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When We Fall

Page 7

by E. L. Todd

  “Believe me, he’s barely getting by.”

  Heath looked incredulous.

  “He puts on this act but I know he’s absolutely miserable.”

  “Are you sure…?”

  “When Beatrice dumped him he was miserable. He was quiet and didn’t want to do anything. He stayed home every night and watched TV. He’s acting this way now because Lexie hurt him way more than Beatrice ever did. He simply can’t cope with it.”

  “Maybe,” Heath said with a shrug.

  “No, not maybe.” I knew my best friend pretty damn well. I knew exactly what he was doing. He could keep acting cheery like he didn’t have any problems but I knew he was black inside. There was nothing I could do for him other than make sure he didn’t do anything crazy. Talking it out wouldn’t get us anywhere. Conrad was closed like a clam.

  The door opened and Conrad walked inside. “What’s up?” He was in a good mood, like always.

  “Just watching the game,” Heath said. “How was work?”

  “Same as always. I made a bunch of money pushing paper around.” Conrad snatched a beer from the fridge.

  “Anything exciting happen?” I asked.

  “Nope.” Conrad plopped down on the other couch. “Well, nothing exciting happened at work. But something very exciting happened after work.”

  He probably fucked some girl on the subway. “What?”

  “I got a new place.”

  “That fast?” Heath asked. “You’ve only been back for a few days.”

  “You’re welcome to stay here,” I said. “There’s no rush for you to leave.”

  “I know,” Conrad said. “But this place is sweet. I can’t wait to show you. I put down an offer and I’m pretty damn sure I’m going to get it.”

  “An offer?” Heath asked.

  “You bought a place?” I assumed he was renting something.

  “Yep.” He grinned from ear-to-ear. “It’s the most awesome penthouse you’ve ever seen. Remember Skye’s? Well, this is a zillion times better. It’s right by the park. It’s got floor-to-ceiling windows, granite countertops and hardwood floors, and they say Taylor Swift lived there for a few years before she bought her own building.”

  I was happy for him but I wasn’t sure if it was the best time to be buying something. He wasn’t in the right state of mind at the moment. “This place doesn’t sound cheap.”

  “It wasn’t.” Conrad didn’t seem concerned about the price. “Dad gave me a pay advance.”

  What the hell was he thinking?

  “He’s taking payments out of my checks until he retires. Then he’ll take the rest out of my new salary.” He rested one arm on the back of the couch. “It’s so sick. You guys need to come see it. I should hear from the realtor in the next couple of days.”

  I needed to be supportive but I couldn’t deny how concerned I was. “Conrad, do you think now is the best time to buy something?”

  “Why wouldn’t it be?” he asked. “I need a new place anyway.”

  “Why don’t you just rent it?”

  “Why not buy it?” He grew defensive. “When you rent something you’re paying someone else’s mortgage. You’re acting like I don’t have the money or something.”

  “No, that’s not what I’m implying,” I said.

  “Then what are you implying?” Conrad demanded. “That a grown man can’t make his own decisions? I bought a Tesla and you didn’t freak out about that.”

  “Because it’s a hundred thousand dollar car,” I snapped. “Not fifty million.”

  Heath intervened when the tension escalated. “Whoa, calm down. Conrad, we’re happy for you and your new place. Of course, we’d love to see it. Roland, we’re very excited for Conrad and his new living arrangements. He’s obviously very happy.”

  “Thank you.” Conrad’s eyes were glued to Heath.

  “I am happy for you,” I said. “I just want to make sure you aren’t making a mistake.”

  “I don’t make mistakes,” Conrad said coldly. “Anymore.”

  His meaning was as heavy as an anvil.

  “Let us help you move in,” Heath said.

  Conrad took a long drink of his beer before he spoke. “I’m pretty sure I’m going to get rid of everything in the house, with the exception of my clothes and kitchen stuff.”

  “You are?” I asked. “Isn’t everything fairly new?”

  Conrad’s eyes were glued to the TV. “I just don’t want it.”

  “Well, we can help with that,” Heath said.

  Conrad nodded. “Actually, that would be very helpful. If you guys could pack up my stuff and put it in boxes, I’ll have movers take care of the rest.”

  Why didn’t he want to pack his own stuff?

  The confused look on Heath’s face told me he was thinking the same thing.

  I wasn’t sure why he made such a weird request but I assumed it had something to do with Lexie. Maybe he was afraid she would stop by the apartment. Maybe he didn’t want to breathe the same air she once did. I didn’t know. Instead of pointing it out, I just let it go. The sooner this was over, the sooner Conrad could move. “Whatever you need.”


  I was dead asleep when I heard a distant thud.

  It woke me up slightly, but I was still so deep in slumber that it didn’t stir me. I chose to ignore it and return to the land of my dreams.

  Then I heard it again.

  Heath stirred from beside me. “What the hell is that?”

  Now I was fully awake and couldn’t doze off again. I sat up and squinted my eyes as I took in the darkness. “I’m not sure. I—”


  Heath stilled then released a deep sigh. “I think I figured it out.”

  The muffled sound of moans continued from the living room. The couch skidded back and forth across the hardwood floor.

  “We’re going to have to throw that out,” I said as I lay back down.

  “Or put a permanent sheet over it.” Heath lay beside me and cuddled into my side. “So, that guy had two women the entire time he was in Italy and now this? I have to say, he’s got game.”

  “He was never like this. Even in college when he was sowing his seeds he wasn’t this bad.”

  “Well, you know what they say. To get over someone, get under someone.”

  “And I think Conrad is planning on getting under every woman in New York.”

  Heath closed his eyes. “I have a feeling he’s going to succeed.”


  After I showered and got ready I walked into the living room. Still naked and wrapped up in a sheet was Conrad and some curvy brunette. Despite Conrad’s massive size, he managed to fit on the couch, her on top of him.

  I made some coffee then eyed the clock on the stove. If Conrad didn’t wake up soon he was going to be late for work. I walked back into the living room and leaned over the back of the couch. “Conrad.”

  Neither one of them stirred.

  I raised my voice. “Conrad.”

  Conrad finally sighed and his eyes fluttered open. “Hmm?”

  “Wake up. You’re already running late for work.”

  The brunette opened her eyes and pulled the sheet further up her chest in embarrassment.

  “Don’t worry. He’s gay.” Heath came down the hall in his work clothes.

  Conrad sat up and let her have the entire sheet. His eyes squinted and he released a loud yawn. He was completely naked but he didn’t seem to care.

  Heath’s eyes were wide as he stared.

  I cleared my throat. “Do you mind?”

  Heath quickly looked away with a guilty expression on his face then grabbed his satchel.

  “I need to set an alarm next time,” Conrad said with a sleepy voice. “I always forget.”

  The brunette sat up and pressed her chest against his back. “You really wore me out last night…”

  Conrad chuckled. “I tend to do that.”

  I cringed. Did they think I really could
n’t hear them just because they whispered?

  “You really need to get your own place though,” she said. “Crashing on your friend’s couch is pretty lame.”

  “I’ll have my own place soon enough.” Conrad stood up and grabbed his clothes but he didn’t dress himself.

  Heath grew uncomfortable so he walked out. “See ya later.” He didn’t even say goodbye to me because he was in such a hurry.

  The second he was gone I rounded on Conrad. “Dude, do you mind?”

  “What?” he asked. “You’ve seen me naked before.”

  “But my gay boyfriend hasn’t,” I snapped. “Put your junk away.”

  “Oh, sorry.” He smacked his forehead. “Sometimes I forget.”

  “Well, don’t forget again.”

  The brunette continued to cling to him. “You’ll call me right?”

  “After last night, you can count on it.” He gave her a quick kiss before he stepped away. “But I really need to get ready for work.”

  She pouted her lips. “I hope I see you soon.”

  “Maybe.” Conrad kept walking. “Maybe not.”

  When he was gone it was just the girl and I.

  And boy, it was awkward.

  “Uh…I’ll let you get dressed. It was nice meeting you.” Actually, I never got her name and she didn’t get mine. I grabbed my wallet and keys and walked out, not wanting to be around that much longer.

  Even though Conrad was my cousin I knew he was a catch. The last thing I wanted was for Heath to like what he saw. It would make things awkward and tense.

  But then again, everything already was awkward and tense.

  Chapter Twelve


  “Skye is going to come over and start labeling boxes with me. Then you and the guys can move everything into the back of the truck.” Trinity had her hair pulled in a tight ponytail. Her blonde hair was in a single curl and it looked soft. “Got it?” She wore those skin-tight yoga pants that made her ass look off the hook, and she had a skimpy top that showed every curve. “Slade?”

  I was leaning over the counter staring at her ass. “Hmm?”

  “What are you doing?”

  I righted myself. “I love yoga pants. They are god’s gift to man.”

  She rolled her eyes but it was clear she liked the compliment. “Who’s coming over to help us?”

  “You just said Skye.”

  “I meant who’s moving stuff? You asked Roland and Theo?”

  Actually, I only asked Cayson. But I was trying not to make that obvious because she would scream at me. I was trying to get them in the same room together. They hadn’t spoken since their big fight. I was playing cupid even though I wasn’t very good at it. “You got enough permanent markers, right?” Changing the subject was smart. I couldn’t lie to her so that was my only option.

  “Yep.” She grabbed a pack of pens. “I got a bunch of different colors. That way each color is a different zone of the house. Like green is kitchen stuff, so anything that would go in the kitchen would be labeled in green marker.”

  I couldn’t care less. “Good job, baby. You’re so smart.”

  “Thank you.” She smiled then opened the pack of pens and laid them out on the counter.


  There was a knock on the door before it opened, and Skye walked inside wearing a long dress that reached her ankles. Her hair was pulled back in a high bun. I didn’t think she was ugly but I didn’t see what Cayson saw in her. “Help has arrived.”

  “Glowing help.” Trinity hugged her then touched her tummy. “How’s the baby today?”

  “Pretty quiet,” Skye said. “He hasn’t kicked much.”

  “He’ll get riled up around lunchtime.”

  Skye chuckled. “Just like his mother.”

  I awkwardly patted her on the arm. “Yo.” It was hard to look at her the same knowing she was hurting my best friend so much.

  “Hi…” She felt the same unease.

  Trinity tried to dispel the tension. “Skye, you’re in charge of labeling. I got all the pens for you here to do what you want. I was thinking we could color code everything to make it more organized. Slade said it was a great idea.”

  “Yep.” Actually, I couldn’t care less. I thrived in chaos. I had tons of stuff I lost when I moved in with Trinity, and I knew it was hiding under something or in something.

  “Roland and Theo are coming to help so we’ll have them do the heavy lifting,” Trinity said.

  I kept my gaze averted so they wouldn’t see the guilt there.

  Skye released an obvious sigh. “Oh, good.” She was obviously expecting Cayson.

  “Let’s get to work.” Trinity clapped her hands. “Chop-chop.”

  Skye looked at the different pens then grabbed a piece of paper and made the key with the different labels. “A map will help.”

  I stacked a few boxes on the counter so she wouldn’t have to move to label them. They weren’t heavy but it was best not to let her do anything. If I did, Cayson would murder me.

  The door opened and Cayson walked inside like he belonged there. He wore jeans and an old Harvard t-shirt. “The muscle is here.”

  Skye stopped writing and turned her fiery gaze on him. She wasn’t happy to see him—at all.

  “What the hell is he doing here?” Trinity demanded. Her eyes were on me. She didn’t look happy either.

  “I asked him to help us move.” I played dumb, like always. It was my most believable trait.

  “You told me Roland and Theo were coming.”

  “Actually, no. You asked if they were and I didn’t say anything.”

  Trinity crossed her arms over her chest so she wouldn’t punch me in the face. “I asked you to get help.”

  “And I asked Cayson.”

  She threw her arms down in frustration. “Why the hell would you ask this piece of shit?”

  “Because he’s not a piece of shit—and he’s strong.”

  Cayson stood there and tried to act indifferent.

  “Look, he’s already here,” I said. “Just let him help. Cayson is my best friend, remember? I want him here. He didn’t do anything wrong and he doesn’t deserve to be ostracized by the group.”

  “He’s a damn cheater.” Trinity pointed her finger in my face. “No sex for two weeks.”

  “Good luck getting pregnant that way.”

  Her eyes started to steam.

  I loved the fact we were trying to conceive. She couldn’t use sex as a weapon. All she had left up her sleeve was slapping me, but that only turned me on so it didn’t accomplish anything.

  “Slade Ryan Sisco, you’re such an arrogant jerk.”

  “Baby, calm down. You think this is ever going to change? Cayson will always be around, especially when the baby is here. You’re really going to banish him away from his family?”

  Trinity pressed her lips together like she didn’t have an argument.

  “He’s fine,” Skye said quietly. “Slade is right. We’ll never be able to get rid of him completely so we may as well learn to live with him.”

  “Ugh,” Trinity said. “He’s like a disgusting bug. Who knows what diseases he’s carrying.”

  Cayson held his tongue but it was obvious he wanted to insult her back. I knew the only reason why he didn’t was because of me. “Where should I start?”

  “Skye is labeling boxes,” I said. “Once she’s done, carry it to the truck downstairs.”

  “Got it,” he said. “And that’s all she’s doing, right?”

  Skye turned her thunderous gaze on him. “What I do is none of your concern.”

  Trinity leaned toward my ear and whispered. “This is why you shouldn’t invite him.”

  I stepped away so I wouldn’t have to listen to her anymore.

  We started working and it was awkward for the first hour. Every time Cayson took a box from Skye, there was so much electricity between them it zapped everyone in the room. There was hatred in the feeling but also passion and lo
nging. I could see it anytime they were near each other. It was then that I noticed that Cayson still wore his wedding band and Skye wore hers.

  There was still hope.

  We continued to work and only took breaks to pee and drink water. Cayson was sweaty from going up and down the flight of stairs. His forehead was covered in sweat.

  I stood beside him and lowered my voice. “Take off your shirt.”


  “Take off your shirt. Just do it.”


  “I’m trying to help you here.”

  “I’ll look stupid if I’m the only one who does it.”

  “Fine. I will too.” I pulled off my shirt and tossed it aside. I preferred having my shirt off anyway. My ink was visible so it could be appreciated and admired. I watched Skye’s face when Cayson removed his shirt. He was muscular and the sweat defined the abs of his stomach. I was totally straight but I knew my best friend was easy on the eyes. Skye took the bait and stared at him without making it obvious.

  She was still into him.

  I’d been reading about pregnancy since Trinity would soon be carrying my child, and I knew pregnant women went through an intense array of hormones, making them particularly emotional, and sometimes horny. From my research, most women were more aroused during their pregnancy than before, and it was a common side effect of the female hormones. Chances are, Skye was going through that now. Maybe Cayson couldn’t get her back through logic and conversation, but he might have a chance with sex.

  And I had a feeling it was working.

  Trinity marched up to me, looking pissed. “Put on a shirt.”

  “It’s hot.”

  “I don’t want you going outside where people can see you.”

  I looked her up and down. “And yoga pants are any better?”

  She crossed her arms over her chest.

  “I don’t tell you what to wear or not to wear, even when you wear those insanely short dresses and sky-high heels to work. So, you don’t get to tell me to put on a shirt on moving day.”

  Her eyes were on fire. “You’re really pushing it today…”

  When we were in our new penthouse overlooking the city she wouldn’t have the ability to stay mad. “Let’s just get to work.”

  “Fine.” She marched into her bedroom and shut the door.


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