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Be My Forever: The Complete Series Box Set

Page 66

by Lauren Wood

  Chapter 5


  “You have to tell me who it is.” June was in town checking out colleges and I hadn’t seen her since we were kids. “You can’t just say something like that and not expand on it.” I wanted to tell Kirkland, but he had disappeared with Gerald for parts unknown. It was the first time that he had done anything impulsive leaving me to ponder the consequences of playing a game of phone sex with my professor.

  “I’m not going to tell you his name. It would negate the purpose of keeping things quiet and private. I will say that he has me wrapped around his little finger. I want to know what it’s like to kiss him. I’m begging him to come out of his shell. His strength to deny me these last couple of weeks has only made me become the hunter. He’s my prey and eventually, I will ensnare him in my web.” Two weeks and I tried to get him alone, but he was reluctant.

  “I know what I would do in your position. There wouldn’t be anything that would stop me from grabbing the prize. It’s a good thing I came back to town when I did. Losing your virginity is a huge milestone in any woman’s life. If you really want him to be your first then I can help you. Put yourself in my capable hands and he won’t know what hit him.” She was smiling and I could tell that she was anxious to get started.

  “I know I’m going to regret this, but I am at my wit’s end.” My father was keeping his distance and there was this chasm between us which was going to take some work to overcome.

  “Tomorrow after class, I want you to go in the washroom and change into this.” She exposed a piece of fabric which looked like a string of floss.” This is better than going commando. He will get one look and his tongue will drag onto the floor. It’s time for you to seduce him with more than just words.” They were see-through and my excitement would stain the material in a matter of seconds. The telltale wet spot would draw him to me like a magnet.

  “I don’t think that I would have the courage to wear something like that. It’s tempting. I can’t say the idea of doesn’t intrigue me. It’s quite enticing and almost a little bit too hard to resist.” June was my partner in crime growing up. We would goad each other into doing something quite unexpected. Having her around was a painful reminder of how far I had let a certain football player get.

  It was my first attempt at giving a hand job. I had brought along a bottle of slippery oil and had him shouting obscenities within seconds of putting my hands to work. It would be interesting to start someplace familiar before moving on to extreme measures with Damian.

  “I know that look better than anyone and you should give him the royal treatment. He won’t know what to do with himself. You could literally dangle the bait in front of his eyes until he can’t take it anymore.” It was an interesting way of looking at things and June was a friend that everybody should have.

  “I was almost ready to give up and then fate lends a hand. Having you here is a blast from the past which I have needed desperately. My father doesn’t know half the stuff I have done behind his back courtesy of your influence.” I remembered how she dared me to walk into the boys’ locker room in junior high. It was quite the eye opening experience and a sight that I would never forget.

  “As memory has it, I didn’t have to do much convincing. You just needed the extra nudge in the right direction.” She was right and bringing to life the fantasy of being with Damian had become an obsession.

  “I still don’t know about this.” I lifted the garment into the air and it was this gauzy material which could be torn fairly easily. I got a shiver of excitement running down my spine by thinking of the way that he would pull them off of me abruptly.

  “I’ve been away too long and you have turned back into the wallflower. You’re not going to get a better opportunity. Seize the day. It’s the only way to live and it’s a motto that I prescribe to every day of my life.” I had to remember this was his sandbox and he had home field advantage.

  “Against my better judgment, I’m going to do this because talking about it has gotten me nowhere with him.” I tried it on and it felt foreign against my skin. I wanted to take it off quickly, but I decided to wear it to bed. It was the best way to get a feel for it. I felt like a sexual vixen on the prowl for fresh meat.

  “That has always been my secret weapon and I gladly bestow it to you. Use it wisely and you don’t want to give him the wrong idea. This is just an accessory to lure him to you. Make it seem like it was his idea.” I did a few turns and it really did feel like I was wearing nothing at all.

  “I can see why the guys have swarmed around you from the moment that you began to develop early. Wearing something this makes me feel like I’m stepping into your shoes.” I admired my body and the molded evidence of my hard work was right there in front of me.

  “I didn’t want to say anything in case it was in bad taste. Now that you have broached the topic, I have to say I’m quite surprised that you have waited this long. The eye candy has always been my Achilles’ heel. One taste and you’re going to find a whole world opening up to you. Grab a spoon and dig in.” She was always quite sexual, but I knew she was also a virgin. There was no doubt she had done many things, but her purity was still intact.

  “June, this advice would hold more water if you were experienced. I know what you said and I recognize when you’re putting on airs. You want to live vicariously through me and I’m inclined to let you.” She was quite adept at oral satisfaction and she was looking for the elusive unicorn.

  She wanted a man to respect her and to deem it necessary to put an engagement ring on her finger. She wasn’t going to give it up for free. It didn’t stop her from the using her mouth and her talented hands. June could drive a man up the wall with a term that she coined as edging.

  “Don’t let it go to your head and I have been thinking about sex more often. I get my fair share of young men, but maybe older is the way to go.” I had given her ideas and sleeping with my professor was going to pave the way for her. She wanted to find someone of equal age and experience.

  “I’ll be sure to keep my eyes open for a potential conquest for you. Don’t get your hopes up. You’re only going to be around for the next couple of weeks.” I climbed into bed wearing her secret weapon. This was definitely going to take his mind off of what he was teaching the students.

  “I would appreciate that. Like I said it’s not every day that a woman loses their virginity for the first time. I could learn something from you. That’s kind of funny when you think about it. You’re learning something from your professor and I’m learning that older men may have a leg up on the competition.” I had obviously made it appealing to be with an older man.

  I really don’t know what to expect. I want this to be something memorable and not disappointing. This man can sell an Eskimo a refrigerator in the middle of Alaska. He could’ve easily had me many times over, but he has been hesitant to pull the trigger. It shows strength and makes him irresistible in my eyes.” I could see the effects of what I was saying in her posture.

  “I’m not the one that you have to convince. I’ve given you the weapon and how you wield it is up to you. I could’ve had many men and instead, I gave my time and effort to boys in men’s bodies. I don’t know how many times I had to throw cold water on their parade. Slapping them wasn’t enough and I had to get creative to get them to see that it was a losing battle.” I knew that her father was in the military and using threats didn’t seem out of the realm of possibility.

  I turned off the lights and lie there for almost an hour before I finally drifted off into slumber. It was a restless sleep where I found myself tossing and turning for most of the night.

  I woke up early and decided not to rouse her from her beauty sleep. It was time to put my plan into action.

  Life was too short. It was about living for the moment and seizing those opportunities when they presented themselves. I had forgotten that and June had reminded me how time was ticking by.

  She had a 20-year plan. If you wanted to
make god laugh then all you had to do was say that you had a plan.

  Chapter 6


  She had me by the balls from the moment that she walked in the room. Every day was torture. It was just a matter of time before I cracked under the pressure.

  This was like a never ending tease to have her so close and yet so far away. I was kicking myself for not taking her up on her offer to come out that night. I was just a man and my resolve was crumbling with each passing day.

  She sauntered in looking good enough to eat. I was sure that she would make a meal fit for a king.

  “I hope that everybody has learned some valuable techniques in my class. There are those of you wasting your time, but I’m not one to burst your bubble.” I spoke eloquently the next hour. Rita was purposely grabbing my attention by folding one leg over the other. I didn’t know what her game was.

  I went over in detail the next day’s lesson without missing a beat. They were listening intently and not one of them had picked up a pencil to write anything down. If they learned anything then retaining the information without a paper trail was a valuable lesson to learn.

  I turned my back when they were all leaving the room and was quite surprised to see that she had vacated along with the crowd.

  I was a little disappointed and I leaned back against the desk slightly relieved at the same time. It was only after I heard the door slam and the telltale click of a lock that had me on high alert.

  The woman walking towards me had a confidence which exuded from every pore of her body.

  The black leather skirt and the tight white sweater called attention to her best assets. Her long and luscious legs were highlighted by the high heels. I was about to say something, but then I lost my train of thought when she turned and purposely bent over in front of me.

  My eyes were literally bugging out of my skull. There was no way that I could be brave enough to walk away from her bare ass. On further inspection, I realized there was a very thin piece of material blocking my way.

  I fell to my knees with my hands pulling gently at what had found its way up the crack of her ass. It slipped down her legs and around her ankles. The lips of her sex were bright pink and there was the obvious lipstick along the lips to keep me prisoner.

  “I can feel your hands on my skin.” It was hard to deny how she had sealed my fate with something so insignificant as a pair of underwear.

  “You’re going to feel a lot more than just my hands. Coming in here wearing that is going to get you more than you bargained for.” My tongue slipped out of my mouth and moved within a hair’s breath of those silky lips. She reached back and opened herself up to a visual intrusion.

  “I want to feel every part of you. I’ve waited long enough and you’ve been amazingly patient. This was your way of making this moment sizzle.” Stopping the forward momentum of this illicit affair was asking for retribution.

  I was powerless. I wanted to taste the forbidden fruit of her desire. There was a sheen of wetness and I went in for a closer look.

  “You have only yourself to blame for this.” I penetrated the interior of her sex with my tongue leading the way.

  The delicious nectar flowed freely and I could feel the membrane of her resistance waiting for me. I touched it with my finger to feel it give a little, but not near enough to ruin what was going to be the moment of truth.

  “I want you to suck my clit.” Her words conveyed how easy it was going to be to bring us both to the pinnacle of our desire.

  Grabbing onto that little bud, I gave it a tongue lashing that it was never going to forget. I was going to smell like her and she was going to carry my cologne like a badge of honor.

  Her clit was quite big and demanding satisfaction. I worked her into a frenzy with those lips a froth of white from the friction of my finger touching her in a profound way. I wasn’t breaking the rules. I was making her think it was going to happen before she wanted it to.

  “This is too much and I want to cum so badly all over your face. I want you to taste what is going to grab onto your cock when you finally sink it in deep. This is what I wanted that night when you forced me to confess my desires over…over…the… PHONE.” She was in the process of screaming and thinking quickly, I managed to put my hand over her mouth. It was the only way to muffle the cries of hungry lust escaping her lips.

  I buried my tongue and kept up with the demand of her orgasm. It was the perfect appetizer to wet my appetite for the main course. I continued to administer to her pleasure making her gyrate. I was witnessing the way that her thighs were quaking on her heels.

  I turned her around and kissed her deeply letting her taste the product of her own hungry little kitty. She was quite taken back for a second. She swooned to my touch. I had my hand on the small of her back. I was guiding her to her knees. She anxiously took my cock out of my pants. She began to show me the kind of treatment I was waiting for.

  “I might be…a little older…” I lost my train of thought as she attempted to drive the full brunt of my manly persuasion into her throat.

  Grabbing onto her hair, I twisted the locks in my hands and held her firmly against my waist. The feel of her tongue lapping at my balls was quite unexpected. It was probably meant to give me the incentive to give her more than a mouthful. I was not going to be enticed and this was only a prelude for better things to come.

  I let her continue until the emphasis was on the crown of my scepter. I was rapidly approaching the end of my rope. The gun was about to go off and all chambers were full to capacity.

  “I don’t think so.” I pulled her off of me with her lips plump and her lipstick marking the territory of my shaft.

  I lifted her onto the table and used my hands to spread her knees. I could see what was winking at me. She was dripping down the surface of her thighs. Positioning myself between her legs, I moved forward until the head kissed the lips.

  “I want you to know that I’m ready for this. I’ve been ready from the moment that I could smell you during registration. You really didn’t think that I forgot.” She made me gasp by wrapping her hot hands around the thick shape of my shaft.

  “I remember that day like it was yesterday.” I gave a lunge forward and the head disappeared from view. I could feel the vacuum force pulling me forward until I was as deep as I could possibly be.

  “Just give me…a minute.” I wasn’t sure that I could not when I was feeling this much pleasure. It seemed illegal to feel this way and be with a woman half my age.

  “You have no idea how much restraint it takes not to just fuck you.” I was waiting for the green light and then her fingers raked over my nipples.

  “I need this more than you know and I decided to take it off like a band aid.” There must’ve been a little bit of discomfort, but she managed to grin and bear it. The worst part was over. The smile creasing across her face confirmed that the pleasure was outweighing any lingering pain.

  She was twisting my nipples. She was feeding my libido a shot of adrenaline. I grabbed onto the back of her thighs and gave her short hard thrusts. The urgency was coming over me and I was holding out.

  “I don’t know why we waited so long. I thought it was wrong, but how could it be when it feels so right.” She wasn’t just taking it and she was showing her enthusiasm by pushing herself against me.

  The wet sounds were like cracks of thunder every time that I bottomed out. I could see the lips kissing every inch and leaving behind a polish of her juices.

  “I’m fucking… I’m going to… AHHHH.” Her body went into sexual hysterics, humping into the air and she was lifting her body at the same time.

  “I can feel it and I think I understand why we had to wait so long.” I was slowly moving along the slickness of her hole. There was nothing quite like a virgin being touched for the first time.

  Watching her reaction was like seeing one of the Seven Wonders of the World. It was a revelation of Biblical proportions. The necessary response was to
let go of the burden building up in my balls.

  I saw a way to enhance her experience and I wasn’t going to turn down the possibility of giving her multiple reasons to rejoice. Her clit was quite pronounced and easily recognizable. I only had to touch it to make her eyes roll back into the back of her head.

  This time she was foaming at the mouth like a mad dog. She was scratching my chest with enough force to leave a mark.

  “You are one wild woman and I doubt that we had even scratched the surface of what you’re capable of. It’s going to be fun to find out where your limits are. As far as I know, I don’t think that I have any, but maybe you can test that theory.” I was enjoying the way that she was throwing her head from side to side. She was thrashing like mad and I was worried that the table wasn’t going to put up with that kind of strain.

  I could feel the momentum shifting and my pace turned up a notch. If anybody were to see this they would have sworn that there was a blur of motion. I’d never moved that fast in my life. There was no way that I was going to stop the inevitable from happening.

  The sensation was growing and there was the flicker of recognition in her eyes when she began to flutter her eyelids. She raised one finger and motioned for me to come closer to where I could hear her.

  “I want your hot cum inside me. You want the same thing and I can feel how close you are.” It was the words I needed to push me over the edge.

  I pulled back on the hammer. The exit was intense and burned in a good way. She was literally draining me of every drop and leaving me as dry as the Sahara desert. I pounded swiftly and with decisive movements. I didn’t scream, but I did moan which was captured by her hand slapping over my mouth.


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