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The Craft of the Wise 4: Healing Hearts

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by Dee Carney

  Published by Phaze Books

  Also by Dee Carney

  The Craft of the Wise: Book of Shadows

  The Craft of the Wise 2: Divination

  The Craft of the Wise 3: Rule of Three

  This is an explicit and erotic novel

  intended for the enjoyment

  of adult readers. Please keep

  out of the hands of children.

  The Craft of the Wise 4:

  Healing Hearts

  A paranormal erotic romance short by


  The Craft of the Wise 4: Healing Hearts copyright 2009 by Dee Carney

  All rights reserved under the International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  A Phaze Production

  Phaze Books

  6470A Glenway Avenue, #109

  Cincinnati, OH 45211-5222

  Phaze is an imprint of Mundania Press, LLC.

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  Cover art © 2009 Deborah Lewis

  Edited by Stephanie Balistreri

  eBook ISBN-13: 978-1-60659-527-5

  First Edition — November, 2009

  Printed in the United States of America

  10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

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  Chapter One

  The tension in the air made drawing in oxygen almost impossible, definitely difficult to breathe. Every werewolf stood facing the door, some with a ready hand on the hilt of his curved blade. None would allow any of the witches to leave the virtual security net they formed. If she didn’t know better, Selena Owen would think the men were ready to battle against a threat instead of just greeting another of their kind.

  Not just one of their kind, either. Aaron Remington’s brother. As the alpha of the pack, Aaron should have been concerned by the wariness of his men, but his tightened jaw and stiff stance were evidence that he was just as agitated as them. Ava Valentine stood just behind him, holding his hand. From where she stood, Selena saw the gentle squeezes she gave him every few minutes. He kept his attention on the door, but Selena recognized the calm that seemed to wash over him every time his mate provided him with silent encouragement.

  What she wouldn’t give to have a man who stood by her like that. Someone to share life’s troubles and victories with. Someone to love.

  She looked towards the other mated witches and werewolves, a small, subconscious sigh escaping as she did. Jenna and Vince. Liana and the twins, Jarod and Ronan. Along with Ava and Aaron, all of them had been brought together to fight a single foe who threatened all of witchdom and mankind. Somehow the men and women found each other as mates, too.

  Selena was happy for all of them. Really, she was. But she wished…just once…

  Even though she also made up part of the senior leadership of the coven, somehow the fates had overlooked her. Again.

  Not that she minded, but just once it would have been nice to be one of the popular girls. Or one of the pretty girls. Popular and pretty? That would have been just downright greedy. Toss in being able to call herself a powerful witch like one of the others would probably make the world stop spinning on its axis.

  She should be content with her part in this battle against Ava’s cousin, Dina. She didn’t have to put her neck on the line, but maybe she’d perhaps get a chance to offer her healing hands when needed. In the war against Dina’s demons, the day would soon come when her skills might be useful to someone. She only had to sit patiently by until then. Ever the wallflower waiting to be noticed.

  “Calm, Aaron,” Mayda Valentine urged with a gentle voice. Her words weren’t meant as an order for the leader. More of a reminder that his men picked up on his tension.

  He glanced at her, turning enough so he faced both her and the closed door. “High Priestess, he is dangerous. I’m still not sure about bringing him here.”

  “He is your brother, Aaron,” Ava reminded him.

  “He is also unpredictable, Ava.” He brought her hand to his mouth and dropped a kiss on the back of her knuckles before releasing her. “That he is my brother has nothing to do with the fact that he is demon-touched and could turn on any of us in a heartbeat. That includes me.”

  “Let’s cross each bridge as we come to it. We need his help.”

  “But we don’t, High Priestess. We don’t have to know where the demons are in order to close the portal between the demon realm and ours.”

  “So rather than bring your brother here, you would risk Ava’s life instead?”

  He shook his head. “Of course not.”

  “Then, once again, we should consider the matter settled.”

  Aaron blew out a breath, but nodded.

  Of course it was settled. From the moment one of the twins mentioned Aaron’s estranged brother, the witches saw past the possibility of danger to focus on the advantage his curse could bring them all.

  In just a few days, Ava would be instilled as the thirteenth High Priestess in a line of familial High Priestesses. Once there, she would have the ability to shut down the portal to the demon realm, keeping the creatures trapped there forever. Her cousin would stop at nothing to prevent that from happening and from absconding with Ava’s powers for herself. So far, she’d been thwarted in all of her attempts, but they were quickly running out of options. Their greatest fear was for Dina to become desperate enough to make an attempt against Ava’s life. Especially before the power of the coven could be transferred from Mayda to her granddaughter.

  To Selena’s knowledge, no one asked Aaron how his brother had come to be cursed by the demons, but how on earth had it happened? Werewolves were notoriously difficult to beat, yet somehow a demon managed to hold one down long enough to cast a spell that would make the shifter’s life a living hell.

  Goose bumps covered her arms as the air rippled. Static charged around them enough for even her to pick up on a new pulse of energy, and pull her from musing. Footsteps, heavy like the weight of doom, came to rest just outside the door and caught her attention.

  Her gaze trained on the slow turn of the doorknob, the shifting of the cold metal silent, the lack of noise ominous. Was it any wonder that she watched in fascination while, around her, every werewolf tensed? Whatever walked through the widening space held all of their futures in its hands.

  Her breath caught when he, presumably Devin, stepped through. In the doorway stood one of the largest men she’d ever seen. Not just extremely tall, but wide. He filled the space, making it seem too small for him to pass through without turning sideways. Although Devin was Aaron’s younger brother, he must have outweighed the brutish alpha leader by a good twenty pounds, if not more.

  The familial resemblance had no place to hide. Like his brother, Devin’s eyes seemed too dark to be labeled black. They were depthless pools almost hidden behind long tendrils of equally dark, unkempt hair. The cleft in his chin was more pron
ounced, the angles of his jaw and face more defined. What caught her attention first, though, separated him from his brother right away.

  A red handprint, almost claw-like, imprinted his neck. The demon-touch. Some of the fingers of the print fit over his jaw. Part of the palm sat just above his clavicle. He made no effort to hide the mark. His shirt gaped open wide enough to display the imprint and—sweet Lady—a very well-defined chest. His legs were thick like tree trunks, and her imagination admonished her for wondering what might hang in between them.

  But a girl had to wonder. There was that saying about the size of a man’s hands and feet to consider, after all.

  “You must be Devin Remington,” Mayda said. With grace, she walked toward him past the phalanx of werewolves, her hand extended.

  Devin glanced at her outstretched hand and ignored the peace offering. His raking gaze traveled to where his brother stood. With a gritty voice, he announced, “The Devil Remington.”

  Selena winced. So, he knew the name the others gave him.

  “I wouldn’t know about that. I do know that we need your help and I’m very glad you agreed to meet with us.” Mayda maintained a smile as she dropped her hand. If she’d been the least bit offended by him, she didn’t show any sign.

  “Welcome to our home,” Ava added. She started forward, but Aaron shifted to block her path. He continued to say nothing to his brother, his silence as telling as any words they could have exchanged.

  He pierced Ava with a slanted look. “I am not welcome and we all know it.”

  Devin stiffened and tilted his chin up. He sniffed the air, holding himself as if invisible hackles rose. His body all but vibrated as he scanned the room. When their eyes locked, Selena held her breath. In that moment, in the milliseconds of time that passed between them, his past, who he was—dear Goddess—their future together, filtered through her mind at rapid-fire speed. Images, emotions, sensations swirled around the core of her being, demanding that she understand. Acquiesce.

  She’d never known anything before like it. Before her legs buckled from the weight of his presence sinking into her soul, his voice whispered into her mind.


  With impossible speed, Devin rushed forward, maneuvering past the other werewolves before they could react. A scream locked in her throat, but he was there, looming over her, separating her from the others in the room. His menace filled her nose, the masculine scent of him awakening something within her that responded in a very feminine way. Heat echoed between their bodies, spreading over her until she could have melted from the intensity.

  She backed up as fast as her unsteady legs allowed, but a wall prevented her full retreat. Devin pressed himself tight against her body, his arousal evident. All the while, her mind filled with his possessive growl.

  Strong hands grazed over her skin, igniting a trail of flames. With the delicate strokes of a lover, he explored her, almost reverently. Then with his large hands, he gripped her jaw, tilting her face up to meet his. Selena’s heartbeat roared in her ears when his mouth descended.

  Chapter Two

  Behind him, the men erupted into a flurry of activity. Before their mouths touched, Devin was wrenched away by the others. “Who are you?” he shouted as they pulled him away.

  That’s what she should have asked. Why did she know him, and feel obligated to some connection that drew him to her like on a string? How had he managed to get past the men with such speed and, more importantly, how had he managed to make her respond in such an expectant manner? She’d wanted his kiss. Had almost cried out from the interruption.

  Liana pulled her close, her face lined with worry. “Are you okay? Did he hurt you?”

  She shook her head. Her heart fluttered like the wings of a hummingbird, her mind still whirling. “I’m fine. I just—I just don’t know what happened. He moved so fast!”

  Liana hugged her and, over her shoulder, Selena watched with dismay as four men slammed Devin against another wall. He kept his gaze locked on hers. If their struggling disturbed him, he didn’t appear fazed by it.

  “High Priestess, he should not be here.” Aaron’s face glowed a brilliant red as he rumbled out his frustration. He pointed an accusing finger at Devin. “I cannot ensure the safety of anyone while he is around. You saw what he just did.”

  Selena watched Devin, fascinated at his lack of response. He didn’t try to break free. His attention remained fixed on her. Whatever link had been created faded slowly, their memories echoing in her mind. She now knew this man, this demon. Yearned for him.

  “Who are you?” he mouthed. His jaw tightened when one of the men pressed a meaty arm to his throat, but he could have been a statue otherwise.

  “I don’t think he would have hurt me, Aaron,” she said in a soft voice. No, he wouldn’t. Something she didn’t know how to name existed between them. How else could she explain hearing his thoughts? The instant desire to be wrapped in his embrace?

  Aaron whipped around to face her. “Is that a chance you’re willing to take, witch?”

  Without hesitation, Selena said, “I am.” When his eyebrows shot up, she grimaced. What in heaven’s name was she thinking by standing up to the alpha leader? “I mean, I think…I mean…”

  “I’m not as unpredictable as you think, brother. Call your dogs off me and I’ll prove it to you.” Devin spoke with bored laziness. As if he allowed the men to hold him down. For now.

  “Aaron, give him a chance. He didn’t harm her and we need his help,” Mayda said.

  Aaron’s lips thinned. He scrubbed his face with a palm and walked toward Devin. When their faces were scant inches apart, he stared into eyes eerily similar to his own. “If you come near any of these women again, I will personally see to it that what that demon did to you is a cakewalk by comparison to what I will do without hesitation. Understood?”

  “Do you really think you can threaten me? There isn’t anything you can do that…”

  “Enough!” Mayda’s voice cracked like a whip. “We don’t have time for this. Whatever family issues the two of you have to work through, need to be handled on your own time. Right now, my granddaughter’s life is at stake and she has to be our focus. Is that understood?”

  The two men faced off for a few more minutes. Someone stood in line to get an ass whuppin’ if either one so much as blinked the wrong way, of that much she was sure. Instead, after an interminable wait, Aaron dipped his chin toward his men, who immediately released Devin.

  Free to look in her direction once again, Devin fixed Selena with another stare that held her mesmerized. Fighting back the smile that threatened to curl her lips, she had to admire his boldness. No one with the ability to see could deny his fixation with her. She’d somehow become his singular obsession. The attention amused, aroused, and terrified her all in one. Probably because she was starting to feel the same way and, before today, knew little more than his name.

  “None of them,” Aaron growled.

  Devin’s gaze traveled from her feet to lazily meet her face. His mouth curved into a smirk sexy enough to make her head swim.

  “Whatever you say, brother.”

  * * * *

  Selena helped Ava stock the supplies in the cabinet. A dizzying array of dried flowers, dried fruit, and other sundry items had been stored in Mason jars. A quick glance at the glass containers confirmed when anything ran low. Most of her necessary stock passed through this room, so she kept a close eye on the contents.

  The small pantry just off the main basement brought memories of warm fires and country living to Selena’s mind every time she ventured there. Something about its compact coziness did that to her every time. She didn’t mind spending so much time alone in here anymore. Really, she didn’t. Especially when the other couples were elsewhere busy doing whatever it was couples did.

  Ava handed her a bag of dried chamomile. “That man has it bad for you.”

  The abrupt shift in topic didn’t disorient her. Devin had plagued her thoughts
since morning. Why wouldn’t he?

  She nodded. “I know. The whole thing’s kind of weird and great.”

  “Great?” Ava scoffed. “You aren’t scared?”

  Selena chewed her lip and bit back a reply. Ava couldn’t understand what being the ugly duckling was like. She was pretty. Oddly enough, all of the witches in the coven were pretty, furthering her feelings of inadequacy.

  Selena, on the other hand, had a hard time catching the attention of anyone. Someone with nondescript, straight brown hair and simple brown eyes, and no real curves to speak of fought hard to be something other than plain. If she wasn’t a skilled healer, she didn’t know what life outside of the coven might be like.

  She shrugged. “He isn’t scary.”

  “Yeah, he is. Still, I wish he and Aaron got along better.”

  Vilified by his family. Outcast by his pack. The demon-touch a scar not to be ignored, was there a wonder he shunned everyone around him?

  Selena murmured, “Devin must lead a hard life.”

  She couldn’t say she felt sorry for him, but she understood the loneliness which wrapped around him like a blanket. If his own brother feared and despised him, how could anyone else hope to get close to a man who could no more help his actions than the sun could help rising every morning? The demon-touch bridged him to the world of demons on a whim. He had no control and when overtaken by its lure, his behavior made him a danger to anyone around him, according to his brother.

  Such a sad, lonely life.

  Selena set her jaw and glanced into her hands. He’d been cursed, not born with his affliction. That made its removal at least possible.

  So, was she a healer or wasn’t she? If she approached his problem with the same dedication she approached any other illness, there was no reason why she couldn’t figure out a way to break the malicious spell. She had no experience with the demon-touch curse, but a little research and a prayer or two to the Goddess couldn’t hurt. If he would accept her help, she would search the Book of Shadows to find what she could.


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