Soul Song: A Witch & Shifter Romance
Page 13
"Good evening my queen," Marcus said. "How are you feeling? Did you sleep well?"
"Actually I have the most energy that I have had in weeks surprisingly enough," Sarah replied, still a bit of dreamy, sleep sound in her voice.
"Good enough for a carriage ride tonight?" he questioned in return.
"I would love that," Sarah said.
"As soon as you’re ready we can head out. But no rush," Marcus said and he got up and left to get ready for the day.
Sarah lay in bed for a moment pondering the past few weeks and grateful that she finally felt like she had some energy. She hoped it would last. The doctor had cleared her and Marcus had quickly put in place a steady and extremely fresh blood supply. Her teeth had resumed their normal functioning after that and as long as she kept herself full on blood she shouldn't have any more problems with them. Once she was done weaning the baby then she could reduce her fresh blood intake the doctor had told her. Sarah was still impressed that they even had a vampire doctor. They had been following doctor’s orders to date and she was feeling better than she had in months. Marcus had even arranged for a carriage ride for them share as he had been so busy with business lately. She worried a bit that it might be because he was taking care of her fresh and almost constant blood supply. But would laugh at herself trying to remind her that she did have to accept the realities which came with being a vampire. Honestly she was kind of sad that she had not gotten to go hunting ever yet. It had always been Marcus feeding her.
Eventually Sarah lolled out of bed and over to her walk-in closet and threw on a casual black velour jump suit trimmed with gold zippers and Marcus' insignia. She still hadn't asked him about it. It was just never a subject of importance when he was around. One of these days she would get to asking him. For no she happily walked out of the bedroom and met Marcus at the back end of the driveway where the carriage was waiting.
The hopped in and began to take their normal route she Marcus leaned out of the carriage door and said to the driver in a tone so low that Sarah almost couldn’t hear.
"Let’s mix up the normal route a bit just in case there are any security threats tonight," he told the driver.
"Yes sir," was the solemn response.
Sarah loved that Marcus was so protective of her. Sarah was not really sure what to think about that statement but knew that everything he did was in her, and the babies, best interest so she didn't question him. Ever since he had found out she was pregnant he had become more and more protective of her. Always sending her with a bodyguard throughout the house if he wasn't with her. And trying to spend as much time himself with her instead of a bodyguard. He had been backed up on work lately he told her. A few times over the past weeks she had heard distant arguing and shouting but she wasn't quite sure what it was about. The voices never grew quite loud enough for her to be able to distinguish any information of value and she hadn't wanted to bother Marcus with asking him about it. Though inside she felt as though it had something to do with her and their child. But what? She couldn't think of anything that she had ever done to anyone here. It probably had something to do with the history of the place that he was constantly mentioning to her. But he never had gotten around to telling her about it. Perhaps she would push for that tonight on their ride. After all, it couldn't be that big of a secret?
The carriage rattled off down the pathway at first following the normal route and then only after a moment or two switched off down a path that Sarah had never been taken on before. She gazed out the window watching the pastures begin to turn into larger and larger hills. Gently rolling into one another as the carriage passed them silently in the moonless night. It was a new moon and very dark out. Only the stars were visible in the dark night sky, to a human eye anyway. For a moment it seemed as though the stars all blinked at once and then there was a large crash as the carriage was thrown off of its wheels.
It felt as if they were weightless for one, stomach sickening, moment before the carriage came crashing down to the ground. Sarah heard the horses whinnying in the background and then everything faded away.
Chapter 10
Sarah came to she was gently laid against the cushioned seat of the now upside down carriage as carefully as possible, outside it sounded like a storm of epic proportions was occurring. She heard crashing and thuds and heard frightening yelling and screaming. She drew her feet in and wrapped her arms around her legs as she tried to decipher what was happening. The noises outside of the carriage were a horrible combination of unintelligible screaming and crashed and thuds. Flashes of light and more terrible screaming. Then she knew, without seeing what was happening she could see it in her mind. Almost as if she was seeing it through Marcus's own eyes.
She knew that he was fighting with whomever had been yelling outside of her bedroom door that one fateful night they had found out the good news and now she realized why Marcus had been so protective. Though she wished she knew why this person, this other creature, wanted such terrible things for her.
She saw Marcus take a crushing, full body blow from the other man. Almost just as tall with dark hair and dark, menacing eyes and hate filling his face. She winced as she saw him slam Marcus against a tree. The tree trembling from trunk to the tops of the branches at the impact. One of the horses neighed in fright. Marcus shook off the blow and rose, grabbing the large man as he dealt him a blow which would have sent him flying had he not been holding on to him. Then he continued to land heavy blow after heavy blow onto the angry many until he was dazed and stumbled backwards losing his balance.
"Do you want MORE?" Marcus roared.
The man looked at him angrily but said nothing in reply.
Instead he turned himself into a blinding ball of black, a dark flash which came at Marcus with such a ferocity and force that the two beings looked as if they had become one for a moment until they crashed into the hillside behind them. The super human force of their impact sending giant clods of dirt and grass flying into the air. Leaving behind a crater in the once perfectly manicured grassy hillside. For a split second they lay together, both gulping in the dark night air.
Then in another flash of black Marcus picked up the angry Vampire and using his entire body seemed to go flying, no he was actually flying, with all of his force and might. Pushing the body of the other vampire through the night sky and smashing him into the bottom of a rocky bluff which half blocked the view of the city in the distance.
Another violent crash and the whole earth shook as the impact broke loose boulders and large rocks came tumbling down the side of the bluff. Landing on the green grass below as though giants had thrown them there. Another meteor like hole appeared from the impact of Marcus slamming the other vampire into the bluff. Marcus had let go of his body after the heavy blow and let it fall to the hillside below. The man lay perfectly still for a moment as Marcus hovered in the air above him. Then he made a low growling sound, although it sounded almost like a mixture of a wounded animal and a growl. Sarah realized he was badly injured from the impact against the rocky bluff. But wondered if it was enough to make the violence stop.
"I don't want to do this anymore Peter," Marcus called out loudly from above the injured vampire laying below him.
"This is my world now, my rules and that is my Queen and child whom you just threatened. This clan is no longer yours. And neither am I." Marcus said in a commanding voice as he lowered himself closer to the injured vampire, hovering just barely above the ground now.
"That is impure blood and fallacy that you are bringing into our world. It is wrong. You are rejecting the teachings of our elders and the traditions of our kind. You will pay for this. You just think you are above everyone. You will find out. The hard way I suppose. The rules were created for a reason." The injured vampire lashed back at him weakly.
"There is no room for antiquated thinking in my clan Peter. You are wrong and you are not welcome here ever again." Marcus said with a low growl.
The man leapt up and
made an attempt to grab at Marcus. But he was clearly weak and his injuries would not allow him to move quickly enough. Marcus grabbed him by the throat and picked him up off of his feet. Holding him up into the air.
"Be gone from here forever," Marcus said. The in a flash of black they were both gone, up into the night sky. Only fog left swirling around the carriage with the tattered and broken hillside left in pieces from the superhuman fight.
Sarah stayed underneath the tipped over carriage wondering if it was safe to come out and try to make her way back to the mansion. Or if she should remain in place until Marcus came back for her. Sure he hadn't left her here alone to make her way back to the house by herself. She heard no sound of the driver. In fact she hadn't heard him all along. Realizing that he had either been hurt or killed made her even more frightened then she already was. Heart pounding in her head she decided for the time being to stay put. However if much more time passed she would need to start heading back to the house. She wasn't sure how she had been knocked out for or how long the fight had gone on and the last she wanted was to be stuck underneath the carriage when the sun rise came.
After what felt like an eternity almost, Sarah was about to brave crawling out from underneath the carriage when she heard Marcus call out to her. A hand appeared through the over-turned carriage window. Slowly Sarah took it and crawled out from inside of the carriage. She looked around, horrified at the sight of the overturned carriage. The horses on their sides along with the upended and now partially smashed gorgeous carriage that she adored. Even more shocking to her was the amount of damage which she saw had occurred to the grounds around them. Broken trees and large gashes of exposed dirt in the once perfectly manicured grass. It looked as if giants had been fighting. Or demons. She only had a moment to take it in because the next thing she knew Marcus had wrapped her up inside of his long, black coat and they were back, safely in their bedroom.
"Are you alright?" Marcus asked Sarah.
Stepping away from her and looking her over from head to toe.
"I'm sorry. I should have known better. I should have never taken you out of the house where I know you are safe," He said apologetically before she could answer.
"Actually I don't even think I have a scratch on me?" Sarah responded, delighted for both herself and their unborn that this was the truth. She looked at the love and worry emanating from his eyes and felt herself longing to be with him. Hoping that he wouldn’t stop her this time and make her rest. He had been far too protective.
"Are you serious?" Marcus asked, surprise in his voice.
"Pretty sure," Sarah responded.
"Thanks the Gods!" Marcus exclaimed.
"I was so afraid that with the carriage spilling over and the bumps it took during the fight that something had happened to you and our miracle." he said, the regret once more painfully clear in the tone of his voice.
"I did my best to keep you safe," Marcus continued.
"I know you did. But I need to know what all of that was about?" Sarah asked. Her large brown eyes looking up at Marcus inquisitively. "I've been hearing arguments. When you and I are apart. But I have been afraid to ask about them? I wish now that I had asked sooner. Was that what the fights were about? And what was that about?"
Marcus paused and took a deep breather before he spoke.
"It was about something I have not been telling you. I didn't want you to know because I didn't want it to be something which brought darkness to our new life together but I should have known better than to keep it from you. Or to think that I could protect you from the truth forever. I suppose now is the time to tell you if ever there was one." Marcus said sadly and slowly.
"Protect me from what? What truth? What are you talking about Marcus?" Sarah asked.
"The history of the clan and the traditions that we have. There is a lot of recent history that has changed what has been tradition and the way which things were done for a long time. Before I met you I wasn't always in charge of this clan or this estate. I only recently became clan leader here and the vampire that I just fought with. That was Peter and unfortunately, and I must be honest with you now, to make sure that you are always aware and always on the lookout, that probably won’t be the last that we see of him?"
"What, but I thought you told him to go away forever." Sarah asked, bewildered at what he was trying to tell her.
"I did," Marcus continued. "But what you don't know is that for over 800 years this clan was Peter's clan. This clan is one of the original 4 vampire clans which have roamed this planet since the beginning of vampire kind. Peter was the 8th leader that it had seen and its longest reigning leader. However thanks to the modern day times and the ways of the democratic the clan as a whole decided a few decades back to begin doing things a bit more democratically. Instead of in the traditional old fashioned Oligarchy way of ruling. And democracy with having come into play about 5 years ago I was voted into leadership of this clan much to Peter's disapproval. Part of my mission as the new leader of the clan has been to abolish the old traditional ways which no longer make much sense. Such as needing to have the whole clan approval before bringing another as I did with you."
"What? You broke an 800 year old tradition to be with me?" Sarah asked, astonished at the idea. "Then what was the impure blood part he was so angry about."
"Actually try 4 thousand year old tradition," Marcus said with a bit of regret hanging on the edge of his voice. "And probably one of the most important traditions to our not so dear friend Peter. And the impure blood. Well, that’s my fault for getting you pregnant so close to your change. There is no guarantee that our child will be a vampire like us because of that. I didn’t want you to worry or be upset so I kept it from you. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you. And I'm so sorry that I didn't do a better job of protecting you from him."
This time it was Sarah's turn to stop Marcus.
"Stop. You do a great job of protecting me. And you did a great job tonight. Now come, please kiss me. I want you so much and I still have energy to spare." she told him, with a soft and wanting voice.
"Are you sure you have energy for that?" Marcus asked.
"I don't want to ..."
He was cut off as Sarah pressed her lips to his mid-sentence and he didn't resist.
"in that case, I believe we still need to get you out of this outfit," Marcus said, kissing her still and sliding his hands down her torso, then sliding them back up slowly again as he pulled her closely to him. Grazing his fingers delicately over her voluptuous curves, taking in the beauty of her large breasts and the lump in her belly. She was shimmering in the moon light though she didn't realize it. Glowing almost with the life and love that built inside of her, a small sweat lightly glistening as her body warmed up in its building attraction to him.
Their lips met and she could feel the electricity of their attraction for one another build in between their bodies as her large, soft black lips met with his tight, light pink ones. They joined and their tongues began to play with one another. Kissing each other harder and deeper as the energy flowed like waves in a stormy sea. Sarah wanted him so badly, she wanted to please and be pleased and give him everything that she could to make him happy. Herself, her love and heart and soul, along with her body, as she changed and prepared to give birth to their child. Her desire for him was stronger than ever. She took in his deep kisses and she pulled his pale, muscular body close to her own, melanin- rich, thickness. She felt herself begin to grow damp in between her thighs as a flash of hot and desire pulsed through her body.
She felt Marcus run his hands down to her waist until he found the bottom of her shirt, lifting it up and over her breasts. He stopped his kissing for only a moment, as he pulled the shirt off over her head, revealing her thick, beautiful curves. Sarah's large breasts heaved with her deep breathing as they hung barely confined in their sheer red bra, her dark and hardened nipples poking through the delicate, thin fabric.
He ran his hands lightly over her breasts
at first as he took in the beauty of her dark curves in the moon light. Marcus leaned down and placed his mouth over the thin fabric and tugged at the edge of her bra cup with his teeth, his incisors catching the flimsy fabric and pulling it down until the weight of her large round breast fell out. He pressed his face into her thick, dark breasts, his sharp, smooth white teeth pressing into her flesh as he sucked at her hard, dark nipple, working the flesh and nipple of her still confined breasts with a free hand. She pulled his head into her deep cleavage and ran her dark fingers through his soft hair.
Marcus pulled back and smiled up at her before he went in for her other breast, still trapped in it's red mesh cage. Again he used his incisor teeth to pull down the edge of the bra cup ever so gently before fervently sucking on her hard teat. She watched this time and felt a shiver of pleasure run through her body as he worked his pale, pink mouth over her dark, round curvy flesh. Noticing the fine and clean holes which were left in the bra from Marcus's fangs as he undid the band of the bra and threw it to the floor. More eagerly now he began to suck on her breasts, rolling her free hard nipple in between his fingers as she began to squirm with pleasure. Feeling herself grow warmer and wetter in between her legs in anticipation of his coming hardness. With one hand he massaged and worked her other breast, tugging at the hard nip while he kept sucking at her engorged breast until she began to push him toward the direction of her other parts. She was craving his hardness inside of her and did not want to wait any longer.