The Elisha Amulet: Enigmas & Empires: Book One

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The Elisha Amulet: Enigmas & Empires: Book One Page 25

by Brad Carr

  “Revenge consumed me Kansas. We were young men, not tools. They starved us, whipped us, raped us. Nobody deserves to be slaves. All in the name of their fucked up religion, we were considered lower than dirt.” Brakion’s hands began to shake, his mind temporarily transported to a hell he couldn’t forget. “I’m sorry I couldn’t save you Kansas. I really tried. But you became like them. You killed for sheer pleasure.”

  “Now, now, Brakion,” he replied. “You loved it too, didn’t you? Remember the bloodlust, when you slowly killed the old master over a course of a week? It was a good time. At that moment I realized, we are nothing but animals. Creatures of violent thirst.”

  “I am not that man anymore, Kansas. I tried to build something. I wanted the world to be a garden. Peace is worth an effort. Mankind needs it. We have to change our course. I had to forgive the Scarlet Republic, for myself mostly. Mankind almost went extinct many times because of arrogance. Burned roots of a grapevine, cannot grow back. Our actions and reactions matter. War should be our last resort. We need fresh roots.”

  “That’s noble of you Brakion, truly it is. But you are a weed in this vineyard you speak of. We both are. No matter how many times you pull a weed from a garden, it always returns. Embrace it. Maybe we belong in the vineyard too.”

  “Dammit Kansas, I’m not going to get into another philosophical debate with you. I’m not going to contribute to the course of imminent destruction.”

  “You cannot help yourself Brakion. You cannot stop the Meeshu Cult.” Kansas revealed a secret to Brakion.

  “What do you mean? Meeshu Cult?”

  Kansas let out a sinister laugh. “I know their plans. Let me speak to my daughter and I’ll tell you who they are, and what their plans are. ”

  “If there is any decency left in you Kansas, you’ll leave Mona alone.”

  “I am a man of my word, Brakion. No harm will come to the girl. And I will reveal all you need to know about the Meeshu Cult, for one more demand.”

  “You’re pressing your luck Kansas.”

  “You cannot be the one who executes me. I know you’ll want to. Especially after I tell you what I know. You’ll want to remove my amulet. But I want to reincarnate again, and that won’t happen if I’m killed by you. Justice, for this lifetime, is yours. Who knows? A fresh new start, a good portion of memories long lost and forgotten. We may even be friends again in the next lifetime.”

  “I’ll think about it.”

  “Then no deal is to be made. It’s either yes or no,” Kansas demanded.

  Brakion weighed the heavy options in his mind. In all of his memories of past lives, Kyle caused problems. “But maybe, this time will be different,” he thought to himself. “I’ve thought this way before, and it backfired. He and I are the last of The Chosen.” Reluctantly Brakion agreed answering, ”We have a deal under one more condition.”

  “And that condition is?”

  “You cannot tell Mona about the Elisha Amulets. That knowledge can lead to danger for anyone who knows the secret of The Chosen. Only I know the location of Base Ninety-Five, and it needs to stay that way.”

  “I wouldn’t think of it. That base benefits me too.”

  “Guard!” Brakion called out. Trailing from another hallway, and back to Kansas’ cell, the guard arrived. “It is time for me to leave. A woman will be arriving outside the prison entrance. Her name is Mona. She is to visit this man. I want two guards with lasers armed, and ready to protect her at all times. Is that understood?”

  “Yes, AG Vol. It will be done.”

  Speaking to Kansas he said, “You will have ten minutes with her, not a second more.”


  Leah sat across from Brakion, with a small table dividing them. “Knight to H-3,” Leah said, moving her chess piece. “Your turn.”

  “That’s a good move Leah.”

  “I know. No need to remind me, “ Leah grinned wide. “When will Mama be back?”

  “She’ll be back shortly. Enough time for me to win,” he teased.

  “Nah uh, I’ve been practicing.”

  Leah was resilient. After all the horror she witnessed a few days ago, she adjusted as best she could by distracting her mind with games. But the nightmares stunted the little girl’s sleep.

  Moving the queen, Leah’s king was left exposed. “Checkmate.”

  “Dammit!” Leah shouted. “Oops. Sorry.”

  “It’s okay. Shit happens.”

  “Ooooh…I’m gonna tell Mama.”

  “Guess I’m in big trouble,” he chuckled.

  Mona opened the door and entered her home. Disappointment was stamped on her expression. But she managed to cheer up a little when she witnessed Brakion and Leah playing chess. Leah stepped off her chair and ran over to Mona, hugging her mother tightly.

  “Mama, where did you go?”

  “Nowhere important sweetheart, had to take care of a few things.”

  “You didn’t go see that bad man did you? Is he really my grandpa? I hope not.”

  Denying the painful truth, she replied,” No Leah. He was just an imposter.”

  “I’m sorry Mama. I know how long you’ve been searching.”

  “It’s okay Leah. We can’t live in the past. Let’s just focus on our future. And I can foretell the future,” Mona joked.

  “No you can’t Mama.”

  “Yes I can, want to know what I see?”


  “I see a little girl doing her homework, so she can be ready for school tomorrow.”

  “Oh man,” Leah lowered her voice. “I’m sure they’ll let me skip it. They’ll feel sorry for me.”

  “Leah! Don’t use tragedy as an excuse to get your way!”

  “Ugh, okay Mama. You’re right.”

  “I have to talk to Brakion now.”

  “So, go ahead,” Leah said.


  “Okay, I’ll go to my bedroom and shut the door,” Leah confirmed, skipping away.

  Mona headed to the master bedroom, Brakion followed. Closing the door behind him, he asked, “Are you okay? How did it go?”

  Mona gave him a hug. Releasing him, she confessed, “He told me nothing, Brakion.”


  Sitting on her bed, Mona removed her boots. “I mean, he just stood there. Looked me up and down, studied me with his eyes, turned his back, then told me to leave. I don’t know why he even wanted to talk. I gazed at him for minutes, trying to make him feel uncomfortable, hoping he would speak. He didn’t.”

  “Maybe he doesn’t know what to say.”

  “It’s possible.”

  “I’m sorry, I wasted your time Mona.”

  “Don’t be. It’s not the result I wanted. I’m upset, to say the least. But I know who my father is now. Now I can just move on with my life, and put him behind me.”

  “I’m glad you have closure Mona.”

  “Come here Brakion,” she ordered. Reaching out to hold his rough sandpaper hands, Mona changed the subject, “I don’t want to move on with my life without you in it. Stay with us.”

  “I was planning on it,” he confirmed, then kissed her on the forehead. “I hate to do this, but I have to go. I have to speak with Kansas. Then, I will be back.”

  “Just don’t be gone too long.”

  “Shouldn’t take too much time” he replied, letting go of her hand.

  “Oh and Brakion,” she mentioned.


  “Be careful around him. He’s up to something.”


  Kansas remained handcuffed from his visit; leaning against the wall. The guard opened the rusty cell door. Brakion entered. Kansas moved his gaze to Brakion.

  “Guess we had a deal didn’t we?”

  “Yes, we did. Although, it seemed like a waste on your end.”

  “No, not really, I got to see that my daughter is healthy and well. Apparently my granddaughter is a bad ass, because she took me down. But I blame myself for going
soft. Melina’s responsibility for that influence.”

  “Now, as part of our bargain I need to know your original plan, and who the hell is the Meeshu Cult?”

  “Ah, now that is quite the mystery. It’s interesting. I once thought like you Brakion. We were chosen to remake the world. Instead, we were part of a larger game. The Messengers told us the Exodus Coalition was the responsible group that tried to destroy us; leaving the Earth in search of a new home,” leaning forward he continued, “that was a partial truth.”

  “Go on. I’m listening.”


  “While on Prison Island, I was visited by a Messenger, a year before I escaped.”

  “Wake up Kyle Sharo,” a flat voice spoke.

  Kansas woke, startled in his bed, nearly jumping out of his ragged covers. A man stood near the foot of his mattress. He was tall, dressed in a glowing white robe. Large glowing eyes, void of pupils, took up a large section of his face. His mouth was smaller in proportion to his profile. Gray with a green hue, was the color of his skin. The unexpected visitor’s hands seemed human in shape, except for the color.

  “Lovely, a messenger beckons. Do you mind knocking the next time you want to enter my home?” Kansas asked defiantly. “Who are you?”

  “I am Augustus.”

  “What do you want Augustus?”

  “Watch the shore every day. I am sending you a new Chosen. Her name is Rosalie.”

  “Forgive my question, but why do we need another Chosen?”

  “She will lead humanity, to glorify our will. True peace through dominance and obedience. You will use her as a means to escape. Then, you must kill her. She will be given the gift of the Elisha Amulet.”

  “Hate to poke holes in your plan, but Brakion Vol is the only one who knows the location of the remaining Elisha Amulets. I don’t have an extra one.”

  “An amulet has been located. But this is not your concern. I am a god. Obey me and be rewarded.”

  “Gods? You’re just an alien race, similar to humankind. Oliver and Bittersmith confessed this to us. I am not your puppet, Augustus. Messengers are not to interfere with free will.” Pausing for a moment he asked, “But due to my curiosity, what do I get in return?”

  “Your freedom from our judgement, immortality at your grasp.”

  “Immortality, is already in my possession.”

  “No, you can die. Every time you live a lifetime, you forget half of the memories you possessed. So in a sense, you perish. But I can save you from eternal death.”

  Kansas’ body convulsed, his body began to illuminate a bright yellow glow. The feeling of fire filled his veins. “No! What are you doing?” Kansas began to float above his bed until he hit the low ceiling of his Prison Island dwelling.

  “Gifts can be taken away,” Augustus coldly spoke.

  “What do you wish of me?”

  “Once she is dead, our human followers will give you more instruction. They will provide you with an opportunity to leave the island.”

  Augustus disappeared in a fog. Kansas’ glow dimmed, his pain halted. Gravity took over, crashing Kansas to the bedding.

  “I did what Augustus asked of me. I removed her implant, which can only be accomplished within the time table of a week, from installation. I used Rose for an escape plan to get the chips turned off for other prisoners. Then I murdered her. A vessel arrived, so I took my leave from Prison Island.”


  “Why did you come to Mitton?” Brakion inquired.

  “Well, the plan backfired because of Scarla. But the backup is in the works,” Kansas revealed with a smile.

  “I ought to knock your damned grin off of your face, Kansas. Don’t tempt me. What is the backup plan?”

  “It’s done. Now the Capital Kingdom will watch the Genesis District tear each other apart.”

  Brakion grasped Kansas’ collar with both hands, “What the fuck did you do?”

  Kansas snickered rebelliously. Brakion smashed his nose with a head butt. Blood spewed out and down Kansas’ chin. He began to laughed maniacally.

  “This won’t change anything, Brakion!”

  “Goddammit Kansas, we had a deal! I can make your last moments of this life painful! What did you do?”

  Licking the blood gliding down his lips Kansas responded, “Sugar is sweet. It’s in their sugar rations. They love their pastries, their teas, and their rum. Oh, how they enjoy their sugar in the Genesis District, don’t they? How fat, spoiled, and lazy they have become! By now, all of them have consumed it in one form or another!”

  “What did you put into it?”

  “Oh, nothing much, just pure spiker, altering their minds! Imagine a whole district of people with a short fuse starting a powder keg! You remember don’t you Brakion?! There was nothing you could do to stop my mother from killing!”

  “You stupid fucking…” Brakion cut off his statement by flinging Kansas against the wall. Bouncing against the wall, crashing onto the jail cell floor, Kansas lost his breath. Stomping over to him, Brakion picked him up by his neck, choking him. Holding him off the ground, Kansas’ feet dangled and kicked. Brakion squeezed his fingers tighter against his neck. “I should kill you right now!”

  Gasping for air, Kansas was able to wheeze out some words, “Ya…You..p…prom..ised. I ha…have more… in-fo.”

  Releasing Kansas’ throat, he dropped, clutching his neck. Brakion ordered, “Spill it!”

  “Whom (cough) will you save? (cough) Genesis District? (cough) Or Tyra District? You can’t send your troops to help (cough) both of them. The Meeshu Cult is coming for your precious (cough) district. It’s rather small in population compared to the Genesis District. Do you abandon this one?”

  “Guard! Let me out! Now!” Brakion ordered. The guard scurried to the cell door and opened it. Referencing Kansas, he ordered the guard, “Keep and eye on him!”

  Slinging the door to the jail entrance open, Brakion sprinted as fast as he could. Passing by the tunnel entrances, and marketplace of Tyra’s Keep, until he reached one the communication rooms. Walls were filled with monitors, computers, radios, and wires. Three soldiers stood up in attention.

  Heavily breathing, Brakion ordered, “Code five zero five, Sergeant. I want all units on full alert. Radio General Loft, Lieutenant Yu, and Captain Argiss. Tell them to meet me in my office immediately.”

  “Yessir,” they confirmed in unison.

  Brakion was about to exit, but an emergency call came through on one of the radios. He stopped when he heard the transmission.

  “This is Corporal James Cash! Emerald Fort is in danger! I repeat! Emerald Fort is in danger!”

  “What is your status Corporal?” asked one of the operators.

  “We have an enemy headed our way. Outposts Diamond, Amethyst, Pearl, and Sapphire are not responding. Opal fort is confirmed as destroyed, with full casualties. An army is headed our way! We have sustained two soldier casualties, and three wounded. We are exposed. The Emerald Fort is incomplete!”

  Snatching the handle from the operator’s hand, Brakion answered the emergency call. “Corporal, this is AG Vol. Can you hold out for sixteen to twenty four hours?”

  “I..I don’t know sir. As I stated, we are exposed. Two walls are incomplete.”

  “Listen closely Corporal Cash. Use anything you can to barricade the opening. Pile up anything you can for cover. I will be sending a unit to help you.”

  “Yessir, we are working on that now.”

  “Report on the names of the casualties and wounded,” he commanded to Cash. Turning to one of the operators he ordered, “Type these names down in your tablet.”

  “Private Montel Grail, and Private Cole Doyle are deceased. Private David Van has a broken arm. Thomas Herco of the construction crew has broken ribs and legs. Private Angus Vol is in critical condition with multiple gun shot wounds, he is in emergency surgery right now.”

  Brakion’s heart skipped a beat. He did not expect to hear his nephew’s name called. B
rushing his worry aside, he tried to find out more information. “Do you have any info on the enemy headed your way?”

  “Private Vol gave an estimate of two to three hundred soldiers. He said something about a Meeshu Army, before he passed out again,” Cash reported. “He was in too bad of shape to elaborate any further.”

  “Use whatever tactics you can to stall their progress Corporal Cash. Stay near the line and keep us informed.”

  “Yessir, Corporal Cash out!”

  Chapter 22

  A thick iron oval conference table filled the dull cave room. In the center, a three dimensional hologram display of the Tyra District hovered above its surface. Brakion stood while General Loft, Captain Argiss, and Lieutenant Yu remained seated in brown leather chairs, two other chairs remained empty. Joel sat on a wooden stool, made of cherry, near the conference room entrance. On his lap, rested a short blade steel sword, resonating the design of the ancient Vikings. While unnecessary, the feeble elderly warrior stubbornly refused to leave the room. Joel wanted to feel useful in his oath of protection, for his former king. His head tilted back, as lethargy caused the old man to doze off.

  “You can’t be serious AG Vol? Please with all due respect, we need you here to command our soldiers in the Tyra District,” Captain Argiss pleaded.

  “I understand your concern Argiss, but General Loft is more than capable of protecting the citizens of this district.”

  “Sir, I must agree with the Captain,” Loft interjected. “While I am honored that you trust me to control this situation, you are a symbol to the citizens. It will give them hope and strength to fight should they breach the wall.”

  “This wall must not be breached, I have a special precaution in place. But we can’t abandon the Emerald Fort. They are outnumbered and outgunned.”

  “Sir, send me,” insisted Yu. “I can extract the survivors and bring them back here.”

  “I know you are capable Lieutenant, but I have no intention of abandoning the Emerald Fort.”

  Uncertain of Brakion’s thinking, Argiss questioned him. “Again, with all due respect, why are we pulling resources to save that area? It’s unpopulated, except for the Emerald Team and construction crew. Shouldn’t we focus our attention on the Tyra District defenses, and give aid to the Genesis District? Has this anything to do with your nephew?”


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