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Vampire Outbreak (The Josh Thorne Trilogy Book 2)

Page 24

by Joe Fowler

  “My fellow Americans, we have come through a very tough time in our nation’s history. Our friends overseas are still fighting for their lives. While we have pledged to aid them in their fight, tonight we keep our attention on our own people.

  “We have all been grateful for the contributions of Rosalyn and Austin. There have been a great number of other vampires who helped us over the last months as well. While we can’t forgive the vampires who killed our loved ones and terrorized our cities, we also can’t take out our vengeance on those who have sacrificed to help save us.

  “Therefore, we needed a solution that would keep us safe from future attacks without condemning their entire race. We have been approaching this problem from every angle we knew of. The answer we arrived at will not make many of you happy.” The President paused for effect.

  “Our official policy will go into effect immediately. I will fill you in on the main points now. One, all vampires will be registered with local authorities in the city where they live. We are asking that this be done as soon as possible. We have set up offices in every major city and will be doing the same for smaller areas soon. They will be required to carry their registration card at all times. If a vampire wants to move or leave the city for any reason, he or she must tell their assigned officer before they travel.

  “Second point. Any vampire who kills a human will be put down immediately. There will be no exceptions. We will be forming squads of soldiers and werewolves to help carry out the sentences as needed.

  “Third point. A vampire cannot feed off of an unwilling human. This will be not be tolerated. Any vampire found breaking this law will be killed, but only with proper evidence. Before anyone gets the idea of falsely accusing a vampire you should be aware that any blood drank by a vampire can be tested for up to a week. Even if the vampire has fed from others, the DNA is still testable. A false accusation will result in jail time for the accuser.

  “Fourth point. No human can be turned into a vampire without proper authorization. Any human seeking to become a vampire will have to go through the local offices to obtain permission. We will not be giving this permission lightly. Those with life threatening illnesses or intense chronic pain are examples of who will be allowed. No one under the age of twenty-one will even be considered. The same goes for anyone over the age of forty-five. These age restrictions will supersede the illness or pain allowances. We will have further explanations available as to why we made these age restrictions as well as any other allowances.

  “Those are the main rules we will begin enforcing but not the only ones. As I said, many of you will not be happy with this new policy. The anger you feel is justified. Vampires killed innocent people and terrorized our cities. We have to look at Austin and Rosalyn for our examples. They fought to stop this from happening and they fought to free our cities from this nightmare. These two vampires are every bit as deserving to live as you or me.

  “We are entering a new era. We can only ask that everyone tries to respect the new policies even if you find it difficult to overcome the hatred and fear…”

  The President kept speaking but I wasn’t paying much attention anymore. I wasn’t shocked exactly, it was more like being numb. The others in the room kept their attention on the President. I could envision the hatred the vampires would face. The good ones would be looked at the same as the bad ones. There would be murders of both species. The fighting might never truly subside.

  Seth, Josh, and maybe even Rosalyn and I would be called upon when an older vampire needed to be put down. The President hadn’t said this but I was fairly sure this would become habit. That thought only brought Cyranos back to mind. My only peace of mind would be if Seth or Josh could find and kill Cyranos before he got the chance at Rosalyn. I remembered how he looked at her in the council meeting with the President. I knew he would come for her eventually. I just didn’t know when.

  “The President has set up cameras in Chattanooga. He wants to broadcast the two of you as you register. He hopes it will promote goodwill. The humans know how much they owe the two of you.” Seth’s voice got my attention. I didn’t realize the President’s speech was over until then. “He hoped you would go now so everyone would try to get behind this.”

  “They shouldn’t have to register like the others. Everybody knows them and is grateful.” Thomas argued.

  “No, Thomas. The vampires need to see us there even more than the humans. If both sides see Rosalyn and me register, they can at least take a ‘wait and see’ attitude instead of being against it from the start.” I said. I wasn’t looking at him but I caught a half smile from Seth that he tried to hide.

  “Well, if you two are doing this then I am going with you. I don’t trust the humans to behave themselves.” Josh stated plainly.

  “I want to be there too. We need to leave soon.” Seth looked at Rosalyn. “If you really don’t want to register, we can probably work around it.”

  “Austin is right. Everyone needs to see us complying. I will admit I don’t like it though.” She stood and helped me to my feet. Seth and Josh led the way to the car.

  “Look at all the people. I knew some would come down to see this but I didn’t think it would be like this.” Josh said as we approached the registration office. We pulled up to a parking spot two cops had reserved for us.

  “Like I said, the President really needs everyone to see you guys here. They even made sure we got a good parking space.” Seth was shaking his head.

  The crowd cheered when the four of us emerged from Josh’s car. We were welcomed like heroes. Everyone had their phones out to take pictures. There were a few who didn’t seem so happy, but they weren’t making a fuss. As we entered the building I saw two more vampires that were there before us.

  “Yes! They’re here, bring the camera around.” A small man began shouting. He must be the director or something since he was ordering everyone around. He made sure the camera followed us throughout the whole process. I heard a reporter giving her opening of ‘We are reporting live...’ off to the side.

  There were four registration desks set up. We followed the roped off area to stand where you would wait until a clerk was free to help you. Of course, we were waived through since there were two desks open. They separated Rosalyn and me, one per desk.

  “Please state your name.” The clerk was clearly excited. I wasn’t sure if it was because I was a vampire or if it was the cameras.

  “Austin Moore”

  “I need your age and the year you were turned.” She asked these questions in a no nonsense way.

  “I am twenty-two and I was turned this year.” My answer surprised her.

  “But you are so powerful. I thought only the older ones were as strong as you are supposed to be.” She couldn’t help but ask even though I was fairly certain this wasn’t one of the normal questions.

  “Sometimes a vampire is born stronger and or faster than normal. I was like that. It is pretty rare.” I answered her anyway.

  “What is your maker’s name and age?”

  “Rosalyn, she is twenty-four hundred years old.”

  “Does she have a last name?”

  “Not that I know of. It was a little different back then.”

  “I guess you’re right. I didn’t think about that.”

  She asked many more questions about where I was from and was my family living or deceased. The questions went on for a while, then came the photos. They needed to take pictures to issue the I.D. I didn’t mind but I don’t think Rosalyn liked having her picture taken. I didn’t have a clue why that would bother her. They went on to explain more of the policies we were expected to abide by. I was thoroughly bored by the time all of it was done.

  “I just got a call from the President. He wants you two to give a speech if you will. He said not to pressure you. If you don’t want to, don’t do it.” Seth told me.

  “Not me. Austin can. He is much better at that sort of thing.” Rosalyn stated clearly. I thought for a se

  “Is it really that important? If I knew it would help then I will. I just don’t see the point.” I looked to Seth to see what he thought.

  “I think you should. It doesn’t have to be much. Something like you agree that this is best and while there might still be problems, blah, blah. You know the drill.” Seth said. He looked at me waiting for an answer.

  “Sure. Why not.” I couldn’t believe I was having to do this.

  The camera crew got everything in place. The little man was running around shouting about lighting and keeping everyone quiet during the speech. They took me to stand in front of a wall that would be a good backdrop. Finally they were ready for me to talk. There was no lead in, I just needed to begin.

  “I know a lot of humans will have a problem with this policy and some vampires may have problems with it too, but this is a necessary step in keeping everyone safe. That goes for both humans and vampires. If everyone will give this system a chance, it just might work. We’ve all seen the destruction caused by the vampire outbreak. I have seen much more than any of the humans watching this. I also know how much worse things could have been if some of us weren’t trying to help. Almost all vampires lose their humanity when they are turned. Those are the ones my friends and I have spent the last few months killing. Those of us who still have that humanity within us can be as kind and caring as any human. Try to remember that Hitler, Charles Manson, and so many more were human when they committed their crimes against the human race. I know this won’t be easy for anyone. I am not asking you to forget the family and friends you may have lost. I am asking you to understand that all vampires are not evil. I hope you give this a chance.” I stepped back letting the director know I was through. I wasn’t sure how good that speech was but if they wanted better they should write the speech for me next time.

  I could see several more vampires either at the desks or standing in line. As we headed out to the car, two more vampires came in. I looked at each one fearing Cyranos would show up before we could leave. He didn’t make an appearance, at least not while we were there. The drive home was quiet.

  “You keep showing up on the television. I’ve seen you more than actors lately.” Jimmy was his normal teasing self.

  “I’m getting tired of it. I would much rather be sitting here drinking beer and laughing at someone else giving speeches.” I meant it too.

  “Hopefully this one was the last.” Rosalyn said. She had been quiet all night. I really don’t think she wanted to do the whole registering thing. I was about to go in for a beer when I remembered seeing that look on her face before. Twice I had seen that look and both times it meant she had figured out what was coming next. The first two times it was bad news. I hoped she was wrong.

  The rest of the night was enjoyable. Most of the wolves went for a run. Rosalyn and I had the porch to ourselves for a few hours. I didn’t push her to find out what she was worried about. We needed this time to be calm and comfortable. If she was right and bad things were coming, we would deal with them then.

  Rosalyn and I went to bed early. I caught the look in her eyes that all men hope to see. We helped each other forget about all the bad stuff. At least for a while. She was in her normal position with her head on my chest as we were put to sleep by the sun.

  Chapter 28

  The noise from upstairs was almost too rowdy for me to want to leave the basement. It sounded like there was a heated argument happening. Rosalyn and I looked at each other in confusion. It wasn’t like Seth or Josh to let something like that go on. We got dressed and went to join the living.

  Jimmy and Cynthia were shouting at each other. I looked around and saw several others talking animatedly as well. I didn’t see Seth or Josh anywhere. I was about to go looking for them when they finally noticed Rosalyn and me standing there gaping at them.

  “Jonas, that vampire who announced everything, was on the news trying to stir up more trouble. He sent in another video like they did before. He went on about how the President’s policies were too biased against vampires. He swore he would fight for equal rights for all vampires. He called you a liar, saying that all vampires had a conscious. He said it was the pent up anger from centuries of hiding that made the vampires attack the way they did.” Jimmy was almost frothing at the mouth he was so furious.

  “That doesn’t explain why you guys were shouting at each other.” I reminded him. “We can make the humans understand the truth.”

  “We were arguing about how to show them the truth. Seth and Josh are in the city now trying to calm things down. Seth was just interviewed by the local station. He tried to make sure everyone knew you told them the truth. Our arguments are from something the reporter said. She asked why you or Rosalyn didn’t talk to the public more. She insinuated that you must have something to hide or you would be out there taking a more direct role in teaching the public.” Cynthia explained.

  “Cynthia thinks you should be the vampire representative. She wants you to go around giving speeches and making sure everyone understands what Jonas is doing.” Jimmy took a breath. “I believe we should kill Jonas and any other vampires with a hand in the announcement they made. None of this would be happening if they wouldn’t have sent in that first video. Millions of people are dead because of them and they want equal rights now. They should die and then we tell the humans the truth.”

  “Stop the arguing. That’s the first thing. Second, let me think about this for a few minutes. Third, when is Seth and Josh due back?” I asked. At least they weren’t yelling at each other anymore.

  “They are on their way. Seth called a few minutes before you woke up. He sounded pissed.” Jimmy paled somewhat. I might have paled myself if that were possible. The thought of a pissed off Seth would do that.

  “Let us talk to him and get the rest of the story.” I said in a calmer voice. I hoped everyone would get the message.

  Rosalyn was looking at me with sad eyes. I realized this is what she saw coming. She was a step ahead of the game. I wanted to speak to her alone but wasn’t sure there would be a way. I would have to settle for talking to Seth and getting his point of view for the moment. This was not a good start to my night.

  “The President is trying to handle this without you having to, Austin. He has ordered Jonas and all his followers to Washington. I expect he will ask us to join him. Most humans understand how stupid Jonas sounds and are ignoring what he says. Unfortunately there are still sympathizers who are rallying to his cause.” Seth was filling us in on what he heard. “Those cities that escaped the deaths are the ones idiotic enough to believe him.”

  “If they need me in Washington I will go.” I felt Rosalyn stiffen at my words. I couldn’t help it, I had become a leader somewhere along the way. “People are stupid. We always have been and always will be. We try to believe in the underdog who has a sob story even when that underdog has fangs. Jonas and his group seem to understand that and they are playing on whatever moron will listen.”

  “I couldn’t have said it better than that. If we killed him now, it would be seen as murder and there would be outrage from those morons. All we can do is be there to speak the truth.” Seth sounded tired. I felt for him but I knew it was going to get worse before it got better. It always seems to anyway.

  “We got one mostly quiet day. It’s still better than Rio.” I said with a smile. Josh and Seth smiled in return.

  We sat back and waited for the inevitable phone call. We weren’t sure if it would come tonight or tomorrow but we knew it would happen. I thought of going for a beer but I knew tonight I might reach for something more potent. Since I might need my wits later, I decided against it. Rosalyn hadn’t said a word since Seth came home. She was worrying me. I would wait though, she wasn’t the kind to talk about her worries in front of others.

  Once midnight rolled around and there still wasn’t any word, Rosalyn and I went to our spot in the woods. We found this place on one of our first trips here. The small pond was still enou
gh to act as a mirror. The stars were twinkling whether we looked up or down. It was quiet and peaceful.

  “Was this what was bothering you last night?” I asked softly. She looked at me and smiled like she was glad I noticed.

  “Yes. As soon as you were asked to speak, I saw what the other vampires would try. I’ve stayed alive this long by thinking ahead and being prepared. I wasn’t expecting them to act so quickly though. I guess hearing your speech spurred them into action.” She leaned into me laying her head on my shoulder.

  “I need to learn to do that thinking ahead thing. The humans and the nicer vampires needed me to speak. Then those bastards use me to gain sympathy. I never pictured myself in the leadership role. This is so unlike me. Now I don’t seem to have a choice.” I know I sounded like I was feeling sorry for myself, but sometimes I did. I squeezed Rosalyn a little tighter and knew I was too lucky to allow any self-pity.

  We stayed there by the pond for a few hours before returning to the house. Josh and Alicia were sitting on the porch. Seth and the others were asleep. Rosalyn went for beer while I sat on the porch.

  “I almost hoped you two would run away. At least then you could have some peace. We need you guys to represent the best of vampires while telling the truth about the worst ones. I don’t expect many humans will thank you for it. Hell, they might turn on you even after all you’ve done for them. It’s a shame.” Josh spoke the truth and I knew it. I didn’t like it, but I knew it was true.

  “If I could, I would sit on this porch every night and drink beer with you guys. I am not the speech giving type. All I want is some peace and the chance to spend my time with Rosalyn and good friends. I need to do this though, as much as I hate to.” I chuckled a little. “At least being a vampire means I might have a thousand years to sit and drink that beer. Right now I seem to have other things to do.”


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