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The Elisha Amulet: Enigmas & Empires: Book One

Page 17

by Brad Carr

  The entire team halted their march to take a few moments to enjoy what they were witnessing. Instilling a sense of peace into Angus, he watched them graze. For those few brief instances, his conscience mind forgot any worries. Viewing a cow graze can give emotions of serenity.

  “Doyle!” interrupted Cash, “Log this into your journal. When our training is complete, you’ll get credit for this discovery.”

  Doyle smiled and said, “Yessir. Thank you.”

  “Okay Team, let’s move out!” Cash ordered.

  After two hours of slogging through dense grass and mud, the temperature rose significantly to twenty-four degrees celsius. Shedding their coats and rolling them up, they tied them down with twine, attached to the top of their backpacks. It was another thirty minutes of trekking before they reached the tree line of the jungle.

  Luscious trees painted the landscape. Many varieties of oak, gum, and maple trees stubbornly kept their leaves through the harsh winter nights. However, their foliage transmitted colors of red, orange, and yellow. Soon, the dying leaves would succumb to gravity. Pine tree needles remained green and healthy, thriving in cold climates. Remarkably these lifeforms evolved to withstand the ever changing weather patterns.

  However, many dead and withered trees were scattered among the healthy. In these dead and decrepit trees, life flourished. Squirrels, and a medley of tiny birds constructed nests. Spending time here could give one a false sense of security. But the jungle gave off signs of extreme danger also. Large tears into the bark of trees gave clear warning that gristols recently sharpened their claws. Angus shared his observation of vulture dragon prints from the pattern of squashed leaves and imprinted soil. Discarded boa cobra skins were located along their trails.

  Four more hours passed. Tree tops canopied most of the sunlight, which created a cool temperature of comfort. Emerald Team Three limited their conversations, in order to remain alert to potential predators lurking nearby. However, a few times some would mention the sight of small animals like rabbits, squirrels, and raccoons. During those times, Cash would order whomever had pointed them out to log it into their journals on their tablets.

  Meishen on the other hand, had plans other than journal logs in mind. Over her shoulders she carried six rabbit carcasses, three squirrels, and two wild chickens; tied together on a branch to be cooked later on when they made camp. She was exceptionally silent and deadly when hunting with a bow.

  By the time the early evening rendered itself, they were close to a small clearing in the dense wood. Blinking in the middle of the area, was the beacon plunged into the ground in the form of a two meter stake. Dropping their packs onto the ground next to a tall oak, the team wished to rest their legs.

  “There’s no time for rest yet,” spoke Cash.

  “We’ve been walking all day,” commented Van.

  “The night will be here sometime, we need to prepare. A fire needs to be started before the temperature drops later. Doyle, you cut down some small trees for the fire. Van, you get a spit ready for the meat. Angus, Neda, and Doc I want you to set up the tents. Reeves and Grail I need you to open up the supply boxes and find the tree stands. Install them as high as you can climb. When you finish, get some sleep. Reeves has first watch, Grail you have second.”

  “What about food?” Grail asked.

  “We’ll save you and Reeves some game that Mei hunted earlier. You’ll eat, then you will perform your watch so we don’t die in our sleep.”

  “Yessir,” he confirmed. “But I meant vegetables, I’m sure there are some inside the supply box. Angus and I are vegetarians.”

  “Not now you aren’t. Those vegetables are for the greenhouse we will construct, every seed is valuable. You will have to eat meat for higher calorie intake. Until the vegetation is sustainable at least. The bread and crackers need to be saved for now. A weeks worth of food supplies disappears quickly, it is for emergencies only. We don’t know how long it will take for more cargo to get here.”

  “I will sleep up in the trees,” Mei volunteered. “If I hear anything I will alert Reeves or Grail during the night.”

  “You mean you’ll sleep on the branches?” inquired Angus.

  Mei chose to remain silent to his question. However this was nothing new. She rarely spoke, and when she did it meant it wasn’t much of a discussion. The team was familiar with her demeanor. Her lack of response was not a cause for concern, or a reason to take offense.

  “Crazy Eye, I want you to set up temporary perimeter alerts and traps. There should be a few in the supply boxes the explorers left for us,” Cash commanded.

  Crazy Eye stared at Cash with a look of rage. But he always looked like he was about to murder something. Cash knew he would listen to his orders anyway.


  Blazing logs crackled in the campfire. Tents were erected. The team rested around the fire, eating portions of freshly cooked meat with their fingers. Reeves and Grail were trying to rest in sleeping bags a few meters away from the fire. It was cold again but they were warmed by the flames.

  “Anyone got any stories?” asked Doc. “I always heard that the ancients used to stay in the jungle for fun. You know, to gather around a fire in fellowship? Then they would tell frightening tales.” Her bright verdant eyes gleamed reflections off the fire, as well as her bald head.

  “We’re living in a frightening tale. Why would we want to add more scare to it? Seems redundant to me,” said Van in his usual croaky voice.

  “Well, it passes the time doesn’t it?”

  “Maybe you’re scared. But not me. This is like a vacation. You wimps gonna cry to your mommies?” Neda jumped in the conversation to add insults.

  “Fuck you Neda. It wouldn’t surprise me that you’ll be the first to become gristol shit,” replied Van.

  “Enough! No one is dying tonight,” Cash intervened before it became an argument. Turning to Doc on his right he said, “Doc I think it’s a great idea. Morale could use some improvement.”

  “I got a story!” interrupted Doyle.

  “Great. Let’s hear it,” said Cash.

  “Okay, but this story is a true story.”

  “Even better,” Angus chimed in.

  “So this happened to me when I visited Phantom Island for a few weeks after I graduated from War Pig Island. So I’m at this bar one night drinking with my buddies…”

  “What was the name of the bar?” Doc inquired.

  “What the fuck does that matter?” Neda rudely asked.

  Ignoring Neda, Doyle answered and said, “It was the Peg Leg.”

  “Ooooh, I’ve been there before. Is that the one that looked like an old pirate ship?” asked Doc.

  “Yeah, that is it. The bartender was a seedy looking mother fucker named Kristobel.”

  “Yep! I’ve been there. I hung out there all the time.” Doc confirmed.

  “Wow. I could have met you back then. That would be…”

  “Get on with the story ginger boy!” Neda asserted.

  “Okay so I’m there drinking hooch with my buddies when this herd of women arrived…”

  “Herd?” asked Neda in a contemptuous tone.

  “Shit Neda, I’m trying to tell a story here. Herd? Crowd? A fuck ton? Whatever! The point was a lot of women showed up.”


  “So there were three of us guys, and four beauties walked over to our table, asking to sit. Of course we said yes, except for one of my friends, because he didn’t like women, but that’s his deal, not mine. This brunette with blue eyes like the ocean, and immaculate breasts, sits beside me after we pull another table next to ours. So to give you a background on this, I was just getting over a cold. It was at that stage where your nose finally dries out.”

  “Oh God, who cares about your cold?” Neda interrupted again.

  “Trust me, it will come back in play. So things were going well. We’re all getting along, drinking hooch, laughing, etcetera. So my buddy Paul was telling them about what life w
as like on Satellite Island, and the brunette, I think her name was Paula, was nicely paying attention. I on the other hand was staring down at her cleavage while she was distracted. And no shit, I’m not lying, I push out a deep breath and a dry crusty booger shoots out of my nose and lands right between her tits.”

  The group around the fire roared in laughter. Angus smiled, clearly enjoying Doyle’s humor, but as usual, he kept a low toned snicker. Reeves, who was supposed to be sleeping, could be heard letting out a giggle under his sleeping bag.

  “The story isn’t done yet. There’s more. So this crusty is stationed on the top and in between her cleavage. She hadn’t noticed it yet. I didn’t want her to see it. So I tried to blow the booger off her boobs with my breath.”

  Again, they cracked up as Doyle was performing a deep inhales and exhales. Cash snorted with his high pitched laugh. This extended the giggles longer than usual, his pig-like laugh became the center of attention. Grinning, Doyle continued.

  “Alas, the crusty booger didn’t blow off. Instead it traveled further down her shirt and out of sight. Paula finally noticed me blowing down her shirt and asked me what I thought I was doing. I mean, how do I respond? Surely I’m not going to tell her the truth. It’s too embarrassing. So I chose to be insensitive because that was the better option. I simply told her,’ Your breasts are so wonderful it gets me breathing heavy.’ Needless to say I did not anticipate what happened next.”

  “She punched you in the face?” asked Neda.

  “No actually.”

  “She poured beer on you?” asked Doc.

  “No again. She liked it. Paula thought it was sexy that I was googling her boobs. I was invited back to her place. So needless to say, I’m not going to say no to a hot woman like her. I mean look at me, I’m a pasty-pale-fat guy. Opportunities with women like her don’t come around that often. So I went back to her place.”

  “Is that the end?” asked Cash.

  “No, not even close. It gets better. So there we are making out on her bed. She’s taking off my pants and I take off hers. She pulls off her top, and lo and behold the most gorgeous tits you have ever seen. I am so excited at this moment. My pecker is pulsing hard and I am about to have awesome sex. But here’s where it gets tricky. On her right nipple was the crusty booger.”

  “No shit!” Crazy Eye exclaimed in disbelief, removing his intimidating expression.

  Giggling, Doyle continued the story. “So we start kissing some more right? Paula still hasn’t noticed what was on her right nipple. I didn’t know what to do. I panicked! So while we are tongue wrestling, I plucked off the crusty booger. It flew across the room! But I struck her nipple at the same time!”

  “Holy shit! You’ve got to be kidding. What did she do?” Doc snickered.

  “I swear I thought I was not going to get laid after that, but instead she says, ‘Oooh yeah baby. Pluck the other one!’”

  “No way!” laughed Cash.

  Roaring in laughter, Doc rolled on the ground holding her stomach.

  “Wait,” Neda mentioned, “I thought it was supposed to be frightening. It wasn’t.”

  “It was scary to me. I might not have gotten lucky that night and could have traveled home to make love to my hand instead. Let me tell you, Paula had great skills. I’ll never forget her.”


  Hours drove by. Consuming their meal and telling stories, most of Emerald Team Three slumbered in their tents. Reeves perched himself on the sniper stand about a quarter way up a large oak tree. Angus drifted off into a deep sleep.

  Resting on his back, his fur blanket kept him warm enough to survive, but without much comfort. However, he adjusted as best he could to sleep. Dreaming, rapidly his eyes shifted beneath his closed lids. Startled, he woke to the sound of his tent flap opening, Mei stooped inside. Angus didn’t speak, and neither did she. Opening his blanket, she crawled inside. Snuggling next to him, she rested her head on his chest. He wrapped his arm around her.

  Meishen whispered, “I’m cold.”

  Keeping a hush tone, Angus responded by wrapping both arms around her tighter, yet softly. He simply replied, ”Me too.”

  Years had come and gone since he held a woman next to him. Intoxicating aroma of lavender shampoo filled his nostrils from her violet hair. Meishen didn’t need to say another word. She instantly fell asleep in his arms without hesitation. Although Mei was probably the toughest woman he ever met, that didn’t remove her feminine qualities, or the need to be embraced. People need companionship. She entrusted her vulnerability as a gift to him. Tonight was not the moment to pursue a night of passion. But it was a signal, that Mei was interested in him.


  Snowflakes descended down the crystal night sky, painting the area spotless white. Angus held onto Rola’s hand. Across the street from them, was an entrance to the Capital Kingdom Royal Palace. It followed a long road up the mountain.

  “I wonder what she’s like,” commented Rola.

  “Who?” Angus asked.

  “Queen Tyra of course. I wonder if she’s as tough as she is portrayed.”

  “Well, she gets things done. I guess she has no choice but to be.”

  “Yeah, sure I understand that. But do you ever wonder what she’s like, away from the public life, I mean? For instance, does she enjoy music? Does she ever just wear comfortable clothes and eat a bucket of ice cream when she’s sad? Does love factor into her life? You know, like ours. Someone who adores you for your qualities, as well as your faults?”

  “Not sure, but everybody likes music. And who wouldn’t want to eat a bucket of ice cream,” he smirked.

  “You know what I mean Angus Tiberian Vol,” she laughed, playfully punching him in the arm. “I guess you have to hide weaknesses when lives are dependent upon you.”

  Angus no longer felt her hand in his. Rola faded away like dust in the wind. The sky turned into a dark crimson hue and the stars disappeared. The streets crumbled around him. Trees grew out of the ground reaching high above. Angus stood, back at the beacon outpost. Blue hellfire swirled in a violent rage from the campfire.

  “She was right you know,” said Salem walking up to Angus.

  “Right about what?”

  “Queen Tyra wasn’t always the face of strength, she had to pretend to be, for the good of the people. Your Uncle Brakion forced himself to do the same thing. He was able to bury his fears and sadness deep down for the good of the Capital Kingdom, and humanity.”

  “How would you know Dad? You died before he became king.”

  “I am always with my brother, just as I am always with you. Besides, he didn’t become a king overnight. He worked his way up from a small beginning, just like me. Brakion only pursued political glory in honor of me. It was my goal to become the leader of the Capital Kingdom. But, it didn’t happen.”

  “You could have been reborn,with the help of the Elisha Amulet.”

  “I was tired of reliving. I couldn’t see the ones I love die before me anymore. You cannot understand the immense sadness that comes with constant death. I’ve buried eleven children in all my lives.”

  “It was selfish Dad, Mom and I needed you.”

  “No, you didn’t. Besides, what good would I be to your mother if I showed up to her door as a young man whose face differed from the man she knew.In any case, she didn’t know the secret I possessed. I’m not happy that Brakion told you.”

  “I’m glad he did. I can make sure Fraser lives forever.”

  “Forever, is not a gift Angus. It’s a responsibility, a thankless one. Imagine knowing how the future is going to turn out and being helpless to change it. Nobody learns from their mistakes. Everyone around you begins to look unintelligent, and stupid. The same problems repeat in every generation. The sad thing is, humanity is capable of change, but stubbornly refuses to do so. We’ve almost destroyed ourselves many times over. We don’t deserve to inhabit this Earth. Maybe the Exodus Coalition had the right ideas. I don’t agree with the murder
of most of the human race of course. But I do think we are like pests.”

  “What is your point Father? Are you here to discuss philosophy?”

  “Regardless of how I feel, I’m here to help you. Angus, I have come to realize that you and Brakion are similar. You always want to help and make things better, choosing to see the good in people. But as Brakion came to learn, as will you, is that you must make hard decisions to make accomplishments. So because I love you, I am here in your dreams to give you advice. Your wife was correct. Just like Tyra and Brakion, you have to create two factions of yourself. A small portion of you will be flexible, caring, and thoughtful. But only to those who deserve your help and loyalty, Angus. To the rest of the world, decisiveness is paramount. At times, you will need cruelty to justify your ends.”

  “I’m really trying to be better.”

  Salem leaned in towards Angus, pointing his first finger to his chest. “You aren’t trying hard enough! Salem walked away from Angus, heading toward the campfire. Entering, his body engulfed in flames.


  Meishen and Angus scrambled to their feet to the ringing bells of the trip alarms. Lighting up the heavens, the sun revealed the morning hours. Rushing out of the tent, with their weapons in hand, gunfire from the sniper lasers barely whispered through their silencers. Grail produced steady shots from his weapon. Reeves hurriedly climbed up to his own tree stand to assist. By the time the rest of the team escaped their tents, the mystery of what they were fighting became clear.

  “Three boa cobras!” Reeves roared. “Coming from the South East!”

  Cash barked orders, “Form a fire squad facing the South East! Reeves and Grail, stay where you are and find a weakness to shoot at!”

  Unlike most snakes, female boa cobras travel in hunting groups. Forming alliances with each other like a wolf pack. The leader of a pit was called the “Lady Viper.” These deadly snakes were known to constrict their prey, crushing their bones and internal organs after a paralyzing bite. Nimble and quick, their speed made even the best marksmen expend ammunition. Unusually small heads created an illusion of two tails. However, once they extended their hood, the location of its head became obvious. Adult boa cobras were known to reach nine meters in length, with thick bodies of half a meter in diameter.


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