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The Ideology of Failure

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by Stephen Pax Leonard

  Europe cannot go on the way it is. Any European that goes to the US is shocked by seeing unapologetically right-wing presenters on television. It is perhaps only then that they realise such a thing would be totally impossible in Europe, and that we have drifted so far into a whirlpool of Leftist thinking that relies on naïve, secularist visions of the world. The European media no longer reflects on the whole the views of the advocates of the sociopolitical revolution that is unfolding. The biased media coverage in certain European countries will have to change, and there are signs now that this is beginning to happen (but not yet in Sweden). The phlegmatic layers of society, the intelligent people with some common sense, are beginning to stir.

  If all European countries were to implement some of the measures suggested above, then this would deliver a coup de grâce to the globalist project of border-free multiculturalism, which seeks to entirely undermine our socio-cultural legitimacy. And, as we have seen, with its toxic cultural grammar, it seeks to do this by devious means. Measures such as these would help our countries to remain free, but also for us as individuals to remain free. I believe this can be done and I believe there is now some hope. These and similar measures might maintain a shaky pax Europaea and enable us to fret a little less over the atlas of the future.


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