Book Read Free

Lie to Me

Page 11

by Michelle Lindo-Rice

  Lord, give me strength.

  Portia and Nathaniel arrived within moments of each other.

  Belinda appeared to shrug off the incident. They attacked the food, played games and had a good time. Lance wasn’t fooled. He knew the fallout was coming. He hoped he’d be prepared when it came.

  He wasn’t.


  Belinda watched Lance eat sweet-and-sour chicken and barely held back from ripping his eyes out. She knew she couldn’t blame him for Monica’s psychosis, but if he hadn’t been with her… Belinda shook her head. She tried not to visualize him doing things with Monica he had done to her. She couldn’t help it. Now because of his loving, they had to deal with a crazy woman.

  She wanted to bite Lance’s head off. Instead, she bit into an egg roll. Turning her head, she caught Sydney’s eyes. Sydney tilted her head in the direction of her bedroom. It was obvious she needed to unload too. By tacit agreement, the two friends gravitated toward her bedroom.

  Portia must have seen their departure because she followed. The three women sat on Sydney’s bed.

  “That was some show your husband put on today,” Belinda began.

  “I know. I was really embarrassed.”

  “It was a beautiful gesture, though,” Portia said.

  Despite having finally bonded, Belinda didn’t know how ready she was to include Portia in her and Sydney’s heart-to-heart. She placed a hand on her chest. A jolt hit her heart. Belinda realized she had to make room. She had to accept Portia because Sydney viewed her as a friend.

  That was hard for Belinda. She was used to it always being her and Sydney. But, Portia needed Sydney, who was a good role model and mentor. Portia had come a long way. She was now in college and was even coming to church on occasion. Belinda had noticed how intently Portia had soaked in Noah’s words.

  Maybe she was the one who needed to change her perspective. Portia was a friend to her as well. She was coordinating her wedding, free of charge. Wasn’t that a sign of friendship?

  While Belinda mulled on this, Sydney continued the conversation. “Yes, it was beautiful, and I know he meant well, but…”

  Portia reached out to hold Sydney’s hand. “I understand how you feel, but how do you know God wasn’t leading him to do it that way? Now, I know I’m not an expert on God, but Noah is usually discreet, so who’s to say God didn’t inspire him to share his doubts. You know, that was the first time I saw Noah as human like the rest of us. I mean, he’s anointed, but I can’t tell you how a sinner like me felt seeing him admit his misgivings. It kind of, I don’t know, made him appear regular.”

  Belinda felt a tear hit her eyelid. Portia’s words moved her. She could see Sydney had also been impacted. Not wanting to be forgotten or left out, she took Sydney’s other arm. “God had a hand in it, Sydney. Let it go. Noah loves you. He’s trying to say he is sorry and save his marriage.”

  Belinda reached over to run a hand over Sydney’s stomach. “I can’t believe you’re about to become a mom.”

  Sydney smiled an ethereal smile. “I can’t believe it either.” She hugged Belinda. “Thanks for that, Bells. I’ve been so busy defending my baby and fighting with Noah, I haven’t truly thanked God for this miracle He’s given me.”

  “I want a hug, too,” Portia said.

  The three women hugged.

  Belinda pulled away first. “So, Portia, how are the plans coming along?”

  “Plans?” Sydney squinted. “What’s up?”

  “Portia’s helping me plan the wedding. She’s getting the venue and helping me decide on the menu. Plus, we’re supposed to get together to work on my guest list.”

  Portia nodded. “I have a preliminary list ready for you to look at. I plan to email and get some addresses.”

  Sydney looked at them with wide eyes. “Are you two friends?”

  Belinda’s mouth popped open. She had just debated that and now Sydney had brought it up. “Yes,” she said, simply.

  “We are?” Portia tilted her head.

  “Well, yes,” Belinda retorted, though she was a little more hesitant this time. Maybe Portia wasn’t interested. Maybe she had put her feelings out there and was about to get played.

  Sydney clapped. “I’m glad my two best friends are finally getting along.” She turned to Belinda. “Next, I’ll be hearing that Portia’s in your wedding.” Sydney cracked up.

  Belinda eyed Portia. The younger woman straightened and gave an awkward laugh. Belinda scrunched her nose. Would Portia object? Belinda only had Sydney to stand with her. She could use another person.

  “Well?” she demanded.

  “Well, what?” Portia snapped back. Her attitude was out in full force.

  “Are you in or what?” Belinda came off strong. She was trying to pretend she was cool, no matter what Portia said.

  “You could ask me nicely. But, I might as well,” was Portia’s feisty response.

  “Well, it’s settled then.” Belinda grabbed Portia for a tight hug, sealing their friendship.

  Sydney shouted. “There is a God. May His name be praised.”

  “Amen,” Portia said.

  “Hallelujah.” Belinda cracked up.

  Soon all three women were laughing.


  From the kitchen, Noah heard his wife’s laughter. That was a sweet sound to his ears. He knew he’d taken a huge risk putting their business on blast, but Noah had seen Sydney with Nathaniel. She was looking at the other man the way she used to look at him. For the first time, since he met her, Noah felt real fear. He didn’t want to lose Sydney. He knew if he didn’t drop the gauntlet and wave the white flag, he would lose his wife.

  Noah gave Nathaniel the once over. Nathaniel Lyons was a very handsome man. With his hazel colored eyes and linebacker build, he could pick and choose any woman he wanted.

  And, women thought men didn’t check other men out. He smiled. If only they knew.

  Noah had noticed the buzz from the women whenever Nathaniel entered a room, and his own wife was not immune. Noah wasn’t vain, but he knew Nathaniel had nothing on him in the looks department. But looks weren’t everything. There had to be a spark, a connection. That’s what had him a teeny-bit worried.

  Noah hadn’t gotten to where he was today without using his wits. That’s why he’d extended the impromptu invite to his house. He wanted to check out his competition and observe if there were any tiny giveaways, declaring Nathaniel’s true intentions. So far, everything seemed aboveboard, but one could ever be too sure. While Noah ate, he allowed Lance to steer the conversation toward sports, but it was time to get some information.

  “So, Nathaniel, are you new in town?”

  “Sort of. I practiced in New York and Atlanta before accepting a job here.”

  Noah waited for Nathaniel to be more forthcoming. But, it appeared as if Nathaniel was only answering what he’d been asked. Noah wanted to know if there was a significant other in the picture. He hadn’t seen a wedding ring, but that didn’t mean anything.

  Lance obviously had his radar on as well. He asked, “Are you seeing anyone?”

  “No, not at the moment.” Nathaniel shifted like he was uncomfortable with the inquisition.

  “Well, we have plenty of single women at church. I’m sure they can’t wait to sink their teeth into you,” Lance joked. “Except Belinda. She’s taken.”

  “Marking your territory?” Nathaniel joked. He looked at Lance and Noah. “You both seem real interested in my status.”

  “You bet I am,” Lance said. “That’s why I’m telling you hands off Belinda.”

  Noah was pleased with the turn of the conversation. Sometimes Lance’s straightforwardness came in handy.

  Lance cracked open a can of soda. “Noah, I bet the bounty is going to be even higher for Nathaniel if he decides to join our church.”

  “Bounty?” Nathaniel’s curiosity grew as both men laughed.

  Lance explained. “The single ladies had a three thousand dollar bounty
on Noah’s head. What they didn’t know was Sydney had already bagged him. It was love at first sight, unlike when we dated.”

  “It was twenty thousand in Texas,” Noah added, with a shake of the head. “I can’t believe they had done that.”

  “Whoa,” Nathaniel put up a hand and looked at Lance. “You and Sydney dated?”

  “Yep,” Lance gabbed. “We were even engaged, but… let’s just say that God had another plan.”

  “Yes, he did,” Noah edged in with a wide grin.

  Nathaniel shook his head. “I have never seen exes get along as famously as you two do.”

  “It was easy once Lance realized Sydney was mine, and he was actually in love with Belinda,” Noah said. He knew they’d given Nathaniel a bit too much information. But, he wanted Nathaniel to get a clear picture that his wife was his, and no one else’s. All under the disguise of polite, pleasant conversation, of course.

  Nathaniel sat back. “I feel the need to point out that both of your women are safe with me. I know God has my soul mate and I’ve gotten to the place where I’m content to wait for Him to point her out to me.”

  “I hear you.” Lance smiled. “I feel, no, I know, Belinda is my soul mate.”

  Having his question answered, Noah was more than happy to sit back and listen. He was now seated on one of the stools by the breakfast bar. He heard his bedroom door open and turned to watch the women enter.

  Sydney’s eyes skittered toward him before seeking out Nathaniel’s. Noah felt sucker punched. Was his wife interested in Nathaniel? On the outside, Noah’s face reflected none of his thoughts. He looked over at Nathaniel from under his lashes. Nathaniel’s eyes were on Portia.

  Oh, that’s how it was.

  Noah’s gaze returned to his wife. He saw her woebegone expression when she spotted Nathaniel looking at Portia.

  Noah couldn’t believe what happened next. Sydney went to sit at the stool beside Nathaniel and engaged him in conversation. His heart hammered in his chest. Noah wasn’t usually subject to jealousy, but he felt a dart hit his chest. Here he was worried about Nathaniel, when he should have been concerned with his wife. After a moment’s hesitation, Portia joined them.

  Lance and Belinda gravitated toward each other and from the looks of things were in a heavy dispute. Noah wondered what that was about but filed it in the “I’ll get to it later bin” in the back of his brain. Right now, he needed to intercede on his own situation. “Sydney, can you come here for a minute?”

  Sydney glanced his way and nodded but made no motion to move.

  “I’ll be right back.” Noah strode out of the room with clenched fists. He went into his study and fell to his knees. “Lord, I don’t know what is going on, but I need Your help before I act the fool out there.” Words failed him after that. All Noah could do was call on Jesus’ name.

  After a few minutes, he opened his eyes and stood to his feet.


  Noah turned to his wife. She played nervously with her shirt. “Is everything okay?”

  “You tell me.”

  “Huh? You called me. And…” Sydney trailed off. Her cheeks turned a telling red. She twisted her fingers together.

  Noah briefly considered that he was overreacting. Sydney was pregnant with his child. She was a devout Christian. He shouldn’t be doubtful, but he wasn’t used to feeling this way so he wasn’t about mince words. “And you just sat there,” he finished her sentence. “We need to talk, Sydney. For now, let’s go join our friends, but we have a lot to discuss.”


  There was no way around it. She was crushing on Nathaniel. She knew Noah suspected, but Sydney didn’t know what she could do about it. She couldn’t control her feelings. Could she? Should she come clean and admit she felt attracted to the other man? No way.

  She knew Noah well enough to know he’d want an explanation and she had no clue about the correct way to respond. This had never happened to her before. In all her years of dating, she’d never looked in anyone else’s direction. She’d only had eyes for the person she was with. So, why would it be happening now that she was married and pregnant? Did this happen to other married women? She bit her lip. She couldn’t ask Alma this.

  Sydney decided to divert the topic by getting mad at Noah for calling her out like that at church. That would be her ploy. She only hoped it worked.

  Unfortunately, it didn’t.

  Noah was way too astute to fall for her tactic. He broached the issue once they’d settled in their bedroom.

  “Sydney, I need to ask you something.”

  Her heart rate increased. “Good, because I want to know why you put me in the spotlight at church today. You should have spoken to me in private.” She wrapped her hair and searched for a hairpin.

  “You’re right. But you’re not going to change the topic on me.” Noah put on his pajamas and headed into bed. “Is there something going on with you and Nathaniel?”

  Sydney finished her wrap and tied her hair. Noah’s gentle tone made her feel worse. She faced him. “Do you think there is something going on with us?”

  Noah released a huge groan. He beckoned for her to join him under the covers and she obliged. Sydney pulled the covers up to her chin. She wished she were back in the guest room.

  “Sydney, don’t lawyer me. I’ve no patience for the switcheroo tonight. Just answer me.” Noah put one finger under chin to turn her head toward him.

  Sydney refused to meet his gaze. She closed her eyes. She didn’t want Noah seeing the truth. Tears streaked out the corner of her eyes. She wiped them. “I don’t know,” she whispered. “I just like him, I guess.”

  “Which means, yes,” Noah said. She heard the hurt in his voice as he moved away. Then he said, “Explain it to me.”

  “What’s there to explain?” she snapped. “Maybe it’s the hormones or something. I like talking to him, which isn’t a crime. It’s not like I want to sleep with him or anything.”

  “But the thought has crossed your mind.”

  Sydney remained mute.

  “You’re married to me.” Noah said. She shivered at the warning in his tone. He moved on top of her careful not to crush her with his weight. He made her look at him. “We’re married for life. I love you and you love me. Rationally, I know our fighting may have played a part in all this. And, it’s counseling one-on-one, but…”

  He crushed his lips to hers. At first, Sydney felt nothing, then her body remembered. Her heart fluttered as she returned his kiss.

  “Oh, Sydney, I love you, and I love our baby. I’m sorry it took me this long to see it.” He moved lower to kiss her tummy, trailing kisses back up to her mouth. “I can’t lose you,” he whispered.

  “You haven’t lost me.” Sydney held his head with both hands. “I love you, Noah. Yes, I’m infatuated with Nathaniel, and I didn’t expect that. But, you broke my heart when you rejected our child. And you hid yet another aspect of your past from me.”

  Noah nodded. “I know and I understand. I can’t undo the past, Sydney. But, I can fix the future. I’m sorry for failing you, but I will stand by you and I will love our son.”

  “Daughter,” Sydney said. All her love and passion for her husband returned.

  Noah held her gaze and began their love dance. He kept her pinned underneath him, refusing to let her close her eyes. “Look at me, Sydney,” he urged as he brought her to ecstasy.

  Sydney watched Noah, and though she didn’t think it possible, she fell in love with him all over again. “You have nothing to worry about. You’re all I need. You’re the only one I truly want.” Never had she seen Noah so vulnerable. Sydney didn’t know just how much of his heart she held in her hands until then.

  Soon, there was no more need for words as husband and wife reunited and reconnected, traveling to that secret place where lovers meet and the sun kissed the sky.


  A little earlier that same evening, Monica sat on her bed with Lance’s Bible in her lap. She had take
n it with her to church that morning. Boldly, she had visited Seconds Sons so she could watch Lance in action. She’d given Lance her undivided attention, but it wasn’t until Noah had started talking about how God wanted him to be the husband Sydney needed that Monica paid close attention. She realized she hadn’t chosen to go to church that day by accident. When Noah called Sydney up next to him, Monica pictured Lance doing the same to her and Quinn. It had been too much. Monica had jumped to her feet rejoicing.

  That was when the idea struck that she needed to take Lance for a visit down memory lane. So, she’d gone into the restroom to remove an important piece of clothing. Tenderly, she’d placed it under his windshield. Then, she’d rushed home waiting for his call.

  She leafed through the pages of the Bible and read some of his highlighted passages. Judging by all the notes and yellow marks, she could see her Lance was into the Word. Monica felt her chest puff. Lance was ready to be the spiritual head of the home, just as she was now prepared to be the wife he needed.

  Monica recognized God at work. He had separated them because He had to work on them individually before He brought them back together. Monica was at the place where she should be and now understood Lance’s needs. That’s why she’d left the surprise for him on his windshield.

  She pictured Lance reflecting on the good times they’d had and coming to the realization that Belinda was not the one for him. He was probably breaking up with her right now. Monica smiled. She had some naughty plans for their impending reconciliation.

  Closing the Bible, Monica went into the playroom to visit with her daughter.

  “Mommy,” Quinn shouted with a wide smile.

  Monica’s heart warmed. It never failed to touch her how much unconditional love her daughter gave. “Hi, Quinn. Want to go to the park?”

  “Park!” Quinn squealed. “Yes. Park. I go park, Mommy.”

  Monica laughed at her antics. Quinn was jumping up and down. “Swing, Mommy. Swing.”


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