Her Billionaire Werewolf Stepbrother

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Her Billionaire Werewolf Stepbrother Page 5

by K. S. Martin

  My tongue wets my lips but I don’t know what to say. It’s not what I thought at all. Jake lifts my foot and kisses my big toe. I pull it away. I don’t want to be tickled. I don’t want to wet his bed. His fingers wrap around my ankle again, firmer now and his eyes glow softly. He kisses my calf and the inside of my knee. “I want to kiss you everywhere.” Oh. He takes the other ankle and pulls me toward the center of the bed. He’s gazing at my center. I try to close my legs but he gives me a look. Jake bends to kiss my other knee then the inside of my thigh. My toes curl. He fantasized about this he said.

  “How often?” I ask. I didn’t mean to say that out loud but I want to know. “How often did you think about this?” He smiles up at me then kisses my mound. I bite my bottom lip. “Jake?” He licks up my center. A shiver races down my spine. My fingers contract into claws gripping the blankets under me and my eyes slide closed.

  “Watch me Jane.” He murmurs against my damp flesh. “Watch and feel. Turn that brain of yours off for a little while.” He always said that I thought too much and that I didn’t know how to live in the moment. His tongue presses against my clit and heat fills me. It comes from everywhere at once. I’m so warm. His lips pull on it and my insides flip over then contract. I shake and my muscles all seize at once. My throat lets some unintelligible noise loose and I hear him chuckle. He licks up my center again and I detonate. I climax harder than ever before. I’m overwhelmed by it. The world goes completely white.

  I open my eyes and find Jake watching me. He’s lying beside me and he leans over and kisses my temple when I focus on him. “Are you okay?” He asks softly. I nod. “You were out for a few minutes there. I was beginning to worry. No one ever passed out on me before.”

  “I passed out?” One corner of his mouth lifts and he nods. “I never came that hard before.” I cover my face. I just admitted to Jake that I’ve climaxed before, and I’m a virgin. I have hands and I’m a healthy girl. I wait for him to make fun but he doesn’t.

  “Don’t hide.” He pulls my hands away. “It was good. It will always be that way.” How can he know that? Jake slides his hand under my head and tightens his fingers in my hair. “You’re mine Jane.” He growls as his mouth crushes mine and I whimper. His weight is on me and it feels good. His hardness is against my softness and I wrap my legs around him. “I’m going to take you now Jane.” He says against my mouth.

  “Yes” I answer. He reaches between us and puts the blunt swollen tip at my entrance.

  “Are you ready?” His eyes are a beautiful amber. I’m sure mine are too.

  “Yes.” I dig my heels into his thighs.

  “I’ll go slowly. If it hurts, tell me.” I nod. He pushes the hot engorged tip in and stops. “Okay?” I nod. He pushes in further and pauses, I nod again. He surges forward through my innocence. Oh! It’s surprising even though I knew it was coming. It’s not as bad as I thought it would be. It’s the fullness that I didn’t expect. Laurie Tickle once told me that it was the worst pain she’d ever felt. She was a drama queen because it wasn’t bad. I felt my insides stretching to accommodate him and that felt…good. I decided. Jake isn’t moving but he’s watching me. I focus. “Okay?” I give him an mmmhmm. “You seemed lost in thought for a while.”

  “It’s…” I take a breath, how do you explain this? “Big.” My vocabulary has escaped me. He grins and eases out, I almost complain but he’s surging forward again. That’s nice. He does it again and I can’t form another complete thought. I arch against him and he moves faster, harder. Things are happening inside me that I’ve never felt before. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve climaxed, I am a curious and healthy girl but this is different. This is stretching and fullness, cells are sparking, muscles are clenching. I hear him moan when that happens. He likes muscles clenching. I try to do that again. He strains against me.

  “Fuck Jane, I won’t last if you keep doing that.” He grunts and I smile, I’ve learned something. I practice and he growls down at me. It’s sexy, that growl, I want more of that. I clench all of those newly found muscles around him. “I mean it Jane.” He hisses in my face. “I want to make you come first.”

  Oh. But it feels so good when I do that, for both of us. I arch against him shifting his angle and I shatter. Everything behind my eyes goes purple then flashes with white. I hear myself cry out and I’m embarrassed but I can’t stop it.

  I hear Jake roar then I feel him strike. His teeth are latched onto my neck. I forgot about that part for a moment. Laurie Tickle knows nothing about pain. It hurts. He’s so strong and heavy on me. It happens again. I climax. The wolf likes it. Every muscle below my waist clenches down hard then flips my world upside down again as I come. Wow.

  He’s tending his bite. I feel his tongue brushing against my skin lovingly. I hear a soft little growl from him and it’s the sweetest sound that I think I’ve ever heard. I have a stray thought as oblivion claims me. I didn’t mark him. I was supposed to claim him. Does this mean he’s not mine?

  I feel him at my breast and I moan. I feel him smile against the tender flesh there. “Welcome back sweetness.” He says and I feel his warm breath on my ribcage. “That one lasted longer. I wonder if you’ll do that every time. I hope not and I hope so at the same time.” He chuckles. “It’s going to put a damper on the desk sex I wanted to try.”

  “Desk sex?” I’m not sure what that is and I look down my body at him.

  “Where I flip up your skirt and bend you over my desk.” He grins up at me. I consider that and it sounds appealing. “You’ll have to mark me first Jane. I can’t have some random female flipping her skirt up on my desk.”

  “I’m sorry. I forgot.” He smirks.

  “It’s okay, it just means that I am going to have you again.” I nod and he quirks a brow. “You liked it, didn’t you?” I smile softly and nibble my lip. “Good.”

  I want to tell him I want it again right now. I want to present my rear end to him but he doesn’t want it that way. He likes it this way. Will it always be this way? Wolves don’t usually…, who am I kidding? I have no idea what goes on in people’s bedrooms. I get the bent over the desk thing. It is a perfectly natural position for what we are. It’s here that I don’t get. “Why did you want to do it this way?” I ask.

  “Because I’ve had a lot of she-wolves the other way, never one this way. You’re special and I wanted you like no other. I wanted our first time to be different than the rest of them.”

  “Will we ever do it the other way?” He grins at that. “I just mean that…” He puts a finger on my lips to silence me.

  “We will do it every way and any way you like Jane. I only wanted it this way the first time.” I furrow my brow. Did that mean that we’d never do it this way again? “I mean that the first time I wanted it this way. We can do anything Jane, we’re mates, any way you want to try or repeat, and I’m with you.” Oh. “But you have to mark me Jane.”

  He’s right. He should be marked already. I push at him and he lets me roll him onto his back. He’s grinning. “Are you going to have your way with me Jane?” I smile and straddle him. “Oh Jane you nasty girl.” I freeze, unsure. “Don’t stop.” He slaps my thigh. He should know by now, I don’t like being teased. Jake sits up and glares into my eyes. “Get out of your head Jane.” He pushes my hips back until I’m straddling his lap then he surges up into me. I groan.

  That was unexpected. It’s bigger this way and I have to take a breath. She’s pushing me and she’s relentless. She wants him. She wants to ensure that he is ours, only ours. I have to find my center and calm or she’ll take over. I’ve never had this much trouble with her before. “Your wolf?” He asks and I nod still concentrating. “Just do it Jane, don’t wait for the orgasm, and just claim me.” I shake my head and I feel his panic.

  “I want the climax.” He calms.

  “You’ll get one.” I open my eyes and he’s got that sexy smile on. “Promise. Just do it so we can move on.” I feel my fangs elongate. She agrees with him that
traitorous bitch. It’s three against one, I’m out numbered and out gunned here. She’s pushing me toward him. I wish she’d go back to where she normally stays. “Jane? Please.” He says when I gaze into his eyes. Those beautiful eyes. I want my children to have those eyes. He tilts his head sideways and closes them. His throat is exposed and I’m not sure I like having that much power. When a wolf shows throat, they are submitting. Is Jake submitting to me? I don’t want that, I don’t ever want to be that responsible. I feel his hand at the center of my back pulling me in. My mouth waters and my fangs drop down preparing for the strike. “Jane.” He begs and I can’t control it any longer.

  My mouth descends on the big muscle that connects his neck to his shoulder and I bite him. I feel a wave of pleasure shoot through me, it’s a mini orgasm. He groans and I remember to let go of him. I’m sure that it hurts. I lick my bite. It’s a nasty one. I wish I’d had better control because anyone that sees this will believe I am a monster. It’s a vicious bite. I finish tending it and rest my head on his shoulder. I feel terrible about this. I keep looking at it hoping it will look smaller and less traumatic. It doesn’t. He’s going to hate the sight of it, of me. I feel the tears start to gather and I can’t stifle a sniffle. Jake looks down at me. “What’s wrong?” He asks. I point to it. “Are you sorry?” I nod. He stares at me for a moment. I see the emotions churning there. “You’re sorry we’re mates?” It almost doesn’t sound like a question.

  “I’m sorry I left such an ugly mark.” I whisper and he laughs. “What?”

  “I can’t wait to see it.” Jake gets up with me still in his arms and walks to the bathroom. I want to get down but he has his hands cupped around my bottom. The bright cold lights come on. This is embarrassing. He is going to see how big and ugly my naked butt is when he gets to the mirror. I struggle to free myself. “Stop it.” He commands and slaps my bottom sharply. “I like being connected to you.” He moves inside of me. I tighten my legs around him. I liked that too. He grins and stretches his neck to see the wound that I left.

  “Cool.” He smiles at himself in the mirror. “Remind me to never piss your wolf off.” I sigh. “That’s beautiful Jane. Good job. No she-wolf will ever look at me again. They’ll be too afraid.” Great. My mark will frighten the entire wolf population. Awesome sauce. “I like it. I wish everyone could see it. It’s too bad the humans can’t see it or know what it means. You could get me some serious points in the board room.” He flips the light switch and the bathroom goes dark.

  “I’m going to fuck you really hard now Jane. Are you up for that?” Am I? Yes. I think we both need that. Hopefully, I’ll pass out and stay out. It will end this day and perhaps tomorrow will be less dramatic.

  He drags me up the bed to the center and thrusts into me. It feels good. All of my muscles are clenching, working, stretching and tightening, inside and out. My nails dig into his shoulders. We’re in the missionary position again. It feels good but I want him to take me from behind. Laurie Tickle said ‘they can get deeper that way and play with your tits’. She knew I was a virgin and loved to brag about her conquests. She once claimed that she could have any man in bed within twenty minutes, married or not. She was such a slut. I never saw her fail at any man that she went after. I realize then that Jake has stopped moving. “Boring you?” I bite my lip. “You really need to get out of your head Jane.” He pulls out and I nearly cry. Is he rejecting me? I can’t help that my brain never switches off. Jake flips me over and hauls me up to my knees.

  He surges into me. Laurie was right, it was deeper this way. I cry out and tremble. I feel his hand on my clit as he thrusts. I push back against him. I know why she-wolves like this position. I knew that I would too. Everything at my center clenches down hard and I come. I feel my body shaking all over and heat shoots through me. All of the pleasure and tension is concentrated at my center then releases at once as Jake moans loudly behind me. My arms give up and I sink down into the mattress. He’s still inside me and I give his erection one last hug before I pass out.


  The smell of bacon tickles my nose. Oh God that’s heavenly. I lift my face and inhale then open my eyes. Jake is sitting beside me with a tray in his lap. He’s only wearing boxer briefs. He smiles down at me. “I figured this would wake you.” The room is dim but it feels late. I look over at the window. “I darken them for mornings. I had them put in for you. We’re on the sunrise side of the building and I know you like to sleep in. I like the view and didn’t want to block it with blinds all of the time.”

  I grab a piece of bacon. “Help yourself.” He says. Was I not supposed to take that? Maybe it was his breakfast. It’s limp in my hand but I haven’t eaten it. Should I put it back? I don’t know what to do. Jake has both equally shared and been selfish with me in the past and I’m lost here. I swallow hard. “Jane?” I glance up at him. “Eat.” He sips his juice then offers it to me. I take it and finish it. I climb up to sit beside him. I’m starved. He refills the glass from a carafe on the tray. “What would you like to do today?” I shrug. I hear my cell phone tweet like a bird and Jake leans over to the night table to get it. He tries to hand it to me. It’s Dad. I shake my head. Jake pushes the talk button.

  “How are you Dad?” Jake says. “She’s fine.” I take some toast and fold it over scrambled egg making a sandwich. Jake watches me. I can’t help it that I’m hungry. “Right now she is shoveling food into her mouth like a truck driver.” He grins and I stop. I put it down and pull the sheet up around my breasts. I’m still naked and now I don’t feel good about it. Why does he say things like that? He makes me so self-conscious. I hear him sigh. “Hang on Dad.” Jake hands me the phone. “Say hi so he knows you are okay.” I swallow the food and the lump in my throat because I am unsure that I’ll be able to keep the emotion out of my voice.

  “Hi Dad.” I squeak.

  “Jane are you okay?”

  “Yeah. I’m fine.” I clear my throat.

  “You don’t sound fine sweetie.” I hear it in his voice. It’s the Dad voice. The one full of concern and pent up anger at whatever has upset me. I pull the sheet and I get up from the bed to walk away from Jake. He’s what’s upset me and if I get some distance maybe I will be able to control this. “Jane?”

  “I’m here Dad. I’m okay.” I say it softly because I’m uncomfortable with Jake listening. It’s weird. His dad is asking me if I’m okay instead of being concerned with Jake’s wellbeing.

  “Was he gentle with you?” I feel my face go hot.

  “It was fine Dad.” I say as softly as I can. I know that he can hear me.

  “Jane, I know this is probably a conversation that you would prefer to have had with your mother but…It’s my job now to take care of you like that. I want to make sure that your mate is acceptable, my son or not. I want to be sure that you are comfortable and that you are okay being with him. Do you feel safe, satisfied and happy Jane?”

  “Oh Dad.” I feel my skin break out in nervous blotches. Why is he asking me this now? He knows that Jake is right here even if he is across the room.

  “Oh Dad nothing, answer the question or I am in the truck and on my way to get you. You don’t have to stay with him if you don’t want to Jane. You have a bright future. Don’t let him hold you back and certainly don’t let him keep you from happiness.” He’s loud now and I pull the phone away from my ear a little.

  “Dad, I’m fine, promise.” I don’t know how else to put him off of this line of questioning.

  “Answer the fucking question Jane.” He’s angry. Shit.

  “Fine. Yes I’m safe, satisfied and happy.” Mostly.

  “I hear deception Jane.” I hear him losing his control. He’s always been short tempered. Jake can be that way sometimes. I know how to get away from both of them until they cool off.

  “Dad…” I turn my back to Jake. I don’t want him listening to my conversation since it’s about him.

  “Walk into another room and close the door. I’ll wait
. Go now.” I glance at Jake. He’s staring and listening. He’s also pissed and about to go nuclear. I’ve only seen nuclear once and it wasn’t directed at me, thank God. I leave the bedroom and go down the hall to another bedroom. It’s plain but lush, it lacks color. Everything is beige. I wonder if Jake likes this boring color or if the designer does. I close the door and sit on the end of the bed.

  “Okay Dad.” Even I can hear a difference in my voice.

  “Now talk to me.” He says it more gently than I’ve ever heard him speak. I inhale then exhale in a rush.

  “I’m fine. Jake has been very good to me.” Except the teasing.

  “What is it Jane. I’m worried because I can tell there is more to the story. I’ve known you a long time remember.” He waits. I roll my eyes. I hate talking about this. It’s a touchy thing for me.

  “He’s Jake Dad. He treats me the same as he ever did.”

  “How so?” He’s in solve the problem mode.

  “I’m never sure if I should take what he says at face value or if there is some hidden message.”

  “Give me an example.” Crap.

  “Um, earlier I woke up smelling bacon. He was sitting on the bed with a tray in his lap and I grabbed a piece. He said help yourself. It’s not the words it’s the tone I think. I wasn’t sure if he meant it or if…

  “Or if he was being sarcastic.” Dad chuckles.

  “Yes. Once I figure that out, we’ll be fine.”

  “How was the sex?” Ew.

  “Dad!?” He chuckles again.

  “Jane, I asked you if you were satisfied. Remember?” I make a face. “Are you?”

  “Yes.” I mumble it. “That part was good.” I whisper but I know he can hear me. He’s wolf.

  “Good. As for safe, I don’t have to ask, you were never safer than when you were with Jake. Happy. That’s a choice you have to make, to be happy or not be happy. Jake is going to tease you Jane, it’s his nature. Instead of getting upset about it, give it back to him. You have more power now than ever before. You can train him Jane if recognize that power.” I don’t want to talk about me and Jake. That’s private. I change the subject.


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