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Her Billionaire Werewolf Stepbrother

Page 21

by K. S. Martin

  The ceiling is wood as well with exposed beams. I see a nest up where two of them meet and I listen for a moment. I think it’s empty. There is no second floor that I can see. Where the hell am I? I try to sit up but pain lances through my arm because it’s asleep too. How long have I been here? I fall back down and try to squirm around for a better angle. The floor is getting me more and more dirty. The earth floor isn’t packed down as hard as I think it should be inside a cabin.

  I think back to the last thing I remember. I filled the pie shells and put them in the oven. The cranberries were loaded into the grinder and…then what? I let my eyes slide closed and think. Dad and Jake went to the store, I made pies…I gasp. I saw Tommy. Tommy is alive. He popped up at my back window like he used to when we were younger. I screamed and let him inside the kitchen laughing, and then I hugged him. Nothing after that. Did Tommy bring me here? The door swings open and I’m blinded by the intense afternoon sunlight. The silhouette is big and black until the door swings shut.

  “Janie, you’re awake.” He comes over to me and he’s excited I think. He smiles and pats my shoulder.

  “Tommy? Why am I tied up? Why did you leave me on the floor?” He looks confused, a look he often wears.

  “I didn’t want you to leave and there’s no couch.” He unties the ropes at my ankles then glances up at me. “You won’t leave will you Janie?” I shake my head no. It’s a lie and he can smell it, the subterfuge. He ties the rope at my feet again while I try to kick but he’s too strong. “Tsk, tsk, tsk.” He clucks his tongue. “No lies Janie. You told me that.”

  “I didn’t tie you up either.” I hiss at him. “Jake is going to rip your throat out Tommy.” I say quietly. “I’m sorry you have to die after all.”

  “Why would Jake hurt me?” He asks sitting back on his haunches and tipping his head to one side.

  “Because you’ve stolen his mate.” Tommy laughs.

  “You’re his sister Janie, you can’t be his mate. You told me that. You’re lying again. Tsk, tsk, tsk.” I’m going to rip his throat out myself. Jake will be the least of his problems and that will be after I rip out his tongue if he makes that damned noise once more. I must be hungry because I’m actually crankier than even I would expect to be in this situation.

  “Untie me Tommy.” I use the voice that Jake so often uses when he wants me to comply. He shakes his head after a second of thought. His brown eyes go full amber.

  “I have to go find us some dinner, then my mate can cook it. I’ll get you a nice fat rabbit.” Tommy grins then strolls outside and swats the door closed behind him.

  I swallow. His mate? God I hope he doesn’t mean me even though I know deep down that he does. If he tries to…I won’t be able to fight him off with my hands untied let alone tied. He is a big powerful wolf and for what he lacks in mental ability, his size definitely makes up for it.

  Where is Jake? He’s always known exactly where to find me and he’s always come for me before anything bad happens. Jake protects so why am I still on this floor. I hear a buzzing then. A phone vibrating but I don’t see it. It has to be mine. I roll to my front and struggle to my knees. I can see the phone on the table. How will I ever unlock it and call him. Even if I could, I don’t know where I am. I only see woods outside, and field. Tommy streaks across the field, his big grey wolf at full speed. I’ll never out run him. I’m just not that fast. My heart cries out for Jake. The phone buzzes again.

  I spend the next hour struggling against the ropes. I’ve chafed my wrists raw and I’ve torn my ankle open. The door swings open and Tommy comes in with two fat rabbits. “See Janie. I can provide. I’m a good mate.” I shudder.

  “Jake is a good mate Tommy. He doesn’t tie me up. He treats me like a princess.”

  “You’re not a princess Janie. You’re a warrior. You don’t let anyone pick on me.” He skins the rabbit like he’s done it a thousand times. He’s very proficient with the knife. I turn my head when its guts spill out onto the table. Tommy pays it no mind. I don’t think he’ll clean that up either. “And I told you silly goose, Jake is your brother. That’s what you told me and you’re always right because you’re smart Janie. He is your brother.” I shake my head. “Yes he is Janie. We saw him with all of those girls. If he was your mate he would be with you not them.”

  “Can you untie me Tommy? I want to help with dinner.” I’m not defending or explaining Jake’s actions to Tommy. I am Jake’s mate whether Tommy can understand that or not.

  “You won’t leave?” He cocks his eyebrow at me and sniffs the air. He shakes his head before I answer.

  “Tommy, it hurts. A good mate wouldn’t hurt me.” His brows crease over his nose. He finally speaks after considering it for a few minutes.

  “A good mate wouldn’t run away.” He looks at me with a challenge in his eyes. I blow out a breath.

  “I haven’t run away.” I argue.

  “But you will.” He says softly. “You are mine Janie. He calls you pudgy. I never called you that. I think you’re beautiful.” Tommy has both rabbits skinned and ready. He dumps them both into the pot over the fire. He comes over and squats in front of me looking at my wrists. “Tsk, tsk, tsk.” It’s more than I can take. My body hurts, I’m cold, my skin is on fire where the rope touches and I have to pee. Bad. He’s close enough and I head butt him. Tommy falls backward and laughs.

  Shit that hurt. “Jane you can’t hurt my head, it’s empty.” He gets up grinning then laughs while he looks down at me. It’s starting to get dark outside and I dread what happens when it does. At least if I’m tied up he can’t…oh God I think I’ll be sick. Vomit rises in my mouth.

  “Tommy, I have to pee.” He shakes his head. “I have to Tommy.”

  “Nope, I’m not letting you go Janie. You’ll have to wet your pants.” I deflate and hang my head. I am going to wet my pants if he doesn’t let me go. The phone buzzes again and I don’t bother to look at it. There is nothing I can do. I’m helpless. “How do you turn it off Janie? It’s been doing that since yesterday. You have a good battery.

  “Yesterday? How long have I been here?” The door crashes in then and everything moves in slow motion. Jake’s wolf is through the door and Tommy shifts into the giant grey wolf. He lunges at Jake and I panic trying to free myself. A big black panther leaps through the door next and swats Jake out of the path of Tommy’s fangs. I’m helpless to aid them and I’m stuck prone on the floor. Jake rolls growling and snarling past me. He gives me an appraising glance then lunges back into the mass of rolling black and grey fur. The cat hisses and growls. Tommy growls louder as they square off. The table gets shoved and hops across the dirt toward me. I roll out of the way and toward the wall behind me. I can’t protect myself if it turns over. The cat hisses again and swings a massive clawed paw at Tommy’s wolf. Jake is trying to get back at him but the cat keeps itself between them. I realize then that the cat is Mikey.

  Tommy lunges again as more wolves crowd in the door. I don’t know them. There is another panther. This one even bigger than Mikey, is huge. Mikey’s panther circles Tommy and Tommy circles her. She lunges again and he backs into the fireplace. He yelps when he steps on hot coals. Mikey is on him. Her giant paws grabbing both of his big shoulders and her fangs sinking into his neck. She is still keeping herself between Jake and Tommy. He whimpers as she tears his throat out in one mouthful of bloody sinew. I turn my head. I can’t watch.

  Dad’s red wolf is next through the door and the alpha is behind them. There are at least a dozen wolves outside. Dad comes to me and sniffs. He shifts back into Dad and starts untying me. I look at Tommy’s limp body. His limp human body lying by the fireplace, it’s a bloody mess. There’s no coming back from that. I’m glad. I’ve spent years protecting Tommy from predators beginning with the smaller children the first day. They knew then what I didn’t, that he didn’t belong. They knew that he shouldn’t be part of the pack.

  I always thought that he had worth and that with a little patienc
e he could be a valuable member. I was over thinking it. Jake says that I over think everything. Jake never cared for Tommy but he tolerated him because I cared. Even he knew. I’m beginning to question my own instincts.

  I get up and push past Dad when I’m free, then outside. I explode through the door and push past the wolves. I tear my clothes off as I shift and run for the woods. I’d love to stick around and thank everyone but my bladder is going to explode. I squat. Oh thank the mercifully God. I sniff the air and stop midway. I scent another wolf. I sprint away from it and go deeper into the woods. I squat again and finish.

  “Jane.” I look up at Jake and shift into myself. I fall into his arms. He lifts me and carries me out of the woods. He keeps kissing my head as he walks back toward the cabin. It doesn’t feel brotherly at all now. The Alpha approaches. “She’s fine, had to pee.” Jake tells him. The Alpha chuckles. “Burn the fucker to the ground.” Jake tells him and keeps walking. I see the SUV sitting in the field but far from the house. “If Derek had been with us, this wouldn’t have happened.” He murmurs against my head and kisses me again. “From now on security is not negotiable.” I don’t argue. I don’t really have the strength or a valid point right now. I just want to be away from here and safe in his arms.

  I see a few wolves run past us. I don’t know where we are and I don’t know if they have vehicles. I don’t care. I just want Jake’s arms around me. His skin feels so good against mine until he puts me in the passenger seat. He buckles my seat belt and closes the door. When he gets in the other side, he reaches across and touches my face with the back of his hand. “Where are we?” I ask. I’m still not sure. “Are they really going burn the cabin?” I crane my neck around to look back and see it go up in flames. “We’re going to get in trouble Jake.” He smirks.

  “I own it Jane. This land is ours. It was the first thing I bought.” I think about that.

  “Why? You don’t want to live here anymore.”

  “You like it here and it was for our old age.” I shake my head. “I’m considering a resell right now though. We’ll speak about it later. It’s not important. I just want you at home. He starts the truck and takes me home. When we get there, Jake bathes me then tends to my wounds. I fall asleep while he’s working on my ankles.


  The most delicious sensations are coming from between my legs. I squirm then open my eyes. The heat and the sucking are too much. I climax, the orgasm rolls through me and feels incredible. My limbs turn to jelly. I look down my body at the bright blue eyes watching me. He’s so beautiful. He climbs up and over me settling himself between my thighs. “He didn’t touch you did he?” I shake my head. “Good. Are you okay with this?” His hardness is against my center. I tip my pelvis up and rub against him. He groans then I push frantically at his shoulders. “What’s wrong?”

  “Dad will hear us.” I try to get away from him.

  “So?” He says. I shake my head and he smiles. “Jane I don’t care who hears me with my mate.” I push at him again in frantic terror. “Jane!” He catches my wrists and holds me down. “Janie.” I finally focus and look up at him. The breath is sawing in and out of my lungs. “Stop. We don’t have to if you don’t want to.” I relax. I don’t know why it freaks me out for Dad to hear us. I sniff the air and the warm smell of turkey hits my nose. My stomach twists and growls ferociously. Jake grins. “Hungry sweetness?” I nod. “Come.” He gets up and pulls me with him. Jake goes to the suitcase and pulls out clothes for me to wear. I get jeans and a tee shirt, fresh panties and bra. Cool, no prissy clothes.

  “Who’s cooking?” Dad is clueless in a kitchen.

  “Jocelyn.” He says without looking up. I catch movement outside in my peripheral. I see Mack on a cell phone walking by down in the yard. “I don’t want to hear it Jane. They’re here and that’s how it is.” He won’t look at me. I wait while he buttons his shirt. When he’s finished, I wrap my arms around his middle and rest my head in the center of his chest. He exhales. I think he was holding his breath waiting for my temper to rear its ugly head. He pulls me close. “You’re okay with that?” I nod. “Thank God.” He murmurs.

  “Does she know how to make cranberry salad? Dad was looking forward to it.” Jake growls low in his throat. “You were too.” He lets me go. I head for the door but he pulls me back and kisses me. It’s quick and light. I think he’s just reassuring himself that I’m here.

  The smell of turkey, sweet potatoes, and stuffing all hit me hard and all at once. My speed increases. I hear Jake laugh behind me. When I get to the bottom of the stairs I stop short. Men that I don’t recognize are standing and staring at me. One of them has his hand on the gun at his side. I gulp. “It’s okay Jane, they’re security.” I huff out a breath.

  “I thought it was just Mack.”

  “He brought back up and he’s pretty pissed at me right now so don’t antagonize him.” Me? Antagonize him? Humph. This is Jake antagonizing me. I get that we need security. Well, I don’t really think we do anymore. Tommy is dead, his body swallowed by a bright orange and yellow blaze. There could be more than just Tommy though. My mate is bound to have enemies. I sigh and nod at them then move through the living room into the kitchen. Jocelyn is busy at Dad’s stove and Dad is sitting on a stool watching her. I think that he’s smitten. A woman cooking has always fascinated him. I see Mack outside. He glances in at me and nods. I nod back. If I’d known Tommy was alive and insane, I would’ve consented to security. How could I know?

  “Can I help?” I offer. Jocelyn smiles sweetly.

  “Of course you can Jane. Take these rolls to the table.” I take the basket from her and carry it over to the table. Jake is sitting in his usual seat fiddling with his phone. I hate that thing. I go back and pick up the dishes that she’s put out for me to carry. I take them to the table and return. Dad catches me in his arms and hugs me. I feel his chest shudder and I melt against him.

  “I’m sorry Dad.” I whisper. “I’m sorry that I scared you. I wouldn’t have let him in if I’d known.” He nods against the side of my head.

  “I’m just glad you’re okay Janie.” He says and kisses my hair. He lets me go and I go back to carrying dishes. Jake’s eyes flash amber at me when I look up and I go to him. He’s put his phone down and I settle in his lap.

  “I’m sorry I scared you too.” I whisper softly in his ear. I kiss his cheek softly.

  “I know.” Jocelyn and Dad carry the rest of the dishes to the table. Jocelyn slips out of the kitchen. “Is she eating?” Jake shrugs. I follow her and she is sitting in the living room with the men from security. “All of you, please come to dinner.” I say and go to the front door then outside. Jake and both of the security guys are right behind me. Really? Mack is outside so I am as safe as I can be. I shake my head then see Mack coming around the corner of the house. “Mack?”

  “Ma’am?” Why do people keep calling me that?

  “Come to dinner, and if anyone else is out here bring them with you.” I say and turn. I’m face to face with Jake’s chest. I take his hand and lead him back inside of the house. Dad is waiting in his chair at the head of the table and he’s put out more place settings. Dad always was a champion table setter. The faster it’s set the faster I eat. He would say and Mom would laugh. I have a melancholy moment because she isn’t here then I swallow it and I sit to his right in my usual seat. Jake sits beside me. He is not going to let anyone else near me. That’s okay. I’m glad. Mack comes inside with Mikey. The two from earlier look nervous.

  “Well?” Dad says and cocks his head. “I got no issue with panthers, tigers, and wolves from different packs at my table. Sit down before I starve to death.” I panic a little because Jocelyn is human but Jake pats my thigh.

  “Jane, you know Mack, that’s Perry, Jason and of course Mikey.” They all nod and I smile. Dad says grace and we eat. It’s incredible. I haven’t eaten in days. My stomach shrank I think because I have a hard time finishing what is in my plate. Jocelyn’s turk
ey is perfect. Mom’s was always dry, but hers always came from the woods. This one was store bought, brined and had a little plastic thermometer in its butt. The men clean the table of all food and Jocelyn couldn’t be more pleased. Her cranberry salad isn’t as good as Mom’s but there isn’t any left.

  Jocelyn excuses herself and brings my pumpkin pies to the table with bourbon and cinnamon whipped cream. I could’ve eaten just that with a spoon. I’m glad that Jocelyn will be going home with us because I am going to request this again. Not the whole meal, I wouldn’t ask for that, just the whipped cream. Jake leans over and whispers in my ear.

  “If I smear that all over myself will you lick it off of me?” I feel my cheeks heat and he growls in my ear.

  “Yes.” I say.

  “Awesome.” He licks it off his spoon and gives me a sexy look. I see Dad smile. I don’t know if he heard it or if he’s just happy to have us at his table again. Jocelyn begins to clear and Mack grabs her by the arm.

  “Come along Miss, there is a couch with your name on it. He grins down at her. “You guys clean it up.” Mack says and takes Jocelyn from the room. I give Jake a look and he shakes his head. I start stacking dishes.

  “Take her upstairs.” Dad says to Jake. “We got this.” He takes the plates from me and Jake pulls me up by the waist. I take his hand and let him lead me. Mack is outside again and Jocelyn is changing channels on the TV. She gives me a little wave as I go up the stairs ahead of Jake. I wave back and go up. When we get there, he locks the door.

  “Jake, I told you before…” He pushes me against the wall and kisses me deeply. I get lost in it. He pulls my groin into his and grinds against me. I push at his shoulders. “Jake, not with people in the house.” I whisper yell at him.


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