Book Read Free

Tempering Steel

Page 15

by Lea Barrymire

  “I’m right behind you. If Jason charges you, I’ll keep you safe.” Zeke’s whisper was exactly what she needed to steady her hand.

  She nodded sharply, watching Skip for some sort of go-ahead to shoot the snarling wolf. Normally she didn’t wait—shooting first and asking questions later tended to keep her safe—but this was a pack matter. Margie didn’t have to wait long. Skip gave her a quick brow-quirk and nod. Good enough for her.

  A deep breath, steady hand and slight pop later, a pissed-off Jason did indeed lunge at her, but Zeke was true to his word. He stepped in front of her a moment before a large, black-furred mass slammed into his chest. The pair fell to the floor, jaws snapping and both growling. Zeke’s arms sprouted long hairs and his eyes burned with his coyote. If Jason didn’t succumb to the sedative soon, she was sure they’d be watching two animals fighting. At least from what she could tell, the man was trying to keep the wolf from harm. Instead of slamming fists into tender parts of the lupine’s body, Zeke wrapped the wolf up in long arms and legs, wrestling the beast more than trying to pummel it into the ground. Margie readied another dart in case she needed it.

  “Keep him still, Zeke.” Pete’s deep voice boomed around them, cutting through the cacophony of snarls and snaps. “He’s weakening—don’t let him hurt himself.”

  Zeke’s reply was enough to have Margie gaping. “Shut up. You could take lessons from me. I’ll wrestle you next and won’t hold my punches.”

  All the men chuckled, even as Jason clamped his sharp teeth into the meaty part of Zeke’s forearm.

  “What is wrong with you guys?” she yelled.

  Connor pulled her to his side. “Shifters. Remember? He’ll heal, and for Zeke to fight a wolf for your safety puts me in his debt, has his brother seething with jealousy, and gives him a story to tell for years. Look, the bite drew blood but definitely isn’t as bad as it could have been. The wolf was nearly asleep.”


  He grinned down into her face. “Yep.”

  She couldn’t help but answer his light-heartedness with an elbow to his ribs. “You all drive me insane. I’ve had more adrenaline rushes today than I have in a year.”

  They stood and watched for another few moments as Jason’s wolf slowed and finally lolled a heavy head sideways, plopping it down onto Zeke’s chest. He continued to growl quietly but he’d succumbed to the sedative.

  Margie turned to say something to Skip and gasped. She’d completely forgotten about the frightened female who now was tucked tightly within the Alpha’s lap. He’d taken a seat next to the scared cat and must have coaxed her onto his legs. Huge hands ran carefully and slowly through her fur.

  “Oh God.” Margie rushed toward Skip but she stopped when he held up a hand. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to ignore her. I was worried about Jason and then—”

  “Shhh. I’m not stopping you from checking her over. I want you to check the boys first. Libby wasn’t physically harmed.”

  “But… Okay. If you’re sure.”

  Skip nodded. “We’ll get this all sorted out. Go and tend to Zeke. The big baby is already crying off the little love bite Jason gave him.”


  Connor wanted to shake himself awake, because there was no way his sleepy little town needed all the drama he’d seen over the previous twelve hours. He watched Margie speaking quietly with Skip, and his heart squeezed. How could he expect her to take him as a mate or even date him with all the shit they’d just seen? She accepted most shifter things well, but how would she take Jason’s death if he’d attacked Libby? Or the punishment little Corey would be facing if he’d been purposefully setting traps?

  He sighed.

  “Stop looking all gloomy or she will run.” Zeke’s voice cut through Connor’s morose thoughts.

  “Shut up. What do you know?”

  “I know she thinks the world of you, and dreams of you. She talks in her sleep.”

  Connor scowled down at his friend before offering a hand up. Jason had been carefully maneuvered off Zeke’s body a moment before, but the wounded man was pretending to be in pain. “Stand up here and act your age, then we can talk about what you know of women.”

  Zeke stood and grinned. “It’s been a sucky day. That’s it. Don’t let that get you down. Take her out for dinner tonight, or feed her in bed and make her forget about all this.”

  Connor wanted to scoff at his friend’s words, but they were right along the same path he’d been thinking. Once they figured out what had happened with Jason, they could throw him in a cell if needed. The questions for Corey and Skip about who’d had access to the woods could wait a day. He groaned. Between the ache in his cock and the whining of his coyote, he’d do anything to be able to get Margie to himself for a few more hours.

  The fact that they’d spent the night together felt like a lie. So much had happened from the time they’d woken that it felt like days, weeks had passed. He and his coyote needed to connect with her again. To feel her body melt against his while he kissed her neck. To taste her desire, hot and slick, while she squirmed on his tongue.

  Connor adjusted his bulge to the sounds of a cackling Zeke. He couldn’t wait until that male was wound tight inside over a mate. Then it would be Connor’s turn to laugh over his friend’s predicament.

  He sensed Margie before she was even next to him, as if his body was becoming used to having her near and rejoiced when she returned. He turned to find her scowling. He opened his arms, inviting her in if she wanted. “What’s wrong?”

  With a sigh, she walked right into his embrace and pressed her face to his chest. “Skip wants me checking on Zeke and Jason before he’ll let me near Libby.”

  “Oh, babe.” Kissing the top of her head felt so natural. She wrapped her arms around his waist, pressing closer. Connor rubbed her back in big circles and just breathed in her scent, blocking out the rest of the noise and drama around them. He held her until she started to pull away from his chest.

  Quickly wiping at her eyes, she swept a few errant tears away before looking up with a watery smile. “Thank you.”

  Brushing a thumb under her eye captured another tear. Bringing it to his lips for a salty kiss gave him a moment to watch her. “You don’t ever have to thank me for giving you a safe place to let go. Ever.”

  A pink flush worked across her cheeks. “Yeah, well. I don’t like letting go.” She brushed her hands briskly down her shirt and thighs. “Let me look at those two idiots and I’ll get back to Libby.”

  Turning toward their small audience of one, Zeke, she popped him on the back of the head with an open hand before he could stop her. “Ow, what the hell?”

  “You are a moron. But I know I owe you for saving me.” A grin split her lips before she patted the man on the chest. “Thanks, Zeke. Now let me see the bite.”

  “Thanks, Zeke. After you hit me on the head? Christ, Margie, your bedside manner sucks.”

  She laughed. “That’s why I’m a vet. Now give me your arm.”

  Connor watched with amusement and affection as his mate fixed up their friend. He sighed. His mate. Those words felt so right in his head.

  The injury had already started to heal. It took Margie only a few moments to clean it out and throw some antibiotic ointment on it. The whole time, she grumbled about shifter’s’ healing, men being too protective, and needing to start a shopping list of materials if some people were going to keep getting hurt. Zeke sat through the experience nodding and clicking his tongue like some sage old woman, agreeing with her as she talked under her breath. All the while he was shooting Connor glares and continually rolling his eyes.

  “I swear, if you roll them eyeballs one more time, I’m going to tell Skip you need a round of rabies vaccines.”

  Connor laughed even as the other two aimed dark stares at him. “Zeke, dude. You’d better watch it. She’s got your number.”

  “Everyone’s so mean to me all the time.”

  “Maybe because you deserve i
t, Zekeil.” The venom-filled words came from a darkening corner. After a moment of all three staring in that general direction, a woman walked slowly forward.

  “Amie.” Margie bolted toward her friend with a squeal and threw her arms around the cougar shifter. “I haven’t seen you in weeks. How are you?”

  The scowl that had been aimed at the other coyote smoothed and turned into a grin. “I’m good. See you know about shifters now?”

  The two women went into squeals and quiet talk, every once in a while glancing toward to the two men. They wandered toward Skip and the still shaking Libby, turning their gazes to the frightened female.

  Connor waited until the girls had gotten far enough away to overhear his question, then turned toward the other coyote. “So? What’d you do to piss off our resident bob-tailed kitty? Piss in her bowl of cream?”

  “Fuck off, C. She’s not your issue.”

  “Hmm. Sounds like someone’s got a bee up his ass?”

  Zeke huffed, running a hand across his face. “I don’t know. We went on two dates, felt the tingles and I mentioned mating. That seemed to put the brakes on. After three times getting shot down, I let it go.”

  “Doesn’t seem like ’she’s taken that well, though.”

  “This is the first time she’s talked to me since.”

  Connor nodded. “Ah, I see. Well, perhaps you need to try again. She didn’t sound like a woman happy to have you off her trail.”

  Zeke stared at the women, who were on their knees surrounding Skip and his lapful of cougar. His face broke into the look any man would get when watching a prize he couldn’t win. “I don’t know, man. I know I look all sexy and shit, but I’m not as put-together as I seem.”

  Laughter rolled from Connor’s chest. “Oh yeah, you’re suave and perfect.” Throwing a mock punch at his friend’s arm, he continued. “You need to either man up or shut up. Sounds like something some jackass said me to not too long ago, actually.”

  Zeke grinned. “Seems I was right now, doesn’t it?”

  “Maybe.” Connor looked over at Margie. “Most definitely.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  “So? What’s going on with you and Connor? Did I see you allowing him to hug you?” Amie’s whisper was laced with amusement.

  Margie peeked over her shoulder at the men before answering. “We’re together. Mating, I think.”

  “You think? Matings are a big deal.”

  “I know. He’s said I’m his mate and I’m completely on board with that.”

  There was a pause before her friend continued. “Really? After nearly two years of being a jerk? You’re going to take him at his word and forgive all that?”

  Margie gave the question the thought it deserved, but the answer remained the same. “Yes. I know what you’re thinking, but he’s not running away. I love him, Amie. Love him more than anything else in this world, and I have loved him forever. I need him, and these couple of days have finally given me the piece of life I’ve been missing. I feel whole. Happy. You know?”

  “Yeah. I know.” The pain flashed sharp and deep in Amie’s eyes. It was gone before Margie could respond. “So. What’s been going on?”

  That was the question. Margie turned to Skip, who’d been sitting silently, privy to their conversation but not showing an ounce of emotion. “What happened?”

  The Alpha continued to pet the animal curled on his legs as he thought about the question. The longer he mulled over his answer, the more the answer mattered to her. When he answered, it was with something she’d been dreading. “Jason entered the building and immediately went on the offense. He shouted something about the trapper, growled toward the group who’d been hanging around inside the barn, then whipped around toward Libby. She’d been lying quietly right here.” He nodded toward the floor. “I’ve never seen anything like it. Jason shifted mid-stride and ended up standing over her.”

  “Did he attack her?”

  “No. That’s the weird part. He looked like he was protecting her, but from what?”

  Margie chewed on her lip and looked around. It seemed Pete had joined Zeke and Connor. All three were ushering people toward the front of the barn and outside.

  “We found a couple of things in the woods. I’m not sure if I’m supposed to say anything.”

  Skip grinned and mockingly widened his eyes in shock. “You? You don’t know if you should say anything?” He gasped and fluttered a hand over his mouth. “What is the world coming to?”

  “Okay, okay. You’re right. When have I ever let things rest?” Glancing around one more time let her know that everyone else had left. “We found a piece of chewed bubblegum, which I’m sure you’re aware of, and a small shoeprint. I mean small. Kid-sized.”

  One moment ticked by, then another. Margie watched realization dawn across Skip’s face. He sighed, closing his eyes and letting his head thump against the wall. “I didn’t even want to think it was one of our own.”

  “Wait? What? Who?” Amie turned from one to the other. “What does that mean, a small shoe print?”

  Skip sat up, determination burning in his eyes. “No. We aren’t assuming anything until we’ve had time to talk to him. Amie, I’m sorry, but I’m not answering your questions. Best thing you can do is sit here with Libby. You two are friends. She’ll feel safe with you. Margie, go get your man. I need to speak with him before we decide what to do about Jason.”

  Good. Something to do. Margie gave a nod and walked toward the front door. She didn’t want to see some little kid get in trouble, but if he was the one setting traps, it would make life easier. No anti-shifting group was harassing them. No trappers with a vendetta were stalking the woods. It would come down to a misguided child. She could go with that theory. Sure, he’d have to be watched, but if he was the one, then the rest of her friends weren’t going to be staring down the shiny end of a gun or being tortured for information.

  I need to stop reading so many paranormal and suspense books.

  Margie opened the door and glanced around. Connor was still talking and joking with Pete and Zeke. The two brothers kept smacking each other and bumping shoulders. She laughed and spoke loudly as she approached. “You two act like kids still.”

  Pete turned and grinned. “A kid at heart never grows old of spirit.”

  “Okay, oh great man of wisdom.” She snickered and turned to Connor. The words died on her tongue as their eyes met. Heat and affection filled his gaze and seeped into her. The small tug of a smile, tiny crinkling of wrinkles at the sides of his eyes, and she could nearly hear his coyote whining to get close to her. She breathed out her only comment. “Oh.”

  “Gak. Stop making googly eyes at each other before I vomit.” Zeke’s teasing helped to snap her out of it, but she still enjoyed the meaty sound of Pete’s fist slamming into Zeke’s shoulder. “Ow, fuck.”

  She laughed, and as the two brothers started wrestling and throwing each other around, she couldn’t stop. “You two are idiots. Just idiots.”

  They shouted at her and each other but the words were sprinkled with oof and oww and the choice vulgarities only a well-seasoned man can string together.

  “It’s good to see you smiling and laughing.”

  Connor’s soft words drew her from the show. Turning slowly, she found him standing relaxed and grinning. “It feels good to smile and laugh.”

  “I want to leave so badly and get you alone.”

  She stammered for a moment. “I, um, I want that too. But Skip wants to see us.”

  Before Connor could reply or act on the kiss she saw coming in the body language of her mate, a loud thud and shrill yelling rolled from the barn.

  “Fuck.” He rushed toward the building and she was right on his heels.

  The scene was tense. Skip stood in front of Libby and Amie, shoulders bunched and teeth bared. Chuck stood off to his left in much the same stance, but he kept glancing at the women. Jason was on his knees, growling and pointing at a very short intruder.

>   Oh, fuck me sideways. Corey stood, hands clenched at his sides, chest heaving and tears streaming down his face. He looked so lost with his shaggy blond hair hanging over one eye and his denim overalls covered in mud.

  The boy’s words finally filtered through Margie’s surprise.

  “I’m so sorry, Ms. Libby. I didn’t mean for anyone to get hurt. I was tryin’ to prove to the big kids that I can survive on my own if I want to. I don’t got to stay with the Cartridges if I don’t wanna.” He sniffled and wiped his nose on his arm. “I’m so sorry.”

  Jason moved first and Margie was glad Connor was fast. The wolf dove at the boy, snarling and clawing against the floorboards. It was a good thing the male was still slightly drowsy from the drugs she’d given him, or the kid would have had a very angry shifter on him. Connor took Jason down to the floor with a move she’d only seen in football. The two rolled around, growling and snapping teeth at each other.

  “Enough. Stand down, you two.” Skip’s voice held enough power to make her want to curl up and hide. When the men didn’t separate right away, the Alpha growled and stomped toward the fighters. He grabbed each by a handful of hair and pulled them apart. Margie winced with sympathy pains for them. “I said enough. I’ve damn well had it up to my ears with bullshit today. If you even look at each other again, I’m going to get really pissed.”

  The men were tossed in different directions and Skip walked back to the same place he’d been before. He took two deep breaths before turning his gaze to the boy cowering in front of him. “Now. Corey. You are in a heap of trouble. We’re going to go in the house and you, along with the Cartridges, are going to talk this out.”


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