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Betrayal (Infidelity Book 1)

Page 22

by Aleatha Romig

  The butterflies in my stomach turned into full-grown bats.

  Oh my God, this is happening.

  “H-He’s not married, is he?” It was the first question that popped into my mind.

  “No. Your hard limits were taken into consideration.”

  “Is he… is he nice?”

  Karen’s upper lip disappeared momentarily between her teeth before she answered. “Your client’s name is Mr. Demetri. He asked that I not say any more. Mr. Demetri is a very decisive man who knows what he wants. Alex, he wants you, and now he has you, for one year. Granted, I do not know him the way you will get to know him, but nice isn’t an adjective I’ve often heard associated with Mr. Demetri. I’ve only spoken to him on the telephone, but I’ve seen his picture. He’s handsome, refined, and well-mannered. He’s also high profile. He knows what’s at stake.” She reached back on her desk and picked up a card. “This is the card I promised you yesterday. I don’t believe it will be necessary, and, as I told you, it has never been needed in the history of Infidelity; however, you should keep it. It’s your safety net.”

  My eyes widened as I reached for the card. Gripping was increasingly difficult with my trembling fingers. As I dropped the card in my purse, I asked, “Is he in New York? I can’t be somewhere else. Maybe I should withdraw my application?”

  “Miss Collins, Mr. Demetri is aware of your law-school obligations. He’s an important man and has set his sights on you. From today until this date a year from now, for lack of a better phrase, Mr. Demetri owns you. When you signed the agreement yesterday afternoon, you forfeited the ability to withdraw.”

  “W-What do I do?”

  “Whatever he tells you to do.”

  The thundering of my heart threatened to drown out her words.

  Whatever he tells you to do.

  I fought to breathe, to take in deep breaths. “Will he contact me?”

  She handed me a piece of paper, a Post-it note. Really? On the small yellow square was a telephone number. I recognized the Manhattan area code of 646. It was the same as Patrick’s. “You are to call him.”

  “H-He wants me to call him?”


  “Now?” I asked, staring at the ten numbers.

  “Miss Collins, I didn’t take the order as a request when I was given the instructions. Neither should you.”

  My mouth dried as perspiration coated my skin. “You want me to call him right now, here… in front of you?”

  She nodded.


  “May I please have a drink of water?”

  Karen stepped to a sideboard and poured a glass of water. The silver metal pitcher was covered in droplets of condensation. Next she opened a cabinet, removed a crystal decanter with amber liquid, and poured a finger into another tumbler.

  “Here,” she said, handing me both glasses.

  “Thank you.” I placed the strong-smelling liquid on a nearby table and took a long drink of the water. Placing the empty glass next to what I assumed was whiskey, I removed my phone from my purse and began to dial.

  6- My fingers shook. 4- Patrick’s name came to the screen. 6- I took a deep breath. 5- My screen read: NOX- PRIVATE NUMBER.

  My eyes widened as they simultaneously blurred with tears.

  “No.” My head moved from side to side as the barely audible word hung in the air.

  I looked at the yellow Post-it and back to my screen. It was the same number.

  My phone fell to my lap as I sucked in a breath and held tightly to my lower lip. “I-I can’t. I can’t call this number.” If I did I was breaking our rule. If I did I’d have to face him. It wouldn’t be like it was at Del Mar. This would be different. I would need him and he’d know it. “Please, Ms. Flores, please let me back out of my agreement. You don’t even need to pay me for yesterday. We’ll just call it a mistake, and I promise I won’t tell a soul.”

  “Miss Collins, Mr. Demetri is waiting for your call.”

  The words she’d said earlier rang through my mind. He set his sights on you. For the next year, he owns you.

  I didn’t need to dial any more numbers; all I needed to do was touch the little green icon next to his name.

  Oh fuck. I’m going to open the door.

  I pushed it.

  “Charli.” The deep, velvety voice came through my phone, sending shivers down my spine.

  I reached for the whiskey and swallowed.

  “Nox,” I replied, trying my best to sound confident.

  “Mr. Demetri.” His tone held no emotion. “The rules have changed.”

  The end of Betrayal…

  Coming January 19, 2016, the continuing story of Charli and Nox. As old rules are broken and new rules are set, who will prove the most CUNNING?

  Book #2 of the Infidelity series, Cunning, by Aleatha Romig.


  “MR. DEMETRI?” I couldn’t process, couldn’t do much more than to repeat his words. In only a matter of minutes I’d become a parrot, not the strong, confident woman I wanted to project.

  “Yes, Miss Collins. New rules… my rules. You should say thank you.”

  I squeezed the phone tighter. The whiskey running through my veins had worked to still my trembling but had done little to slow my rapid heartbeat. I closed my eyes, trying to remember the man at Del Mar. His tone didn’t match.

  “Miss Collins, I told you to say thank you.”

  I wasn’t sure if it was hearing his deep voice again or the difference in his demeanor, but my tattered nerves were ping-ponging between an emotional breakdown and a hysterical fit of laughter. I looked up at Karen, unsure if she could hear. When she nodded, I knew she did.

  He owns you. Whatever he tells you to do.

  “Thank you,” I whispered.

  “By calling my number you broke our rule. I told you once before how I’d respond if you ever again broke one of my rules. Do you remember?”

  I remembered. I also remembered he hadn’t been specific. Now didn’t seem like the time to mention that. My chin dropped to my chest.

  “Nox, please.”

  “Mr. Demetri. Don’t make me repeat myself. Listen closely. This is exactly what you will do.”

  I swallowed. The rush of blood coursing through my ears, my injured pride, and the multiple rebuttals forming in my head and gathering at the tip of my tongue, all worked together to dim the volume of his words. Nevertheless, as the Infidelity employee I now was, I did as my client said and listened.

  “Go down to the street. My driver is waiting. His name is Isaac, and he’ll recognize you.”


  “Miss Collins, your opportunity for negotiation has passed. It’s time for our reunion. I paid handsomely for it.”

  I might have thought it before, but now it was official: Nox owned me.

  I might have sold my soul, but by the way my insides clenched at the velvet voice, I knew that my soul wasn’t the only commodity Nox had purchased.

  After he finished speaking, I sat statuesque, holding the phone, waiting for anything, a goodbye, something. Instead, silence prevailed. When I turned the screen toward me I saw only his name and knew he’d hung up.

  Oh shit! Now what do I do?

  As if reading my mind, Karen handed me the glass with the remaining whiskey, nodded, and said, “Whatever he tells you to do.”


  Coming… January 19, 2016.


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* Romig

  Do you love Aleatha’s writing? Do you want to know the latest about INFIDELITY? CONSEQUENCES? TALES FROM THE DARK SIDE? and Aleatha’s new series coming in 2016 from Thomas and Mercer?

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  Book #1

  (October 2015)


  Book #2

  (January 2016)


  Book #3



  Book #4



  Book #5




  (Book #1)

  Released August 2011

  Purchase from Amazon.


  (Book #2)

  Released October 2012

  Purchase from Amazon.


  (Book #3)

  Released October 2013

  Purchase from Amazon.


  (Book #4)

  Previously titled: Behind His Eyes Convicted: The Missing Years

  Re-released June 2014

  Purchase from Amazon.


  (Book #5)

  Released January 2015

  Purchase from Amazon.



  (Book #1.5)

  Released January 2014

  Purchase from Amazon.


  (Book #2.5)

  Released March 2014

  Purchase from Amazon.



  (All books in this series are stand-alone erotic thrillers)

  Released October 2014

  Purchase from Amazon.


  (Completely unrelated to book #1)

  Release TBA

  Aleatha Romig is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author who lives in Indiana. She grew up in Mishawaka, graduated from Indiana University, and is currently living south of Indianapolis. Aleatha has raised three children with her high school sweetheart and husband of nearly thirty years. Before she became a full-time author, she worked days as a dental hygienist and spent her nights writing. Now, when she’s not imagining mind-blowing twists and turns, she likes to spend her time with her family and friends. Her other pastimes include reading and creating heroes/anti-heroes who haunt your dreams!

  Aleatha released her first novel, CONSEQUENCES, in August of 2011. CONSEQUENCES became a bestselling series with five novels and two companions released from 2011 through 2015. The compelling and epic story of Anthony and Claire Rawlings has graced more than half a million e-readers. Aleatha released the first of her series TALES FROM THE DARK SIDE, INSIDIOUS, in the fall of 2014. These stand-alone thrillers continue Aleatha’s twisted style with an increase in heat. In the fall of 2015, Aleatha will move headfirst into the world of dark romance with the release of BETRAYAL, the first of her five-novel INFIDELITY series. Aleatha has entered the traditional world of publishing with Thomas and Mercer with her SAVED series. The first of that series, INTO THE LIGHT, will be published in 2016.

  Aleatha is a “Published Author’s Network” member of the Romance Writers of America and represented by Danielle Egan-Miller of Browne & Miller Literary Associates.




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