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The Rising Moon

Page 14

by Nilsa Rodriguez

  I ran up the steps of the cabin and desperately knocked on the door. “John!” I exclaimed, when he opened the door. I was pleased he didn’t smell of whiskey.

  “Lia, girl, where have you been?” he asked, “I’ve been worried sick.”

  Ryan and Adam stepped onto the porch and sat on opposite ends. Both sat upright with eyes of fire. John was too happy to notice. He eagerly shook their hands. He was different. He was happy and clean and he couldn’t stop smiling. It felt great to see at how much he has changed. He was like the old John again. Ryan and I followed him inside. He turned to Adam, “don’t stand outside son, come on in.” Adam followed him inside.

  Boxes were everywhere. I noticed a box labeled Lia’s things on it. I walked over and saw he had packed my belongings. Clothes, shoes and books were neatly packed in boxes.

  “I still have some of your things over at the Ulric Ranch. I’ve been meaning to return and get the rest of your stuff, but I’ve been busy with work and all, that I haven’t had the chance to go.”

  “It’s fine. I’m sure I can manage with what’s here,” I said, pulling out my cell from the box.

  John took me on a tour of the cabin. There were five rooms in all: kitchen, living room, bathroom, and two bedrooms. It was small and cozy like our previous cabin, except there was no memory of Veena. When I returned to the living room, I could feel the tension between Ryan and Adam as thick as a fog.

  “Thanks for bringing us here.” I said as I walked over to Ryan and walked him to the door.

  “Trying to get rid of me so soon?” He asked, glancing back at Adam.

  I grabbed his face and looked him in the eye, “Stop it. Why are you behaving this way?”

  “I missed you that’s all,” He said, placing his hand on my arm, “I’m glad to see you’re ok, but I don’t know anything about him, and I worry for you.”

  “I’m a big girl. I can take care of myself.” I said, flashing my sharp fangs.

  “I see you’ve learned to embrace your gift.” He smiled, “Ok, I’m leaving, but I will always be around. Remember Lyle and his sister can return at any moment, especially now that you’re here.”

  Panic wedged in my chest at the reality of his words. He leaned to give me a hug, but Adam stood beside me in a blink. Ryan hissed and turned to walk away, his low, frustrated growl floating after him.

  “Wait!” shouted Adam. “Come back.”

  In a blink, Ryan stood beside me. “We both know it’s not safe for Lia to stay here.”

  “What are you saying?” asked Ryan.

  “Lyle and his sister will stop at nothing to get to her. And this is the first place they’ll come looking if they know she’s back,” replied Adam.

  Ryan clenched his fists and took a deep breath.

  “So where should I go?’ I asked.

  “You should return with Adam. I’m afraid he’s right. It isn’t safe for you or John if you stay here. It’s better to be safe than sorry.” His eyes met mine, “Return with Adam and give me a call as soon as you arrive.”

  “Ok.” I replied.

  “I’m serious.” He warned. “Call me as soon as you ge there. Don’t make me have to hunt you down.” He didn’t look at me when he said the last words. His eyes were on Adam.

  “What’s going on out here?” John asked when he stepped out into the porch, “aren’t you coming in? I have some meatloaf and potatoes warming in the oven,” he paused then said, “I’ve quit drinking while you gone.”

  “I knew there was something different about you. I’m so proud of you.” I smiled.

  “I was drunk the night you went missing,” His voice cracked. “Deputy Woodruff refused to let me join the search because I was a useless drunk.” He brushed his hand through his sweaty damp hair, “please forgive me for not being there for you when you needed me the most.”

  I gave him a hug. It felt great to have the old John back. “Well enough with the chit-chat and hugs”, he wiped a tear with the back of his hand, “you coming in or not?”

  My heart sank. My throat felt tight and dry.

  “Uh…I won’t be staying here tonight.”

  “But you just got here.”

  Tears filled my eyes, “I’m sorry but there’s something I need to take care of before I can return home for good.”

  “I don’t understand. What’s going on? Are you in any trouble?”

  John knew I wasn’t a good liar. I had the uncanny feeling that he’d see right through me if I lied. I stood there with a blank look in my face. I couldn’t think of what to say to make him understand that I no longer could stay with him.

  ‘I shouldn’t have come.’ I turned to look at Ryan, ‘What am I going tell him?’

  “She’s not in any trouble Mr. Miller,” he assured him. “I promise she’ll be back soon. You have my word on it.”

  “But she just got here.” He stared at me for a moment not yet comprehending, “Tell me what’s going on.”

  I nervously bit my bottom lip. For a moment, I had an unpleasant vision of John lying in a pool of blood. If I stayed home, I knew the vision would come true and that was something I couldn’t live with. I had to tell him the truth. The truth about the Ulric’s, about what I was, and what I feared would happen to him if I stayed.

  “John, I can’t stay because…” I began to say before Adam stepped in between us.

  “Everything’s fine,” John met the gaze of his flashing eyes. “You will go inside and enjoy your dinner. You will watch some T.V. and then head for bed. You will no longer worry about Lia. Everything will be as if you didn’t see her tonight.”

  Without a blink or a word, John walked inside.

  “What did you do?” Ryan asked.

  “We don’t need him worrying about her and getting himself involved in a fight that has nothing to do with him. I did what had to be done.”

  “You used mind control?” Ryan asked, “For God’s sake you turned him into a zombie!”

  “What?” I gasped.

  “Vampires have the power to control your mind. They can compel you to do or believe anything they tell you.”

  I turned to look at Adam, “Did you just compel John?”

  “Yes, but believe me I only did it to protect him.”

  “Did you ever use mind control on me?”

  “No. I would never do that to you. Besides I can’t compel werewolves.” I believed him. The feelings I had for him came from my heart, so I knew they were mine. Ryan rolled his eyes and walked away in a huff.

  “Wait!” I called out to him. “You know Adam’s right. He did what had to be done. He was only protecting John from himself. I know John and if Adam didn’t do what he did, he would worry himself crazy and he’d probably do something stupid and get himself killed.”

  Adam stood outside the cabin, looking away from us, but I knew he was listening in on our conversation. He knew that Ryan meant a lot to me and I wouldn’t be able to leave knowing that my best friend was angry with me.

  He looked down at his dust covered boots. “You don’t know how much it tore me inside when you were gone. I wasn’t sure of where you went and what happened to you.” His eyes were warm but still guarded when he stood closer, “I’m glad to see you’re happy and doing well but mark my words…I will hunt him down if he ever hurts you.”

  I rolled my eyes and smiled.

  “It seems we both found love. Kima adores you,” I said.

  He nodded, his face content, “she’s great isn’t she?”


  He took a deep breath, “So where does Adam live?”

  “He has an estate in Jackson Hole. I’ll call you once we get there.”

  “Be safe.”

  “I will.”

  Adam stood beside me, “we must go.”

  “Take care of her.” Ryan told Adam.

  “I will never allow anything to happen to her,” Adam assured him.

  Ryan turned to me, “Try not to worry about John. I’ll have one of t
he guys keep an eye out for him.

  ∞ CHAPTER 24 ∞

  WE ARRIVED AT JACKSON HOLE a few hours before sunrise. The night was pitching black except for the moon who shone brightly in the velvet sky. Although my heart was at ease in knowing that John and Ryan were well, my mind couldn’t rest knowing that the Ulric’s were still out there. If staying away from everyone I loved kept them safe, then I will never return to Lander again.

  “You should get some rest,” Adam said as he walked me to my room.

  “I don’t want to be alone. Can you stay with me awhile?” I asked as I made room for him on the bed. He accepted the invitation and climbed beside me. I brushed up against him. His body was cold as ice, but I didn’t mind. I rested my head on his chest and wrapped the blanket tightly against my body.

  Near him, I felt peace and I wanted to remain in it forever. I think he felt the same, because he didn’t move or speak. A few minutes or so passed and we remained the same. I wondered what he was thinking, but I didn’t want to ruin the content silence we shared. He swirled his fingers along my arm. I closed my eyes and snuggled closer pressing my head against his solid chest. I wanted to know if his heart raced as quickly as mine did with every gentle stroke of his hand, but his heart was still. Quiet. A hollow void was all I could feel. As if, I had pressed my ear against a wall. He brushed my check with his hand and lifted my chin to meet his gaze, “You don’t have to hear the beat of my heart to know how crazy I am about you.” He leaned toward me and kissed me.

  I wrapped my arm around him. We kissed long and gentle kisses. His scent spun around me, rich and fresh. It reminded me of the scent of the forest on a bright sunshine day. The smell of sandalwood and juniper mixed with the warmth of the sun.

  “I love you. I love you…,” he said between each flutter of kisses.

  I pulled myself up, resting on my elbows, and ran my hand along the side of his face. His eyes lured me in deeper. My heart raced faster. I thought he was the most beautiful man I had ever seen.

  He leaned toward me, ran his fingers along the line of my back, and began to brush soft kisses along the side of my neck. The power of his lips, like a butterfly wing, made me feel emotions I never felt before. A strange, enticing warm feeling flowed through my body as I pulled him closer and surrendered to his kisses, to his touch, and his love…

  From behind the opened window, I could tell that dawn was fast approaching. Adam would have to leave and I will be left alone with my thoughts. I knew Emi was out there waiting for the moment to destroy us both. I couldn’t bear to see history repeat itself again.

  “Why don’t you turn me into a vampire? My blood will be cold and dead and the Ulric’s will no longer have the need for it and maybe then, they’ll leave us alone.” I said.

  He looked upset, “Don’t ask for such foolish things.”

  I didn’t understand why he was so upset. It’s not as if I was merely a normal human. He sat up and brushed my hair behind my ear. “I can’t turn you into a vampire, because you’ll die.”

  “I’m a werewolf. I come from a strong Lobison bloodline. I’m sure I can handle the blood of a vampire.”

  “I’m not willing to take the chance. Werewolves can’t turn into vampires, just as vampires can’t turn into werewolves. It simply doesn’t happen. Our blood become poison when they’re mixed.”

  I took a deep breath and sighed loudly. Adam pulled me close. I wrapped my leg around his and kissed him before placing my head on his chest. He ran his fingers through my hair. “Rest easy, my love. No one is going to keep us apart,” he said.

  I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

  I awoke with my face pressed against the pillow. Adam was gone, but his sweet scent remained. I overslept. Anne had already brought in my breakfast while I slept. I got up to taste the food and it was cold. My head heart so bad, I couldn’t eat or drink. I climbed back into bed and closed my eyes. But when I closed them, haunting visions flashed through my mind. I saw myself as a wolf. My bristled white fur was covered in blood. In the opened pasture, I could see something that looked like a body. I quickly sprinted to it and saw that it was John. He was covered in blood. It was the same vision of John I had as I stood outside his porch last night.

  Startled, I sat up in bed. ‘I killed him. I killed John.’

  My body shook with terror. I couldn’t hide what I was. I couldn’t deny it either. I was a werewolf. There was nothing I could do to protect him. Not from Lyle or Emi. I was what I am and if my vision was correct, I couldn’t even protect him from me. I rubbed my tongue against my teeth. They were sharp. Just the mere thought of blood made the beast within me want to rip out of my skin. I cupped my head in my hands, digging my nails through my hair.

  “No! It can’t be!” I hollered as tears streamed down my face.

  A slow rumble of thunder rolled overhead. Black clouds gathered outside my window. Something was strange about the clouds. They moved quickly and unsteady. I slowly climbed out of bed and walked over to the window to take a look at what was brewing outside, when the sound of my cell phone vibrating on the dresser startled me. It was Ryan.

  I wiped my face and nose, “hello?”

  “Are you ok?” he asked. “Why didn’t you call me? I’ve been worried sick.”

  I sniffed, “I’m sorry. I meant to call, but---”

  “Are you crying?” he interrupted.

  I tried to control my voice, “no.”

  “Then what’s wrong?”

  “I just woke up with a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach, that’s all.” I replied, “How’s John? Have you checked in on him?”

  “I had Tyler and some of the guys keep watch over night but I haven’t heard from them. But don’t worry. No news is always good news.”

  “I have to see him,” I said as a flash of lightning tore through the sky. “I want to make sure he’s ok.”


  I nervously waited for Adam to come. The vision of John became more intense with every waking minute. Not even the book I held in my hands while I waited in the library could take my mind off it.

  John lying in the ground covered in blood. It felt so real. He looked like Kima did the day Ryan and I found her in the woods.

  Footsteps approached from behind, “There you are.”

  My heart skipped a beat at the sight of Adam as he appeared beside me. I crashed into his arms and nestled my face against his chest. I was broken, anxious, and delighted all at once. I couldn’t hold back the tears any longer. I sunk deeper into his embrace and sobbed.

  “Are you alright?” His face was filled with concern. I looked into his crystal, blue eyes and shook my head. “Tell me, love,” he held my soaked face in his hand and wiped away the tears with his thumbs, “what’s the matter?”

  “I think something terrible has happened to John,” my voice cracked. “We need to return to Lander, tonight.”

  I wasn’t sure if Lyle and Emi had returned or if they were the ones responsible for hurting John, but I was sure of my vision and the ache I felt inside the pit of my stomach.

  “Have they returned?” he asked.

  I shook as the vision of blood and the sound of tearing flesh flashed through my mind. But this time, when the vision flashed through my mind, I saw another wolf. A tall black wolf with green eyes---it was Lyle. I nodded and quickly his eyes turned dark as night.

  “I’ll make them pay for what they’ve done. I promise.” His hand touched my hair and pushed back a strand. “Soon this nightmare will be over.”

  ∞ chapter 25 ∞

  “COME IN,” Ani smiled, as she held the door open. “Ryan called a few minutes ago and said he’s on his way.” She removed a shirt that was lying on the sofa and tossed it into a room. “Please excuse the mess. I’ve been working double shifts at the hospital and I haven’t had time to keep the house clean. Have a seat while I’ll go and get you something to drink,” she said with a smile.

  Adam and I sat on the large black sofa. Second
s later, Ryan walked in with a huge smile.

  He hung his hat on a hook near the door, “Hey Lia. Adam.” he said. He extended his hand, shook Adam’s hand and then took a seat between us.

  “Have you heard from Tyler? Is John okay?” I asked breathlessly.

  “I spoke with them about forty-five minutes ago. He said John’s fine,” he assured. “Relax, will you?”

  “He’s right, Lia. All this worrying isn’t good for you.” Ani said, as she walked into the living room carrying a tray of soda and plastic cups.

  “Thank you.” Adam said as Ani passed him a cup of soda.

  “I can’t help it,” I said, as I took a sip. “I had an unsettling vision this morning and I can’t seem to get it off my mind.”

  Ani’s eyes opened wide, “what did you see?”

  “John.” I said immediately and turned to look at Ryan, “he looked like Kima did, the day we found her in the woods.”

  Perhaps it was the memory of Kima lying in a pool of blood or her bloodied face, but Ryan’s face changed instantly. I wanted to tell him I believed Lyle and Emi were back, but I didn’t have to because by the way his eyes shifted into the color of tiny dark pearls I knew he felt the same.

  “So they’re---,” Ryan began to say. I nodded. He pushed himself to his feet, grabbed the phone out of the back pocket of his blue jeans and quickly dialed Tyler’s number. My leg began to shake.

  We all looked at Ryan with eyes wide open waiting for Tyler to answer the phone, but the call went straight to voice mail.

  “Let me try Kevin,” He said as he began to dial. Seconds later…‘Yo! You’ve reached Kevin Blackfeather…,’ Ryan closed his phone. Something was terribly wrong and he sensed it,

  “We should go and make sure everything’s alright,” suggested Adam.

  “Let’s go, but Lia, I think you should stay here.”

  “No way!” I shouted. “I’m going too.”

  Adam reached for me, “It may not be safe for you to go. Please, my love, stay here.”


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