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The Ideology of Failure

Page 16

by Stephen Pax Leonard

  The public domain is the province of the State, and the State is pursuing a nihilistic, anti-racist ideology which is effective in serving a psychological function: to make the reader or listener feel good about himself, in the sense of manipulating him to make him feel like a caring citizen who is trying to save the world. As has been stated previously, this is an information war. One side has State media and globalist politicians on their side, and the other simply has an online presence. In a world of universal internet access, ignorance of matters related to the information war has become a ‘choice’.

  The Swedish media keeps its listeners and readers in the dark about the issues that matter. Voting for the one party that wishes to bring the immigrant situation under control would risk social alienation. But if SD is so ‘racist’, one might ask why it was that in the last General Election the party was slightly more popular amongst the immigrant vote than with ethnic Swedes. Are the refugees ‘racist’ too, or having come from a place which is definitely not a socialist utopia, can they perhaps just see common sense? The parties on the Left (i.e. all the other political parties except Alternativ för Sverige) need to be perhaps more careful about whom they are trying to alienate. The anti-norm is not necessarily the group of people they thought they were.

  It will not be reported in the Swedish media, but the repercussions of mass immigration from the Middle East are being felt at various levels of Swedish society. According to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the once admired Swedish education system is rapidly deteriorating. The most recent OECD report stated: ‘Student performance on the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) has declined dramatically. […] No other country participating in PISA saw a steeper decline than Sweden.’ According to the report, nearly half of the children from immigrant backgrounds (48 per cent) failed to make the grade in mathematics. Out of the thirty-four OECD countries, Sweden now ranks twenty-eight in maths (below Lithuania which is in OECD accession talks) and twenty-seventh in reading and science. In 2000, Sweden was ranked tenth for reading and eleventh in science. Sweden’s neighbour, Finland, has been consistently ranked in the top five and in 2006 came first for science and second in reading.79

  Ethnic Swedish children share classrooms with children who are used to writing Arabic, Pashto and Farsi, not speaking and writing Swedish. Swedish children would flounder in the Iraqi or Syrian education system, so it is no surprise that these immigrant children struggle in Swedish schools. Many are not able to cope, and the ethnic Swedes are denied the opportunities they surely deserve. The system is failing both groups of people. In the last election, there was endless talk in the media about the free-fall in Swedish school standards, but with the exception of Sverigedemokraterna, every politician refused to make the connection that is so obvious to any objective outsider.

  There is much evidence to show that other social structures are under relentless pressure. Since Sweden passed the bill on Immigrant and Minority Policy in 1975, effectively paving the way for the transition from a homogeneous to a multicultural society, violent crime has increased astronomically. In 1975, 421 rapes were reported to the police for the entire country. In 2014, the figure had increased to 6,620, and then 7,230 in 2017.80 In 2015, there were over 18,000 cases of sexual assault reported in Sweden. As elsewhere in the world, this is presumably a small fraction of the overall figures. Recorded interviews (subsequently posted on Twitter) with police officers show that Swedish police are so overwhelmed by reports of rapes that they often do not have time to investigate them, even when young children have been raped. Two generations previously, such crime and on in this scale would have been unthinkable in Sweden.

  The former Prime Minister, Tage Erlander, understood perfectly well in 1965 that the success of Sweden was due to its homogeneity when he said:

  Vi svenskar lever ju i en så oändligt mycket lyckligare lottad situation. Vårt lands befolkning är homogen, inte bara i fråga om rasen utan också i många andra avseenden. (Source: Valfrihetens samhälle (Tiden 1962), s. 82)

  We Swedes live in an infinitely luckier situation. Our country’s population is homogeneous, not only in terms of race, but also in many other respects.

  Today, such a comment would undoubtedly be considered ‘racist’. It seems by the mid-1970s Sweden was anxious to show to the world that it was a ‘tolerant’ place, and exploiting the concept of ‘tolerance’ became a means for the next generation of radical liberal politicians to push through policies that favoured ethnic minorities entering the country. It was the liberal Olaf Palme, the son of a refugee, who wished to pursue the policy of multiculturalism for the reason that he believed the well-being of immigrants was conditional upon the recognition and promotion of their cultures. His words echo strongly in the Sweden of today. It is of course one thing to respect immigrant cultures, but quite another to suggest that the national culture needs renewal, or better still needs to be subsumed in an incoherent mosaic of immigrant cultures.

  One can guess what Erlander might have made of the results of the multiculturalist experiment that has blighted Sweden; a segregated society poised to explode. As the statistics show, in Sweden, rape and violent crime was more or less unheard of until recently. According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) data for 2012, Sweden has now one of the worst rape statistics in the world. More rapes are committed per 100,000 people in Sweden than any other country in the world but Lesotho. Such a statistic must surely shock the average non-Swede. It is certainly true that Sweden has a broader definition of rape and that much care should be taken with comparative data on rape, but it cannot explain away the problem in its entirety.

  Neither the mainstream media nor the Government will permit any discussion of these statistics. Similarly, the German Government and media tried to cover up the mass rape and assault cases by Arab men on German women in Cologne on New Year’s Eve, 2015. They chose not to mention that the ‘refugees’ were throwing fireworks at the cathedral. But they could not cover up the reports the assaulted women gave to foreign media when they told them that the Arab men shouted inshah Allah as they raped them.81 Very similar events took place in Sweden, but were covered up by the Media-Government. All of the victims said the rapists were immigrants from the Middle East and North Africa, but they were accused of racism by their own people, the inadvertent apologists of sexual harassment and crime.

  The non-immigrant population have been blinded and deafened by the deception of this quasi-totalitarian ideology and power of the new cultural grammar. Reality is being blurred for ‘ideology is a dreamlike construction hindering us from seeing the real state of things, reality as such’ (Žižek, 1989: 48). Such planned, mass sex attacks are common in the wake of defeat, and the response to these attacks was that of an ideologically defeated nation. It is said that police officers on the scene in Germany on that New Year’s Eve did nothing, knowing that if they were to act they would be accused of racism or Islamophobia. With instances like this in the West, it seems that ideology is hindering the effective operation of our civic institutions.

  The Swedish Government does everything possible to blur the statistics by classifying for instance second generation immigrants as Swedes, but Police Commissioners have confirmed in phone conversations that approximately 80 per cent of the rapes are committed by immigrants from North Africa and the Middle East. Last year, Peter Springare, a veteran police officer in Örebro said that almost all the crimes were committed by migrants from the Middle East. He was investigated twice by state prosecutors for inciting racial hatred. Subsequently, the Swedish Government has done everything possible to silence him. In 1996, a report by the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention showed that immigrants from North Africa were twenty-three times more likely to commit rape as Swedish men. After that, the Justice Department prevented the Council from publishing data on crime committed by immigrants. If the facts do not support a multiculturalist ideology, then they are erased.
  If people wish to stop what they perceive to be Islamophobia and racism, then clearly the onus is on the Government to publish up-to-date crime statistics by ethnicity.82 Then, we can see who is right, and what is propaganda and what is not. The electorate has a right to visibility on such issues. If the authorities refuse to do this, then it must be because they want to hide the truth. It is understandable that the Government does not want to inflame a sensitive issue, but it cannot point the finger at its own people (as some politicians do) without proving statistically that this is the right thing to do. Swedes must now overcome the pathological fear of being labelled Islamophobic, and speak out about these issues. They must challenge the weight of opinion and take an independent stand. Data from other countries suggest it is very unlikely that ethnic Swedes have suddenly started committing all the crime. Running at 116 per cent occupancy rate, it is said that 70 per cent of the prison population in France are Muslims.83 One might baulk at coupling Islam with terrorism and crime of any sort, but if one looks at who was convicted of terrorist related offences in the UK in the two years after September 2001, every single one of them were Muslims. According to the UK Government, from the years 2001-2013, 71 per cent of people convicted for terrorist offences in the UK were not white.84

  Cable leaks from August 2008 (cablegatesearch) recognise all of these problems. Indeed, they talk explicitly of Muslim immigrant communities with unemployment of 75 per cent and of violent crime being several times more likely than among ‘native Swedes’. These problems are therefore known and recognised by officials, but just not publicly. Cable leaks refer to the tendency not to discuss these issues because they are too divisive. These leaks show that the policy of obfuscation is an attempt to furnish the reader and listener with a diet of lies and misinformation. Wikileaks blew the lid off that can of deception. These cable-leaks talk of the problem of radicalisation, and the complete failure of integrating Muslim communities in Sweden: ‘Raised in isolation from the rest of Swedish society, second-generation youth describe a feeling of alienation and a conflict between their Muslim and Swedish identities that make them vulnerable to radicalisation’ (Wikileaks, 8th of August, 2008). This was in 2008. Ten years later, the problem of radicalisation in the context of Islamism has become a far more serious issue. After Belgium, more foreign jihadists travelled from Sweden to Iraq and Syria to fight for ISIS than from any other European country.85

  Certain suburbs of the major Swedish cities, Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö, have been described as Islamic ghettos — no-go areas for the police. It is the same in the banlieues of France where supremacist shari’ah has long trumped laïcité. Women are now banned from some Parisian cafés in the suburbs of the city. In the summer of 2015, there were three grenade attacks in one week in Malmö alone (grenade attacks have become an acute problem in Sweden); shootings and violent rape are increasingly common. In March 2015, two masked men, armed with Kalashnikov rifles, entered a Gothenburg bar where people were watching Barcelona play Manchester United and opened fire with automatic weapons on the crowd. Two were killed and over a dozen were injured. The following month, there were more shootings in the same area of the city. Sweden now far outstrips the UK in terms of fire-arm related deaths.86 But perhaps not for long as gang violence between young black men has made London’s homicide rate in 2018 worse than New York’s. The mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, just shrugs his shoulders in response. He is more concerned with preventing President Trump from visiting London and with attempting to overturn the democractic result of the Brexit referendum. Khan has become the face of cultural nihilism in London.

  One or two Gothenburg suburbs were recruitment grounds of Islamic State fighters. According to some reports, there were possibly 150 Islamic State fighters from Gothenburg alone.87 ISIS and Al-Qaeda were explicit about their intentions to infiltrate Europe with terrorists. These are people who claim to be refugees, and who have travelled across the Mediterranean as part of the ongoing migrant crisis. These terrorist groups have even published their plans, but still no response from the Swedish Government. The politically correct discourse we have wrapped ourselves in is like a self-imposed gag order.

  The Islamic State claims that it smuggled over 4,000 ISIS fighters into Europe, hidden amongst innocent refugees. According to Europol, these figures are correct and could in fact be slightly higher.88 Many of these must have come to Sweden. Radical Islam is entrenched in Europe, and the jihadists are already abusing the generous policy of political asylum which is looking increasingly like a scam as the people given ‘refuge’ never return home.

  One would think the terrifying prospect of ISIS agents entering the country might even deter the most liberal of politicians from continuing this ‘extreme’ immigration policy. But no, it seems multiculturalism as a policy is still acceptable even if it runs the risk of coddling terrorism. This is happening at a time when Christianity is in sharp decline and actually dying in Sweden. The collapse of Christianity in parts of Western Europe has undoubtedly left a void, an ontological abyss. Many people in the West are walking in a cloud of cultural, epistemological nothingness. They are no longer able to leap from the finite to the infinite, and thus they are unable to rise from the inevitable ruminations of our own despair. They have no belief in anything which is philosophically grounded and appears real to them, and have therefore no strength. Belief is strength, which is why we appear so weak and feeble to the devout Muslims entering our countries.

  Perambulating in this cultural chagrin is the former Minister for European Affairs, Birgitta Ohlsson, a member of the Folkpartiet, who called for the abolition of the Swedish nation-state (avskaffa Sverige) on the National Day of Sweden (June 6th 2001) in the newspaper Expressen. Instead, she wants global federalism. Her ambition is to destroy once and for all Sweden’s alleged homogeneity by increasing exponentially the number of migrants. This particular politician can be heard talking incessantly about stopping ‘extremism’, but her views can only be described as ‘extremist’. Ohlsson and her fellow-thinkers are iconoclasts, fanatics. She wishes to destroy the wealth of the Swedish nation-state, encourage the building of mosques in Sweden, replace national parliaments with a one-world parliament and encourage more Roma to come to Sweden.89 She is an enemy of the State and an enemy of the Swedish people.

  Birgitta Ohlsson co-authors articles with George Soros, who is using his billions to fund extreme liberal politics and left-wing media (Media Matters). Russia was quick to recognise the subversive character of his powerful, well-funded network and has closed it down. The Soros Foundation has now quit Hungary following pressure from the Hungarian Government. Other countries might consider doing the same because he is determined to undermine sovereign European nation-states, and is using his vast wealth to do so. Ohlsson predictably enough couples a sense of national identity with racism, and appears to be living in a strange fantasy world. Fantasists like her believe that by ending differences (racial, cultural etc.), we will all live in peace. She might perhaps try telling that to what is left of ISIS. This enemy is surely the most evil ideology the world has seen since the time of Nazism, and Humpty Dumpty will have ever such a great fall as when jihad is launched in Sweden.

  Elsewhere, Swedish journalists from Dagens Nyheter, such as the editor-in-chief Peter Wolodarski, believe that Putin is the one that blew the cover on the asylum-seeker sex attacks at a music festival in Stockholm. They claimed that he has been using the website Nyheter i dag to spread disinformation about the rape epidemic in Sweden (and the multiple incidents of asylum seekers raping boys). With an economy mired in recession due to Western sanctions, one suspects that asylum seekers raping Swedish boys and girls is not exactly Putin’s priority. If the rape epidemic is an illusion, one might question why the newly arriving male migrants to Norway and Denmark (coming from the same countries as the migrants to Sweden) were given mandatory training on sexual consent and Western sexual norms. Still, the Swedish Prime Minister insists that the increase in rape
has nothing to do with immigration. Political leaders in Germany and Sweden are abusing their democratic rights by destabilising their own nations, and then denying all responsibility for their actions. They are pursuing ‘extremist’ policies, and in order to avoid criticism insist on associating extremism with right-wing politics only.

  Refugees fleeing from a country with tens of billions of oil reserves (Iraq) were meant to be ciphers for Swedes who could then feel good about themselves. But as the riots and car burnings of 2010, 2013 and the summer of 2018 showed, when migrants set light to scores of cars across Sweden in a social media coordinated attack, the inhabitants of these failed, segregated communities have agency of their own and sometimes extremely violent agendas. One wonders whether this is what the former Swedish European Commissioner for Home Affairs (i.e. a European technocrat), Cecilia Malmström, meant when she spoke of mass Muslim immigration to Sweden as ‘cultural enrichment’.

  More recently, the Government cleverly changed tack. Once again, in order to ensure that refugees act indeed as ciphers, Sweden decided to manipulate this kindness and focus in particular on ‘unaccompanied refugee children’ as a group. The Government thinks not unreasonably that it is more likely that people will feel empathy towards a refugee child than an adult. And indeed, that is the case. So, in 2015, up to 1500 refugee children were arriving every month — mainly from Syria. Children were fast-tracked through the process, and once they get residency status they were allowed to invite their whole family, who will also be Swedish residents.

  Asylum seekers caught onto this, and put their children forward knowing that it will mean their own asylum applications will be fast-tracked. The chances of receiving permanent residency status are far higher for a child. As we now know, many of these ‘minors’ were not children at all. They arrived without documents and officials took their word for their age. However, it has in fact been proven that fraud occurred on a very significant scale. Many of the applicants were in fact in their early twenties, and sometimes much older. But staff at the Migrationsverket (Immigration Service) were expected to turn a blind eye to the fraud even when a forty-year-old man claimed he was a child. They do not speak out because they fear being called ‘racist’ and losing their jobs, which is the probable consequence if they break the anti-racist groupthink.


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