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The Elisha Amulet: Enigmas & Empires: Book One

Page 7

by Brad Carr

  However, the image of the female Messenger did not perish. She stood looking in horror as others around her were robbed of further life. The images paused again.

  “The Messengers are immune to the poison. They were not born on this planet. Aliens called ‘Messengers,’ have had many names. Ancient religions, would call them Angels. Representation of angels were highly inaccurate. They did not possess wings. Their real form is not visible to the human eye. Before all of this, Messengers wanted to live among humanity. So they changed their appearance to be more pleasing, and less conspicuous. Dwelling among humankind, they escaped notice.”

  Unfortunately this poison killed much of the animal population too. It was a faction of mankind,responsible for this destruction. Although humanity has become victims of various extinction possibilities, such as plagues, wars, pollution, and extreme climate changes; this time it was different. It was the first time humanity terrorized itself into possible mass extinction”

  “Instead of pursuing full efforts in cleaning the Earth, this faction of humans found another habitable planet out in the universe. Desperate to prevent the new planet from the woes of humanity’s destructive nature; they saw fit to eradicate the rest of the population. Their purpose was to ensure the others wouldn't arrive to the newly colonized planet. This faction called themselves, The Exodus Coalition. I will take you to the next memory. Please observe.”

  The female Messenger walked through the fog looking for any survivors. Bodies of men, women, and children covered the streets. Eyes looking into the nothing, with their mouths gaped open. Expressions of their last moments mimicked petrification. Green gray fog dissipated slowly into the night sky. A few automobiles were crashed into some buildings.

  The Messenger continued her search for survivors. Hovering above the ground by a few meters, she floated forward. Looking in the distance, she could view the ships of the Exodus Coalition leaving the atmosphere. Kilometers away, more poisonous fog continued to roll away. Plant life seemed unchanged at the moment.

  With her enhanced hearing; a single coughing sound was heard. Soaring at top speed toward the sound, she landed in the parking lot of a diner. Dead souls filled the vehicles in the lot. The diner exterior had a silvery material cover. Neon lights flickered on the open sign. Walking over bodies and a few bicycles, she entered. Passing by the yellow vinyl booths and past the counters, she entered the kitchen.

  There, a young boy about thirteen years of age, sat on the floor at the entrance of a walk-in freezer. He had bronzed skin and short brown hair. He held another boy who had a darker skin tone, and long blonde hair. In his arms, the young boys resembled each other.

  “My brother needs a doctor, please. He’s breathing, but he needs help.”

  The Messenger leapt to the injured boy and felt his pulse on the wrist. “He still has a faint heartbeat.”

  She took the boy into her arms and put her hand to his lips. Puffs of mint colored gas floated from his chest and out his mouth. He immediately started to cough. Carefully she placed him back on the floor and onto his side. The messenger gazed at his healthy brother.

  “What is your name young man?”

  “My name is Brolin Vol. This is my brother Sam.”

  “What happened Brolin?”

  “My brother and I were riding our bikes around town. We saw the ships in the sky. We rode as fast as we could to the nearest building, this diner. Gas was everywhere. I held my breath as long as I could. I grabbed my brother’s hand and we ran into this freezer and closed the door.”

  “I tried really hard to…(cough) hold my breath. But I…(cough) sucked in a small amount of gas right before we closed….(cough)…. the door.” Sam interrupted.

  “You boys did very well. Listen, I’m going to take you somewhere safe. We have some doctors that are going to take a look at you. Just relax.”

  The Messenger put her hands on their heads and they drooped into a deep sleep. Her body lit up in a bright, blue light. Tones of her voice resonated like a snare drum.

  “This is Messenger Two Thirty-One. I have found two survivors. Returning to Base Ninety-Five.”

  The Messenger disappeared along with Brolin and Sam. Then, the memory faded. Revealing the scenery of the present, it was still morning on Outpost Seven.

  “Wait!” shouted Angus. “Those boys were my ancestors?”

  “I’m sorry recruit, the rest of the memories are classified.”

  “Were there any other survivors?” asked another recruit.

  “Yes,” answered Captain Bittersmith. “All in all, the Messengers found only one thousand and twenty-two survivors world wide.”

  “How did the gas destroy the world then? We saw it dissipate,” asked Reeves.

  “It didn’t. Most nuclear power plants were left unmanned. Bridges and dams had the same fate. Falling into disrepair, nature ran its course. It should have taken many decades before the nuclear facilities became dangerous. The Exodus Coalition sabotaged some of them, causing them to leak, many exploded. Radiation levels in many areas are high today because of the nuclear meltdown. However, most of North America safely shut down their facilities centuries before the Exodus Coalition attack. Because of their switch to solar and wind energy, it sped up the time table for the Earth to repair itself. Otherwise, there would have been more nuclear facilities left in disrepair; adding another thousand years of hiding. When certain areas became relatively safe, colonies left the Messenger bases. Packs became tribes. Tribes became nations. Now, we have the Capital Kingdom, Scarlet Republic, and Paatu.

  “Why show us this memory?” asked another recruit.

  “Because Brakion Vol allowed it. He thought it would be a good reminder of what the old world looked like. Dangers lie ahead if the Exodus Coalition ever returns. For now, survival and rebuilding civilization is the goal.”

  “What happens if the Exodus Coalition does return?” asked Reeves.

  “I don’t know. That is why you must be prepared.”

  Chapter 8

  Rose peeked out of the ground entrance to a passage; gazing through binoculars fabricated from scrap materials. Hills plenteous of tall grass and massive spherical boulders peppered the landscape. These boulders were manmade. How these orbs of rock formed into perfect diameters remained cryptic. Some believed it was a sign of worship to a deity. Others believed them to be great works of art from sculptors. Ruins that nature had buried long ago, seemed to be the most popular theory.

  Zooming through the dusty lenses, Rose could spy on guards strolling around towers and small buildings. They wore shiny gray armor that fit closely to their bodies. Helmets covered their faces, and tesla pistols were strapped to their leg holsters.

  “What do you see Rose?” asked Kurtis.

  “Three guards walk around the perimeter regularly. Passing three guard checkpoints in the East, West, and South. Each checkpoint tower has two guards. I can’t tell if there is a checkpoint on the North side of the hill. A building blocks my view. There are sensor lights in constant movement. The only weakness I can manage to see is that the sensor range is close to ten meters. Against the barracks, I doubt they could see us if we are within a meter of the building because of the angle. But I’m just guessing honestly.”

  “Well done, Rose. It’s probably a good estimate. Please come back down.”

  Rose handed the binoculars to Kurtis, and climbed down the wooden ladder. “We need to move soon Kurt. I’ve been here over a month now and I can’t keep hiding in this shack or the tunnels.”

  “Patience my dear, we have been here a lot longer than you. But, you do have a point. Our time is running short. Fresh water is getting low because of this drought.”

  “Should we call the rest of the resistance to discuss our plan tonight?”

  “Yes, I believe that crossed my mind Rose. We seem to be on the same frequency,” He smiled. “I am glad you are here.”

  “Cut the bullshit Kurt. You’re just using me to get out of here.”

; “Of course, but that doesn’t mean I think any less of you.”

  Rose understood Kurt’s tactics. He was a mechanic, using whatever tools he could to gain his goals; even if those tools are people. But in a certain way, she respected that. Rose would be willing to do the same if the roles were reversed.


  “Yes, boss?” he responded.

  “Tell those in The Resistance to meet in the tunnel tonight. We are going to review our strategies again.” Kurtis ordered.


  Blocking the full moon when drifting by, the skies were rich in clouds. Concealed pits full of sharpened bamboo awaited anyone who dropped inside. Kurtis placed these traps near the shore to slow down any guard boats arriving with reinforcements. The resistant inmates were equipped with bows and arrows, sturdily fashioned from abandoned materials washed ashore over the timespan of decades. Arrows were created from the copious amount of bamboo trees.

  “Remember,” whispered Kurtis. “Make your shots count, then take the guns off any guards you kill or injure. Understand?” They all nodded in agreement. “Now, Rap and Rose; be careful and get going. Rap you go first just in case there is trouble. We need Rose protected. This will not work without her. We’ll be shortly behind.”

  Nodding in agreement, Rose’s face was a signal of determination. Her expression didn’t reveal a slight hint of fear. But inside her chest, the heart raced with pure fright. Rap stepped up the tunnel ladder first, then he reached down to assist Rose out of the exit. She grabbed his hand and he pulled her up gently and effortlessly.

  “Thank you Rap.”

  “You’re welcome Miss Rose.”

  She smiled nervously, took a deep breath, and replied, “Let’s go.”

  Sneaking around to the East location of the hill, Rap carried a backpack full of iron harpoon ammunition. Kurtis had salvaged this from a wreckage some time ago. Rap’s powerful arms punctured the harpoons into the rocky cliff, leaving a trail of bars to climb upward. One by one, it produced a staggered path. Nearly seven meters they ascended.

  Once they heaved over the edge, the terrain pitched steep. From boulder to boulder, they hid behind each one when the sensor lights would direct towards them. Nearly advancing twenty meters, Rap had to stop and hide on his stomach. Believing that if he moved any further, he would be picked up on sensors.

  Rose continued on, traveling to the plateaued landscape within thirty meters of the first tower. Crouching forward, Rose heard a loud “pop!” Looking back, she witnessed a huge dead body without a head, dropping. Blood gushed outward like a fountain from his neck. Rap’s body rolled down the hill. Miscalculating his distance to the towers, created the deadly error; causing an explosion in his imbedded chip.

  The siren screamed. Sensor lights pointed towards Rap’s carcass. Rose instinctively skirted away from the lights when she noticed something peculiar. The lights did not follow her, it pinpointed its illumination to the dead body on the hill.

  Realizing her opportunity of invisibility to the light sensors; Rose sprinted at top speed, diving behind a boulder near the East Guard Tower. She could see two guards in the tower above her. Motionless, the guards didn’t take notice.

  Rose crept quietly up the metal stairs of the white tower. Easing the door open, only to find a metal track on the floor. The guards didn’t have legs, they were machines connected to a perimeter track interior. Mannequins created the illusion of watchful eyes.

  Rose stepped freely down the stairs of the tower and headed towards the guard barracks. It was no bigger than a hunting cabin, made of pine wood. Cautiously, she was about to enter the door with a knife in her hands. The door swung open, two guards marched out with tesla rifles. Rose silently hid behind the door. She escaped detection. Instead, they rushed away from her, seeking out the direction of the beaming sensor lights.

  A hail of projectiles shot out from the darkness from nearly forty meters away. Bamboo arrows from Kurtis’ resistance zipped through the air, puncturing the guards like a pin cushion. Instantly murdered, they didn’t have time to scream or give warning. Rose looted a rifle from a dead guard’s body. Merlot colored liquid splashed onto her boots when she stepped onto puddles expanding beneath the corpses.

  Cautiously she snuck inside a concrete building near the barracks; CONTROL ROOM spelled out on the entrance sign. Softly, she tiptoed in anticipation of any other guards, holding the rifle close to her bosom. She could hear a voice near the hallway speaking. Glimpsing though the partially open door to her right; a guard stood over a radio on a desk. He was making a distress call to Satellite Island.

  “I repeat, prisoners are trying to overtake the Prison Island Command Center! Please send reinforcements!”

  Rose kicked the door all the way and held the gun to the guard’s head. “Turn it off! Now!”

  The guard’s hands shook as he turned off the radio. Immediately he raised his hands to the air.

  “How many guards are here?”

  “Just me.”

  “Don’t bullshit me!” She presses the gun closer to his helmet. “I will blow your goddamn head off!”

  “There are only three of us!”

  “You mean only one of you now. Turn off the embedded chips of the prisoners.”

  It was then that she felt cold metal nudge the back of her head. A husky female voice spoke. “There’s two of us actually. Put down your gun inmate, and walk backwards.”

  Rose reached down by her side with her left hand, in a motion to sit the rifle down carefully. “Okay. I’ll put it down.” Rose pulled a knife from her pocket and dropped to her knees, swinging a stabbing blow to the armed guard’s left thigh. Losing control, the guard’s gun fired off; accidentally killing the male guard at the radio.

  Rose grabbed a gun from the rear guard as she howled in pain. Bleeding on the floor, grasping her leg, Rose put her right boot to her neck and applied pressure.

  “You are going to help me.”

  “Fuck you!” The female guard defiantly shouted.

  Rose pulled out the knife from guard’s leg and pierced the right leg above the knee. The guard screamed in agony.

  “Fuck me? Looks like you’re the one who’s getting fucked.” she spoke coldly. “You are going to tell me how to turn off the chips to the prisoners.”

  “I’m not doing shit!” yelled the guard.

  Rose took the knife and stabbed her again in the left calf. She yelped. “The next time you talk to me that way, I’m going cut off your tits.”

  “Alright! Alright! I can turn it off at the terminal.”

  “Do it.”

  “I can’t walk over there.”

  “Crawl bitch!”

  The guard rolled over to her stomach. Pulling with her arms, dragging her legs behind; blood smeared a trail on the concrete floor. Crawling past the dead guard she pulled herself onto a brown leather chair in front of a screen.

  “How do I know you won’t kill me after I turn off these chips?”

  “You don’t. But I give you my word.”

  “Words mean nothing.”

  “You want me to blow off your head?”

  “Fine. Which prisoner’s chips do I turn off?”

  “I already told you! All of them!”

  “Okay.” The guard put in a password in the computer.

  “If you want to live, you need to stay still until Kurtis gets here. I will make sure he keeps you alive. You may be a hostage.”


  Kurtis Saint arrived shortly with ten loyal inmates. He held a rifle taken from the deceased guard outside.

  “Thank you Rose. This was quite a success. I appreciate your help. Why is this guard still alive?” Kurtis aimed the barrel toward Rose and the guard.

  “What, what are you doing Kurtis?”

  “Following orders Rose.”

  Multiple laser rounds penetrated through Rose and the guard. The guard slumped forward with puffs of smoke floating out of cavities in her flesh. Rose fell to the floor, droppi
ng her rifle. Blood filled her mouth, gun shot wounds oozed; staining the floor.

  “Wh….Why?” she whispered as her breathing was slowed.

  “Miss Rose, everything has a purpose. You have fulfilled it.”

  “F…fuck you Kurtis.”

  Kurtis bent down on one knee. Grinning he replied, “I am not Kurtis Saint, my name is Kansas Sparks. Take comfort my dear, I will make sure Brakion gets what he deserves. We go way back.”

  Rose struggled to draw in air. Averting her gaze away from him, she thought of her husband and children. Caring of nothing Sparks was saying, she quickly expired. Kansas reached over and closed her eyes.

  “Sir, what is our next course of action?” asked one of the female members of the Resistance. She had the eyes of emerald, dull complexion, and frazzled mahogany hair reaching halfway down her neck. Her nose was flat, with small nostril openings. Clothed in a filthy ragged vermillion halter top, and loose fitting brown denim pants; her feet were bare. The woman’s hips and buttocks, were disproportionately larger than her shoulders.

  “Grab the guns you see here. Check any rooms for any ammo or weapons.”


  “Oh, and Scarla?”


  “We only have about four hours before the Capital Kingdom sends a platoon to this island. We need to be ready when they do. Our hopes rely on our pals to leave a boat for us. See if you can find a flare gun to give a signal.”


  Scarla left the building. Kansas Sparks (a.k.a. Kurtis Saint) grabbed alcohol and a lighter from a closet. He doused the bodies of the two guards, and dragged them outside to join the others. Rose’s body remained independent on the floor. Sparks pulled the lighter from his pocket. The female guard gasped for air. Clinging to life, he watched in amazement of her tough will to survive. Ruthlessly, he set her on fire without shooting her again to end suffering. Burning alive, the guard let out a blood curdling scream until she fell silent.


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