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Her Billionaire Werewolf Stepbrother

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by K. S. Martin

  Her Billionaire Werewolf Stepbrother


  K. S. Martin

  Other Books by K.S.Martin

  Opportunity Knocked

  Her Alpha

  Wild Kat

  Not That Kind of Love

  The New Alpha

  The Reluctant Alpha

  Her Boss the Alpha

  Once Mated Twice Shy

  Summer’s Alpha

  The Alpha’s She-Wolf

  Turned Alpha

  Snow Wolf

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12


  All Rights Reserved

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. The publisher does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for author or third-party websites or their content.

  Any trademarks mentioned herein are not authorized by the trademark owners and do not in any way mean the work is sponsored by or associated with the trademark owners. Any trademarks used are specifically in a descriptive capacity.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Purchase only authorized editions.

  Copyright © December 2015, First Edition, by K. S. Martin


  We’ve sat here for a week waiting for him. Can’t we just bury her already? I’m so tired. Since the day she died, I’ve answered a million questions and filled out all sorts of paperwork. My mother just died. Well, to be fair, she picked a fight with a she-wolf half her age who is training to be an enforcer for the council. She had to know she would be killed. Maybe that’s what she was going for all along. My stepdad is beside himself. He thinks this is his fault but he’s putting up a good front for the world. He’s letting me handle it all since I’m the straight ‘A’ student that just graduated Magna Cum Laude. Number two in my graduating class.

  I would’ve been Summa Cum Laude, number one, if Laurie Tickle wasn’t screwing two professors. Rule number one of being what I am is not drawing attention to myself though so I kept my mouth shut. Laurie and I both know my grades were better. We used to be friends until she did that. Well, that and the fact that she has a job interview with Mr. Fabulous next week.

  She told me when she interviews for my stepbrother that she is going to get on her knees and ensure her success. The thought of her sucking my stepbrother off was the last straw. It was the closest I’d come to losing control of my shift in years. I could snap her neck like a twig if I wanted. That might draw attention though. I smirk at that thought because it could be worth it. If he doesn’t get here soon, I swear we are having this funeral without him. I don’t know why we have to wait anyway, it’s not like she was his mother. He didn’t even really spend any time with her here, maybe six months at the beginning.

  I was fifteen when our parents got mated. He was almost twenty and about to finish college early. He’d spent summers taking classes to finish. His dad was so proud. The last fall the class he needed wasn’t available so he ditched the whole semester and stayed with us until the January session began. He spent his time harassing me and making my social life miserable. He chased off all of the boys. Some of them still won’t give me the time of day. Whatever. It didn’t help matters that he was sex on a stick. I’m still not sure if my attraction was because he was forbidden, or older or if he really was that good looking.

  Sometimes he will pop by at Christmas time or Thanksgiving but I don’t see him often. When I do, my hormones go into overdrive. The hair suddenly raises on the back of my neck. I’ve been standing at this stove stirring soup for a long time. I know that it’s him before I turn around. I click the stove off and get three bowls down from the cupboard and put them on the counter. I don’t look at him. I’m angry because whoever he is currently screwing was more important than my mother’s funeral. I bend over to get the crackers from the cabinet below. “What a nice greeting sis.” He growls.

  I just bent over in front of a wolf. Did I do that on purpose? I don’t think so, I just needed the crackers. I get them and stand. I’m still ignoring him. Right now, I hate him. Usually I have a hard time keeping the sappy look off my face and it’s taken me years to learn to school it. His mission in life is to rile me, mine is to stay away from him. When I think about all the girls, human and she-wolf that he pounded into the mattress during that fall, it makes me sick. My body is attracted to him but the rest of me…okay the rest is too, but not today.

  “Finally.” I huff and grab three spoons from the drawer. “Make yourself useful.” I pick up the bowls spoons and crackers and shove them at him. He’s in a suit that could buy me another semester if I wanted to go for my masters. I don’t. I get the mittens to protect my hands from the heat of the pot and carry it to the table. “Dad! Dinner!” I yell down the hall. I add, just in case he isn’t interested in another bowl of soup, “Jake’s here!” I go back to the fridge for three bottles of soda and bring them to the table.

  Dad comes in then. He looks like Jake. I never noticed it before but he does, like a twenty year older version. I sit and ladle soup into my bowl then crunch up crackers while they hug and tell each other how long it’s been. It’s been three hundred and fifty-six days, but who’s counting. He was here last Thanksgiving, Mom made turkey with all the trimmings. He got here at noon and was gone by five.

  He said that he had a business meeting, bull shit. He had a woman waiting, probably a flight attendant or something. It doesn’t matter. I stir my soup around and sigh quietly. Maybe now that he’s here and always in such a hurry to leave we can have mom in the ground before breakfast. Jake can get back to his billion dollar company and Laurie Tickle sucking him off. I can get around to finding a job. I keep stirring. They’re sitting now and ladling soup into their bowls. I’m not listening to the happy boisterous conversation and I’m not hungry. I pick up the bowl and take it to the trash can to dump it then I go upstairs to my room. I’m so melancholy. She’s been gone a week. Did she even think about me at all when she was picking that fight?

  We were on our way home from the grocery store when she spotted Lana. Mom threw the car in park and tore out before I knew what was happening. She stomped right up to the girl and got in her face. I couldn’t hear them over the radio but by the time I was out of the car, Mom was gone. Lana had nearly taken her head off with the knife she carried in her belt.

  “I never touched him I swear.” She told me when I got there. “I don’t know why she kept saying that I was screwing him. I wasn’t.” I remember looking up at her. She was crying. Not really enforcer behavior but then this wasn’t an enforcing job. This was an attack by my mother who had a stubborn streak a mile wide and a jealous streak even wider. Not to mention her fiery temper. Mom could provoke the pope if she wanted. I couldn’t blame Lana. Her training kicked in and she eliminated a threat. Now she was standing there covered in blood and shaking. No, I couldn’t blame her. Mom did this, no matter the reason, it was on her.

  I curl up on my bed and text Aiden at the funeral home. He’s my age, his parents
own it and he’s learning to be a funeral director. Yuck. We’re sort of friends though so I text him and tell him Jake has arrived. I ask that he let everyone know that we would like to have the funeral at eight in the morning. Jake can be gone by lunch. I wouldn’t want to hold him up. I toss the phone and wipe the stray tear from my cheek. This sucks.

  I’m still in the fetal position when he comes in my room. I know it’s him because the hair on my neck doesn’t raise when it’s dad. “I brought you another bowl of soup.” I just keep staring at the lacy curtains that she hung a month ago. “Come on plain Jane, you need to eat.” I scoff. Plain Jane, he’s always called me that, that and pudgy. Quite a way with words Mr. Fabulous has, insulting and mean in my time of need.

  “I’m not hungry. The funeral is at eight, tell Dad.” I mumble.

  “Eight. Eight in the morning?” I nod. “Can’t people have coffee before all that depression? Make it later in the day Jane.” I shake my head. “What’s the hurry?”

  “You have to get back to your life, I wouldn’t want to hold you up. I’d like to be alone now.” I’m still staring at those curtains. They move when the breeze flutters in. It was nice outside earlier, a warm fall day with the scent of maple leaves in the air. I like that smell. All I smell right now though is him. His aftershave and fancy cologne fill my head and it’s overwhelming me. Why would a wolf put that crap on? Doesn’t it bother him? The women probably like it. He lays down on the side of the bed that I’m facing and looks into my face. I raise my eyes to him. “What.” I snap with no strength in my voice.

  “I’m in no hurry to leave Janie.” His voice is quiet and husky.

  “You weren’t in any hurry to get here either.” I stare back him not blinking. His mouth quirks. He does that when he knows he’s caught.

  “I had things.” I roll my eyes then I roll over and face the other wall. I’m done with him. “Janie…”

  “The funeral is at eight, tell dad. Please leave me alone.” I say. I’m staring at the closet door now. There is still a dent in the frame from when I hurled a mug at him the last fall he spent here. He was chasing me through the house and I ran into my room effectively trapping myself, the mug was my last defense. He’d moved out of its way of course then leapt across the bed to torture tickle me until I wet myself. That had disgusted him enough that he’d let me go and went back to his room muttering. We haven’t played since. He moves closer behind me and wraps his arms around me. He’s going to make me wet again, a different kind of wet. I struggle to get free. He’ll know, he’ll scent it. His arms are like steel bands.

  “Stop it.” He hisses when I struggle harder, then I feel it. He’s hard. “Stop it Jane.” I freeze. He’s hard. Is that because my ass is pressed up against him? Would it matter whose ass it was there? Probably not. I’m plain Jane so it’s not because it’s mine.

  “Let me go.” I breathe.

  “No.” I feel his breath against my hair and my eyes slide closed. “Never.” What did that mean? “Jane.” He says then stops. “Dad’s worried about you.”

  “He won’t have to support me. I’ll leave so he can find a new mate. Now let me go.” I insist.

  “That’s not it. Nobody thinks that you should leave.” He sighs. “That’s not true. I think you should leave. Don’t think that you are trapped here taking care of him. You aren’t his mate and don’t let him think that you are willing to replace her. There are too many other things for you Jane. There are too many other plans, and too many wonderful experiences for you.” What the hell is he talking about?

  “Fine. Whatever. Let me go.” I try to escape but he has a grip on me. I won’t get away unless he wants me to. Any second he’s going to smell what I feel. I struggle again.

  “Stop fighting.” He kisses the back of my neck now. It’s chaste but it still sends tingles over my skin and makes my nipples harden. Why do I want my stepbrother? It’s wrong. I guess technically a week ago he was no longer my stepbrother. “I know you feel it Jane.”

  “What? The need to wallow in my own self-pity because my mother was a stubborn jackass? I’m feeling that.” I was evading and refusing to accept what he was talking about. Maybe I could evade long enough to not discuss my damp panties or the fact that I wanted him to pound me into the mattress for once. We share a bedroom wall so I know he is well practiced and good at it. The passionate screams proved that he was good at it.

  “Don’t be a child Jane.” I knew that tone. He’s getting angry, it’s not full blown yet but soon. He’ll forget that he’s consoling me and let me go when he gets mad enough. Why did he have to be my stepbrother? Mr. Fabulous. I’d been calling him that since we met. Then he turned into Mr. Billionaire Fabulous with his picture on the front page. All because he designed a couple of apps that were popular and I’m still sure that one of them was my idea. Too bad I’m not a computer wizard like him or I’d be the fabulous billionaire who can show up late to funerals.

  It didn’t hurt matters any that he was strikingly good looking. Not plain like his annoying little sister. Jake’s tall and broad. He’s got neat black hair even when it needs cut. He always has a bit of stubble, but he’s wolf so it’s expected. His eyes are blue gray but go bright with his moods and they are surrounded by thick sooty lashes. He has long legs that end at a perfect muscular ass. Yes he’s perfect. I on the other hand am not. My butt’s too big, my boobs are too big and my waist is too thick. I couldn’t be one of those tall slender she-wolves like the enforcer girl. Nope. Short and pudgy, plain Jane.

  “I’m not being a child.” That’s it. He’s flipped my bitch switch. I turn over and face him. It wouldn’t surprise me if he saw fire in my eyes. “It’s been a long week and I haven’t slept much. I would like to have a long conversation with my mother but I can’t because she’s in a drawer. At least if she was in the ground I could sit by her grave and talk. I can’t do that because we’ve been waiting for Mr. Fabulous to make his grand entrance and grace us with his presence. Now if you don’t mind I would like to try to sleep a little so I can stay awake long enough tomorrow to put my mother in the ground.” That was a little nastier than I’d intended but maybe it will serve the purpose of chasing him off. If he stays this close much longer I may embarrass myself.

  “So sleep. Who’s stopping you?” He gives me a cocky grin. I huff out an exasperated sigh. “I’m moving the funeral to ten. Give people a chance to get up, have their breakfast and get dressed. They already have to take a day off work to come and they might as well enjoy it.” I close my eyes. Of course he’ll rearrange it. That’s what he does, stir the world around to suit himself. I am exhausted and I don’t know how fast sleep claims me but it does.


  Finally, she sleeps. Jane has always been cranky when she’s tired. I know that she’s out because her mouth is working. Her front teeth are moving against her bottom lip. It’s sexy and it makes me harder if that were possible. I’ve wanted her since I met her. The moment I laid eyes on her I knew. She’s mine. My mate.

  She was a child at the time. Fifteen. Our parents met and mated when she was fourteen. I was away at school. Dad called, gave me the details and told me I had a new sister. I admit that I was a little jealous at first. He was going to act like a father. I stayed at school because he hadn’t bothered to be a parent since my mother passed. I was seventeen then though so there wasn’t a lot of parenting left to do. This woman that he met was new to the pack and her mate was gone. I never asked where he went and to this day I don’t know if he’s dead or alive. I should probably ask. When my classes ended that summer and they weren’t offering the two that I needed to graduate early, I came home. May as well meet the new family. She was fifteen and amazing.

  The first time I saw her, I walked through the front door of the house I grew up in. There she was on the couch. Her back was on the part of the cushion that you sit on, her ass pressed against the cushion where your back goes, her feet dangling over the back. Upside down. Her long dark hair was hanging
down and pooled on the carpet beneath her. She had headphones on, and was blowing bubbles with her gum while she read a book. I watched her for a moment because she hadn’t seen me yet. When her mouth twisted into a smile and she nibbled her lip at something she read, I knew I was a goner. My cock turned to granite and the wolf inside me pushed. It wanted to claim her. The air condition came on then and her scent drifted over me. Heaven. Every cell in my body lit up and for the first time I felt alive.

  She was wearing shorts and a short tee shirt that exposed her belly. I wanted to lick it. Suddenly ocean blue eyes were on mine and she growled. So cute, that little growl. Suddenly she whipped her legs back over her head and she was on two feet. She yanked the headphones off and threw them down. “Who are you?” She shouted. I put up both hands to ward her off. She’d never overpower me, not even now she wouldn’t be able to but an angry she-wolf is nothing to mess with.

  “I’m Jake, your new brother.” I remember giving her the cockiest grin in my arsenal. That was a mistake. She wigged.

  “Mom!” She screamed. A tall woman with golden hair up in a sloppy bun came around the corner.

  “You must be Jake.” She hurried to me and gave me a hug. “You look just like your father.” She stepped back. “You’re early. That’s okay.” She turned to face the girl. “Sorry Janie, we’ve just been so busy, I forgot to tell you. Jake’s been at school but he’s going to stay here now until January, right?” She was looking at me again. I gave her a nod. Her eyes were the same blue as Janie’s eyes. I knew why dad wanted her. “His room is across from yours.”

  “I know where his room is mom and I know he’s been at school. Why is he here till January?”

  “The two classes I need to graduate are only available in the spring. So instead of wasting money on classes I don’t need, I thought I would come home and meet my new family.” Sandy hugged me again and patted my stomach. “Just like your dad.” She winked up at me then started back toward the kitchen. “Dinner in fifteen minutes kids.” Jane gathered her things and headed for the stairs. She looked at me sideways as she passed me and I gave her my best smile. She scoffed and hurried up the steps. Her door slammed at the top.


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