Fallen Into You

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Fallen Into You Page 10

by Remmy Duchene

  “And you sure this guy is worth all of this?”


  With the conversation over, Mathias found a plug to charge his phone. He was going to crawl back into bed when the doorbell rang. The food was delivered and he rolled the cart into the bedroom where Abhay was still sleeping. After pouring two cups of coffee, Mathias set them on the tray and eased into the bed with Abhay. He dragged his mouth from Abhay’s ear, down along his jawline to his lips. Abhay moaned and reached for the back of Mathias’ head to keep his mouth there for a kiss.

  “Good morning—”


  “I ordered breakfast,” Mathias told him. “Coffee?”

  “Yes please.” Abhay nuzzled Mathias’ neck with his lips. “First I must use the bathroom.”

  With a smile, Mathias let his lover go. Abhay wasn’t long and soon they were sitting, facing each other on the large bed, eating breakfast with their fingers. It was the simplest thing Mathias had ever done with a man but it felt real. Between bites and stolen kisses, Mathias was flying so high, a few times his heart lurched as if the other shoe was about to drop.

  With breakfast done, they showered together and wrangled over what they had to get done that day. Mathias knew Abhay had work but when Abhay insisted on spending the time with him, Mathias gave in and decided to enjoy whatever they had to do.

  “A temple?” Abhay asked. “You’ve come all this way and all you want to do is see a temple?”

  “You asked about the one thing I had to see while I’m here.”

  Abhay pressed his lips into a thin line before dropping a kiss to Mathias’s. “Okay, baby. You’re the boss.”

  Mathias laughed.

  It took them half an hour and soon Mathias was left in stunned silence. Never in a million years had Mathias thought he’d be standing in front of one of the most beautiful buildings in the world, looking up and marveling at its greatness. The Man Mo Temple was breathtaking and so very different from anything he’d ever witnessed. A stripper from some small city shouldn’t have access to any of this—that isn’t how it works. But, there he was, Abhay clutching his hand and waiting by his side while Mathias tried not to cry at how insignificant he felt in the presence of such history.

  “I’ve always loved history,” Mathias confided. “My history marks were higher than my English grades, which stunned my teachers. I could read something and be able to remember it months later. They couldn’t understand how.”

  “Maybe that’s your calling.”

  “You think?” Mathias turned to look at Abhay. “You might be right. You know, this temple is a tribute to the god of literature and the god of war?”

  “I did not know that.” Abhay released his hand and lifted his eyes to the building. “Strange those two gods would be worshipped in the same place.”

  “Not really when you look back throughout China’s history. It makes perfect sense—can we go in?”

  Abhay nodded and they climbed the staircase at the front then dipped thorough the red door leading inside.

  “Thanks for taking time off work to do this with me,” Mathias said. “I didn’t want to leave without seeing at least the outside.”

  “Any time.”

  Mathias roamed the interior with Abhay, who walked like a silent guardian angel either by his side or just behind him. From time to time he stopped, glanced to see if anyone was around them, then he stole a quick kiss from Abhay, just because he could. After a while, they exited the temple and stopped at a gift shop nearby. Abhay insisted on buying Mathias a gift to remember the trip. Mathias picked a red and gold, handmade trinket that he could hang back at his house.

  They took another few hours to travel around Hong Kong, from Victoria Peak to Lantau Island. By the time they made it back to the hotel, Mathias was exhausted. He kissed Abhay and left him to contend with the barrage of calls he’d have to return. After a while, Abhay had turned off his phone. Mathias had felt guilty when he’d seen that but he’d remained silent. He placed his bags at the foot of the bed then peeled his shirt over his head. Mathias was undoing his belt buckle when warm hands snaked around his midsection. He turned his head just as Abhay rested his chin to Mathias’ shoulder.

  “I thought you had work?” Mathias sighed. He melted into Abhay’s hard body.

  “I do,” Abhay whispered. “But there will always be work. I was thinking as I turned on my laptop that you’d be in the tub, naked, water flowing down your perfect body. How could I ignore those thoughts?”

  Mathias trembled. “Would you like to watch or join me?”


  Reluctantly, Mathias peeled his body from Abhay’s hold and backed toward the bathroom. “Well, Mr. Chetan, as you wish.”

  Mathias stripped and turned on the water. All the while, Abhay’s gaze traced his frame. To give his lover something to look at, Mathias did everything sexier than it needed to be. As he tested the water, he bent over, bracing one hand against the rim of the tub. To his pleasure, Abhay slid a finger down his crack. Mathias glanced back at Abhay then righted himself and stepped under the downpour.

  “You’re still dressed, Abhay,” Mathias cooed. “I thought you wanted me.”

  Abhay smiled and joined Mathias under the water, fully clothed. Pressed into the cool wall, Mathias accepted Abhay’s kiss and the lust that he knew was flowing through Abhay’s body. He spread his legs to give his lover more access and was rewarded with Abhay’s long fingers wrapped around his dick.

  Mathias managed to get Abhay’s wet clothes off him and on the floor of the tub or wherever the pieces had fallen. This time, as he turned and offered his ass to Abhay, Mathias knew there was no maybe about falling in love with him. He was already more than halfway there.

  He gave himself to Abhay that night so many times he lost count. Somehow, at some point they wound up in the bed, sheets being crumbled in his palms as Abhay licked every inch of Mathias’ body. When they finally slumped together in the dark, they were both panting hard.

  Chapter Fourteen

  On the fourth night Mathias had joined him in Hong Kong, Abhay got around to calling his sister. She’d been worried about him, her message buried under the mountain of others he’d received. He chatted with her for about an hour. The last few minutes of their conversation were a fight to keep his mind straight because Mathias had been nibbling on his body. When he was off the phone with Priya, he’d made love to Mathias again.

  Now, as they lay in the darkness of their room, their bodies tangled together, Abhay couldn’t help smiling. He turned and dropped a kiss to Mathias’ head.

  “I’ve been thinking of going back to school,” Mathias said out of the blue.

  Abhay thought he’d been sleeping. “Oh yeah? To do what?”

  “History.” Mathias replied. “I figured once I have the bachelor’s degree I could then decide what to do with it. At least I’ll have the formal training.”

  “That is true,” Abhay agreed. “You’re not doing this because of what Ko said, are you?”


  “Will going back to school make you happy?”

  Mathias nodded against Abhay’s chest. “I’d of course have to quit my job. I could actually start dancing legit because I do have the skills for that. I just don’t know how I’d go about any of that.”

  “I could help.”


  “Look, you dropped everything to come all the way here for me,” Abhay said. “You feel it too, don’t you? That inexplicable pull that is happening—please, tell me I’m not alone.”

  Mathias shifted. “You’re not alone.”

  “Then let me help. I can’t get you jobs but I can open a door or two for you. Jackson Stark is a dancer. He has connections.”

  “As in Ko’s fiancé? No, I don’t think so.”


  “I said no.” Mathias rose and climbed from the bed. He exited the room, leaving Abhay sitting up, staring after him.

>   Frustrated, Abhay flopped back to the pillows. He understood why Mathias wouldn’t want Ko’s help but Jackson hadn’t even met the guy. After a few minutes of waiting to see if Mathias would return, Abhay climbed out of the bed, grabbed a nearby pair of jeans and pulled them on. He exited the bedroom to find Mathias staring out at the city moving along beneath them like a lighted trail. He snuck up behind Mathias, wrapped his arms around his lover’s body and drew him close. “I’m sorry, darling,” Abhay whispered. “I just thought if I could help you, you wouldn’t have to do this alone.”

  “I won’t be alone.” Mathias’ voice was soft. “I’ll have you. I’m used to doing it all by myself. I now have to learn to lean on you but I don’t want to do it and have your friends believe I’m using you. Things are going to be rough—this will not be easy. All you can do is be there when I need a shoulder.”

  “That’s it? Don’t ask me to turn a blind eye when…”

  “When what?”

  “You’re struggling.”

  Mathias turned to frame his face. “That’s a part of life. You’ve told me the story of your life—you know how bad it can get.”

  “I do.”

  “Then trust that if or when I need help, I’ll ask for it.”

  Abhay nodded. “I’m so glad you came here,” Abhay said. “I thought I was going to lose my mind and I just couldn’t understand it.”

  “This is the most out of the box thing I’ve ever done—well, aside from taking the job at the Rose. I never thought I’d run after a man, much less to the other side of the world. But you, Abhay—I feel like you’re worth it.”

  Abhay had no words. Instead, he kissed Mathias softly, enjoying the slide of their tongues together and the naked firmness of Mathias’ body.

  “I’m starving,” Mathias whispered. “Did we have any of that cake left?”

  “Cake isn’t a meal.”

  Mathias crinkled his nose and kissed Abhay again before walking away to look under the domes on their room service cart. “You’re not my father.” Mathias winked. “You can’t tell me what to do.”

  “Can’t I?” Abhay played along. “I may not be your father, Mathias. But after you have your cake, I’ll show you I aim to be your daddy.”

  Mathias looked up and caught his bottom lip between his teeth. When Abhay glanced down Mathias’ body, he noticed just how hard Mathias had become.

  “I see you like the idea,” Abhay said with a smirk. “Enjoy.”

  He turned on his heels for the bedroom, having every intention of showing Mathias just how naughty he could truly be.

  It took them another week before they returned to Bathsheba. After the long flight all Mathias wanted to do was find food, shower then crawl into a bed—his, Abhay’s, Mathias didn’t care. But the moment they entered Abhay’s place, they were bombarded with visits from all Abhay’s friends—even Darius and Feng Stark with their two sons and Dana. Apparently Feng and Darius’ daughter was off to some school dance but would visit at a later time. The introductions took a while and he’d forgotten a few names by the time they were over but the motley crew seemed to adore Abhay.

  After a potluck dinner, put together by everyone and Priya, the group sat around to talk and laugh. It was amazing to watch the interaction. They went from eyeing him—probably wondering what his motives were—to telling him embarrassing stories about Abhay.

  During it all, Abhay sat with a palm resting against Mathias’ thigh. Between the stories, the mirth and the kisses, Mathias was positively giddy. But as happy as he was to be in the midst of all of that, it soon became too much for Mathias and his tired brain.

  “Baby, I have to go to the bathroom.” Mathias leaned in to whisper to Abhay.

  “You okay?”

  “Oh yeah. But I’m human and need to pee.”

  Abhay laughed and kissed him. “You’re human?”

  After crinkling his nose at Abhay, who chuckled, Mathias rose, excused himself and headed to the bathroom. Afterward, he grabbed a beer and retreated to the balcony. His butt was in the seat before the footsteps drew him around. Ko stood there and instantly, Mathias’ back went up.

  “Look, if you’ve come for a fight,” Mathias said. “I’m not in the mood.”

  “I’m not here to fight,” Ko replied. He stepped through the door and leaned against the railing, leveling his brown eyes at Mathias. His silver engagement ring glistened in the moonlight. “I only wanted to make sure Abi was going into this with both eyes open. It was nothing against you. Abhay is my friend and I know what he’s been through…”

  “And you thought I was going to ruin his life.”

  “Not ruin his life—break his heart. Come on, Mathias, you would have done the same damn thing if you were in my shoes.”

  “Man, you rich folks really suck at your apologies.”

  Ko’s muscular shoulders rose and fell. “I’ll apologize for hurting your feelings but I won’t for having Abi’s back. He’s never once betrayed me or disappointed me so I’m not about to feel bad for wanting to make sure he’s okay.”

  Mathias inhaled, held the breath then exhaled. He knew Abhay would like him to get along with Ko and the guy didn’t seem like a horrible person. Mathias was just the kind of son of a bitch who could hold a grudge. “I get it. But you have to know that this is not a joke for me. I’ve spent my whole adult life looking for a man who could see beyond the fact that I take my clothes off for a living. I’m not about to fuck this up.”

  Ko nodded.

  “I mean it. I’ve worked hard to make sure I was stable so that when I did find him he’d see I didn’t want anything from him but his heart. Abhay is willing to give me that so I’m a very happy man.”

  “I know how that is.” Ko moved to take the seat beside Mathias. “Honestly, if Kent and Darius had freaked out when Jackson and I had first started dating I don’t know what I’d have done. I shouldn’t have said what I said. I’m really sorry, man.”

  “Don’t worry about it.”

  “Abi told me you’re going back to school.”

  Mathias smiled and took a drink from the bottle. “I’m going to look into applying on Monday. I’ll go back if they’ll have me.”

  “They will.”

  “Hopefully. I’ll have to quit my job. I figure since dancing was the only thing I’ve ever really been good at, I’d try and do the whole audition-for-things thing.”

  “Jackson has connections. I’m sure—”

  “No.” Mathias shook his head. “I don’t want any handouts.”

  “It wouldn’t be a handout. Look, I have a warehouse space that I’m not using at the moment. It’ll be the new Bathsheba design space once I get around to making all the changes but that won’t be for another year. You can use it as a rehearsal space until you either find something more permanent or it’s time for construction to start. I know how expensive studio space is.”

  Mathias tilted his head. “You’d do that? For me?”

  “Once you become a part of this family, Mathias, you do nothing on your own.” Ko rose. “Abhay sees something in you. He obviously feels something for you because—well, you two made love. He’s not the type to give up his body. So if he’s chosen you, that means you’re here for as long as you want to be here.”

  “I’m here—all of me.”

  “Good. Then the space is yours for as long as necessary.”

  Mathias rose and extended a hand to thank Ko. Instead of shaking, Ko pulled him into a hug.

  “Well, neither of you require bail.” Abhay’s voice had laughter in it. “I take it you’ve worked things out?”

  Mathias stepped from Ko’s embrace. “Yeah. More lessons for me to learn when it comes to your friends.”

  “We had to clear the air,” Ko said. He moved past Abhay into the house but didn’t leave until after patting Abhay’s shoulder.

  Alone with his lover, Mathias set his beer down and eased into Abhay’s arms. He tangled his arms around Abhay’s neck and looked up into his
face. “I think, Abhay, that life is about to become a whole lot better.”


  “Mhmm. According to Ko, I’m a part of a family now. I never had one of those before. The group home wasn’t really—it was just a roof and food. It’s going to take some adjustments but I’m sure I can swing it. I’ve always wanted a family.”

  Abhay grinned.

  “I think I’m going to like being a part of a family. I look at Darius and Feng with their kids. And I listen to how he talks about Emily, their daughter, and see the way they are around the boys, and I want that.”

  “That’s great to hear.” Abhay slid his palms up and down Mathias’ back. “Because Priya just cornered me in the kitchen asking when she can expect to be an aunty.”

  Mathias tossed his head back and laughed. “Well, she’s going to have to wait a little bit longer. I would like some more time to get to know my man.”

  “Your man…” Abhay moaned. “I do so love the sound of that.”


  Eight months later…

  Abhay frowned at the screen. He was pretty sure he’d written the code properly, but he still couldn’t get the damn software to behave. He’d been trying to create his own security software for online shopping carts. It’d been a dream since he graduated university. If he could get it perfected, Thaddeus had agreed to purchase the program under his line of software for a healthy price. Abhay would stay on as the top tech for the program. Abhay’s new company would be Bollywood software.

  “Abi?” Mathias called from the door of Abhay’s home office. “I can’t believe this.”

  “What’s going on?” Abhay looked up from the algorithms he’d been fussing over and lounged in his chair.

  “I got in!” Mathias exclaimed, waving a letter. “I scored the highest marks in the entrance exam and so they’re offering me a full scholarship.”

  Abhay ran around the desk and hugged Mathias. “Congratulations! See? I told you.”


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