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Balls and Chain

Page 5

by Mia Watts

  Sam stumbled ahead of him. “You aren’t going to buy me flowers first?”

  “That would be acknowledging that something’s happening here,” Jude said.

  “Right. We can’t have that.” Sam’s fingers stretched behind him, grazing Jude’s crotch.

  Jude grunted, but he extended the distance between them, carefully pushing Sam ahead. The man was a cock-tease without trying.

  Sam drinking tea had been a perfect example. When had something as mundane as drinking become sexy? But he’d thrown his head back, closed his eyes, and swallowed, his throat working over the cool fluid. A single drop had fallen and splashed on his chest. That had be the moment Jude knew he was lost. And the best part had been that Sam had no idea Jude was watching. There’d been nothing contrived about the moment. Nothing deliberately entrapping.

  When he’d gone to the door, the light perfectly outlined his form. The cold glass on his neck had Jude’s feet moving before he’d even consciously acknowledged the urge to move. He’d wanted to touch, to feel, to taste.

  Sam hadn’t stopped him. Sam had touched back, instead.

  Jude nudged him into the room.

  Sam stopped walking, bracing himself with his feet at shoulder width apart. One foot slightly in front of the other, kept him from budging with the next gently nudge from Jude. “I’m all for role play, but you want to explain the belt around my wrists and the studious attempt at not talking?”

  “Not really.”

  “Humor me.”

  Jude caught his upper arms and pulled Sam back against his chest. This time when Sam held Jude’s cock, Jude didn’t move away. He flexed against the awkward hold. Jude wrapped his arms around Sam, stroking over his chest like he had in the kitchen but with firmer contact. He pressed his palms flat to Sam’s belly and arrowed his hands downward. There was no button closure to stop his progress and the zipper put up little resistance.

  Sam’s head fell back on Jude’s shoulder. Jude’s fingers found the hip flexors and gently massaged either side of Sam’s cock. Sam rocked forward. Jude tipped his head to the side and nipped the man’s neck. He quickly soothed the spot with a flick of his tongue and was encouraged when Sam shuddered with pleasure.

  Jude slipped one hand lower, cupping Sam’s balls as he took a long slow sweep of his cock with the other.

  Sam swore softly.

  “Let’s keep your hands restrained for a while, shall we?” Jude murmured.

  Sam didn’t offer up any protest. Jude walked him to the bed. He’d have to remember to thank James for the condoms and lube. He should have known James wasn’t joking about the grocery delivery.

  Jude pulled his hands out of Sam’s jeans and bent him over the bed. He reached for the condoms and lube in the drawer.

  “Geez, you came prepared?” Sam grumbled.

  “Not exactly.” Jude yanked Sam’s pants down and undid his own pants to roll on a condom, before he picked up the lube.

  Jude studied Sam’s tight, slim ass. He slapped it roughly, squeezing a cheek. “I’ll feed you my cock later. Lots of great protein in that.”

  Sam laughed, albeit reluctantly. Jude tried to ignore how his rough behavior must look. Jude probably seemed cold and purely about sex. That was fine. That was better than the alternative, which was he didn’t think he could have Sam’s hands on him and keep his heart out of fucking. Jude had pretty well convinced himself that screwing Sam would cure him of his temporary in-Sam-nity.

  Even if it made Jude look like a dick in the process.

  Sam’s rounded, pale ass beckoned. Sam spread his legs further apart, showing off the bare pink testicles below his puckered hole. He was hard, despite the jackassery that Jude showed. He didn’t deserve this kind of treatment.

  Jude smoothed his hand over the muscled curve, his fingers glided to the place where ass met thigh. Then reaching forward, he cupped the sweet, full balls, unbelievably smooth and soft in his palm. Sam moaned, his ass flexed. Jude applied the gel and worked his fingers in and out of the grasping hole.

  On each outward slide, Jude popped the sensitive muscle ring, teasing it and stretching it. Judging from the way Sam squirmed, he liked the play. Sam pushed his hips back into Jude’s working fingers, effectively working his balls against Jude’s palm simultaneously. Sam might have his hands bound together, but he knew how to move for his greatest satisfaction.

  Jude leaned down and nipped Sam’s ass. Sam stiffened but moaned when Jude then planted wet sucking kisses to the same spot. Sam reached bound hands toward Jude’s groin but Jude held himself back. First he wanted—no, he needed—to take Sam’s balls in his mouth. They were perfect, pretty, and plump like ripe fruit. This fruit would tremble from its branch just as readily. Jude’s mouth watered.

  He got down on his knees behind the other man. Then firmly holding the globes of Sam’s bottom open, Jude nosed in deep. He dragged his tongue along the central seam of Sam’s testicles. Sam squirmed backward.

  “Geez, Jude,” Sam stuttered over the words.

  Jude curled his tongue out, capturing the pink orbs and drew them into his mouth. He suckled gently, stroking each interior gland with great care. Sam smelled like earth and ocean and the heady musk of testosterone.

  Sam’s legs trembled, and he swore under his breath. “Goddamn it, Jude.”

  Jude hummed around the wicked smile he got from driving the other man a little bit crazy. He dragged his nails lightly up the back of Sam’s thighs. He didn’t miss the intense red blush of Sam’s shaft, or the increasing sharpness of Sam’s aroma. Jude tested his theory and was pleased to find pre-cum leaking from Sam’s tip.

  He smoothed it over the head and was rewarded with a choked whimper. Jude chuckled, slowly pulling off the mouthful of tender flesh to nip the inside of both Sam’s thighs. There wasn’t a part of the man that Jude didn’t want to taste. When had he become so orally fixated?

  Jude stood. He slapped Sam’s ass, striking it with a solid smack. Sam sucked in his breath sharply and made a sound of protest, but that was the only complaint. The rest of his body practically quivered with need. Experimentally, Jude slapped his other cheek too. He’d never struck another man in sex play before. He kind of liked the building tension between them, and Sam seemed to hiss with a combination of indignation and pleasure. Jude doubted Sam had ever been struck like this before either. They seemed to be processing it together.

  Jude stroked the pinkened cheeks then struck them several more times until Sam cried out.

  “Fucking take me already,” Sam gasped.

  Jude soothed the abused flesh. It was dark and dusky like Sam’s balls. Jude liked the look on him. Sam moaned, pushing into the gentle caress.

  “Jude. Please, I need—more.”

  Jude positioned himself behind the slightly smaller man, pushing his cock in until the rim snagged just inside Sam’s tight anus. “Hard and fast, or slow and sweet?” he asked, his voice sounding rough with his own hunger.

  Sam bucked slamming his hips backward onto Jude’s cock. Jude didn’t even try to hold back the groan that ripped from his throat as lust seized him. He clamped his hands on Sam’s hips, hanging on as they both adjusted. Sam to the invasion of cock in his tight ass, Jude to the insane heat that enveloped him and swallowed his dick whole.

  Cold sweat broke out on Jude’s brow. How had fucking Sam been a good idea again? His mind snapped shut hearing Sam’s soft pants and concentrated on the careful control Jude took to keep his lust in check.

  “Take my cock,” Sam pleaded.

  Jude wrapped a hand around the silken length. He’d bet Sam’s dick looked as pretty as the rest of him. Jude may as well give up now. Part of him already knew he’d never find another man as perfect as this one. Physically, he was a perfect specimen. He was everything Jude liked and more. Emotionally, he wasn’t a push over, which was something Jude respected. He liked that Sam questioned him, challenged him, taunted him, hell he even liked that Sam complained about him. Little fucker.

>   Jude swept his fist up Sam’s cock, thumbed the wet tip, then returned to the base of his shaft. Sam couldn’t help but move. Jude pulled part of the way out of Sam’s furnace heat. He sank back in, closing his eyes on the sensation. Pleasure coiled about the base of his spine, folding in on itself as he continued to jack Sam off while taking him from behind. He pulled in rhythm with his flexing hips, mimicking the motion fluidly.

  Sam suddenly thrusted back. It jarred Jude, causing him to miss a stroke, but Sam didn’t seem to mind. He pushed into Jude’s thrusts, making their balls swing and bounce. Jude’s eyes rolled up, his mouth fell open as he pounded Sam’s ass with everything he had.

  “Harder,” Sam insisted.

  “Hard as I can.”

  Sam’s useless hands clawed at Jude’s abdomen as though he could somehow pull Jude to him at a faster pace than he already took. But Sam needed something, and Jude wanted to give it to him. Jude gripped Sam’s hip tighter, his fingers pinching around the hip bone. He released Sam’s cock. Pulling out, Jude swatted the ass he’d rather be buried in, cracking the flat of his hand against the satiny skin.

  Sam cried out, braced himself for another. Jude didn’t disappoint him. He liked the sting against his hand. He liked better the rosy glow of his lover’s bottom. He spanked him again and again. Sam sobbed desperately, wordlessly. His body grew more and more taut, yet he held himself for whatever Jude would give him.

  Jude sank to his knees a second time, laving his tongue over Sam’s heated flesh. Soothing it as the moisture cooled. Jude liked the heat on his tongue, and he repeated the slow, sucking bath. He took hold of Sam’s shaft and pumped him.

  Sam shivered, his fingers twisting into Jude’s hair where they could reach, tugging him. Jude scraped his teeth on him and blew over it. Sam’s strangled cry became a shout as he madly fucked Jude’s fist. Jets of cum spilled from Sam’s cock. Jude milked him dry, rose behind him and slammed his cock into Sam’s ass. Jude held him upright by the hips as he pounded into him, slaking his lust. He wasn’t going to think about why Sam had such a strong effect on him. Sam was just a guy. Just a fuck. Just something to pass the time.

  Except even as he thought it, he knew it was all a lie.

  Chapter Six

  Sam’s ass felt like he’d been run through. He almost laughed. He supposed he had been run through. He wriggled backward, hoping to find the solid wall of muscle behind him, but found empty bed instead.

  He sat up gingerly. His skin still burned from the spankings Jude had delivered. Though it hurt, his dick already lifted with the thought of more like it. He’d never been one for pain before, but this time had felt right.

  Sam had fantasies about things like that, but he’d never intended to act on them. Now that he had, he wanted more. But he also wanted a deeper connection. He wanted Jude to make love to him. They’d had their fucking. They’d gotten that part out of their system, but Sam couldn’t seem to get enough of Jude.

  It worried him a little.

  “Jude?” Sam called cautiously, climbing out of bed.

  For the first time he noticed that the belt had been taken off his wrists. He’d gotten used to it being there. Sam levered himself off the bed without letting the cool sheets touch his sore skin. He walked down the hall to the bathroom and turned to look at the damage in the mirror. He blushed when he saw the angry marks. He liked it, he decided. It looked good. He turned a little to admire it from another angle.

  Yeah, his ass looked good in red. His cock rose, as eager to find Jude as the rest of Sam was.

  “Jude,” Sam called again.

  He heard Jude’s low rumble. He must be on the phone. Sam rubbed a sleepy hand through his hair and padded down the hallway to the living room. “Jude, come back to bed.”

  Sam stopped dead in his tracks. Jude, Agent James and another agent turned to him, their conversation grinding to a halt. The agents looked from Sam’s naked, erect body to Jude and back again.

  Jude glowered. “Get some fucking clothes on.”

  Sam’s stumbled over an apology, quickly covering his cock with cupped hands. He turned and darted around the corner into the hall. Once there, he pressed against the cold plaster, cooling his ass, and mentally kicking himself.

  “Back to bed?” The agent Sam hadn’t recognized repeated leadingly.

  “Derek, cut the crap,” James stopped him.

  “That shit is so wrong,” the unknown agent, Derek, said not getting the hint.

  “I fuck men,” Jude said unapologetically. “I fucked that man. Any questions?”

  There was a stretch of silence.

  “Nope. Think that cleared it up,” Derek answered.

  “Good.” Jude’s finality made Sam smile.

  “Jesus, Jude, don’t antagonize him. He could report that shit. The condoms—” James blew out a breath. “They were a joke.”

  “With a practical application.”

  “Whatever. Have you told him yet?” James asked.

  He heard the sound of footsteps approaching. Sam tensed as Jude’s recognizable tread drew nearer. He stopped short of the entrance to the hall. When he spoke again, Sam imagined that he’d turned to face the other two.


  “You’ll need to. He’s gotta go back tomorrow,” James said.

  “I’ll tell him.”

  “Before or after you fuck him again?” Derek asked stupidly.

  “Unless I’m fucking you, my cock is none of your business.”

  “Fuck this. I’m going to wait outside. James, when you’re done here…”

  The screen door swung open and slammed shut. The steps across the front porch faded down the steps.

  “It’s over, Jude. It didn’t even take a week to catch up to the bastard.”

  James’ statement was met with silence.

  “Did you have to sleep with him?” James asked finally.

  “Weren’t you standing here when I addressed that issue with Derek?”

  James’ voice sounded louder though Sam hadn’t heard him move. Still the tone and volume suggested he had. “What were you thinking?”

  The creaking of floorboards alerted him to movement seconds before he saw Jude back up into the doorframe. Jude knew he was there, knew he was listening. Sam licked his lips, waiting to hear what Jude would say next.

  “I was thinking that Sam really does it for me.”

  “But the job, man. The job. Is he worth it?”

  “I’ve had five days with him. All I know is I have to see where this thing goes.”

  Jude’s words spilled like warm honey into the pit of Sam’s stomach. He smiled at Jude’s profile. Jude propped his hand on the doorframe.

  “Listen, James, I need a minute with Sam. I need to let him know he doesn’t have to hide anymore.”

  “What if he doesn’t want you? What if you risked your job for nothing?”

  “Is it a bad risk? If life is nothing more than a collection of paychecks, then it sucks. If it’s about taking risks and seeing where it leads you, then I’m jumping on that train.”

  “That’s stupid,” James scoffed. “You’ve worked too hard for this position. In five days you found a cock that makes you want to risk your years in the FBI? That’s just pointless.”

  Jude glanced over his shoulder. His deep brown eyes met Sam’s, and Sam felt himself smiling, though he suspected he looked a little goofy. Mussed hair, naked, and grinning like an idiot, it was a wonder Jude saw anything in him at all. He had to agree with James. Jude didn’t know how Sam felt. He was effectively giving up his livelihood just to see where things went with Sam, a virtual stranger.

  How was that wise?

  “It’s only pointless if I don’t take the chance.” Jude looked back into the room where James stood out of sight of Sam. “Besides, you’re assuming that this would make me lose my job. I have a clean record. I’m more likely to get a slap on the wrist.”

  “You know me, man. We’ve been partners for four years. I’m not filing
a complaint. I can’t say the same thing about Derek.”

  “Let me worry about Derek. He’s been chaffing my ass since I moved to the sector office. I’m not afraid of what he can dish out.”

  A cell phone chirped cutting off James from whatever he’d intended to say next. “Yeah, I’m going. He knows.” James sighed. “I gotta go. There’s a Cessna waiting for you at the airfield. Just tell the controller who you are.”

  Jude nodded. He stayed put until the screen door opened and closed. A car engine rumbled to life in the yard. The sound of the motor faded in the distance. Jude’s chin dropped, then he faced Sam.

  “Well, it’s over. It’s time to pack up and head back. You’re expected in the sector office tomorrow.”

  “Will you be there?” Sam asked.

  “Until I deliver you, you’re mine.”

  Sam quirked a smile, wondering if Jude realized the double meaning of his words.

  “So we have one more night,” Sam clarified.

  “We fly back as soon as we get to the airfield. The flight plan will be waiting for us. Back in New York, we’ll have one more night.”

  Sam stepped up to him, uncaring that he was still naked and Jude wasn’t. “Did you mean all that stuff you said, or was it just for my benefit?”

  “I said it for your benefit,” Jude began. He took Sam’s hand and pulled him closer. His brow furrowed slightly as though he was uncertain that Sam wanted to get nearer. “All of it was true.”

  “You’re risking your job for me.”

  Jude shrugged. “Not really. It might look like I am, but my job isn’t at risk here.”

  “Then what is?” Sam hedged, hoping idiotically that Jude would confess that his heart was involved.

  “I don’t know yet.”

  “So last night wasn’t about getting off? It sure felt like it.” Sam tilted his head to the side as he studied Jude.

  Jude gave nothing away in his expression. He barely knew this man, yet Sam felt like he had to see where things went. Jude said he felt the same way. Sam didn’t believe in love at first sight.


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