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When We Fall

Page 10

by E. L. Todd

  “I won’t do it, Skye. I will make this as difficult as possible. You’re my wife and you’re staying that way. I never cheated on you and I never lied to you. If I did, I would let you go because I know I don’t deserve you. But that’s not the case. I do deserve you, and I’m the only man in the world who deserves you.

  “You can keep sending divorce papers but I’ll never sign them. You can keep trying to leave me but I’ll never let you go. I’m not giving up on us. One day you’ll realize that I’m innocent. And when that day comes you’ll beg for my forgiveness for putting me through this. And I will forgive you. Despite everything you’ve done to rip me apart, I will forgive you. Because I love you, Skye. I always will.”

  Chapter Sixteen


  I just entered the lobby at lunchtime when I spotted that cute secretary from a different floor. She stood near the doorway and she was typing out a text message. Maybe she was meeting someone for lunch.

  I straightened my tie before I approached her. “Can’t decide what to eat for lunch?”

  She quickly lowered her phone then took me in with a look of familiarity. “Hello, Mr. Preston. How are you?”

  So she knew who I was. I hardly left my floor and I didn’t interact with all my employees so I wasn’t sure how she knew what I looked like. But I didn’t question it. “Hungry. You?”

  “I’m good,” she said. “It’s a beautiful day.” She had a petite waist and long brown hair. Her heels were sky-high but it didn’t seem like the height bothered her. She had nice measurements.

  “I was just about to get lunch. Would you like to join me?”

  “Uh…” She looked uncomfortable by the question.

  “I may be your boss but I don’t bite.”

  She still looked tense. “Thank you, Mr. Preston. But I already had plans for lunch.”

  “That’s too bad,” I said. “And call me Conrad.”

  She nodded. “Will do.” She started to walk away.

  “Hold on.”

  She turned around and gave me her full attention.

  “I didn’t catch your name.”


  “Angelina, would you like to go out with me sometime?”

  Her cheeks blushed slightly like she was thrilled. “Sure.”


  After dinner, we walked together on the sidewalk.

  “Thank you for dinner,” she said. “The food was great.”

  “How about the company?” I stopped walking and faced her. I leaned closer to her, close enough for a stolen kiss.

  “That was great too.” She had a beautiful smile, one that was natural and cute.

  Every word she said and every move she made told me she was smitten with me. So I leaned in and kissed her. She had full lips that felt wonderful against mine. She even gave me some of her tongue, and that was just as good. She got me fired up within seconds.

  I pulled away but kept her face close to mine. “Want to head to my place?”

  She didn’t smile but her eyes were lit up. “Sure.”

  “I’m crashing with a friend until my new place is available. Is the couch okay?”

  “Wouldn’t that be a little awkward?”

  I eyed my watch. “They’ll be asleep.”

  “Then sure.”


  Fucking on a couch was better than a bed because there wasn’t much room. I had to pin her body in different ways and that made it new and exciting. Angelina was great in the sack. She was sexy without trying and she had the sexiest moans. Her pussy was tight and her nails were sharp against my skin.

  When the good stuff was over, she started to get dressed.

  “What are you doing?” I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her back to me.

  “Heading home.” She slipped her heels on.

  “Come on, stay here.”

  “Not much room on the couch with a large man on it.”

  I grabbed the back of her neck and gave her a slow kiss. “But there’s plenty of room on my chest.”

  She dropped her heels. “What about your friend?”

  “Who cares? We all leave for work around the same time.”

  She grabbed my collared shirt from the ground. “I guess I’ll wear this.”

  “He’s gay anyway.”

  “Still, I doubt he wants to see a naked person on his couch.”

  “He doesn’t mind the others.” I probably shouldn’t have said that but I didn’t think twice about it. I didn’t like to lie. If a girl had a problem with it, she could leave. I’d just find someone else.

  Angelina didn’t flinch. She moved across my chest and pulled the blanket over both of us. “Good night, Conrad.”

  Feeling her on top of me automatically lulled me to sleep. I loved having the light weight on my chest. Her hair stretched across my skin and tickled me slightly. Her fragrance washed over me and helped me fall into my dreams.

  Then I was gone.


  I said goodbye to Angelina before I left for work in the morning. She gave me a quick kiss and a wave before she disappeared. Then I poured myself a cup of coffee and added rum to it.

  “Different girl every night, huh?” Roland asked when he entered the kitchen.

  I shrugged. “I’m not one to kiss and tell.”

  “But you’re one to fuck everyone in New York,” Heath said as he came next.

  I wasn’t ashamed. “I guess.”

  “Where did you meet her?” Roland asked.


  “You work with this girl?” he asked incredulously.

  “Not really,” I said. “She’s on a different floor. I bumped into her in the lobby. She’s a really good kisser.”

  It looked like Roland wanted to say something but changed his mind. He adjusted the sleeves of his suit before he straightened his tie. He kept his gaze averted the entire time.

  “You guys have plans after work?” I asked.

  “Nothing,” Heath said. “We might watch the game.”

  “Well, I’m getting the key to my new place,” I said. “You guys want to check it out?”

  “You are?” Roland asked. “That fast?”

  “I had the highest bid,” I said. “That’s probably why.”

  Roland opened his mouth to speak.

  Heath intervened. “We would love to see it, Conrad. Let’s meet up later.”

  Roland shut his mouth.

  “Great,” I said. “It looks like I’ll be out of your hair in no time.”

  “And we can get a new couch,” Roland said under his breath.

  I chuckled. “I’ll need to replace that. It’s the least I can do.”


  “Yo, Dad.” I walked into his office then plopped down in the chair. “You got plans after work?”

  Dad put his phone down and gave me a calculating look. “Are you fooling around with Angelina?”

  Damn, how’d he figure that out? “Good news travels fast, huh?” I rested my hands behind my head.

  Dad didn’t look amused. “She came up here looking for you.”

  “I didn’t see her.”

  “You weren’t here. You were late to work.”

  “Oh yeah.” I smiled at the memory. I got a blowjob this morning so that stalled things.

  “She and her mother have been working her for a long time. Conrad, leave her alone.”

  “Leave her alone?” I asked. “She went out with me willingly. I didn’t pester her.”

  “She’s off limits.”

  “The damage has already been done,” I said with a sigh. “Let it go.”

  “No more girls from the office.”

  “Why?” I asked. “Mom worked here.”

  “That’s different.”

  “No, it’s the exact same thing.” I wasn’t trying to be a smartass but it’s the only thing I knew how to do these days.

  “I married her—it’s different.”

  And signed his death certificate.
“Fine. I’ll lay off.”

  “Thank you.” He seemed truly relieved.

  “So, you got plans after work?”

  “No,” he answered. “You want to golf?”

  “I want to show you my new place.”

  Dad smiled. “You found a house already?”

  “It’s not a house,” I said. “It’s a penthouse. It’s right next to the park. My realtor told me Taylor Swift used to live there.”

  “A penthouse?” His excitement disappeared. “Why would you want that?”

  “What kind of question is that?” I asked. “The place is amazing. You’ll love it. It’s got a great view and it’s just been remodeled. I don’t know how I’m ever going to leave that place.”

  “I gave you the money because you told me you were going to get a house…”

  “No, I told you I was going to buy something. I took a look around and when I saw this place I knew I wanted it. What’s the big deal? Believe me, you’ll love it when you see it.”

  Dad rubbed his temple like he was frustrated but he kept his irritation back. “Sure.”

  “You’ll check it out?” I asked. “The guys are coming too.”

  “Great.” He ground his teeth together like it was anything but great.

  “See you then.” I winked then walked out.


  “Isn’t this place sick?” I asked as I showed them around. “It’s got its own bar, two living rooms, four bedrooms, and it even has a pool table.” The place was a palace. It was sleek and elegant but it had a definitive masculinity to it. The walls had just been painted gray and the hard wood floors were dark.

  “It’s really nice,” Heath said in awe.

  Slade had a pale look on his face.

  Roland scanned the room but didn’t seem that impressed.

  Dad kept sighing.

  What was the big deal? Skye had a penthouse so I couldn’t have one? This place was awesome. I’d have so many parties here and bring so many women to the place. I was getting a fresh start in a new place. And I loved it.

  Slade rubbed the back of his neck.

  “What’s your deal?” I asked.

  “Um…Trinity and I just moved into this building.”

  “What?” Roland turned his way.

  So did Mike. “You did?”

  “We’re on the top floor,” Slade answered. “It looks like I’m neighbors with my brother-in-law.”

  That kind of sucked. I didn’t want to see my sister in the elevator when I came home with a woman on each arm. “Well, I’m on a different floor so I doubt we’ll run into each other.”

  “Yeah, I guess,” Slade said.

  “Does your place look just like mine?” I asked.

  “No,” Slade answered. “It’s the same size but it looks completely different—thankfully.”

  “Since I’m five floors beneath you, you shouldn’t be able to hear all the music and partying.” I patted his shoulder. “That’s something to be thankful for.”

  “Well…it’s very nice, Conrad,” Dad said. “A little big for one person but nice…”

  “These places sell fast so if I want something new it shouldn’t be hard to get rid of,” I answered.

  Heath nudged Roland in the side.

  Roland rolled his eyes and spoke. “It’s pretty sick.”

  “Thanks,” I said. “You guys can come party with me.”

  “Party?” Dad asked.

  “You think I’d get this place and not party?” I asked incredulously. What kind of question was that? “So, you guys can pack my things?” I wasn’t setting foot in that apartment. I could have the movers take care of the heavy stuff but I needed someone to put everything in boxes. That placed reeked of Lexie. There were still rose pedals on the bed from the night I proposed to her. I wanted nothing to do with that place.

  Roland shrugged. “Sure.”

  “Of course,” Heath said.

  “I just moved all my shit,” Slade said. “I guess I can help move yours.”

  Chapter Seventeen


  We approached his apartment with the key in hand.

  “This doesn’t make any sense,” Slade said. “Why are we packing for him? I mean, shouldn’t we move his shit and not pack it?”

  Theo shrugged. “I would have asked about it but since he’s so…different I didn’t want to say anything to set him off.”

  “That’s why I didn’t say anything either,” Slade said.

  “Whatever the reason, let’s just do it.” I got the key in the door and unlocked it.

  “You guys really can’t figure it out?” Cayson had been quiet the whole time. He seemed to be in a somber mood, like he was taking Conrad’s pain seriously.

  We all stopped and stared at him.

  Cayson sighed before he spoke. “He doesn’t want to walk into that apartment ever again—because the place reeks of her.”

  “Oh…” I guess that makes sense.

  “That’s how I felt when Alex left,” Theo said. “Her ghost was in every room.”

  “I guess I can’t blame him,” Slade said. “But he could have explained that to us.”

  “It’s too obvious to need explaining,” Cayson said.

  I got the door unlocked and stepped inside. The air was stagnant because it hadn’t moved in weeks. It was stale and old. The place was exactly as I remembered it. It smelled like Conrad, but it also smelled like rose pedals.

  “What’s that?” Slade pointed at the letter on the ground.

  “Maybe an eviction notice?” I picked it up. “I doubt he’s been paying rent.” When I turned it over I saw the handwriting on the front. Conrad’s name was written in distinct feminine cursive.

  Oh shit.

  The guys huddled around me.

  Theo cleared his throat. “Do you think…?”

  “That’s from Lexie?” Slade finished.

  Cayson stared at the letter.

  I felt the paper in my fingertips and wondered if it really was from her. “Uh…I don’t know what to do.”

  “It has to be from her,” Theo said. “Who else would slide a note under his door?”

  “It could be from the landlord,” Slade said. “It might be a girl.”

  “It doesn’t matter who it’s from,” Cayson said. “Its Conrad’s mail. We should give it to him and he can decide if he wants to read it or not.”

  Everyone stilled at his words.

  I knew this letter belonged to Conrad but I really didn’t want to give it to him. “I don’t know…”

  “If it is from Lexie should we give it to him?” Theo asked. “I doubt there’s anything in there that’s going to make him feel better.”

  “It doesn’t matter,” Cayson said. “That belongs to him and not us.”

  “But it could hurt him even more,” I argued. “We need to protect him.”

  “We still don’t know why she said no to begin with,” Slade said. “Maybe that’s an explanation. Wouldn’t it give him closure?”

  “Or what if she wants him back?” Theo asked.

  “That would be a pussy move,” Slade barked. “To try and get back together with him through a letter.”

  “Well, she rejected his proposal,” Cayson said. “She doesn’t strike me as very honorable.”

  “I think we should do the right thing…even if it’s kind of wrong.” I felt the letter in my hands. “We shouldn’t give it to him.”

  Cayson shook his head. “That’s wrong, Roland. This is his mail.”

  “I know,” I snapped. “I totally get that. But Conrad is off his rocker right now. What if this pushes him over the edge? Can we agree that he’s not himself at all?”

  No one could deny that.

  “I say I keep the letter until he’s in a better place,” I said. “Then I hand it over.”

  “I second that,” Slade said.

  “I don’t,” Cayson said. “I know you’re trying to protect Conrad but this is wrong. I care about him as much as you
do. He has the right to all the facts.”

  “What if we read it and then decide?” Theo asked.

  “I doubt there’s anything in here that will be ground breaking,” I said bitterly. “It’s probably the whole, ‘It’s me. Not you bullshit’.”

  “I say we keep it,” Slade said.

  “Me too,” Theo said.

  “Me three,” I said.

  We all stared at Cayson.

  “Come on,” Slade said. “This has to be unanimous.”

  Cayson crossed his arm over his chest.

  “When he was in Italy he spent every waking day with two models,” I explained. “All he did was fuck, drink, and lay by the pool with them. I assumed he got that out of his system when he came home, but he’s had a different girl on my couch every single night. He wasn’t getting this much tail even in college. I’m telling you, he’s having a break down right now. Nothing good can come from this letter.”

  Cayson still looked unsure.

  “Best case scenario, she apologizes and says she wants him back,” Slade said. “And he gets back together with her after what she did. But do we really want that for Conrad? I’m not one to hold a grudge and judge someone but what she did was unforgiveable. You don’t say no when the guy you’ve been with for two years proposes. And you certainly don’t try to get him back.”

  Cayson nodded slightly.

  “So, we’re in agreement?” I asked. “We keep the letter?”

  “Yeah,” Cayson finally said.

  “Alright,” I said. “I’ll hold onto it. I’ll give it to him at the right time…if there ever is a right time.”

  Chapter Eighteen


  If Cayson was living alone for two months, I knew there was something seriously wrong between him and Skye. My wife and I weren’t perfect and we’ve had our arguments throughout our marriage but we’d never hit a rough patch like that.

  To say I was worried was an understatement.

  Even though I was still in my gym clothes, I drove past my house and headed straight for Skye’s. My daughter asked me to stay out of her business but now I knew I couldn’t. She obviously needed help. She could yell at me all she wanted but I wouldn’t walk away.

  I headed to her door then knocked.

  Footsteps were heard on the other side, and I knew she was looking through the peephole. But she didn’t answer the door.


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