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Her Billionaire Werewolf Stepbrother

Page 13

by K. S. Martin

  “You were with Tommy and Frances that day. I was spying on you to make sure the boys didn’t bother you.” I giggle. “I did that a lot.” I nod. I’d suspected. I only caught him once though. “You were so beautiful and it was one of the prettiest days I remember. You were too perfect not to take your picture.” He’s behind me again and leaning over into my ear. “Stand up Jane.”

  I glance at him and his eyes are amber. Is he mad because I’ve invaded his personal space? I stand and I’m immediately trapped against the desk. “This is my desk Jane.” I nod but suddenly I’m nervous. “Do you remember what I said about my desk?” I do remember. “Put your hands down flat on the top.” I do and wait. I think he’s going to take me right here. “Lean over and do it. Reach toward the front more.” I slide my hands out so I’m hovering over the desk. Jake pushes a button that sits off to the right and the doors to the office slide closed. He wiggles his mouse and the computer comes on. Three taps on the keyboard and his desk top comes on, there are a million icons. How does he keep track of all that? He clicks on one and a picture of his office appears. I’m looking at my face on the screen to the left his is on the center and a view of both of us from the side is on the right. Kinky.

  “Can anyone else see this?” I swallow the anxious bubble in my throat.

  “No.” It is exclusive to my computer. I feel his fingertips slide up my thighs. Tingles follow them. My skirt lifts and I feel cool air on the backs of my legs. He eases my panties down. “Step out of them.” I do as he says without moving my hands. “I’m going to fuck you Jane.”

  “I figured that out.” His growl rumbles against my back and I can feel his heat through his clothes.

  “I may fill that smart mouth instead.” I smash my lips between my teeth. I’ve never done that if he means what I think he means. I gulp down a breath. “Or I may just paddle this sexy ass.” My brows scrunch together when his hand rests on my bottom. I’m not sure I like the thought of Jake spanking me. His hand is warm against my behind and I try to wiggle away from it.

  He’s smacked it before and I liked it then but if it’s a full on spanking because I screwed up, I don’t think that I will. I hear his pants unzip and I feel his hot length against my bottom. I rub my backside against him hoping he will forget the spanking and my big mouth. “Oh Jane. Still so beautiful.” I look at my face in the screen then his, he’s watching mine. He’s watched every reaction I’ve had. His fingers are exploring my wet center. “You may not have liked my words but they turned you on. You’re soaked.”

  “Spanking and the other thing didn’t turn me on Jake.” I’m looking at his face in the screen. “You being behind me knowing there will be desk sex turned me on. I hope it’s as hot as foyer sex.” He pushes against me and slides his length along the lips of my center. My arms nearly collapse beneath me.

  His hand is on the desk next to mine and his other one is cupping my mound. His fingers are on my clit. He taps it as he slides into me, filling me. Tap, tap, tap, slide. Oh. I push back against him and clench myself around him. He groans. I watch his face in the screen. That’s hot. Jake’s fangs have dropped and his eyes are bright amber. Mine look normal and I wonder why mine don’t do that too. I feel myself quickening and I see my pupils dilate. My body clenches, all the muscles freeze for a second then I shatter around him. I feel my arms give out but I don’t fall face first into the desk. Jake’s arm that was holding him up is now holding me up. He’s still pumping into me then I feel and hear his growl. I feel his teeth on my shoulder. It’s the other side from the mark. Is he going to mark me again? It really hurt the first time. It’s healed but still, it hurt. He just scrapes his teeth against my skin and I shudder.

  “I love you Jane, I’ve always loved you.” His tongue licks up my neck to my ear where he nibbles. He pulls out of me and I feel the same as I always do. I want him back inside of me. It doesn’t seem to matter how long the sex takes, or how long he stays when it’s over, I want it again. Jake reaches grabs tissues from the corner of the desk and wipes me. I wonder for a moment why he has tissues. It’s not like wolves get sick. “I see your mind working Jane. What is it?” He’s dressed and I put myself back together. “Hey.” He says softly and tips my face to his with gentle fingertips.

  “I was wondering why you have tissues.” Jake considers it and shrugs. “Do you have desk sex often?” I ask tipping my head to one side. He grins and shakes his head.

  “No. You are the first and last person I have had desk sex with sweetheart. I’m not sure where the tissues came from, they’ve always been there. I think a secretary somewhere along the line put them there. They are good for wiping up my coffee when I spill it.” He kisses my cheek. “Come on. I want to explain your job to you so on Monday you are ready.” I follow Jake to the desk outside of the glass wall and he shows me the phone, computer and calendar. Jeez he is busy.

  He tells me what to say to those that call when he’s busy, in a meeting or isn’t ready to talk to them. I sit in my chair and hate it. I liked his better. I open drawers and look inside. There are some files, office supplies and a coffee cup that’s been deserted. I decide to keep it but wash it. It has a radio station logo on it.

  Jake takes it from my hand and dumps it in the trash. “I hate that station.” I sigh. “I will buy you any cup you want. If you don’t want me to buy one there are some promotional ones around somewhere with our logo on them.” It’s just a cup I conclude and leave it in the trash but I look at it one last time. He really doesn’t like words on things. Maybe I’ll steal one from our kitchen. “Had enough?” I nod. “Do you want to go back to the apartment and listen to the banging or hang out and let me catch up some work?”

  “Can I surf the net on this thing?” I point at the fancy computer. He smirks.

  “Yeah I’m pretty sure that technology is loaded in the big box Jane.”

  “Wise ass.” I fold my arms across my chest. “Go work and I’ll play with the big box.” He nods and goes back to his office. I sit down and click on the big blue ‘e’. I google him. There are a lot of pictures. He has a different woman on his arm in every one of them. I don’t like it but I move on. There is a story about a legal battle that Jake won. Good. And a story about him dedicating a wing to a hospital. I see her, the blonde in the background. Our perp. I scan the story but don’t find a name. I swallow and minimize the window then move on. I wonder how many times she’s there and I go back through the pictures. I don’t see her in any of them but it doesn’t mean that she isn’t there.

  I spend some time on social networking sites, check my email then look at my calendar. First thing Monday morning, Laurie Tickle. Her contact information is attached and I decide to call her and cancel her interview. I pick up the phone and dial, she doesn’t answer but I get voicemail. “This message is for Laurie Tickle, this is Mr. Jake William’s personal secretary. We regret to inform you that we are cancelling your interview. The position has been filled. If at a later date we need to fill a similar position we will consider your application again. Have a nice day.” I hang up and giggle.

  “Enjoying yourself?” Jake calls across the distance from his desk. I see his grin and laugh then nod.

  “I’m glad that you like your job.” I go back to surfing. Jake finally comes out hours later while I am watching a video of dogs on surf boards. It’s mindless yes, but still fun. It seems to me that English bulldogs have a thing for boogie boards and skateboards. Wouldn’t have guessed that. They seem more like the lay around and chew on something type to me. He chuckles. I log out and a picture fills the screen. “What’s that?”

  “It’s just a painting.”

  “Nice. Who’s is it?”

  “I found it online, some obscure underappreciated artist. Are you ready?” He keeps staring at it for a second then wraps his arms around me.

  “The team says that the banging is done and they are mudding and sanding the wall. They will paint tomorrow.” I make a face.

  “Are these y
our employees?” I ask and he nods.

  “Can they do it Monday instead?” He shrugs. “Let them have some time with their families Jake and let us have some time alone too.” I give him my pouty face. He likes it and nods. “We can have foyer sex.” I whisper and I feel him tense. I look up into his face.

  “I have to disconnect the cameras first. You’ll be on display right now I think.”

  “You should move them to the other side of the wall.”

  “You’re right. I will have it taken care of on Monday. Come on.” He’s leading me back toward his office.

  “More desk sex?” Jake gives me a lopsided grin.

  “Not right now. I thought we would go upstairs and have a late lunch early dinner. I’m hungry.” I hear his stomach growl and I pat it. He goes to a wooden door in the corner that looks like a closet. He opens it to reveal elevator doors. I laugh.

  “So you can sneak in and out?” He nods. I walk in and let him press the button after he closes the door. “So this is how we get to work?”

  “You can take the stairs if you like.” He tells me. The doors open into our new foyer. “I had it reinforced and I will have a reader installed. Right now we just use a key. One of the security guys that I didn’t see steps forward and unlocks the door. He hands the key over to Jake. It’s so plain out here now. There’s a big wall with damp looking tape on it and the same marble floor that I know I will find on the other side of the door. I’m not sure that I like this but I keep it to myself. We go inside and shut the door behind us.

  “Is he going to be out there?” Jake nods but he doesn’t look happy about it. “What’s wrong?”

  “I’m waiting for you to give me shit about that.”

  “I won’t. If that’s what you think we need, I trust you.” I lean up and kiss him. “I’ll cook, you can watch.” I head for the kitchen but he doesn’t follow me. I look in the fridge and find a salmon filets that will be quick. He still hasn’t joined me. I decide he’s probably texting on that phone again. I heat up a frying pan and pour a bit of oil in it. I will do a quick sear. I find bags of vegetables in freezer. The kind that you pop in the microwave and cook in the bag. That’s easy. There’s a prepared salad in a bowl with a container of dressing beside it. I pull both out and dress the salad then put it into small bowls. I taste the dressing, it’s good.

  When my pan is hot enough I carefully place the fish in the grease then season it. I make drinks while it is cooking and the microwave is steaming my veggie mix. All of it smells good. I get the table ready and put the salads out. The drinks follow. Jake wanders in on the phone. He’s talking to someone and comes over to look into the pan. I’ve turned the fish twice, one side left.

  He grabs the tongs and turns the filets. He must like his rare. Some people do. I’m not one of them. He watches it for a second while he uh-huh’s into the phone. “Sure, Wednesday, then lunch. Ten thirty, see you then.” He disconnects and uses the tongs to put the fish onto the serving plate.

  “Got a date?” I ask.

  “Yes, racket ball, ten thirty Wednesday. Ever play?” I shake my head. “You might like it.”

  “Running around chasing a ball and getting sweaty. No.” I carry the fish to the table and put it down.

  “It’s exercise Janie, it keeps the urges down if you do it.” He says. I go back for the veggies and dump them in a bowl after I’ve sliced the bag and my finger. Jake comes over and grabs my hand. He sticks my finger in his mouth and I feel his tongue swipe over the cut. I tremble. “Not now, after we eat.” He takes the bowl and tugs me along behind him. “Looks good.” Jake ignores his salad and goes straight for the fish. He grunts. I guess that means he likes it. I fork some lettuce into my mouth. The dressing is good. I decide that Jocelyn can cook for us. Nobody would starve with me around but I think she’s better at it than I am. Jake is watching me. His eyes amber. What?

  “Why are you looking at me like that?” I ask.

  “You’re making noises.” Huh.

  “I am not.” He nods with a stupid grin on his face.

  “It’s good. Sorry.”

  “I wasn’t complaining.” He goes back to his fish and finally tries a bite of salad. I taste my fish and decide I did okay. It’s good. Jake’s phone rings. I roll my eyes. He doesn’t see me. “Yes.” He says curtly. I glance up, he looks angry. Uh-oh. “Yes.” He ends the call but doesn’t say anything. He goes back to his dinner but now he’s eating faster.

  “What’s going on?” I wait. “Jake.”

  “She was in the building again.” I drop my fork.

  “Has she got nothing else to do?” Seriously. Get a damn life. “How did she get in this time?” He shrugs.

  “They’re looking.” He finishes his dinner and carries his dishes to the sink. “I’ll be back later. I’ll disconnect the foyer cameras while I’m down there.” He winks and leaves. No kiss goodbye, no see ya, nothing. Hmmph. I clean the kitchen and go to find the media room. I don’t know how to work anything once I get there. I can’t figure out how to turn on the TV.

  “This sucks.” I say out loud. I remember there is a guy sitting in the foyer. Guys can work TVs, I don’t have a ten year old handy which would’ve been my first choice. Give a kid something electronic and in two minutes they can rule the world. I go to the foyer door and open it. The guy stands up immediately. At least he has a chair. “Hi, I’m Jane.” I say and he nods. “You are?”

  “Craig, ma’am.”

  “Craig, I can’t turn the television on, can you help me?”

  “I’m not supposed to leave my post ma’am.” I sigh.

  “Okay let’s try this. I think someone is in the media room can you come take a look?” He chuckles and nods.

  “Sure thing ma’am, just make sure you tell Mr. Williams that fairy tale when he asks.”

  “Will do. Come with me.” He shuts the front door and follows me to the media room. Sure enough within thirty seconds I have TV, surround sound and ambient lighting.

  “What the fuck is going on in here?” Jake screams. Uh-oh, nuclear. “Craig you are fucking fired. Get out!”

  “No!” I yell at Jake and he recoils. “You didn’t show me how to work this and you left me up here alone. I asked him to come and he refused until I told him there was an intruder in here. When he didn’t find one, he turned the TV on for me. Do not fire him Jake or so help me God…” My hands are on my hips and my chest is heaving. Craig has edged toward the door.

  “Get back to your post.” Jake hisses at him. Craig scurries out. Jake is scary when he’s mad but I am not putting up with it. “You can’t invite just anyone inside our home Jane.”

  “You do. Is this my home or not?” I fold my arms over my chest. “You had that she-wolf in here without discussing it with me.

  “Oh for God’s sake Jane, she was security.”

  “What is he? Uh security. You’re on that phone all the time Jake then you ran off without me. I am perfectly happy entertaining myself but I can’t work your fancy bullshit. Craig did me a favor that’s all.”

  “Craig is supposed to protect you. He is not supposed to leave his post.”

  “If he is supposed to protect me, what better place than at my side?” I cock my head. Jake comes and wraps me in his arms. “Here’s what really happened. You saw me ask him in and you thought the worst of me. Didn’t you?” I feel him inhale. “I love you Jake. Nobody else just you.” He kisses my forehead.

  “My imagination got the best of me.” I smile against his chest. “I’m going back downstairs, do you need anything else?” I shake my head. The TV is playing in the background.

  “Hey! Hey you there! Yeah, I’m talking to you Jake Williams.” I turn and that blonde is on my TV screen filling an entire wall. Jake growls. “I’ve been trying to get your attention for some time now. I’m always denied meetings by your assistants. Let me introduce myself. My name is Michaela Robertson. I’m twenty-five and I graduated top of my class. I want to work for you Mr. Williams. I’ve s
hown you my abilities and your vulnerabilities. Let me help you. Here’s my number.” She points down at the bottom of the screen and sure enough a number pops up under her finger. “I can help you patch all of those security flaws sir. I can fix your problems and I can make sure that no one ever does to you what I have so far. Just hire me.” Jake growls again and I laugh.

  “She’s funny.” I say and cover my mouth with my hand when his eyes go amber on me. “You should give her an interview.”

  “I don’t need more security. I have enough.”

  “You have a team of guys chasing their tails. Give her a shot. At least entertain her with an interview so she will go away. You have her name check her story out. If you don’t she is just going to keep bothering us.”

  “Fine. Set it up.” I push a button on the remote and roll the screen back thirty seconds. I dial the number at the bottom of the screen. Jake leaves me alone and I sit in one of the cushy chairs.

  “Mikey.” She says.

  “Michaela Robertson?” I say in my best professional voice.

  “Yes.” She answers.

  “I am Mr. Jake William’s personal secretary. He would like to meet with you.” She chuckles.

  “He hasn’t turned that TV on in two months. That’s how long I’ve waited.”

  “Is Monday morning at nine good for you?” I ask smoothly.


  “Good. You may come to Mr. William’s office and see me. My name is Jane. The security officer at the front desk can direct you.”

  “Yes ma’am.” She drawled.


  I watch her sleep. She’s tired. She should be. I tried to pound her through the mattress four times last night. I want to do it again. I stroke a hand over the steel between my legs. Will I ever be able to look at her without getting hard? We started with foyer sex and moved to TV room sex but ended up in here. The sheets still smell like us. Delicious. Jane stretches and rolls over seeking me out. Her face is buried between my pecs. That hot little tongue is right there inside that beautiful mouth. I ease away from her or I’m going to take her again and she won’t have to be awake for it. I put my pillow there instead. She can cuddle it.


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