The Elisha Amulet: Enigmas & Empires: Book One

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The Elisha Amulet: Enigmas & Empires: Book One Page 26

by Brad Carr

  Disappointed by his comment, Brakion responded, “First off, you know I wouldn’t put the entire district at risk for anyone. Second, if we aid the Genesis District, our forces will be spread too thin. I truly wish we could help the Genesis District, but it is heavily populated. We can’t protect that entire district, or citizens, even with the help of the other districts in Mitton. But we can defend our own. And as of right now, the Emerald Fort is our annex. We are responsible for it. I need to assess the situation myself, to determine how strong this Meeshu Cult threat is. I have already ordered a platoon to aid them. I will meet up with them after this meeting.”

  “Sir, how can one platoon aid the Emerald Team? What if the report of their numbers is correct? You are still outnumbered,” Yu chimed in.

  “That report gives us the upper hand Rebecca. Their numbers are in the hundreds, which means, if this enemy has that many soldiers in one place, they are most likely the major invading force headed toward the Tyra District. Destroying the other forts had to be a part their plan, so they wouldn’t be caught in the middle of two fronts. But now their element of surprise is compromised. They didn’t count on us receiving intel.”

  Brakion leaned his hands on the table, sitting down in his chair. Everyone, except Joel, took a moment to stare at one another. Although Brakion’s observations seem logical, puzzled expressions remained.

  “What is your plan AG Vol?” asked Loft.

  “With the help of what’s left of the Emerald Team, and the soldiers I just sent to aid them, we will slow them down before they reach the Tyra District. I’m hoping to cut them down before they get an opportunity to arrive at our tunnels, or city gates.”

  ”That is suicide,” Lieutenant Yu pointed out.

  “Hopefully not, but if it comes down to that, we will defend it to our last breath. The Tyra District won’t have a force to contend with, because we are going to take them down before they arrive. We won’t succeed by numbers. I have a plan that will even the odds.”

  “What is that plan Brakion?” Loft asked.

  “The Ancients had a weapon I will be using.”

  “What weapon?” Yu inquired.

  Brakion ignored her, and continued his instructions, “They won’t be able to get through our walls. I have made sure of that. But we have weaknesses here.” A tablet sat in front of Brakion, on the table, picking it up he used his fingers to zoom inward to the model of the Tyra District. The holographic projection above the table expanded to reveal a network of underground tunnels leading in eight directions. “We have emergency tunnels leading away from the Tyra District as well as the main cargo tunnel connecting to all the districts. I want the main cargo tunnel entrance locked down and guarded by at least thirty soldiers; just in case they break through. If they do happen to get that far, blow the entrance with the dynamite we have in storage. Lieutenant Yu that is your job if it comes to that.”

  “Yes Sir. I won’t let you down.”

  “I know you won’t Lieutenant.” Turning his attention to Captain Argiss, he continued ordering. “Captain, you will be sending eight small teams to the emergency tunnels.” Brakion pointed to one of the emergency tunnels, ascending to the surface of the ground.

  “Affirmative,” Argiss replied.

  “Which brings me to you General,” Brakion continued. “Loft, I want you to send four small teams to guard the top of the wall. Set up barricades and get your best sharpshooters in place. We will also need heavy artillery personnel for the turrets.”

  “Yessir,” Loft acknowledged.

  “This is only precautionary. You have your assignments. You are all dismissed,” Brakion concluded his briefing getting up from his seat.

  Loft, Argiss, and Yu left the conference room. Waking as they passed by, Joel feebly stood up, sheathing his sword, attached to his left hip. “What about me King Brakion? What are your instructions,” he asked in a croaky voice.

  “You, my most loyal friend, have the most important job of all. I want you to protect Mona and Leah while I am gone. They are important to the future of the Capital Kingdom. Keep them safe.”

  Smiling with pride, Joel declared, “I will protect them with my life.”

  Putting his hands on Joel’s feeble shoulders, “I know you will Joel. I have the utmost confidence in you.”


  “Don’t go. Please,” Mona cried, squeezing Brakion around his back. Her eyes exposed tears, red with irritation. “I just got you, and now you’re leaving. I want you here.”

  “I will be back Mona.”

  “You don’t know that Brakion!”

  Touching her face, he wiped her tears and said, “I will be back Mona. I promise. And I do love you. Trust that. But I have to protect the people of the Tyra District. Even if it means I have to leave. It is my duty.”

  “Fuck your duty! Retire and stay with me,” she began to whimper. “Why does it, have to be you? You’re always trying to come to the rescue for everyone else but yourself.” Mona pressed her forehead to his chest. “General Loft can take on this responsibility Brakion. You are not a one man army.”

  “There is more at stake here than anyone knows. The future of humanity could be at stake.”

  Lifting her head, she argued, ”That doesn’t make any sense. There is more to humanity than just the Tyra District.”

  “You’re right. But stopping the threat may prevent a horrible enemy from taking power.” Leaning down he kissed her tenderly on her lips. Releasing himself from her embrace, “I am doing this for you, and Leah also. I want her to grow up in a world where she can thrive, have children of her own, and be happy.”

  Realizing that changing his mind wasn’t an option, she succumbed to defeat. Mona stopped protesting, and yelled, “Then go already! Just go!”

  “You’re upset right now. I get it. But I will be back. I’m going to say goodbye to Leah now. Where is she?”

  “It is late. She is sleeping. Don’t bother. Just go!”


  “Aren’t you in a rush? You said so yourself! I will be sure to tell her, you said goodbye. Just,” she paused, lowering her voice. “Don’t extend this longer than it needs to be.” Brakion attempted give her a last kiss, but she turned her cheek, “Just go. Get out of here. Go ahead and get yourself killed, just like the rest of the people I have ever cared about.”

  Brakion sorrowfully turned away from her, walked over to her door, and exited. He paused, the thought crossed his mind to give into her. No guarantee, he may not make it back in this life with her. The odds were stacked against him. “Leave the Emerald Fort to its fate,” he thought to himself. “Angus is his own man, I can’t be responsible for his safety.” Internal conflicting arguments plagued his thoughts. Ignoring his wants, he trotted down the steps, crossing the empty marketplace, leaving Tyra’s Keep.

  Mona, waited stubbornly with her arms crossed by the door. She was certain he was going to walk back in. But soon she realized, he wasn’t. Regretting her harsh words to him, Mona sprung after to chase him. Slinging her apartment door open, Mona scurried down the steps to an empty marketplace. She was too late. Brakion was gone. Worry consumed her. She dropped to her knees, proceeded to sob.

  Praying was something she hadn’t endeavored to do in a long time. Desperately, Mona begged for Brakion’s safety to the Scarlet Republic gods she grew up with. Mona also chanted to The Creator, the Logical God, that was prevalent in Capital Kingdom culture. Deep down in her mind, she knew it was futile to believe. Special treatment wouldn’t be given from a deity. But Mona attempted to pray anyhow.


  Bantam grunted in patient obedience. Brakion tied down a metal case onto the rear of his saddle. The box was nearly a meter long, thirty centimeters in width by thirty centimeters in depth. A metal latch clamped the top closed. Saddle bags were full of supplies he thought were necessities. An assault rifle rested in a holster connected to the saddle.

  Brakion wore armor covering his entire body. The sections of
bendable armor were matte black, made from light kevlar. Separate hardened plates covered the major muscle groups, individually, with the exception of the pectoralis major. Instead of two plates of armor covering each pectoral muscle, one entire piece added protection to the heart. Engraved on the chest, was the Capital Kingdom insignia, and a name in blue that read, “A.G. Vol.” Under the armor, silver meshed straps connected the hardened plates. Over the armor, he wore his gristol fur coat. A sheathed katana with a blue gem hilt, was holstered to his left hip.

  Brakion petted Bantam, on his head and face. “You ready boy?” The large war pig huffed a breath from its snout, blowing Brakion’s hair, and beard backward. Bantam grunted, in confirmation, that he was prepared.

  Grabbing a black cotton hood from his pocket, Brakion pulled it over his head. The hood fit snug against his face, covering over his beard, exposing the eyes and nostrils. Stuffing his hair inside the back of the hood, he immediately felt warmer from the frigid elements.

  “I’m coming with you Brakion,” a young Bittersmith said, walking up behind him. Her long, straight, and blonde hair was pulled back into a bun. Piercing blue eyes similar to Brakion’s, created a focal point away from her perfectly proportioned facial features. She wore form fitting brown leather pants, shirt, coat, and boots.

  “Haven’t seen you in that form in a while.”

  “Well, I figured it’s been a while since I’ve used the young woman form again.”

  “While I would like the company Bittersmith, I’m not sure why you would want to come along.”

  “You require answers Brakion. I will answer them along the way. Then I’ll transport away so you can continue your mission.”

  “I was beginning to wonder when I could ask you some more questions. Do you need a war pig?”

  “No, I will ride along with you, on Bantam.”

  “Suit yourself,” he conceded, climbing onto Bantam’s back. He patted the back of his saddle signaling to her to get on.

  Bittersmith hoisted herself onto Bantam. Wrapping her arms around his waist, she whispered in his ear, “Let’s go.”

  Bantam didn’t require reins. Brakion gave orders, and the war pig obeyed. However, to secure himself, the saddle provided two hand grips on the front. “Through the gates boy!”

  Bantam galloped through sections of the district. Anyone strolling the Tyra District at night, removed themselves from Bantam’s path. The war pig’s hair waved through the breeze, as he picked up speed. Bantam’s large hooves thumped on the sand and gravel. Guards opened the gates upon viewing his arrival in the short distance.

  Now at full acceleration, the cold air hit Brakion’s face like a hurricane gust. Pushing a concealed button above his name tag, a helmet unraveled from his collar, covering his head. The full faced visor allowed his vision to be unhindered. The sides and back of the helmet matched his armor. Revealing his face, the visor dimly illuminated.

  Passed the gates, Bantam trekked to the exterior of the Tyra District walls; dividing through a well populated area of potential citizens. Light from the street lamps fading into the distance, they ventured into the darkness. Moonlight beams and stars illuminated the night sky above. Fields of tall grass whipped against Bantam’s legs. But the war pig’s tough skin didn’t feel the slaps of it. Bantam had been cooped up for too long, and he was enjoying his freedom outside the Tyra District.

  Eventually, they reached the edge of the dense forest. Bantam slowed to a trot, so he wouldn’t crash into any trees. This gave Brakion opportunity to converse with Bittersmith, now that it was quieter. Removing his helmet by the touch of a button, he took a large breath of crisp air, exhaling white puffs of steam.

  “Who is Augustus?” Brakion questioned without hesitation.

  “Augustus is just another messenger like me. But he chose another path. He is ignoring the instructions given by the Creator.”

  “And those instructions are?”

  “As you have been told before, mankind is to dwell and survive on the earth until we receive more instructions. The Messengers ought not to interfere with free will. Augustus chose the path of Meeshu. She is a rogue factor, who wants mankind to worship her, as an almighty Goddess. Meeshu intends to reshape the minds of humanity, to be submissive, and unquestioning. Slaves with undying devotion, that is her true intent. Meeshu tempted some of the messengers to join her; promising them dominion over mankind.”

  “While I have seen miracles in my life Gabriella, and I don’t doubt the wonders of the universe; how do you know what the Creator’s will is?”

  “Some things are best kept from humans, Brakion Vol, even you.”

  “Fair enough. Is this ‘Meeshu’ dangerous? How can I fight a messenger?”

  “Humans are no match. Only an angel, can destroy another angel. But we won’t. It is not our place to fight the wars of humans. We can advise, and give training to humans to benefit their survival. But that is all we are instructed to do at the moment. However, to answer your other question, Meeshu is a threat. If a human agrees to a covenant with a Messenger, they are bound to them. A lifetime of slavery to Meeshu, is a steep price. But keep in mind, Meeshu cannot force obedience, unless it is freely agreed upon. She can influence, just as we can. But ultimately, a human is responsible for their own decisions.”

  “So my conflict will not intersect with your kind?”

  “No, but it is of worthy note that any Messenger can give, or take away the power of the Elisha Amulets.”

  “What do you advise I do?”

  “You can eliminate the Meeshu Cult. By doing this, Meeshu will not possess followers. Without supporters, Meeshu and her insurgent angels, will not have any worshippers. Thus diminishing her power.”

  “Babies are born everyday Gabriella. And with that, a new generation of possible followers are available for Meeshu.”

  “Of course.”

  “So, how do we win?”

  “It’s not about winning a war Brakion. Only battles. Nothing can be final until we have a new command from the Creator.”

  “But you haven’t had any new instructions for millions of years. You’ve told me this yourself.”

  “Oh, Brakion, with all the lifetimes you’ve been given, have you not learned anything? Human concepts of time do not apply to the universe. What seems like a lifetime to you, is just a simple hour to us.”

  “So what is my purpose now? Why do I remain, to have the power of removing Elisha Amulets? Surely there are more worthy candidates than I.”

  “Ha!” Gabriella snickered. “Brakion Vol, are you trying to relieve yourself of your covenant?Wishing for a peaceful life? Family? Those will always be limited, and temporary. The gift of the Elisha Amulet wasn’t gifted for those purposes. You made a promise. Although I have allowed you to have extended freedom, you are bound by your agreement to us, forever.”

  “What?” Brakion fumed as he halted Bantam. Stepping down from his saddle, he wanted to speak to Bittersmith face to face. She consented, and hopped down to the ground. “Are you saying I have no choice in the matter?”

  ”You had a choice Brakion. Just like Meeshu’s followers. You made a binding agreement, with your free will, to the loyal Messengers. Brakion, do you not remember? You are forever joined to me.”

  “I….I don’t remember anything of the sort.”

  “Then it is time to unlock all of your memories. These memories will be transferred to you from lifetime to lifetime. It may be painful.” Bittersmith reached out with her soft hands and touched Brakion on his cheek. Eyes rolled backwards, he stood in a trance as a memory long forgotten, climbed into his brain.


  A young Brolin Vol stood in front of a stone altar. His freshly shaven skin was void of wrinkles. Short blonde hair spiked vertically at varying lengths, on top of his crown, with the follicles on the sides and back of his head faded close to the skin. Fire from the candles danced in his eyes. Wearing a bedraggled brown cloak, draping to his ankles, brown leather sandals clung
to his feet.”

  The altar was a stone slab table, the perfect size for a human to lie upon. Placed at the front of the altar, a wreath crafted from circuits, wires, and ancient electronic switches hung, dangling like snakes on a tree. A crescent moon hung upon the bright, starry sky. Ruins of a foundation, from a long forgotten skyscraper, protruded pylons out of the ground, surrounded by decades of dead leaves.

  A youthful face of Sam Vol stood behind his brother, wearing similar clothing; with the exception that the cloak, was obviously newer than Brolin’s. Reaching out his arm, he gripped his brother’s left shoulder.

  “You don’t have to do this,” Sam preached. “We have the amulets. We don’t need any more power.”

  “I know Sam. But someone has to be responsible for the Elisha Amulets safety,” Brolin stressed. Turning around to speak to Sam directly, he continued, “If those amulets are misused, someone has to be able to remove it. Mankind will not know how to direct itself. If you or I die, we’ll forget portions of our memories. All that knowledge would be gone. Whom will remember mankind’s history? How can we stop the repetition of our mistakes? I must make sure we don’t become extinct.”

  “I know you think you are doing the right thing. But you’ll never have a normal life again. Although I believe in the Messenger’s mission, I also believe in happiness. I want a legacy of the Vol name to continue. I want a family someday, a simple life.You have the same aspirations Brolin. You have expressed them to me. If you do this, the Messengers will be paramount to you; before anything else. If they instruct you to do something, you have to obey, without question. Even if that means, leaving loved ones behind.”

  “Why are you really against this Sam?” he questioned.

  “Think closely before you go through with this.”

  “I have.”


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