The Elisha Amulet: Enigmas & Empires: Book One

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The Elisha Amulet: Enigmas & Empires: Book One Page 27

by Brad Carr

  “No, you haven’t. Brolin, you remember when we lost our children in the great plague? Do you want to carry that memory with you from lifetime to lifetime? With what we have now, we can possibly forget it. When the memories get too painful, it can be a living hell. We can give the Elisha Amulet back to the messengers, whenever we want. That pain could fade away into oblivion. Never to be brought back to our minds again. We’ve carried that for centuries. But what happens, when we don’t want to continue living? What happens when those memories become a burden? We now have the choice to die, like normal people do. The amulets can be a blessing of course, but it’s also a curse. There will be no going back if you make this vow.”

  “I am going through with it Sam, whether you agree with it or not.”

  “I will respect your decision Brolin. Just don’t expect me to be a part of all your lifetimes. One of these days, I will have enough of it. And when I do, I will go into the great unknown, just like the rest of mankind.”

  Brolin firmly hugged his brother. Releasing him he confessed, “I will support whatever you wish. I will remove the amulet when you wish me to. For now, stick it out as long as you can.”

  “You got it.”

  Minutes passed. Sam left Brolin alone, while awaiting the Messengers. Oliver and Gabriella appeared before the altar. In the background behind them, stood multitudes of Messengers. Wearing glowing white robes, they no longer disguised their faces as human. However, Oliver and Gabriella kept their human form.

  “Brolin Vol,” Oliver called to attention, “Remove your garments, and please be seated upon the altar.” Brolin obeyed his command. Sitting upon the stone altar, he commanded,”Lean all the way back.”

  Although the night air was warm, the stone was cold to the touch of his skin. Brakion did as he was instructed. Gabriella Bittersmith clamped shackles onto his wrists and ankles. Pulling them tight to a hook at the base of the altar, she walked away, standing a few meters from Oliver.

  “According to the code of the Messengers, the blood covenant must be carried out by a member of our creed. The Messenger known as Gabriella Bittersmith, has volunteered to be bound forever to the proposed hybrid. Bittersmith, please remove your robes to begin the ritual.”

  Gabriella removed her glowing robe, dropping it to the ground, revealing a young woman’s form. Her bare feet crunched against the leaves on the ground, dark soil stained the soles. Oliver, removed two long syringe needles from behind the altar, concealing it behind his back.

  “Brolin Vol, you will be forever tied to Bittersmith. The ritual will begin with the exchange of life fluids.”

  Bittersmith climbed on top of the altar, straddled Brolin. His penis began to swell at the sight of her naked body. Gripping his member she directed it inside her vagina, and began to grind. Rotating her hips, she made love to him in front of the attending Messengers. Gabriella moaned with carnal pleasure when he filled semen inside her. Bittersmith leaned her head back, her eyes gleamed a red light beam that travelled upward. Her skin emulated an incandescent gold tone.

  “The fluids of pleasure have been exchanged! Now to the blood exchange of pain!” Oliver announced as he gave Bittersmith both syringes.

  Holding each of them in separate hands, Gabriella placed the pointed end of a needle between her breasts. Puncturing her heart, pulling the plunger, the syringe barrel filled with glowing violet blood. “Turn your head Brolin, don’t be frightened,” she hovered towards his right ear and whispered to him.

  Thrusting another needle shaft deep into his heart, he yelped when it entered. Pulling back to reveal a syringe replete with dark crimson liquid, she transferred his blood into her own heart. Using the syringe full of her extracted florescent blood, she stabbed it into his chest, pushing the plunger, filling his heart.

  “The blood covenant is completed! Now the metamorphosis will begin!” Oliver exclaimed.

  Hugging her breasts against his chest, Bittersmith gave him a tender kiss on his lips. Brolin seemed frightened. The idea of not knowing what the next step would entail, gave him a sense of regret.

  Realizing his fear, Bittersmith said in a hush tone,”Don’t worry. The hard part is over. It will be as if you are sleeping.” She wrapped her arms under his upper back. Their skin began to harden, transforming into a bark-like texture similar to a tree. Their image darkened. Petrified solid, they mirrored the semblance of a sculpture of two human lovers, joined together by the same material.

  “The ritual is complete! Brolin will now be forever known as our brother! Another servant of the Creator, our Knight of the Chosen! By morning light, the link will be established!”

  Just as Oliver had proclaimed, Brolin and Bittersmith’s shell cracked, falling apart at sunrise. They woke together, the rest of the Messengers took their leave. Two white cloaks were folded neatly, next to the altar for awakening.


  “Gabriella, I am sorry. I didn’t remember. I…am I a disappointment to you? I now remember our feelings for one another. We were in love once. Did I betray you, with human women? I love Mona too. Does this..”

  “Stop,” Bittersmith interrupted. “I didn’t show you this to make you feel guilt Brakion. You have human feelings after all. Just like Elisha, you are the hybrid. Brakion, you are the Knight of the Chosen. Men will always want a variety of pleasures and wants. Our bond goes deeper than physical pleasure. I blocked this memory for you, in the last few lifetimes, and remained your mentor and friend. Many memories were hidden. It was my gift to you. No human can split us apart. We are together, mentally, spiritually, and sometimes physically, for all eternity. Even if you spent the rest of this lifetime with Mona, you will still be bound to me. She will perish one day, and reincarnate without any knowledge of you. Loyal Messengers don’t feel jealousy, Brakion. We feel a sense of duty, honor, and love.”

  “What about Messengers, like Augustus? Meeshu? They seek to enslave mankind. How is that love?”

  “The Meeshu Cult Messengers do feel love for humanity. They wish to protect humankind, from themselves. But this goes against the true purpose of the Creator’s wishes. Selfishness clouds thinking,” Bittersmith paused. “All the negative things that humans experience, must be allowed. The universe is about balance. Just as nature requires positive and negative effects to survive, so does mankind.”

  “I understand. Thank you, for showing me this memory again.”

  “Do not thank me yet Brakion. I unlocked all of your important memories. After your next reincarnation, you will recall all the important people you’ve lost through the ages of your existence. Grief has been a curse and a blessing. Powers formally hidden, are now revealed to you.”

  “I don’t have time to dwell on that right now. I have to get to the Emerald Fort.”

  Gabriella Bittersmith nodded and replied,”That is the Brakion I know and love. Go. Give the Meeshu Cult a lesson to remember. Eventually, you will have to battle Meeshu. You are our knight. You have the power, to kill an angel.”

  Bittersmith disappeared like a ghost into a fog, leaving Brakion, and Bantam, alone in the forest. Climbing back onto his saddle, he commanded Bantam, “With haste Bantam! We have a fort to protect!”

  Chapter 23

  “You’re awake,” Doc stated.

  Gazing at the flapping tent ceiling, the cold wind was unable to penetrate the warmth of the wood stove. Angus’ torso felt constricted, due to the tightly wrapped bindings to conceal the laser wounds. A gray wool blanket was layered above a cotton sheet on his body. Recalling the battle with the vulture dragon, his thoughts turned to mourning.

  “Tom,” he spoke in a low tone, “Is Tom okay?”

  “He’ll live. As will you. Tom is being transported back to the Tyra District. I would have sent you away too, but we are awaiting further orders from the Tyra District. You are a tough man Angus. Your armor barely protected your heart, a few more millimeters closer and we wouldn’t be speaking right now. You’ve lost a lot of blood. Van donated his blood, you both ar
e the same blood type.”

  Gritting his teeth, the worst pain he felt was his right leg. “I’ll be sure to thank him. I…I’m sorry about Cole. I know you two were close.” Doc’s upper lip began to quiver, struggling to hold back sadness like an abandoned, leaking dam. Angus attempted to change the direction of the conversation, “My leg hurts really bad when I move my foot. Is my leg okay?”

  A concerned look came over Doc’s face, “Just rest Angus. I have some medicine to help with the pain.” Striving to sit up, Angus was halted by her hand to his shoulder, “You need rest Angus.”

  “I can’t. They’re coming. I’m surprised they haven't been here already. How long was I out?”

  “Four hours,” she replied.

  Gently pushing her hand away from his shoulder, he asserted, ”We’ve got to contact AG Vol. We need reinforcements.”

  “Cash has already sent a radio call to the Tyra District. Everyone else is trying to set up more defenses, as quickly as possible.”

  “Great, I need to be out there with them,” he insisted as she gingerly put her hand on his shoulder again, proposing he not move. “Angus, you can’t get up right now. You have exposed electrodes hanging from your leg.”

  “Electrodes what are you talking about?”

  “Angus, you had some critical injuries.”

  The blanket covering his legs revealed a sunken void on the gurney. Hesitantly pulling back the wool blanket and sheet, his right leg was amputated. Below his boxer briefs, just above where his knee used to be, was nothing but an empty space. A nub end was wrapped in white bandages. Multitudes of wires hung a few centimeters from the end.

  “My…my leg?”

  “I’m sorry Angus, I did my best. But we had to amputate. I had the nurse take your measurements. The wiring is for your new leg.”

  “Fucking asshole!” he screamed.

  “Again, I’m sor…”

  “Not you!” he abruptly interrupted. Angus took a deep breath, trying his best to keep calm. “Not you Doc, that bitch Rose, working for a cult. Doyle and Grail are dead because of her, not to mention all of the recruits from the other forts. When will my leg be ready?”

  “We only have an adjustable temporary leg, until we can transfer you back to the Tyra District. But we can’t do that until we hold off this force.”

  “Show me.”

  Doc walked over to a tall metal hospital cabinet, turned the handle, and reached inside. She held up an aluminum prosthetic leg. A leather padded top, hollowed inside, coned down to single bar. At the bottom, a flat metal plate with rubber traction crudely simulated a foot. “It doesn’t bend well at the knee, but we adjusted it to fit your upper thigh.”

  “Let’s get it on now Doc. We don’t have time.”

  “Angus, you aren’t ready yet. The pain will be unbearable until your nerve endings heal. It takes time to learn to walk with a prosthetic.”

  “Then give me some drugs, and a crutch, and let me fight.”

  “Okay Angus,” she conceded knowing he wouldn’t change his disposition. “But I can’t give you too much pain medicine, or you’ll be useless. I will need assistance helping you up.”

  “I’ll help you,” said Mei, entering the tent.

  “Mei,” Angus smiled.

  Strolling over to his bed, she pecked him on the lips, avoiding to hug him for fear of causing more pain.”I was so worried. I would have been here by your side, but I have to help with defenses.”

  “I wouldn’t expect anything less Mei. Now get me out of this bed and into a fresh set of armor.”

  Doc chimed in,”Sorry Angus. But Cash used all the armor to protect the construction crew. They will have to fight alongside us. He didn’t think….”

  “He didn’t think I’d make it.”

  “Well, you can’t blame him.”

  “Just get me a new set of coveralls then, and my coat.”


  Heavy snowfall and icy wind pounded against the fort. Corporal Cash radioed to Reeves on his walkie talkie. “Reeves, any sign of them yet? I need to send another group to pull more logs for barricades.”

  “Not yet Corporal,” Reeves responded in a whisper from a sniper nest hidden nearly sixty meters away. “Send them out. I will radio in if I see any movement.”

  “Cash,” Crazy Eye’s voice came over his radio in a hushed volume. “They are in formation. They’ll probably be heading this way soon.”

  “How many?” Cash asked speaking on the radio.

  Crazy Eye was stationed on a tree branch overlooking the Meeshu Cult nearly two hundred meters away. Zooming inward, he viewed through binoculars, trying to catch more details about their movements. “About two hundred will be heading this way.”

  “What is their formation?”

  “Ten by ten, five paces apart, staggered.”

  “Good work, get back here unseen. Move your ass.”



  Crazy Eye stood next to Angus, behind a pile of logs just outside the unfinished section of Fort Emerald. The log piles were placed in a convex arch, guarding the exposed walls. The only way into the fort would be past the log barricades. Angus clinched onto the grip of his assault rifle, resting it on top of the pile. Weakened by his wounds, and barely alert from the drugs, he placed his forehead against a log. His stitches felt like they were being ripped apart, although they weren’t. Doc was a great field surgeon.

  “Wake up!” Crazy Eye tapped him on the back.


  “Come on man. The fun is about to begin. Death, blood, destruction, makes you feel alive! This is what we live for!”

  “It’s what you live for Crazy Eye, but I’ll be ready,” Angus confirmed, wincing. His head began to nod, and his eyes closed for mere seconds.

  “Angus! The time is here!” Salem stood in the middle of the clearing. Hallucinations and quickened dreams, clouded his mind.

  “Hey! What did I say? Wake the fuck up!” Crazy Eye slapped him against the back, causing Angus’ sore and weakened muscles to constrict from his wounds.

  “Wha..I am, I am,” Angus groggily responded, realizing Salem wasn’t there after all.

  Early morning sunlight began to rise. Pink and red hues of the sky penetrated through the trees of the forest nearby. The falling snow was peaceful, like small harmless bubbles descending. Small gusts of wind were slowing down in velocity. It was a perfect combination of white noise to an injured, and exhausted man. But he was alerted by the shadows emerging close to the edge of the forest ahead.

  A bolt of laser fire rang out, originating from Reeves’ sniper nest. One of shadowy figures dropped. Someone yelped from the wooded area. Another shot, another dead enemy. Then another, until the enemy force revealed themselves, marching outward from the forest.

  A flurry of laser fire struck the log barricades. Orchestras of splintered wood ricochet flew in numerous directions. The battle began with chaos.

  “Fire at will!” Cash commanded.

  Every inhabitant of Fort Emerald shot a hail of beaming, burning, death in retaliation. Meeshu soldiers dropped from their exposed positions in an open field of tree stumps. Not a logical strategy on their part, but their numbers far outmatched the residents of Fort Emerald.

  Crazy Eye and Angus fired wildly into the mass of enemies. Yet the enemies advanced, running at full speed towards the direction of the fort. Laser fire sprinkled in both directions. Some of the construction crew began to retreat, from the logs breaking apart and the cluster of enemy fire.

  “Fucking hell!” Crazy Eye howled from a shot to the neck, barely missing his vocal cords. Dropping his gun, he slumped to the ground, grasping the right side of his neck. Blood began to spurt out. “Fucking, fuck, fuck!” he gargled.

  In a fit of frenzied rage, Crazy Eye picked up his assault rifle, running out from cover, exposed. Swaying side to side, unleashing a pepper of death to the Meeshu Cult’s front line. Arms, legs, fingers, and heads blasted off in a sea of exploding mi
st, from enemies he sprayed hellfire upon. Exchanging trigger squeezes, Crazy Eye plopped to his knees, splashing a puddle of melted red snow. Full of punctured holes, Crazy Eye grinned satisfied. His teeth were stained pink. He expired, the way befitting a warrior. It was the kind of death that Crazy Eye always wished for.

  Angus continued shooting. Adrenaline gushed through his veins. He still remained in cover, but calculated his shots for accuracy, easily striking the exposed enemies. Only five meters away, the first wave of enemy forces were advancing dangerously close.

  Time seemed to grind to a snail’s pace for Angus. Clumsily diving behind cover, he reached to load another laser cartridge piled beside him. Looking to the top of the fort walls, he could see Mei’s arms shaking from the recoil of her assault rifle. Her teeth gritted, fully embracing the moment of battle.

  A tranquil state came over him. Angus unknowingly muted the noise around him, yet his heartbeat thumped in his ears. Turning his head to the right, inside the fort, nearly three meters away, Neda’s corpse was sprawled into a mangled heap of flesh. She was almost unrecognizable. Bodies of the construction crew covered the ground near her. Meeshu soldiers trampled over her, entering Fort Emerald. Cash and Doc were bunkered down behind a cabin, as well as Van behind another, on the opposite side.

  Enemies passed by Angus, taking no notice of him behind the logs. Still resting on the scarlet-speckled, snowy ground, he pushed the full laser cartridge into his rifle. Enemy soldiers aimed their weapons at Cash and Doc. Angus sprayed down five of them before they could squeeze their triggers. But his delayed, drug induced timing, cost Cash and Doc their lives as they were gunned down by three others, riddling their bodies with holes.

  Realizing they were being flanked, four enemies aimed their rifles at Angus. He shot one of them in the head, the other in the center of their chest. Van finished off the remaining two, with laser blasts to their torsos.

  Time returned to its normal pace, and thunderous volume. Mei and Van marched over to Angus, cover to cover. Another set of enemies trailed ever closer to the opening of the fort; narrowly missing enemy gunfire whizzing past them. Van holstered his pistol and gripped under Angus’ right arm, while Mei pulled him up by the left. Struggling to escape to the interior of Fort Emerald was difficult. Angus hadn’t grown accustomed to a prosthetic yet. Each step was agonizing. Reaching an area inside the fort wall, gave them a temporary cover.


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