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The Awakening

Page 11

by McBean, Brett

  “So,” Warrick said. “Here we are. Who would’ve thought, hey? Toby Fairchild and Frankie Wilmont sucking back beers and smoking cigarettes with ole Warrick Coleman.”

  “Yeah, but we were bribed, remember?” Toby said.

  “It hasn’t been too bad so far, has it?”

  Toby, munching on the Snicker’s, shook his head. “I guess not.”

  “What he means is that the beer and cigarettes are good,” Frankie said, alternating between smoking the cigarette and eating the peanut butter cup.

  “Precisely,” Toby said, and laughed.

  “Couple of comedians,” Warrick said. “So anyway, now that we’re the best of friends and a little loaded, let me ask you guys something.” Warrick drew on his cigarette. “Which girls from middle school do you fantasize about? You know, which ones do you have wet dreams over? Which ones would you love to fuck till the cows come home?”

  “That’s easy,” Frankie said. “Debbie and Gloria Mayfour. Imagine having a threesome with those two.”

  “Agreed,” Warrick said. “You wouldn’t believe the amount of times I’ve jerked off over that fantasy.”

  “You two are disgusting,” Toby said. “They’re sisters.”

  “Makes it all the better,” Frankie said.

  “Come on Fairchild, don’t you think they’re hot?”

  “Of course,” Toby answered.

  “Well, then what’s so disgusting about it?” Warrick asked.

  Toby avoided answering by saying, “Well how about you, Warrick? Who do you like, besides the Mayfour sisters?”

  “Well... Sara Hope’s not bad.”

  Sara Hope had been in the same year as them. She was blonde, had massive tits, and was a complete snob.

  “Yeah, I’d do her,” Frankie said. “I mean those tits... ooh baby.”

  “You wouldn’t stand a chance,” Toby said.

  “Hey, what’s wrong with my looks?”

  “Besides the fact that you’re chubby, have a big nose and a dick the size of an ant?” Warrick said.

  “Go fuck your mother, Warrick,” Frankie snapped. “Anyway, it’s a proven fact that men with big noses have bigger dicks. It’s something in the genes.”

  “That’s utter crap, Wilmont. Everyone knows it’s big feet, not big noses.”

  “It’s true,” Frankie protested.

  “Then prove it,” Warrick said. “Pull down your pants and show us your enormous schlong.”

  “Okay,” Frankie said. “I will.” He stumbled to his feet. It seemed the one beer had gone to his head.

  “Sit down,” Toby told him. “I don’t want to see your dick. Christ, here we are talking about which girls we like and you two end up talking about dicks.”

  Warrick frowned. “Yeah, I don’t want to see your pint-sized cock, Wilmont. What are you, a fag or something?”

  Frankie plonked back to the floor. “Hey, you’re the one who wanted me to show...”

  “Both of you, shut up,” Toby said. He was now feeling the full effects of the two beers. He wasn’t feeling sick; just the opposite. He felt happy, invincible, like he could do anything he wanted. “Okay, who else do you like, besides Sara Hope?”

  “Okay, besides Sara Hope...” Warrick’s eyes narrowed and he took a long draw of his Marlboro. “I’ve got it. Miss Wilson. Man, I would love to bang her brains out. For a teacher, she’s one hot mamma. Great body, nice tits, and a gorgeous face.”

  “Yeah, she is pretty,” Frankie said.

  “Just pretty? She’s more than pretty. She was the most fuckable woman in the whole stupid school. Don’t you agree Fairchild?”

  Toby, not wanting to reveal just how much he liked Miss. Wilson, said, “Yeah, I guess so.”

  “Are you two blind or what? Every guy in school was in love with her.”

  “I guess it never really occurred to me, her being a teacher and all,” Toby said.

  “Hey, you guys wanna hear something amazing?” Warrick leaned forward, eyes flicking from Toby to Frankie. He blew a cloud of smoke. “Dwayne Marcos has fucked Miss Wilson.”

  There was a moment of stunned silence. Then:

  “What a load of shit,” Toby huffed.

  “Yeah, what crock,” Frankie scoffed.

  “It’s true,” Warrick said. “It happened last summer. He went over to her house to hand in some assignment that he was late in finishing, and one thing led to another, and they ended up screwing each other all day and night.”

  “And who told you this? Dwayne?” Frankie said.

  “Yeah, so? I’m friends with him. The guy doesn’t lie. Not about stuff like that.”

  “That’s the kind of thing guys like Dwayne lie about the most,” Toby said. “Miss Wilson would never sleep with a creep like Dwayne.”

  “Well Dwayne told me everything. He said that Miss. Wilson loves to go on top, and that her pussy tastes like beef jerky. He also said that she shaves her pubic hair.”

  “He’s such a liar,” Toby said.

  “Jealous?” Warrick said.

  “No, because it never happened.”

  “Well I think Dwayne did have sex with her,” Warrick said, lighting another cigarette. He offered the pack to Frankie, but Frankie turned it down. “Suit yourself. Fairchild?”

  “No, thanks.”

  “Anyway, all this talk about Dwayne and Miss. Wilson leads to my next question. No bullshit this time. And Fairchild, this time you answer. How far have you both gotten with a girl? And who was it?”

  Toby groaned inside. He figured this question would come up sooner or later. Warrick’s memory was like an iron grip.

  “Well we all know that you’ve had sex before,” Frankie chuckled. “With... what was her name again? Patricia?”

  Warrick nodded, the cigarette perched between his lips. “Okay, okay. I admit it. That was bullshit. But I have felt a girl’s pussy before.”

  “Yeah, your mom’s when you were born.”

  Frankie laughed. “Good one, Toby.”

  “Yeah, ha ha. You’re so fucking funny, Fairchild.” Warrick took a long drag, puffed out smoke, then settled back. “But seriously, I have felt a girl’s muff. It was last year, during the Christmas break. I went with my family to Connecticut to visit my cousins, and one night, while all the adults were out, the kids threw a party. You see, both my cousins are older. One’s seventeen and the other is nineteen. Anyway, at this party I met this really hot chick. Don’t remember her name, but I think she was about seventeen years old. She was drunk, I was drunk. We were in one of the bedrooms and we kissed for a while, tongues and all, and I even got to suck her tits. They were small and pointy, but I didn’t care. I told her I wanted to fuck her, but she said no, she was Catholic, it was against her religion, or some shit like that. But she did let me take off her pants and feel her pussy. Man, it was fucking incredible. It was all wet and springy. She even let me stick my fingers up inside her. She was moaning and everything. Let me tell ya, I nearly shot my load right then and there. And I was this close to going down on her when she suddenly jumped up, rushed into the bathroom and threw up. Like I said, she was drunk.” Finished with his story, Warrick had a proud look on his face and, Toby couldn’t help but notice, an erection. But he couldn’t laugh at Warrick, because he had one too.

  “Cool,” Frankie mused.

  Toby and Frankie glanced at each other. Toby could tell Frankie was thinking the same thing he was. I don’t want to believe it, but I have a feeling it might be true. And if it is, damn I’m jealous. How did a scrawny, ugly kid like Warrick get to do that with a seventeen-year-old girl?

  Still, Toby didn’t want to give Warrick any more satisfaction—he clearly had enough already. “So if it’s true, how come you’ve never bragged about it before?”

  “I don’t brag about everything I do. Some things I like to keep private. Or until the time is right, like tonight.”

  Toby shook his head. “I still reckon you’re making it up.”

  “Look, if I was mak
ing it up, wouldn’t I say that she sucked my dick, or that I went down on her, or that I fucked her?”

  “He’s got a point,” Frankie said.

  “Maybe he’s being smart. Knows that feeling a drunk chick’s beaver is more believable than having sex with her.”

  Warrick huffed. “I can’t win.”

  “Well I believe you,” Frankie said. “So what did her snatch smell like? I mean, you must’ve smelt your fingers afterwards, right?”

  A wide grin spread across Warrick’s face. “Yeah, I did. And they didn’t smell like beef jerky. It was a unique smell. Sweet, but with a sour tinge to it. Mixed with a bit of chicken.”

  “That sounds really convincing,” Toby said.

  “Well anyway, that’s my story. Frankie, your turn. How far have you got with a girl? Seriously now, no bullshit.”

  Toby knew that Frankie had absolutely no experience when it came to girls. Like Toby, he had never even kissed one.

  “Well, I’ve seen a girl’s tits.”

  Oh brother, Toby thought. Here we go.

  “That’s all?” Warrick said. “Well, I guess it’s better than nothing. So whose tits were they?”

  “Debbie Mayfour’s. I saw them Thursday night.”

  Warrick’s interest suddenly perked up. “For real? How? I know she wouldn’t have shown them to you.”

  “She was staying over at my house. I peeked into the bathroom while she was taking a shower. Well actually, she had just finished, she was getting dressed. Unfortunately, she had already put her skirt on, but I got to see her tits real well.”

  “And you weren’t worried about being caught?” Warrick said.

  “Nah. My mom was watching TV and Leah was in her room, yakking on the phone.”

  “I’m impressed, Wilmont. So how were they?”

  “Big. Round and firm. Man, I just wanted to suck them so hard.”

  Toby couldn’t fully enjoy Frankie’s good fortune. He was too busy wondering why, if all this was true, Frankie hadn’t divulged all the details to him yesterday.

  Probably because he’s lying, Toby thought. Yeah, that must be it.

  “God, what I wouldn’t give to suck on those tits,” Warrick said, licking his lips. “I’d kill somebody for the privilege.”

  “Probably your own mother,” Toby said.

  “Hell yeah,” Warrick said. “And my old man, too.”

  “Well you think that’s cool,” Frankie said, grinning, “Toby has touched some tits. And not just any old tits. . .Gloria Mayfour’s.”

  Toby gasped. “Jesus Christ, Frankie! Can’t ya shut your trap for once?”

  He didn’t want anyone to know about that incident, especially Warrick.

  “What?” Frankie said. “You touched Gloria’s titties. That’s something to be proud of.”

  Toby shook his head. Maybe it was the booze—Toby wasn’t in the most rational frame of mind, either—but Frankie had promised not to tell a soul about the run-in with Gloria, and no amount of alcohol should’ve changed that.

  “Man, Gloria’s even better looking than her sister,” Warrick said. “I can’t wait to hear all about it. But first...” With a groan he stood up.

  “Where are you going?” Frankie asked.

  “Home, I hope,” Toby said.

  “Sorry to disappoint, Fairchild. I’m busting for a leak. I hope your garden needs watering.” He winked.

  “You’re disgusting,” Toby said, but he much preferred Warrick to do his business outside than inside Toby’s house. He figured if Warrick went inside to use the bathroom, there was a good chance he would run into Toby’s parents. And they’d surely smell the alcohol and cigarette smoke on him.

  “When I get back,” Warrick said, sliding back the trap door bolt, “I want to hear all about Gloria’s tits.”

  He flipped up the trap door and started climbing down the ladder.

  When Warrick was gone, Toby thumped Frankie on the arm. “Why’d ya tell him about Gloria? That was supposed to be a secret.”

  “Lighten up, jeez,” Frankie said, rubbing his arm. “I thought drinking alcohol was supposed to make you more relaxed.”

  “I was relaxed until you opened your big mouth. Now the whole town will know about what happened with Gloria. You’ve gone and fucked everything up. Gloria will never speak to me again. She’ll think I bragged about it to all my friends.”

  “We’ll just threaten to beat Warrick up if he tells anyone,” Frankie said, reaching back and grabbing the box of banana flavored Mini MoonPies. He took one out and after ripping open the plastic wrapping, stuffed it into his mouth. “Relax, man,” he mumbled. “Enjoy the food and drink.”

  “And cigarettes? You seemed to really be enjoying those.”

  “It was horrible at first. But once you get used to the smoke, I can see the appeal.”

  So did Uncle Bill, Toby thought.

  “So do you believe Warrick about getting it on with that girl?”

  Toby grabbed the box of Mini MoonPies, picked one out, tore open the wrapping and popped it into his mouth. He shrugged, mumbled, “I dunno.”

  “Well, I believe him. God, what a lucky son-of-a-bitch. Out of all the people...”

  Warrick’s scrawny, pimply face suddenly appeared. “Your roses are good and watered now,” he said, then hoisted himself up into the tree house and slammed the door.

  “Bolt it,” Toby told him.


  “Because I said so.”

  “You mean because your mommy said so.”

  “Just fucking bolt the door, Warrick.”

  “Yeah, or else Toby won’t tell you about Gloria’s tits.”

  Warrick promptly bent over and slotted the bolt into place.

  “Okay, done,” Warrick said and sat back on the floor. “Now, tell me all about it. Spare none of the details. I’ve had the major hots for Gorgeous Gloria ever since I was five years old.” He spied the Mini MoonPies and grabbed one out of the box.

  “It was nothing,” Toby said, eyeing Frankie. “Don’t worry about it.”

  Warrick stared at Toby with a look of disbelief. “Nothing? Are you a bona fide homo Fairchild?”

  “What does bona fide mean?” Frankie said.

  “I mean it wasn’t what you think,” Toby said. “So don’t go creaming your pants just yet.”

  Warrick scoffed, took a bite of the MoonPie. “If it involves Gloria Mayfour and her tits, it’s a big deal.”

  Toby knew there was no way out of this. The cat had been let out of the bag, and the cat was a great big Siberian Tiger, just waiting for somebody like Warrick to kick it squarely in the balls. But hopefully, by telling the truth, he would put to rest any rumors that would’ve undoubtedly started up if Toby had said nothing.

  “Okay, I’ll tell you. But you gotta promise not to tell anyone. I mean it Warrick. It doesn’t leave this room.”

  Warrick rolled his eyes. “Yeah, yeah, whatever. Do you want to exchange blood too?” He finished the MoonPie.

  “Fuck you then, I’m not telling you.”

  “Okay, I’m sorry. I promise I won’t tell a soul.”

  “That’s what Frankie said,” Toby huffed.

  “It’s a good story,” Frankie said. “Go on, tell him.”

  “Okay,” Toby sighed. “Yesterday after school me and Frankie were walking home. We decided to have a race to my house. When we got to the corner of Pineview, I... I ran into Gloria.”

  Warrick frowned. “What, you mean you saw her standing there?”

  Toby’s face was burning.

  Why am I still embarrassed about this? I thought alcohol was supposed to dull your senses.

  “No, I ran into her—literally! I knocked her over.”

  Warrick giggled; it was high-pitched, totally uncool, but Warrick didn’t seem to care. “You crashed into Gorgeous Gloria? Oh man!”

  Frankie started laughing, too; a low chuckle that started in his wobbly belly and worked its way up and out through his nose.

nbsp; “What the hell are you two laughing at?” Toby said. “It wasn’t funny. She was hurt.”

  That put an end to Frankie’s laughter. It took Warrick longer to settle down. “Sorry, Fairchild. It’s just... that kind of shit could only happen to you. But she got hurt? Damn, that’s too bad.”

  “Well, not seriously. Banged her head on the sidewalk.”

  “Is that how you got that cut?” Warrick asked, nodding to Toby’s right knee.

  He had taken the bandage off this morning; wearing a bandage over such a minor injury was fine around Frankie, but to be seen around town with one on was a major no-no—it wasn’t the done thing among teenage boys. “Yeah.”

  “So how does feeling her tits come into all this?”

  “Toby fell on top of her,” Frankie said before Toby could answer.

  Warrick’s eyes lit up. “You fell on top of her? You lucky bastard.”

  Toby shrugged.

  “So what, did your hand accidentally slip under her shirt or something? Did you kiss her titties all better after falling on top of her?”

  “No,” Toby said. “When we fell my hand just happened to land on top of one of her breasts—on the outside of her shirt. That’s all. It wasn’t sexy or anything. All I could think about was that she might be hurt.”

  “Hey, it’s a lot further than anyone else has got with Gloria. Believe me, a lot have tried, including me.”

  “Yeah, well, that’s the story. Told you it wasn’t much. I didn’t touch her bare breasts or anything. She didn’t let me touch them voluntarily. So don’t go spreading any rumors about her letting me feel her up, okay?”

  “Don’t worry, I won’t. But do you know what I think? I think you falling on top of Gloria deserves a drink.” Warrick reached into his bag and took out the bottle of Jack Daniel’s. He twisted off the cap and took a quick nip. “Woah, that’s strong stuff,” he breathed. He took another drink, this time leaving the bottle longer at his lips. He squeezed his eyes shut. “Holy crap,” he said and when he opened his eyes, they were watering. He swiped the tears away.

  Toby blinked. Jesus, what does it taste like, acid?

  “Give me some,” Frankie said. Warrick handed him the bottle.

  “Careful,” Warrick said. “Packs a real wallop. Don’t drink too much of it at once.”


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