Fallen Into You

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Fallen Into You Page 9

by Remmy Duchene

  Dana went silent for a second then reached over to rub Abhay’s back. “I’ll cut practice short and you come home with me.”


  “Nope. I’ll make you some soup. We’ll cuddle on the sofa and watch a movie. I know I’m no Mathias, but until you figure this out I shall be your shadow—your beautiful, flawless shadow.”

  Abhay groaned.

  Dana excused herself to pack up her things and soon he was driving them toward her place. He parked and they made their way up to her apartment. While she showered he tried watching television but wound up calling Mathias again. Still, Mathias didn’t answer.

  The sinking feeling that filled Abhay’s chest was enough to make him ill. He charged into the bathroom, with Dana still trying to dry herself, flipped the toilet lid up and vomited.

  “Something you ate?” Dana asked.

  “No. Called Mathias again.” Abhay panted. “He didn’t answer.”

  “Giving him space is good and all, but you know where he lives.”

  Abhay flushed the toilet, rose and rinsed his mouth in the sink. Though he considered her suggestion, he didn’t say anything. For the rest of the evening and the night, he tried being a good guest. Even after Dana fell asleep with her head on his chest, he muted the television and remained awake. A few times his phone vibrated and he was disappointed to see it was text messages from either Ko or Priya. He ignored them both.

  The next morning, Abhay rolled out of bed, exhausted and sore. He made Dana breakfast then brought her a tray. He kissed her forehead to wake her before setting the tray on the side of the bed. “I made you breakfast,” he said. “I have to head home then to the office. There is some work I need to get done before Leon gets here.”

  “Are you going to be okay?” Dana asked, wrapping her fingers around her coffee mug.

  “I think so.” Abhay smiled. “Enjoy your breakfast.”

  After placing another kiss to her forehead, Abhay gathered his things and locked the door behind him. He did as he’d told Dana and when he arrived at the office and opened his emails, the world seemed to have imploded because he’d taken the weekend off.

  Grunting, Abhay picked up the phone and dialed the number to the client with the biggest issue.

  “It’s Abhay Chetan,” he said into the receiver. “What did you do to the software?”

  “I don’t know,” his client said. “All I know is the system went down sometime Friday night. We got it back up but the security tag is blinking red so we had to shut down to protect the data. How soon can you get here?”

  The last thing Abhay wanted to do was head to Hong Kong at that moment but he had a contract with this firm for the next five months. He sighed. “I’ll be on the next flight.”

  “Good. I’ll make sure your suite is ready and a car is available to take care of you.”


  Chapter Twelve

  Mathias listened to all the messages. Three of them were from Abhay and after two days Abhay had stopped calling. He’d spoken to Collin a couple more times since their first conversation and Mathias had realized he’d acted like a moron. As he sped through the late afternoon traffic toward Brigada, Mathias had some time to think over what had happened between him and Abhay. Though Ko was worried about Abhay’s relationship with Mathias, Abhay hadn’t been. He’d stood up for Mathias.

  ‘Things are new between us and I don’t want to ruin what we’re trying to build here.’

  That was what Abhay had said. He hadn’t agreed with Ko and he hadn’t remained silent. Yet, Mathias had been offended. Maybe this whole thing had nothing to do with Abhay. Maybe it was Mathias’ heart’s way of telling him it was time to get off that stage and put some damn clothes on.

  When he arrived at the building, the guard at the gate remembered him and let him in. When he got out of the car, he knew he couldn’t get into the building without Abhay’s code and he couldn’t remember it from the last time. Since he’d been upset, he’d deleted all of Abhay’s texts. He climbed from his car so he could cool down.

  No answer.

  He hung up and called again.

  Still no response.

  “Mathias, right?”

  He turned to see a woman standing there. She was dark-skinned with big brown eyes. With her black hair tied back she looked like a model. “Um, do I know you?”

  “Dana—Dana Salazaar.”

  “Abhay’s friend.”

  “You’ve heard of me,” Dana said. “Good. Why are you here?”

  “To see Abhay.”

  She folded her arms across her chest. “Abhay isn’t here. I’m here to check on his unit.”

  “Check on the unit? Why?”

  “He’s in Hong Kong at the moment,” Dana explained.

  Mathias’ heart raced inside his chest. “When is he coming back?”

  She shrugged. “I don’t know. He had a bit of an emergency and flew out pretty quickly. But the last time I checked, you broke up with him. So, why are you really here?”

  “I was an idiot, okay? I thought his friend was—look, it doesn’t matter. Do you know where he’s staying?”


  “I know you are trying to protect him but I need to talk to him and he’s not picking up his phone.”

  “Mathias, you really hurt him. I mean, I know it’s only been a few days and a couple of dates but Abhay doesn’t date. He’s not the type. I’ve known him a while and he’s never let a man get as close as you did. He tries so hard to stay away from men, from intimacy and then here you come. Then just when he’s opening up, there you went.”

  “I panicked.”

  “And who’s to say this isn’t going to happen again?” Dana snapped. “He’s a great guy and he’s been through hell to get to this mountain top. People are always going to talk, Mathias. They’re always going to stick their noses in where it doesn’t belong. If every time someone is an asshole about what the two of you have you run, then leave now.”

  Mathias nodded. He deserved that too. Hearing Ko speak, Mathias had been blinded by the fury of the man’s words. But Dana was right—people would say what they wanted. What Mathias always had to remember was that he was in a relationship with Abhay—or wanted to be in a relationship with Abhay, not Ko.

  “Please. I have to—”

  “Dana! Have you seen—oh, hello.”

  Mathias frowned. “What are you doing here?” Mathias glared at Ko. “Haven’t you caused enough trouble?”

  “I’m sorry you took what I said the wrong way but I was only looking out for a friend,” Ko said, resting his hands akimbo. “You get that, don’t you?”

  Mathias turned from him. Had he not, he knew there would have been a brawl in the parking lot. “Dana…”

  The woman titled her head, contemplation rich in her eyes. After a silent eternity, she reached into her purse and pulled out a pen and a small notebook. She scribbled on it. “I don’t give second chances easily, Mathias. Pray Abhay is not a stubborn mule like I am.” She ripped the paper out and handed it to Mathias.

  “Thank you.”

  “Mhmm.” She cocked a hip.

  While Mathias had a smile for her, he shoved past Ko and climbed back into his car. As he sped back toward his place he glanced at the paper. Dana had written a hotel name and room number on it. He clung to that paper as if it was his lifeline.

  At his house, he placed it under his cell phone on the island in the kitchen then darted for his laptop. He couldn’t believe just how expensive it was to fly to Hong Kong. In any case, he dug into his savings and paid for it. Mathias then called in to work to book time off for a ‘family emergency’ and tossed some clothes into a bag. He had to be patient until the next day before he could leave and Mathias thought he’d go crazy. Mathias passed the time pacing his home, trying to call Abhay again and worrying.

  First thing the next morning, he called a cab and was on his way. It would be fifteen hours before he reached Hong Kong—after a stop in
Shanghai. He climbed into the back seat of a taxi and tried his best to relax while the car hurtled through the street toward central Hong Kong.

  The hotel stood before him soon enough, towering to the sky. It was a glass monstrosity that resembled something from a futuristic movie. But Mathias took a second to admire it before jogging up the front steps and into the luxurious lobby. A doorman tipped his hat at Mathias, who smiled and nodded a greeting. It took him a little while to find the elevators. The last thing Mathias wanted to do was ask a worker. He didn’t want questions about who he was and he didn’t want them calling Abhay’s room and warning him.

  Exhausted, he waited for the door to open then checked the paper Dana had given him again. Thankfully, the walls had number plaques and soon he was standing before Abhay’s suite. He knocked.

  No answer.

  He knocked again.

  Still no answer.

  What had he been thinking? He’d just dropped his life and jetted off to a foreign country without telling anyone where he was going. Abhay wasn’t at the hotel and Mathias had no place to sleep. After trying to call Abhay a few more times, and failing, Mathias figured he’d rest for a little bit, find somewhere to eat then head back to the airport. With his open ticket, he was sure he’d be able to get on a plane for home.

  But he was so—damn—tired.

  After a long day, Abhay left his clients’ office and made his way back to the hotel. He stopped at the front desk to grab his messages then made his way up to his suite. When he got close, someone was sitting on the floor, leaning against Abhay’s door. At first he thought the person was either drunk or high. He inched closer and almost fainted when he realized it was Mathias and he was fast asleep. With a sigh, Abhay hunched down in front of Mathias and touched his cheek.

  “Matt?” Abhay called. He tapped Mathias’ cheeks. “Mathias. Mathias, wake up.”

  “Just five more minutes, baby,” Mathias moaned.

  Abhay smiled. Going down on his knees, Abhay set his bag on the floor, braced his palms on either side of Mathias’ body and kissed Mathias. He didn’t move until Mathias was kissing him and moaning.

  “Hi,” Abhay said.

  “I’m sorry,” Mathias whispered as he rubbed the back of a hand against his lips. “I didn’t mean to just show up but I was driving myself crazy.”

  “Come inside,” Abhay said, rising and grabbing his bag. Though he was happy to see Mathias, he knew they had to talk. They had to get some things out in the open then deal with the fallout that would come afterward.

  He helped Mathias up then let himself into the luxury unit with Mathias close behind him. He set his bag down, plugged his phone in to charge then walked into the kitchen area. After pouring them both a glass of wine, he handed one to Mathias. Instead of sipping, Mathias set the glass aside. He seemed tired, drained. Abhay hated that expression on Mathias so he took the man’s hand and led him into the large bathroom.

  “Strip,” Abhay said.

  “We have to talk,” Mathias said.

  “Yes, I know. But you’re tired. The flight from Bathsheba to Hong Kong is a very long one. Come on, we can talk later. Take your clothes off.”

  Mathias was hesitant but began doing as Abhay had instructed. Abhay wanted to enjoy watching Mathias’ beautiful body coming bare but, instead, he focused on the Jacuzzi tub and turned the water on. He tested the temperature of it and once he was satisfied, he undressed. He then got into the large tub and extended his hand to Mathias, who accepted and climbed in. Abhay then sat and pulled Mathias’ back against his chest. He wrapped his arms around Mathias and settled in, feeling the jets massage both of them.

  Mathias trembled in his arms and Abhay dropped his lips to Mathias’ shoulder. After a little while, Abhay couldn’t resist using his lips to skim Mathias’ shoulder, to trace Mathias’ flesh, up the side of his neck to kiss behind Mathias’ ear.

  “I never wanted to hurt you,” Mathias said, his voice sleepy. “I just didn’t want to embarrass you. You had everything—friends, wealthy, a good job—and here I was… Ko’s words struck a nerve and I’ve learned my lesson. I’d be with you, not others.”

  Abhay kissed his head. “How’d you find me?”

  “I met Dana.” Mathias sighed and cuddled closer.

  Abhay laughed. “I’m sorry about that.”

  “She loves you, you know.”

  “I know.” Abhay sighed. “Matt, you didn’t have to come all this way. I was coming home.”

  “You don’t understand. I couldn’t let you go on thinking I didn’t want you,” Mathias said, shifting around to meet Abhay’s eyes. “I’m not ashamed of what I do. This wasn’t the dream. I wanted to get married, have kids, do a job that was respectable and honest. Life was never easy for me. I grew up alone. I’m not telling you any of this for pity. But I have nothing left. All I can offer you is my independence, my promise that another man will never put his hand on this body and that—”

  Abhay kissed away the rest of his words. He tangled his arms around Mathias, pulling him into his chest and deepening the kiss. In that moment, the memory of the things they’d done to each other swarmed in on Abhay, hardening his cock. He tugged his mouth back and framed Mathias’ face with his wet palms.

  “Make love to me,” Mathias whispered. “Forgive me.”

  “Darling, there’s nothing to forgive.” Abhay brushed his lips against Mathias’ forehead. He said nothing else. Silently, he climbed from the tub to grab a condom and lube. When he returned, he drew Mathias into his arms and merged their lips again. This time, he exhaled and threw himself into the kiss, allowing Mathias to find his tongue. But Abhay wanted more—he needed to taste Mathias, to feel him grow hard and throbbing on his tongue. Even so, Abhay behaved. He sat with Mathias in the tub, making out, trailing his fingers across Mathias’ flesh.

  Mathias sighed and Abhay took that to mean he was doing the right thing. He dragged his mouth against the back of Mathias’ neck before letting water drain through his fingers against the intertwined thorns that were carved into Mathias’ back. When the water began getting cooler, he rose and climbed out. He wrapped a towel around his own hips before extending another to Mathias. His lover accepted it and after Mathias exited the tub and wrapped himself in his towel, Abhay took a second to drain the tub then led Mathias to the bed.

  “Are you hungry?” Abhay asked.


  “Climb into bed. I’ll order room service.”

  “Abhay—we really should talk.”

  Abhay said nothing. Instead he called the front desk and ordered food then turned to face Mathias. “Okay—let’s talk.”

  For a long time, Mathias said nothing. He sat on the side of the bed then walked over to the window to stare out. Abhay folded his arms and waited.

  “I’m not used to men who want me for me,” Mathias said. “I’m not used to men who take me to meet their families—their sister, their friends. All the men I’ve been with treated me like a dirty little secret. And I vowed never to let that happen again. Then come the men who always believed I wanted their souls. And after I heard Ko talking, the memories, the hurt—all of that came flooding back and I ran. I didn’t mean to hurt you. But I had to get away. I didn’t want you to think I wanted your money.”

  “Do you?”

  Mathias whirled to face him. The anger Abhay saw in that gaze paralyzed him.

  “Don’t you dare!” Mathias snapped. “Don’t you ever— Of course I don’t want your money! I don’t want anything from you but— I just want to be the kind of man you can one day love. I don’t need you to take care of me—financially at least. I’ve been on my own ever since I was a kid and no, my job may not be the one parents dream of for their kids, but it’s a job and it affords me the chance to do for myself.”

  “You’re angry,” Abhay said. “That question wasn’t because I think that’s what you’re doing. I asked so you will get mad—get it out of your system so we can get past this.”

bsp; Abhay stepped closer. “I’m looking for love, Mathias. A few years ago I thought that was soft, that it made me weak, but I look around at my friends and they love their men like the earth was on fire. Sure, they’re not perfect but you see it every time they look at each other. And I crave that. So let’s agree on a few things.”


  “Let’s agree that we’re both here for the right reasons,” Abhay continued. “That we both feel this almost supernatural pull toward each other. That we’re in this together and all decisions having to do with us be made by us, not our friends. Can you do that?”


  “Good.” Abhay kissed Mathias. He’d been patient, waiting for that. When he finally couldn’t breathe, he lifted his head. “We’re going to eat so you can regain some strength. But afterward, Mathias, your body—all of it—is mine.”

  “Anytime you want it.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  The next morning, Mathias was on top of the world. With Abhay still asleep, he took a shower, ordered room service then, while waiting, called Collin. He stared down over central Hong Kong, wondering if there was a more beautiful sight in the world.

  “Hello?” Collin’s sleepy voice came over the phone.

  “Sorry to wake you,” Mathias said. “But I didn’t want you to worry.”

  “Worry? Mathias?”

  “Yeah. I’m in Hong Kong.”

  “Wait…” There was shuffling on the other end before Collin spoke again. “I could have sworn you said you were in Hong Kong.”

  “That’s what I said.”

  “I know I probably shouldn’t ask because I might regret it. But why are you in Hong Kong?”

  “Abhay had a business trip and I had to make things right,” Mathias said.

  “Wasn’t he coming back?”

  “Yeah. But it was driving me crazy. Look, check on the house for me, okay?”

  “Matt, when are you coming back?”

  “Soon—I can’t stay away from work too long.” Mathias dragged a hand over his head. “And don’t worry about me. Abhay and I have talked and we’re good.”


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