to her thigh beneath the table. When he stroked dangerously close to her inner thigh, her pulse tripped.

  Suddenly, Hemi stood and whistled. He flicked a smirk at Shaw. “So, Hell Squad ready to get their asses handed to them on the rugby field?”

  There was a chorus of good-natured catcalls and insults. Tane moved onto an open patch of grass, spinning a rugby ball in his hands.

  Hemi slapped Theron on the shoulder. “Need you and Roth to referee.”

  The men moved off to the grassy area, and almost as one, yanked their shirts over their heads, displaying an impressive show of muscles and ink.

  Cam sank down beside Sienna, licking at her ice cream cone, her eyes glued to the man-candy spectacle. “Oh, this is going to be good.”

  Sienna watched Theron organizing the teams, blind to all the prime specimens of masculinity. Well, okay, almost blind. But her gaze lingered most on Theron.

  In that peaceful, almost completely normal moment, there was no alien apocalypse, no death or suffering, no dangerous missions. He glanced her way and smiled.

  Something unfurled inside her and her chest hitched. Uh oh. She had a feeling this sensation was how it felt to take the first step toward falling in love.

  Chapter Eleven

  Sienna led Theron back to her room, happiness bubbling inside her. She felt good. They’d had a great time at the barbecue with their friends. The berserkers had managed to just squeak in for a win in the rugby match, but not before they’d all suffered a few bruises and one suspected broken nose.

  She glanced up at Theron, his big body moving with his usual powerful stride. She loved being with him…and despite all the goodness, how much she wanted him left her a little terrified.

  At her door, she pressed her palm to the lock, disengaging the latch. He crowded in behind her, spinning her, his mouth crashing down on hers. The kiss instantly turned wild, their tongues tangling, her hands clutching at his shoulders. He ran a hand under her skirt, sliding his fingers inside her before she could protest. She moaned.

  “Let me get the lights,” she panted. She wanted to see his rugged face.

  “Leave the lights off.” He pulled away from her and stepped back. “Just turn on the bathroom light.”

  She bit her lip, walking on wobbly legs to the bathroom. She loved that bossy, gravelly tone. And she knew that later, it would take on a rougher edge she found exciting.

  She flicked on the bathroom light. It gave a subdued glow into the main room of her quarters. Almost romantic.

  She turned. “Do you—?”

  Theron wasn’t where he’d been standing. Frowning, she took a few steps, glancing around. She couldn’t see him.


  Suddenly, she was grabbed roughly from behind. A hand slammed over her mouth, and she stifled a startled scream.

  “Don’t fight or I’ll hurt you.” His breath was hot on her cheek.

  His hard body was plastered against her back. She felt his hard cock digging into her lower back. His hand was rough as it slid down her body. He bunched her skirt in his hand, before he shoved it up to expose her bare bottom.

  Sienna’s pulse raced. Excitement rushed through her, and she felt a rush of dampness between her thighs.

  His hand palmed her buttock. “Nice.” He swung her around and pushed her up against the wall. “Press your hands flat against the wall.” A deep growl.

  She jerked against him, trying to break free.

  “No, you don’t.” He used his strength to subdue her struggles. “I’m going to fuck you, lady. Hard. Nothing you can do about it.”

  Sienna struggled harder, desire swamping her. She tried to bite his palm.

  “Uh-uh.” His fingers dug into her skin. “I’m fucking you, lady. So hard you’ll be crying about how deep I go. Now, hands on the wall.”

  She pressed her palms against the cool wall. Behind her, she felt his hot hand running along the length of her ass. She arched her back, trying to hold back her moans. He smacked her buttock, the sweet sting zinging through her. A small moan escaped. “No. Let me go.”

  “Be quiet.” Another stinging slap to her other cheek, then she heard the rasp of a zipper and his clothes shifting.

  Then without warning, his thighs brushed against her sensitive buttocks, and he rammed his thick cock inside her.

  His bellow mingled with Sienna’s sharp scream.

  He reared back and thrust back in. He found a punishing rhythm that had her stretched to the limit.

  “Oh, God. I can’t…” Her feet lifted off the ground, forcing her up on her toes. Even if aliens invaded the base right at this very moment, there was no way she would stop. He was so rough, so dominating and forceful.

  “You should see this pretty picture,” he growled. “Me pumping into you and your sweet ass jiggling with each impact.”

  “More,” she panted.

  “Hold on then, naughty girl.”


  Fuck. Theron gripped Sienna’s hips, pounding inside her.

  She was clawing at the wall, begging him for more. He pulled out, enjoying her dismayed cry.

  He nudged her toward the closest surface, her table. He pushed her hips against the edge and bent her over it. He forced her face down until her cheek was pressed against the smooth wood. He got behind her, pressing a hand down on her back, and thrust back inside her.

  Hot and tight, she made him forget everything, made him feel like an animal in a mating frenzy. She was slamming her ass back against him, desperate for more. All he could do was feel.

  He reached under her, flicking at her swollen clit. She let out a strangled cry, her body clamping on his cock like a vise. He felt every muscle in his body tightening, and the driving need to possess her, own her, ravaged him. He hated that she still had an implant, hated even a chemical barrier between them.

  He gripped one of her legs and forced her knee up on the table. It changed his angle of penetration, and gave him perfect access. He drove back into her, thrusting against her like a wild man. He saw her hands move to grip the edge of the table, her knuckles
turning white.

  “Take my come, Sienna. Push your ass back at me and take it all.”

  She did, and then she shattered. Her scream, followed by the sob of his name, was too much. He pressed his body over her, their slick skin sticking together. He sank his teeth into her shoulder as he thrust one last time and poured himself inside her with a harsh groan.

  He collapsed on her, pinning her to the table. “Fucking hell, Sienna.”

  One of her sweet giggles. “That was so hot.”

  He tucked his face into the curve of her neck and breathed her in.

  “Give me a chance to recover and then we’ll go again.”

  “Again?” She turned her head to look at him, licking her lips. “I’d like that.”

  He just stared at her. He didn’t want to move or leave the room. He wanted to keep Sienna in here, naked, all to himself. His to touch, caress, and love. Hell, how could he have been such an idiot to think that sweet Sienna, with her hidden spine of steel, couldn’t handle him?

  Love? The word made his muscles tense. What the hell did the son of a drug-addicted prostitute know about love?


  He focused on Sienna and touched his lips to hers, gentle this time. Which was strange. He didn’t do gentle. But as she sighed into his mouth and the slow, searching kiss continued, he decided that there was something to be said for taking your time, for savoring and exploring.

  She shifted against him, a sexy little shimmy. Then her teeth sank into his bottom lip.

  He slid a hand down and cupped her ass. “Such a sexy little tease, aren’t you? Wearing sexy clothes for me, shaking that ass at me, writing me sexy notes.”

  She smiled at him. Suddenly, there was a thumping on the door. Sienna squeaked, trying to wriggle out from under him.

  “It’s Roth.” Roth’s disembodied voice from the other side of the door. “You weren’t answering my call.” Their leader’s voice was dry as dust.

  Call? Theron glanced at the comm unit beside the bed. He hadn’t heard anything except Sienna’s cries and the thump of his heart.

  He stood and helped Sienna do the same. She wobbled a little as she pushed her dress down.


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