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The Rising Moon

Page 6

by Nilsa Rodriguez

  "Can I see you again?” he asked.

  I nodded with a smile, “yes.”

  After a warm shower, I slipped on a red flannel nightgown and checked my cell phone. Ryan had left me seven text messages and three missed calls tonight. It’s been a week since I last spoke to him.


  The window flew open and a wind rushed in like an angry entity raiding the room. It snatched the dream catcher off the wall sending it flying out the window. I wrapped myself in a robe and headed out to find it. Once outside the night was suddenly calm. On the ground, I saw paw prints but no dream catcher. I followed the prints a few feet away from the cabin until the opening of the woods. The tree branches cracked in the light breeze, as a dark shadow quickly made its way toward me. I breathlessly turned and hurried back inside as quick as a slap.

  Unable to fall asleep, I laid in bed still as a stone staring at the vacant wall where the dream catcher once hung. I reached for a book and began to read. Soon after, I fell asleep.

  In my dream, I found myself alone in the woods dressed in a red gown. I bravely walked unafraid of the dark and unfamiliar forest. A cracking sound caught my attention. I stopped and stood still, enthralled as a wolf standing on his hind legs like a human, slowly made his way toward me.

  My feet were rooted to the ground. I couldn’t run. It was as though I was under a paralyzing spell. The werewolf stood in front of me with nocturnal, deadly red eyes. His tall, muscled body was covered in black bristly hair. He circled around me. The smell of dirt and forest secreted from his pelt as he brushed his rough, clawed paw through my hair.

  My breathing suppressed as I stood frozen, bewitched by this horrifying creature. He stood behind me with one arm wrapped around my waist. He gently tilted my head to the side and whispered in my ear.

  "Close your eyes.”

  Spell bounded, I did as he said. I felt the warmth of his breath as he opened his feral muzzle.

  “Don’t run. Wolves love to chase and this time you’re not getting away."

  My nightmares were becoming more intense and more real. I awoke and found myself outside. I was lying naked inside a hollowed tree. Luckily, I previously stashed some clothes in the tree after waking up in there after Veena died. I quickly dressed and headed back home.

  ∞ chapter 11 ∞

  MONDAY MORNING I didn't want to open my eyes after pressing the snooze button on the alarm clock for what felt like the tenth time. My body begged for more rest, while my head felt groggy and murky. The nightmares had returned making the past couple of nights were unbearable.

  In the bathroom, I stared at the dark purple rings around my eyes. I applied makeup to try and cover them but it only highlighted them more. I rolled my eyes and didn’t bother trying to doll myself up. I pulled a green hooded sweatshirt and dark jeans from the closet. Once dressed, I placed my untamable curly hair in a low tail and headed out the door.

  Today I rode to school alone but content at no longer having to chauffeur Emi or listen to her whine and complain about how stupid I am for ending my friendship with Ryan.

  As I drove into the parking lot, I noticed Ryan’s truck parked beside my spot. I squint in confusion as I saw him step out of the truck as I pulled in. His arms wrapped around his broad chest. He was clearly upset. Unsure of what he was going to say I took a deep breath, opened the door and turned to walk toward the school building.

  "What's the matter with you?” he asked. "You've avoided me last week and I thought okay fine, maybe you were upset because of the kiss so I gave you sometime to get over it. Then I called you all weekend and you never returned my calls."

  "Don’t you get it? I already told you that I didn’t want to be friends.” I told myself to be strong even though I was dying in the inside.

  He closed his eyes and sighed. And when he opened them again he said, “Why are you doing this to yourself. You shouldn’t push people away because you’re afraid or because you believe you’re cursed,” his voice was sincere, his eyes so sad.

  I shook my head, but held his gaze, “You don’t know anything about me. How could you say I’m not cursed when I’ve lost everyone I’ve ever loved,” my lip trembled.

  “They didn’t die because of you,” he said wiping the tears that streamed down my face. “I wish I knew the words to say that’ll make you believe me but I don’t. All I can do is promise you that I will always be here. I know you don’t feel the same for me as I feel for you, but I would rather have you as a friend than nothing at all.”

  I bit my lip hard and rubbed away another tear. I loved him, I really did but just as friends. I felt a connection with him, as if something greater than us brought us together. It was a strange yet securing closeness I’ve never felt with anyone else before… except Veena.

  “Can we be friends again?" His eyes instantly hopeful, but reserved. I’ve been miserable without him. I needed him as much as he needed me. I smiled at him and he pulled me toward him and hugged me so hard he nearly knocked the breath out of me.

  It was a refreshing feeling to have my best friend back and not having to hide from him anymore. I swung my bag over my shoulder as we both made our way through the glass doors at the end of the day.

  Lyle stood underneath a tree outside the school yard. His green eyes sparkled like flickering flames in the sunlight when I looked at him, “Little Red,” he shouted, waving at me.

  I walked toward him with Ryan following close behind.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked.

  “I was hoping to see you again,” he said with a smile.

  I blushed. Ryan wrapped his arms across his chest and cleared his throat.

  “Uh---Lyle, this is Ryan.” I introduced.

  Lyle reached to shake Ryan’s hand. Then he turned to look at me, ignoring Ryan’s serious stare, “Is it ok if I stop by your house tonight?”

  “Sure,” I said, feeling myself smile. He had a way of spellbinding me with his olive green eyes. Whatever spell I was under made it hard for me to turn and walk to my car. I stood frozen, simply smiling at him while my heart thundered through my chest.

  “We have to go.” Ryan said standing between us, braking me loose from the trance.

  I blinked back to my senses. He wrapped his arm around me and stared hard at Lyle with irritation flickering in his eyes as he walked me to my car. He opened the door and on the driver seat were two roses. I picked them up and looked over at Lyle who smiled back to me. Ryan rolled his eyes and headed toward his truck.

  “What’s the matter with you?” I asked as I followed him.

  “I don’t like what’s his name,” he replied. His lips were pressed together and I could tell by the look in his eyes that he was jealous of Lyle. “I want you to stay away from him.”

  “What?” My face was red with anger. “You can’t tell me who I can or can’t see. Who do you think you are?”

  “I know I’m no one to tell you what to do but I don’t trust him.”

  “You don’t even know him,” I said wrapping my arms across my chest.

  “And you do?” He fired back.

  I rolled my eyes. I was fuming inside, because I couldn’t believe the nerve of Ryan trying to forbid me from seeing Lyle. “I’m going to see him whether you like it or not, so I suggest you accept it.”

  Ryan didn’t respond. He had a faraway look in his eyes as he climbed into the truck and sped out the parking lot.


  I plopped on my bed. I tried calling Ryan a few times but he wasn’t answering his phone. “Fine!” I yelled as I threw my phone across the room.

  I stared impassively at the ceiling until a cracking sound coming from the window caught my attention. I walked over to see what it was. Lyle stood outside with Storm and Star at his side.

  "I hope I’m not disturbing you," he said.

  I shook my head and smiled.

  “Care to join me for a ride?” He asked pointing at the black and chestnut horses.

p; A ride with my favorite horse was exactly what I needed. If I stayed in my room, brewing over Ryan and his jealousy, I’ll surly go nuts.

  “Sure. Give me a minute.”

  I rushed to the bathroom sink and splashed some cold water on my face. My hair was a wild mess, but it wasn’t something a little gel and water couldn’t fix. I ran my finger through it, disentangling some curls into place.

  Lyle stood tall between the two magnificent horses. He wore his hair loose to the nape and his hypnotizing eyes held mystery in their depth as he gazed at me.

  "You look beautiful,” he said.

  "Thank you," I replied with a smile as wide as his or maybe even wider.

  "I heard she was your favorite horse," he said pointing to Star.

  I nodded as I walked up to Star and gently brushed my hand on her strong shoulders. She smelled of cedar and hay.

  “Star must really like you. She usually doesn’t allow anyone near her…except for me.”

  “And now me,” he said with a smile. She lifted her head and looked at me with her wide-set eyes as I tighten the saddle straps. To hell with Ryan and his jealousy if Star trusted Lyle, then I will too.

  He led us into the woods. Star huffed as I gently pulled on the lead rope signaling her to walk beside Storm. The smell of the forest was crisp and fresh as the breeze gently brushed through the trail of trees. The ride was quiet and refreshing. Lyle pulled on Storm, signaling him to halt at an open path of soft wild grass. He dismounted Storm and made his way toward me.

  Although I was capable, he insisted on helping me dismount. I smiled and bashfully enjoyed the novel feeling of being lifted down. I quickly lowered my face to cover the rush of red that filled my cheeks.

  "I hope you’re hungry," he said dropping his backpack on the ground.

  "A little bit. Why?" I asked curiously watching as he opened the backpack and pulled out a red-checkered blanket.

  "I packed us a picnic," he grinned removing two paper bags and a small cooler from his bag.

  I smiled in shock. How sweet is this and how wrong Ryan was to think ill of him. We nestled on the soft blanket spread out on the ground. He caught my eye and smiled as he handed me a sandwich of white cheese and crusty French bread. He also brought along some red luscious apples.

  He took a hard bite off the apple. I nibbled on the bread and tried to study the distant twinkle of the stars but then I felt his glare.

  "This isn't at all how the fable goes," he said, breaking the silence between us.

  "What are you talking about?"

  "Little Red and the big bad wolf.” He said big bad wolf in a low tone trying to sound scary. We both laughed at his foolishness. “She was the one who carried the picnic basket not the wolf," he said with a simper smile as he lifted the hood of my sweater over my head. We both laughed.

  The food was barely half eaten when he took my hand and led me through the break in the darkened forest. We sat on the long dry grass surrounded by the scents of lavenders and jasmines. We stared openly at the starlit night. Twigs snapped in the darken distance, crickets moved with short hurried movements from their tread, and a black bird gave an occasional cry as he soared overhead.

  I turned to look at him. He seemed harmless as he lied beside me lost in the mysterious allure of the dark sky. I sighed loudly and wrapped my arms around my knees pulling them close to my chest.

  "Where are you Lia?" he asked staring up at me. “I can’t help but feel you’re far from me.”

  "What do you mean?" I replied. "I'm right beside you."

  "I mean in your thoughts. You seem distant. Are you not enjoying yourself?”

  I looked at him. My cheek pressed on my knees. He raised his brow waiting for my reply.

  "I am. It’s just…I was thinking about something my friend told me."

  “What did your friend say?”

  I pressed my lips and looked away. I didn't want to tell him, but I also couldn't hide the fact that I was uneasy and unable to enjoy this romantic star filled night with him.

  "He told me I should stay away from you.” I shook my head, and rolled my eyes.

  He laughed, “You’re talking about the friend I met this afternoon?” I could tell by the look in his face that he wasn't upset, but please that Ryan was intimidated by him. "Well of course he would tell you that. He’s in love with you.” His eyes were bright as the stars, “and I don’t blame him.”

  He leaned close, and stroked my face and throat like a blind man. I don’t know why, maybe it was rebellion against Ryan, but I closed my eyes and allowed his curious fingers to explore my cheek, forehead, nose, and gently part my lips. I swallowed hard and opened my eyes. I stared lost into his eyes that radiated in the moonlight like two juicy olives.

  He lowered the hood of my jacket, “I’m glad you didn’t listen to him.” And then he pressed his lips on mine. It was soft and gentle at first, then more demanding as we both tumbled into the moment.

  He slowly pulled away from me to catch his breath. I too struggled to breathe. I’ve never been kissed like that before. Even when Ryan and I shared the kiss that brought about awkwardness into our friendship, I never felt what I felt now while kissing Lyle.

  I sighed deeply, lost in the moment, and at a loss of words. He smiled at me and I blushingly smiled back. He took my hand in his and fell into the blanket. I followed and lied beside him. Both of us quiet, staring at the sky. Our fingers entwined as he gently rubbed his thumb on the top of my hand in a circular motion that caused a surge of electricity to run through my body. He rolled on his side resting on his elbow. I lifted my hand to his hair burying my fingers in his strands, enjoying their slightly coarse texture. He smiled with his eyes closed, enjoying every touch.

  The evening felt colder as the time drew close to midnight. I shivered. I wasn’t sure if it was because of the chilled breeze or the intensity that built within me.

  “I can take you home if you like,” he said.

  But I didn’t want to leave. John wasn’t home or if he were home, he’d probably be drunk or asleep in front of the TV.

  I shook my head. He seemed pleased.

  He wrapped his arm around me and breathed in the scent of my hair. I felt his warm breath on my face as he held me against his chest. I felt warm, calm. My eyes felt heavy as I listened to the nocturnal sounds of nature.

  When suddenly I found myself face to face with the werewolf I’ve seen many times in my dreams.

  “At last we’re together again, as it was meant to be,” he said with a subtle howl. His glowing eyes were human. “Take my hand and come with me. You shouldn’t deny who you are.”

  White bristled hair streamed down my arm as our hands touched. My heart rapidly picked up speed, beating in an unfamiliar rhythm. I looked at my hands and saw my nails grow long and thick. The change happened quickly. I dropped to the ground a wolf. I opened my mouth to yell but a long howl came out instead.

  My eyelids popped wide.

  “It’s ok,” Lyle said. “I’m here with you. I had fallen asleep in his arms.

  “What happened?” I asked.

  “You had a dream,” he said as he brushed his hand through my hair.

  I was still shaken. I lifted my head and glanced at my arms. Skin. Human skin. I flexed my fingers. I was relieved to see human limbs. Lyle stared at me. No doubt, he must’ve thought I was crazy.

  “Are you ok?” he asked.

  “Have you ever had a dream that felt so real that when you woke up you wondered if it really just happened?

  “Sure. All the time.” His replied shocked me.

  “You do?” I gasped.

  “Some call it a gift, others a curse.”

  “I call it a curse,” I blurted, feeling a swell of frustration.

  “Tell me your dream,” he insisted. I paused a bit and began to tug at the cuff of my sleeve. “You can trust me.”

  I took a deep breath, and told him about the werewolf and about how I turned into one at the touch of his hand

  “You must think I’m nuts,” I muttered.

  “I don’t think you’re nuts,” he offered me a small smile. I rolled my eyes and looked away from him.

  “You would make a beautiful werewolf, with those pretty eyes and gorgeous mouth,” he said, resting his forehead against mine. The next thing I knew, we were kissing again.

  Did he know what I was? Should I tell him? I opened my eyes and found him staring at me. His face was flushed and his eyes glowed in the darkness. Their glow…it was familiar. It was the eyes of the werewolf in my dream.

  ∞ Chapter 12 ∞

  HE PULLED AWAY from me.

  “Your eyes,” I stuttered. I grabbed his arm and held it tight. “Lyle, look at me.” When he turned, his eyes were his own again.

  “I should take you home,” he said. He pulled me up on my feet and walked me over to Star. Suddenly, a strong wind blew past us, nearly knocking me to the ground. It made an irregular, grieving, rushing sound. Its sound made the horses restless. I had to grab hold of Star tightly, in order not to fall off her. Lyle stared at the direction of the wind and tilted his head as though he understood its unrestrained outcry.

  "I have to go home right away," he said as he quickly leaped unto Storm.

  "What is it?" I asked, but he didn't answer.

  He took off in the direction of his grandmother’s house. I trailed rapidly close behind, as the tree branches bent over the fierce winds, making it easier to swift through.

  The sounds of screams blasted through the walls of the house. Ramira’s yells could be heard outside as we quickly dismounted the horses and ran inside. I followed Lyle up the stairway and through the narrow hall into Ramira’s bedroom. I’ve never been to her room before. It felt strange. Her room didn’t have the feel of a bedroom, but that of a hospital. Dressers and armoire were replaced with beeping machines and rubbery hoses that were connected to her body.

  “Grandma!” Lyle’s voice cracked as he flew to her side. He held her small fragile hands with care as tears began to fill his eyes, “what happened?”


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