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The Elisha Amulet: Enigmas & Empires: Book One

Page 28

by Brad Carr

  Reeves appeared inside the fort seconds later, unscathed. “More are right behind me! Seek cover!”

  Immediately, after his warning, a Meeshu soldier approached. The soldier aimed her rifle but didn’t squeeze off a shot. She was interrupted by a large black haired war pig stomping on her. Crushing her body, her exposed intestines squashed under its hooves. The rider of the war pig, was a soldier from the Tyra District Calvary. He wore black armor, similar to theirs, with the exception of a blue striped helmet, and a skull symbol across his chest. A shiny white metal staff was held in his hands. The staff was nearly as tall as they were; the farthest top end of which was oval shaped. Attached to his hip was a katana sword in a scabbard. Pointing the staff outward, the cover of the oval shape opened up in four separate pieces. It shot out a red continuous beam, slicing through two enemies like a hot knife in butter. This was clearly technology from the ancients.

  “Stay behind the wall!” he commanded through his tinted face mask.

  More war pigs and riders followed inside, each carrying their staffed weapon. Jumping off their war pigs, some began climbing stairs to the top of the wall scaffoldings to fire onto the invading army from above. Angus finally reached the top of the scaffolding, with the help of Mei and Van. Aiming his rifle, he saw Bantam, at a full gallop approaching.

  From the distance Brakion ordered, pointing to his soldiers atop the fort wall, “Cover fire!”

  The calvary obeyed, unleashing as much damage to the front line of the second wave. Brakion and Bantam entered the fort. Dropping down from his saddle, Brakion immediately removed the metal case from his war pig and placed it in the middle of the fort. Inside the case was also a small detonator. He pulled out an elongated metal device, with five chrome bars, wrapped in a series of bolts, wires, and frames.

  “Stay in cover!” Brakion commanded.

  “What the hell is he doing?” asked Van.

  Scramming to the front entrance, opening the main gate, Brakion took a deep breath. He exhaled with his hands reaching out, circling them counter clockwise. Bending his right knee, he kept the left straight. His left palm faced outward. Brakion extended his ring finger and thumb, with the rest of his digits curved. The war pigs hooves thumped against the white ground, in anxious anticipation, chugging outside the gate. A telepathic order was given, and the war pigs obeyed.

  “Keep firing until they reach the opening!” he commanded to the Calvary. They followed without hesitation. “Emerald Team! Close the gate so they won’t take us from behind!” Van and Mei left Angus behind, to quicken their effort. Angus stubbornly descended the stairs behind them, slipping and catching himself before he tumbled down. The second wave of Meeshu Cult soldiers were nearing their approach. Brakion exclaimed, “Cease fire! Swords!” The calvary pulled out their katana blades, descending the scaffolding stairs.

  After the gates were closed, Mei told Van, “Stay here out of the way with Angus, unless we need you. He’s too weak to continue fighting, and you’ve only got one arm,” Mei decreed.

  “No way!” Angus debated.

  “Yes way! You’ll only get me killed trying to save you. Do this for me! Stay in cover behind one of these cabins.”

  Angus reluctantly nodded in agreement. Van confirmed, “I’ll guard him with my life.” He paused, glaring at Angus, “After all, we’re brothers at arms aren’t we?”

  Forgiving each other’s transgressions, Angus confirmed, “Absolutely.”

  Mei didn’t hear any of this because she had already congregated together with the calvary. Mei pulled her sword from the scabbard, and held it in her right hand, facing downward. Brakion didn’t object because he already knew she was a skilled swordsman.

  The calvary hid their staffs in a special rubber case, piling them near a wall. Bewildered, Angus couldn’t understand the reasoning of putting away such powerful weapons.

  When the Meeshu Cult began to pile in the unfinished opening of the fort, Brakion pushed a button on the detonator. Crack! Whoosh! An electro magnetic pulse sent out a powerful reaction for nearly a kilometer in diameter. All of the laser weapons were rendered useless. The enemy forces were desperately clicking away at their triggers. The only functional weapons were the swords, owned by the Calvary, and Mei.

  Lined up shoulder to shoulder, Brakion commanded, “Charge!”

  The enemy force didn’t have any weapons to defend themselves with except knives. The master swordsmen twirled, sliced, and diced through enemy soldiers. Reinforcements kept piling in Fort Emerald, trying to escape the War Pigs outside. Many would get trampled. Others were impaled onto their large tusks. The Meeshu Cult soldiers were caught in the middle of exceptional warriors, and hungry war pigs. There wasn’t an option for a means to escape. Helpless screams of men and women being ripped apart by the teeth of war pigs, created a sound that Angus had never imagined. Although these were enemies, sympathy for their gruesome deaths were understandable. Piles of raw human meat were being strewn about, all over the ground.

  Angus caught a glimpse of Brakion’s face through his helmet. There was a blue glow in his eyes, and a satisfying smirk on his face. Brakion enjoyed killing. His sword moved in varying rapid directions, almost unnatural to a human body’s capabilities. At one time, he was surrounded by twenty enemy soldiers. It took only a few seconds to slice off most of their appendages. One of the enemies, stopped fighting, pleading for his life. Brakion tackled him. In a monstrous rage, he began beating the man with his fists. Caving in his face, Brakion turned the enemy’s head into a pile of gelatinous goo.

  When there was a clear path outside the fort, the Meeshu Cult survivors attempted to retreat. The Tyra District Calvary made sure that no one escaped. One of Brakion’s Calvary died, along with two war pigs. Brakion, removed his helmet on the last few kills, yearning to feel their blood splatter against his face. The last survivor was taken to the middle of the fort, beaten, then questioned. It was a young light skinned man, with green eyes, and short dark hair.

  “How big is your cult?” Brakion demanded an answer.

  “Fuck you old man!” the wheezing enemy soldier defiantly responded.

  “I like you kid. So, I’m going to give you another chance,” Brakion said pushing his blade into the soldier’s knee.

  “Naaaah!” he cried. “No more! Please! Thousand! About a thousand!”

  “So, your cult only has a thousand followers? There has to be more than that!” Brakion removed his katana from the prisoner’s knee, then sliced a gash down the man’s cheek. “Where is the rest of them now?”

  “Goddammit! Stop! Stop! I swear, that’s all. We have s…spies all over the Capital Kingdom and Scarlet Republic. We have followers in all societies. We’re not a cult. We are the Disciples of Meeshu.”

  “I don’t care what you’re called! Are there more fighters arriving?”

  “I swear! There isn’t any more arriving. This was a test from Meeshu to see if we could take the Tyra District.”

  “I’m going to end you, all of you before your numbers grow any further.”

  “Please! Please! I surrender! I’ll give you anything you need to know. I promise. Just let me live!”

  Angus interrupted the interrogation, “Where is Rose Papier?”

  “Angus, step back. This is my interrogation,” Brakion ordered.

  “You don’t understand AG Vol.” Angus leaned in, whispered in Brakion’s ear, “She has an Elisha Amulet.”

  Brakion glared at Angus in disbelief, “That’s not possible. Only I know where the remaining ones are.”

  “No, you don’t understand. That Messenger she spoke of, this Meeshu, gave her one.”

  Pausing in thought, he commented, “She must have one of the lost ones.” Turning his attention back to the interrogation, “Answer the question. Where is this Rose Papier?”

  “She, she’s in the Tyra District, to rescue some guy named Kurtis Saint.”

  “Shit! I knew he was up to something. How did you know the locations of the for

  “The Headmaster Spy gave the info to Rose Papier.”

  “Who is the headmaster?” asked Brakion.

  “I promise, I do not know who it is. I swear. Please don’t kill me,” the man begged.

  “Bullshit!” screamed Brakion, pointing his blade near the prisoner’s eye. He realized the man was telling the truth by the absolute fear of losing his life. “Why cause chaos to the Genesis District?”

  “No one was supposed to know about us! The Genesis District was to be purged of the unrighteous. Meeshu wants a clean start to the Genesis District. I don’t know how you found out about the Genesis District. The plan was to lure your resources there, spreading them thin, to allow an easy infiltration of the Tyra District. You weren’t supposed to be here.”

  “Kurtis Saint didn’t expect to get captured either. Your plan was unraveled by a little girl.” Brakion smiled. “What is your name?”


  “Joshua, you are going to live, but at a price. You will be sent to Prison Island. I want all information on the Meeshu Disciples. If you feed me false information, I’ll make sure you are tortured slowly. Do I make myself clear?”

  Dropping Joshua, he spoke to Angus, “I need you back at the Tyra District to heal. That includes all of the remaining members of the Emerald Team Three.”

  “I can’t do that.”


  “With all due respect, we need to burn our dead first.”

  “Granted, then I want you back to the Tyra District to get fitted for your new leg. That one isn’t good enough. We’ll send new recruits to occupy, and finish construction of the Emerald Fort. I am leaving my Calvary here with you to ensure Emerald Team’s safety. I wish to speak with you once you rest for a few days.”

  Chapter 24

  “Keep all soldiers and guards in position. The plan does not change. I can’t be sure if the informant is telling the truth,” the radio receiver communicated with Brakion’s voice.

  “I will sir,” Rebecca Yu confirmed.

  “Make sure Kansas Sparks is moved to another area. Bound him tight. Don’t take any chances right now. We don’t know who the spy is, or where Rose Papier is located at this moment.”

  “Why do you trust me AG Vol? The spy could be anyone.”

  “I’m going with my gut.”

  “Thank you for your confidence sir.”

  “Tell no one. No one. Understand?”

  “Yessir,” Lieutenant Yu confirmed.

  The radio beeped, signaling the end of the conversation. Yu stared back at the communication room door. She opened the door, three communications officers waited in the hallway. “You may enter now.”

  “Yes Ma’am,” the portly shaped officer said. He hesitated at first, then entered the room to perform his normal job.


  A male guard remained seated behind a desk, overlooking a thick glass window, separating the outside area of the jailhouse. Lieutenant Yu strolled up to the window, pushed an intercom button, stating,” I am under strict orders from AG Vol to transfer prisoner five o’ five.”

  Apologetically, the guard stood in attention. “Ma’am, I am under orders from General Loft not to let anyone in or out.”

  “I just said that it was strict order from AG Vol. Did I not make myself clear?”

  “Yes Ma’am, you did. But without an actual order from AG Vol himself, I cannot simply take someone’s word for it.”

  Feeling annoyed, she asked, “How can AG Vol give you an order when he is on a field assignment. I am a high ranking officer, and you will do what I tell you. Or should I get General Loft down here to ream you out?”

  “I can ask him Ma’am. He is interrogating the prisoner at the moment.”

  “Wait, he is in there right now?”

  “Yes Ma’am.”

  “Let me in, and I will speak to him.”

  “Of course Ma’am.”

  The entrance door made a loud “buzz” and opened. Upon entering, a checkpoint was situated in front of her; with a short, overweight caucasian female guard on the other side. “Please remove all weapons upon entering.”

  Yu removed her hip holster and pistol, placing it carefully on the table to her left. The guard who had spoken with her behind the glass, was present. “I’ll put it in a locker for you. We’ll take good care of it,” he nervously spoke.

  Rebecca felt uncomfortable without the gun on her hip. Something felt queer about the situation. “Very well,” she replied hesitantly.

  Passing through the weapon detector, Yu hoped the porcelain knife she kept hidden in her boot wouldn’t trip the alarm. She breathed a silent sigh of relief when an alarm didn’t sound. The female guard nodded, gesturing to give her permission to continue onward.

  General Loft approached her from a nearby hallway, “Lieutenant Yu? What are you doing here?”

  “General Loft, I am under orders from AG Vol to transfer Kansas Sparks to another location.”

  “You will do no such thing.”

  “Sir, I…”

  “Why wasn’t I informed of this?”

  “I do not know General. It’s possible AG Vol believed you would be working on the defense set up,” she responded evasively.

  “Well, until I hear it from AG Vol himself I will not allow it. He isn’t in a rush to come back now.”

  “What do you mean? Why wouldn’t he be in a rush to come back if the district is possibly in danger?”

  “I didn’t say that.”

  “With all due respect, you did.”

  The two guards walked up behind her. Immediately, Kansas Sparks exited the hallway behind Loft, Rose trailed behind. Yu felt nauseas. Rose and Kansas wore Tyra District overalls with the science logo.

  “Well, Loft, looks like you got caught red handed,” Kansas gloated.

  “Dammit Rebecca, you weren’t supposed to be here. No one would have known once I took over this district,” Loft confessed.

  Both guards grabbed Rebecca around her arms and wrists to subdue her. Yu struggled to free herself. Rose grabbed Yu by the throat.

  “She needs to die Loft. She’ll ruin our plans!” Rose exclaimed.

  “Calm down my dear,” said Kansas. “It’s Loft’s decision.”

  Loft commanded,”Let go of her Rose.”


  He replied, “Because I said so. I will decide what to do with her. Not you! I just need time to think.”

  Rose let go of Yu’s neck, she put her hands in the air, “Fine. What do you want to do?”

  “Loft, why are you doing this? Brakion was going to give you a district of your own. This can’t be for political gain.”

  “I’ve got an idea Loft,” Kansas interrupted.

  “And that is?” asked Loft.

  “Guards, knock her out.” Kansas commanded.

  The female guard struck Rebecca in the back of her head with a metal baton. Her body fell limp. She dropped to the coarse cave floor, disoriented.

  Kansas knelt over Rebecca’s body, removing the porcelain knife from her boot. “These guards are not capable of spotting simple dangers. Rose, would you mind grabbing this woman’s gun from the front desk?”

  Rose nodded, removing Rebecca’s pistol from the locker at the entrance area.

  “We’re sorry Sir,” the male guard apologized fearfully. “We didn’t notice the knife.”

  “Well, then you can drag her body to my cell door for your failure. Loft, Rose, follow me.”

  Each guard grasped onto her ankles, dragging her to the hallway on the right side. They were about to place her unconscious body inside the cell.

  “No, leave her in the hallway.”

  “But she’ll wake up, and expose us,” the female guard voiced.

  “I know.” Kansas said, stabbing the female guard under her chin, penetrating her brain with Yu’s knife. Caught by surprise, the male guard froze in place. Kansas shot him in the forehead with Yu’s pistol.

  “Shit Kansas!” e
xclaimed Loft. “You could have filled me in! I didn’t want anyone hurt!”

  “You’re welcome Loft,” Kansas paused. “I’m doing this to cover your tracks. So shut up and relax!” Grabbing the male guard’s gun, he ordered both of them, “Pick up Miss Yu, hold her up as best you can.”

  Rose clutched Yu’s left arm, Loft grabbed the right. Kansas took aim with the guard’s gun.

  “Keep hold of her arm. I won’t hit you. I promise.”

  The laser blast entered Yu’s stomach, waking her to full consciousness. She screeched, dropping to the floor, and falling backward. Tears rolled down her face, clutching her gaping wound to the gut.

  “You were a naughty woman. Brakion will now know that you worked for the Meeshu Disciples. Thank you for freeing me, Miss Yu,” Kansas jested.

  Blood poured out the sides of Yu’s mouth. Coughing, specks of blood shot up slightly from her tongue. Rose attempted to speed up Yu’s death, by placing her hand over her nose and mouth, to prevent her from breathing. She struggled, but her body was too weak. Yu kicked her feet wildly. Succumbing to her gunshot wound, she died before smothering to death.

  Loft’s eyes reflected a shine from the lights. Regretful sadness caused his mouth droop to a frown. “I…I’m so sorry Rebecca.”

  Loft dropped to his knees, overlooking Yu’s body. Kansas wiped his finger prints off the weapons using a handkerchief from his overalls pocket. Returning the male guard’s pistol near his body, Kansas also dropped Yu’s knife near her feet. He placed her pistol close to the curled, lifeless fingertips of her right hand.

  “Couldn’t have planned it better if I had tried,” Kansas remarked in pride. “Loft, you will go back to your office until someone finds the bodies. Brakion will no doubt be returning. ”


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