Book Read Free

Tempering Steel

Page 12

by Lea Barrymire

  The grin he received was both terrifying and hilarious. He could see the glee shining in her eyes at the prospect of doing just that.

  He pulled into Skip’s driveway and the rest of the world settled back onto his shoulders. They had a packmate to find and poachers to arrest. The conquering of the town’s vet would have to wait. A shock of warmth went through him. At least he knew she was willing to be conquered.

  “Okay, let’s get this show on the road.” Margie opened her door and started sliding out of the truck.

  “Wait a second. Although we’re working, I want you to know that I expect to touch you, hold your hand and not let you out of my sight. I’m going to get really protective if we find something nefarious going on. Fair warning and all that.”

  She nodded. “Fine, but I’m telling you now, if you pull some caveman shenanigans I’m going to be pissed.”

  “Fair enough.” He chuckled and slid off the seat. Shutting his door brought a light touch of Margie’s scent on the breeze. He grinned to himself when he could easily smell himself on her. It ’couldn’t be considered cavemanish if she didn’t know he’d done something, right? Sure, holding her in his arms was nice, and he had loved it, but it’d also had permeated her clothing with his scent.

  Jogging to catch up with her gave him a moment to study her from behind. Now that he could openly appreciate her body, he wanted to look his fill. ’She’d thrown on a pair of worn jeans before they’d headed down to breakfast. The denim hugged her legs like a lover. He groaned as his gaze worked up to her rounded ass. God had built that woman for loving. She had curves, and worked them with an extra sway while walking toward the barn. A grin spread across his face when he realized she’d been strutting for him the whole time, swishing her hips and putting a bit of swagger into her step.

  She jerked around and gaped when he whistled at her, the high-pitched wolf whistle probably carrying a good mile. She raised a brow, turned with flourish and walked into the building. The moment before she disappeared into the shadows, she flipped him off, her laughter floating to him on the air.

  He chuckled. She was so much trouble, but she was his trouble now. He couldn’t help the little fist-pump he did, but he’d definitely beat anyone who said they’d witnessed it.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Margie couldn’t help the giggle that escaped her lips as she rounded the corner of the doorjamb. Only days ago, to have Connor whistle at her like that, and so loudly, as well as leave his scent all over her, would have been too much to hope for. Her heart soared. He really was claiming her, and wasn’t being quiet about it.

  “Damn, girl. You stink.” Ian’s voice carried from deeper in the barn, and the sound of something solid hitting him let her know Cammie was there.

  “Shut up. You can’t tell her she stinks. God, you’ll give her a complex.” Cammie’s words were punctuated with smacks to Ian’s arm.

  “Fine. Ow. Stop hitting me, woman, or I’ll turn you over my knee.” He growled a little at his wife and she blushed. Well.

  Margie laughed. “Look at you two. Married and already bickering.”

  Cammie raced over and clamped tight arms around Margie’s waist. Her friend whispered, “I’m so glad he’s finally come around and accepted the truth.”

  “Yes, he has, and I’m so glad everyone needs to keep reminding her about my issues.”

  Connor’s growl had everyone spinning, and most of the people standing around looking off, scuffing their shoes in the dirt or clearing their throats. Margie wanted to laugh, but then again, where was the fun in allowing him to get away with being gruff with his friends? Even she could sense the unease.

  “Baby. Didn’t we talk about your attitude? You’re going to make all your friends think I’m a horrible mate if you keep being grumpy.” She sauntered over to him, wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled his mouth to hers. Just before their lips touched, she whispered, “They’ll think I’m lousy in bed.”

  She could feel his confusion in the lack of response to her kiss. Then, like a light bulb turning on, he took control. His hands dug into her hair, holding her head still just before he invaded her mouth. Margie loved the growl he fed her, the intimate sound rolling through her body, warm and sensual. Giving herself over to the kiss, she followed his lead, teasing and sliding her tongue against his, trying in vain to get her body closer to his. She might have cheered a little inside when he relented and wrapped his arms around her to pull her up against his body. Those lovely strong hands grabbed her ass and picked her up, bringing her core flush against his hard cock. Heaven. Pure and simple.

  A throat cleared. They ignored it, Connor nipping and licking his way down her throat. Margie dropped her head back, giving him full access to her skin. She shivered, mind gone, body melting.

  Someone coughed, and he stilled his assault. She’d never admit to it, but a whimper escaped her open lips. Her body had ignited and the only thing that could put the building fire out was pressed firmly against her pussy. She wiggled a little. Perhaps Connor could be enticed to continue. Long gone was her sense of decency, if she’d ever really had one. She needed him buried inside her, stroking those places only he could reach. Wanted to feel him moving against her, sliding through her folds, growling as he found his release.

  “Connor. Dude. Either put her down or take her out to your truck and deal with the raging hard-on you’ve got going on. The pheromones y’all are putting off are giving the rest of us stiffies. Not that I mind the show, but you know. If we stroke off you’ll probably try to kill us.”

  Zeke. Shit.

  Connor’s demeanor changed instantly—shoulders tightened, hands clenched and a rumble of anger rolled through his chest. Margie leaned forward and took an earlobe between her teeth and gave it a good nip. “Stop growling.”

  Her whisper seemed to do the trick. He pinched her ass before letting her slide down his body.

  She shivered. Priorities. Find Libby then jump his bones. Good plan.

  Peering up to see what his reaction was, not only to her causing a scene but to having lost control, she found a silently snarling coyote trying desperately to escape the confines of his human skin.

  She sighed for a moment before smacking him on the arm. “Down, boy. Bad pup.”

  Connor blinked a couple of times and nearly staggered back. He looked down at her with such a mixture of emotions that she had to chuckle. His voice was rough still, but it held a hint of amusement. “Pup?”

  She nodded. “Mmm-hmm. There’s no need for you to behave that way.” She turned to the rest of the gathering and a blush rushed up her face. Good Lord, had she really just dry-humped the town’s sheriff in front of all these people? “Um, sorry, everyone. It seems I don’t have any control when it comes to my stud-muffin.”

  A gasp and muttering of indignation behind her was prize enough. She grinned, focusing on Skip for a moment before putting her game face on. Finally taking a moment to really see who was present, she blushed anew. Good Lord. Jason, the wolf shifter they’d saved, was standing there, hands in his pockets, looking mighty uncomfortable. Great way to introduce him to pack life, by mauling her intended while a woman was perhaps in danger. Nothing she could do about it now except get the meeting rolling again.

  “So, what’s going on?”

  Zeke’s laugh had her throwing him a scowl. “Shut up Zekeil, or I’ll come over there and kick your ass.”

  Connor laughed behind her, and with that everything seemed to fall into place. No one was upset over their little show, and obviously he was okay with them being affectionate in front of his pack if the arm wrapped around her waist was any indication. She took a deep breath and let some of her anxiety roll off her back.

  Skip stepped forward, filling the open space with his massive body. “As you know, we’ve been notified that Libby didn’t show up today for her tutoring session. She ’didn’t attend the mating last night and no one has seen her. We’re concerned for her safety, especially with the traps
we found a couple days ago. I’m hoping she’s holed up at home and just didn’t feel like socializing, but I’d rather have a bunch of us ready to search for her.”

  Connor reveled in the feel of Margie’s curvy body resting against his side. If he’d been a cat shifter, he would’ve been purring. Loudly. His coyote was happy. He was happy. A sigh of contentment left his lips. He couldn’t wait to get this business with the trappers done so he could take her home and strip her. That little stunt she’d pulled had him aching. A simple kiss, sure, but from the woman he wanted to mate? His balls felt as if they were being pinched, and not in a good way.

  At least Skip could keep them all on task. Connor caught Ian’s eye and grinned. His friend had a hand around Cammie’s shoulder and was shifting uncomfortably as well. Looked as if their kiss had stirred up some lust for the married couple.

  “Connor. Focus.”

  The whispered admonishment from his spunky mate had him pinching her delectable ass. Seems his hand had wandered on its own to cup her bottom. She elbowed him and he tried not to laugh while he gave her another squeeze.

  “Firstly, I’d like to say that I don’t think anything bad has happened. This entire exercise is to ensure Libby is fine, and I’m sure we’ll all get a nice stroll out of it. I will caution each of you to be watchful, but as we’ve had no trouble save the traps, I’m fairly sure things are fine.” He took a moment to scan the faces before continuing. “I’d like to break us up into three groups. Connor, Margie and Jason are going to head back to the hillside behind Billy’s house. Circle the area where Jason stumbled into the trap and see if you can’t find some evidence of who is placing them. Ian and Cammie will go to Lib’s house and see if she’s there. If not, they’ll radio us with that information and they’ll sniff around her house for clues. Zeke, Chuck and I are going to circle this property and the woods here. I’m afraid we’re dealing with poachers, and perhaps anti-shifter people. Everyone takes a radio. Everyone leaves it on. And no one is to wander off alone. Keep in constant contact. I will not lose one of my pack.”

  Connor’s animal reached for the surface, trying to show his Alpha his submission and acceptance. Skip was a born leader and the coyote inside was happy with that fact. The man had brought them through enough troubles to prove his leadership, and he was loved for it.

  The group started breaking up and Jason wandered closer. Even though Connor had spoken to the male a few times, he was still struck by how big the man was. He walked with the same predatory gait every shifter seemed to adopt, but his was more menacing or threatening.

  Margie stepped forward an instant before sticking her hand out. “Jason. Nice to see you again. This time you’re awake and looking much better. How are you feeling?”

  The other man’s eyes flashed quickly to Connor’s before a flirty smile curved his lips. “Margarete. So good to see you. I’m well, thank you for asking.” He took her hand in his and, instead of giving it a perfunctory shake, he turned it over and kissed her palm. “I owe you so much for helping me. Please let me know what I can do to repay you.”

  Oh hell, no.

  The heat from her blush probably brought the barn’s internal temperature up ten degrees. She extracted her hand from his with a flustered move. “Um. Thank you, but you don’t owe me anything. All in a day’s work.”

  “No, please. I will think of something to do. I pride myself on repaying any debt, and saving my life is a tremendous debt indeed.” The wolf had the audacity to wink at her before continuing. “I can think of a few things that would be fun for us both as my way of showing my thanks.”

  A growl rolled furiously up Connor’s throat. No one was going to proposition his mate, his woman. And definitely not while he was standing right there. “You fucker. Really? You’re going to stand there and talk like that to her when my scent is all over her? No wonder your pack didn’t want you to stick around.”

  “Connor.” Margie’s sharp intake of breath and sharper word brought his gaze to hers. She was angry and scowling.

  An ache started in his chest. “What? You want him hitting on you? Are you bored of me already?”

  He knew it was a bitch move. Voicing his insecurities was stupid from any man’s point of view, but for a shifter to show weakness in front of an unknown was worse. Even to his own ears he sounded whiny. He started to turn away—at least he could escape and regroup at the truck while they chatted.

  A sigh preceded a light touch on the arm. He turned and allowed Margie to pull him down to her lips. Expecting a kiss, he hissed at the light bite on his ear. “Get this straight right now, Mr. Manning. I am a one-man gal, and you are the one guy. Period. Acting protective is cute. Behaving like a jealous ninny is not. Get over it.”

  She bit him again, then sucked the lobe into her mouth. His legs nearly collapsed at the shock of wet heat on his skin. His cock had finally lost its fullness while they’d been listening to Skip, but the blood rushed back in, making him hard and aching in seconds.

  Before he could react, she swept her lips across his cheek and licked his lower lip. He didn’t even try to swallow the moan she elicited. Connor opened his eyes and blinked a few times before slowly standing up straight. He knew his cock was pushing at the denim of his pants, but he was okay with it. Proof that he found Margie sexy and a turn-on was good to show.

  He pulled her into his arms and planted a loud, smacking kiss on her lips before lifting his eyes back to Jason…who seemed entertained by the whole show. “Sorry. I’ve been an ass for close to two years to Margie here. I keep assuming she’ll find someone better.”

  The other male looked confused for a moment, then beamed a wide, brilliantly white smile. “Man. She’s head-over-heels for you. You have nothing to worry about. I like to flirt.” He shrugged. “I was just pushing your buttons.”

  Connor was going to let it go, shake the guys hand and see if they couldn’t settle it with a little combat training, but Margie stepped between them and poked a finger at Jason’s chest. “You. You need to watch who you mess with. I won’t let you fuck with relationships around here because of some manly code bullshit. The women stand together far better than the men do, and if you want to eat, have clean clothes and do anything that requires our help, you’d better get it through your thick skull that we don’t mess around. You want to see who’s got a bigger dick, whip ‘em out and measure, but leave us women and our relationships out of it. Got it?”

  Connor laughed when the other man’s dark skin paled under the venom of her words. Jason took a few steps backward and she advanced on him, poking away at his chest. The guy probably outweighed her by seventy pounds, and towered over her five-foot-five height, but it didn’t matter. She was scary when she wanted to be.

  He stepped in to save the wolf.

  “Shhh.” He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her back against his body. “Enough, tiger. You’ve made your point. Don’t scare him off—we need him for our searches today.”

  She humphed but nodded. “You’re right. It just burns me to watch men be stupid.” She turned and pushed out of his embrace, stalking toward the door mumbling about cavemen and Tarzan mentalities.

  “I really didn’t mean anything by it. I was trying to get a rise out of you. My wolf is fidgety without knowing our place.”

  Connor nodded, still watching Margie. “No worries. She’s a spitfire and loves to get riled up about stuff. She’s not joking, though. Be careful. Last year the girls broke into one of our male’s houses and stole all his clothes. And this was before she knew about shifters. Now?” He shuddered. “Now I’d be really worried.”

  Jason snorted and clapped Connor on the back. “We better not keep her waiting.”

  “Yeah, good idea. She’s already drugged both of us once. I really don’t want her to do it again.”


  Margie held it all in until she heard the door click behind her, then burst out laughing.

  “What did you do?” Cammie’s voice startled he
r, but not enough to calm the laughter.

  “I…” She wiped a tear from her cheek. “I, um, just ensured our group will work well together.”

  The other woman looked concerned for a moment before grinning. “You threatened them, didn’t you? Remind them of what we did to Zeke?”

  “Sort of.”

  “Good for you. Keep putting your foot down and get Connor trained right. I’m working on Ian, but he’s so stubborn.”

  Margie caught sight of Ian over her friend’s shoulder and smiled. She knew what was coming.

  “Train me, huh?” Ian lifted his wife and flipped her over his shoulder, smacking her lightly on the ass. “Train me? Hmm, seems someone needs to be reminded that we have a partnership.”

  Cammie was laughing like a loon and hitting his back. “Let me down or I’m going to bite your ass.”

  “Oh, you think so.” Ian twirled around twice before heading for his truck. “I’ll just bite you back and we both know how much you enjoy that.”

  “They are great together.” Connor’s voice was low as it puffed across her neck.

  Margie turned and went up on her toes to plant a soft kiss on his lips. “Yes, they are. And so are we.” The smile he gave her was filled with affection and joy. She wanted to roll around in it, enjoy the fact that they were both finally working on a relationship, but they had business to attend to. “We have to go.”

  Nodding, he pulled her against his side and they walked a few paces before he spoke. “I’m sorry about in there.”

  “I know.”

  He paused, grinned, then continued toward his truck. “Good.”

  Jason was already sitting in the front seat, so Margie climbed in from the driver’s side and slid across the cool leather. It was a tight fit with all three of them packed into the front of Connor’s truck, but it worked.


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