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A Love of Magic: Jace's story: Chosen Saga Book 1.5

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by J. L. Clayton

  “Yeah, especially for you, so, what’s up?” Laci inquired.

  I didn’t have to say anything. My face said it all.

  “Ah, a girl, and she must be the new one. I know for a fact that none of us female that go to school here ever registered on your radar,” she teased.

  I ran a hand through my hair. “You only say that because I wouldn’t date you.”

  “Uh, yeah. I’m the hottest girl in this freaking school,” she said, gesturing at herself.

  I shook my head. That's when I saw Charlie. My face felt as if it was frozen.

  She was laughing?

  She was laughing, and I wasn’t the one that caused her laughter…he was. I clenched my jaw and folded my arms. I was so fucking pissed. This wasn't even fair. Why? Why did this have to happen? Why did she have to like…Tru?

  “Yeah, I see you have issues. Well, I’m going to let you handle whatever this is.” Laci made a circling motion with her hand indicating my whole body. “Later, Jace.” She turned on one heel and left me to my misery.

  What seemed like a lifetime, but was only a few minutes, when Charlie finally decided to make her way over to me. I unleashed my magic and started to probe her mind. I didn't care anymore if it was wrong to read her thoughts.

  That moral high ground, or whatever it’s called, can go fuck itself.

  I knew from then on; I wasn't going to play fair. I could only get little fragments of Charlie’s thoughts, but that was all I needed.

  Charlie: I didn’t understand why. I also didn’t understand why it felt like I knew him, or that I should be aware of him. God, Jace looks good. Sexy faded jeans, olive-colored shirt and amazing blue eyes.

  “Hey, Jace,” She smiled. “See, I told you I wouldn’t forget about you, and I do mean that, you know. I could never forget you.”

  Charlie: I could never forget Jace, even if I tried.

  I quickly pulled out of her mind, feeling wistfully sad. I closed my eyes and sighed saying a little too harshly, “Are you sure about that?”

  My question was a loaded one, but I carried on as if I wasn't asking Charlie something that meant everything to me. Something that I’ve wondered about for so long.

  "Well, it looks like you and my enemy were pretty cozy.” I scowled, feeling foolish.

  What the hell was wrong with me? It was as if any intelligent conversation I could have had with her flew right out the window, and yet I kept on opening my mouth.

  “I saw his hands… they were all over you.”

  I knew I needed to calm down. I was acting like a jealous child.

  “No-oo-o,” She sputtered. "He was just being friendly. We're just friends. Nothing is going on."

  I needed to be nice and I had to change the damn subject. I softened my expression and turned up the charm. “Charlie, last night I couldn’t sleep. All I thought about after leaving your house was our kiss. How warm your lips were pressed against mine, the heat of your body, and how soft you felt in my hands. I wanted to taste your lips again." I leaned in closer, our bodies were almost touching.

  I whispered, “I want to kiss you right now. I want you so bad it hurts, Charlie. I want to have you as mine. Fuck. I want you right now. I want my lips to caress yours again, and all you have to say is…yes.”

  I pushed my magic into her body, probing and seducing. My mom and aunt Vonnie would be so mad at me, but I lost all self-respect the moment Charlie walked back into my life.

  Charlie: Did he used to work for a 1 - 900 company? If he could bottle what he was saying, every female in the world would buy it. I didn’t expect him to be so straightforward. Also, I am somewhat baffled by this Jekyll and Hyde thing he has going on. What girl wouldn’t want to hear a hot guy tell her all the naughty things he wants to do with, and to her?

  That was the first time all her thoughts came through clearly. I hesitantly moved my hand up and brushed her cheek, reveling in the warmth and softness of her skin underneath my palm. My thumb traced her lips, taking her in. I shifted my body and placed one hand on the wall behind her, essentially trapping her, but the bell for class rang.

  Damnit, I was so close.

  “Oh, sorry, Jace. I guess, well…I don’t know what happened?”

  I grin slyly, “It’s cool. That was the five-minute bell for class. I’ll talk to you later. Oh, yeah, try not to miss me too much, Fox.”

  She cocked her head to the side. “Don’t get a big head, Jace. Not every girl flocks to you.”

  “You want to make a bet on that, Charlie. But, no worries. I only have eyes for you.” I touched the tip of her nose. She swatted at my finger. I shook my head and laughed.

  “Cocky much?” she asked, rolling her eyes.

  “Oh, very much when I’m around you, Fox, but don’t worry. All the flocking girls can try, but I only want you.”

  With that, I turned and walked away knowing I was leaving her flustered.

  Chapter Four


  I was sitting at the lunchroom table when Charlie walked into the room. Quickly, I stood up, glancing over at Tru.

  I thought, you don’t have the girl yet, Indian.

  I shook my head, feeling petty. It went against everything I was raised to be, but damn if Charlie didn’t bring it out in me.

  “Hey, Fox, how’s your day so far?” I asked, shamefaced.

  Sighing softly, she murmured, “Hi, Jace. To be honest, it’s been a long day, but, I didn’t come over here to talk about my sucky first day, I came to let you know that I’ll be eating with my new friends. You guys can come eat with us if you want." She gestured, taking in my whole table.

  Something inside of me snapped. I didn't understand why Charlie wanted to be with Tru. If only she remembered me, she wouldn't want him. She promised she would never forget. Apparently, her promise means nothing when there is magic involved. What good is a promise if you can’t keep it?

  “You mean Tru? Why would we eat with him?” I scoffed.

  My friends snicker, certainly not helping my attitude.

  Her beautiful eyes widened. “You’re such a snob, Jace. For your information, no, it's not Tru that I was talking about. It's some other friends I made. So, Jace, give me one good reason why I shouldn’t smack that smug look right off your face. What in the world did Tru ever do to you anyway? Besides, he told me that you’ve never spoken to him and I’m sure, he’s telling me the truth. So, spill it, Jace. What gives?”

  Looking at her, all my anger just washed away because I knew she was being the girl I fell in love with.

  I scratched my chin. “Charlie, I’m sorry for jumping to conclusions. If you want to be his friend, I can’t stop you, and don't worry about why I don't like him. It's not your problem right now. I'm glad you made some friends of your own. I knew you could.” I shrugged. “Maybe later you can hang out with my friends if you want? You never know, you might like them.”

  She looked at me carefully, a confused expression marring her face. “Jace, I’ll hang out with you and your friends, I promise; however, I told Tammin I would sit with her.”

  I told myself I would ask whomever was listening for forgiveness, as I pushed some of my magic into her mind.

  Charlie: I’m such a liar. But really, does Jace need to know Nikko asked me to eat with him, not Tammin? I don’t have to ask his permission.

  Raising my eyebrow, I grinned. “Maybe later we can hang out if you're up for it?" I was making it a challenge. If she was still the girl I remembered, she would feel bad for lying and accept my invite.

  She nodded. “Yeah, I would like that. How about today after school around five?”

  That’s my girl.

  Grinning wickedly, I teased, "That'll work for me, Fox, but now I wish it was five.” I winked.

  “Okay, well I’m going to eat.” She pointed behind her as she backed away, tripping over her own feet. Her cheeks flushed a bright red. Charlie snapped her fingers and spun around, say
ing over her shoulder, “Talk to you later, Jace.”

  I chuckled. “See you at five, Fox.”

  I watched her all during lunch. As she made a trip to the salad bar, I felt something strange. Everything seemed to stop, and the sounds of the room went silent.

  “Amulum," I whispered with a flick of my wrist. I was searching for the entity. Once I had my sights on the stream of magic, I traced it to the source. Something or someone was filling the room with enchantment.

  A distorted figure took shape just behind Tru’s head. A menacing frown warped my face, and intense curiosity flooded my mind. Wondering what it could be, I made a mental note to ask my parents when I got home.

  A loud gasp burst forth, and I lost my concentration, my magic dwindled to nothing. I turned my gaze toward the sound and shook my head. Charlie was looking at me. I smiled, and she dropped her gaze and sat down at the table.

  After lunch, I stood by my locker, waiting for her. Charlie rounded the corner, biting her lower lip. She looked so pretty, and that lip thing…damn. My thoughts quickly transferred from my mind to my cock. I shifted my pants so it wouldn't be noticeable and walked up behind her, clasping her shoulders.

  She spun around, giving me a shocked look. “What the—Jace! You scared the crap out of me. Do you want me to die from a heart attack?”

  I shook my head and grinned, stepping closer.

  She frowned. “You know, you need to make some kind of sound. Maybe I should get you some bells, that way I’ll know when you're around."

  “Sorry for startling you, Fox.” I made sure my voice sounded smooth. “Are you still coming over at five?” I asked.

  She gazed up, giving me a cheeky grin. I guess that did it for her. I took that opportunity and moved closer, forcing her back against the row of lockers. I was mere inches from her, and if I were to open my mouth to speak, my lips would brush hers. My heart pounded in my chest, and the desire to kiss her burned deep.

  I was done. I wanted her and not just for a hookup. I wanted her forever, and the thought of her not wanting me in the same way was crushing. I remember her—every damn thing—and she remembered nothing. I wanted to tell her, but the elders said not to. It wasn't fair to me, and it wasn't fair to her.

  I shook my morbid thoughts away and smiled a slow, lazy grin. It may not be fair, and she may not remember me, but I was going to do everything within my power to win this girl’s heart. I had done it before, and I could do it again. I brought my hand up and gingerly caressed her jawline, running my fingertips over her lips.

  I closed my eyes, afraid of what I may see on her face as I whispered, “Say you want me, Fox. I need to hear it. Please, just tell me you want me to kiss you right now." I opened my eyes, hoping she would see how much I wanted her, how much I already loved her. Her face was tangled, sending me into bouts of annoyance and doubt. “Do you not see how I feel about you? I need you, Fox. Just say it! Just say, yes.”

  She groaned. “Jace, my body feels like it’s on fire. I need…”

  “What do you need?” I murmured seductively.

  “I-I need— no. Stop, okay? Just stop it, Jace. What just happened? What did you do to me? You said that you wouldn’t pull a stunt like that again. You promised me!”

  Oh, hell. I reigned in the loose magic I didn’t even mean to employ. "Calm down, Charlie,” I said in haste. She was pissed, and telling her to take it easy was a bad idea.

  “No, I won’t calm down.” She pushed my chest. “You lied to me, Jace. You told me that you wouldn’t try to kiss me, but you just tried…again!”

  I glared at her. “No, I didn’t, and babe, I did nothing you didn’t want. Sure, I told you I wouldn’t kiss you, but I never told you I wouldn’t try and get you to say that you wanted me to kiss you. So, I kept my word.”

  She huffed. "Whatever. If you're not going to tell me what you're doing to me, then fine. But don’t think I’m coming to your house. You got that?” She poked her finger into my chest. She quickly turned and left me standing in stunned silence.

  Today was a major fail. I couldn’t do anything right when it came to her. I was beginning to think I wasn’t as charming as I always assumed. Unbeknownst to me until Charlie pointed it out, I’ve also been using compulsion on people. I brushed the chaotic thoughts from my mind and went to the one place I could let go of all my frustrations.

  I smiled as I walked into my gym, flicking my eyes around the room. The walls were white; three punching bags hung from long poles leading up to rafters. I had two good-sized weight benches, and four large mirrors hung side by side. I turned on some music, strapped on my gloves, and began to work the bag. With every punch, the tension from that day slowly started to fade.

  Chapter Five


  About an hour into my workout, I was sweating my balls off. I stripped off my shirt and started back on the heavy bag. The eeriness of being watched crawled over my shoulder, and I flicked my eyes over to one of the mirrors. Fox. I leaned down and picked up a towel from the floor, quickly drying my hair and face before turning to her and wiping the sweat from my chest. I knew I was getting under her skin.

  Oh, how I wished I was under more than her skin.

  She swallowed. “Jace, hello, you-you’re working out?” She pointed at my frame. “S-so…are you having fun? You look like you’re working off a lot of sweat.”

  I wanted to laugh. It was clear I'd made her uncomfortable. I kept it together and gave her a seductive grin as I raked my eyes over her body. “I’m glad you could make it. I was hoping you’d show up. If you’d like,” I gestured at the punching bag, “…I can show you some moves.” I did a little one-two punch. “You know, in case you’re ever attacked, you can defend yourself. I don’t want the big bad wolf to get at my little Fox,” I said with a wink.

  “Stop that right now. Seems like the only one I need to protect myself from is you,” she replied, blushing. “I know what you’re doing, Jace, and it’s not going to work.”

  Damn. Was I using my magic? Nope.

  “What?” I asked.

  “Don’t play Mr. Innocent with me, Jace. You’re doing something to make me feel like this. I know it.”

  “Fox,” I spread my hands in mock surrender, “…I’m only doing what you want. You’re not innocent, you know. You like it. Why else did you come over tonight?”

  “I came…I came over to see how you’re doing.” She waved her hand at me “What you’re doing.”

  “Okay, if you insist. Come here, and I'll show you," I taunted, curling one finger, beckoning her. “Or do you prefer I come to you?” I asked, taking three big steps forward and making sure I was almost on top of her before she had time to blink.

  When she spoke, it came out a little breathless. “Jace?”

  “Yes…Fox?” I raised one eyebrow.

  She put her hands up and pushed at my chest. Her face flushed, and she dropped her hands and took a step back. I wasn't going to let her get away from me that easy. I grabbed her wrist and threw her down onto the mat, careful not to hurt her.

  “Now, how are you going to protect yourself when you can’t even push me away?”

  She looked pissed. She gripped her thighs around my waist and yanked, flipping me onto my back and catching me by surprise. Charlie smiled down at me with mocking satisfaction. I smirked, clapping my hands and distracting her before I grabbed her wrist and jerked her back over, making sure she was facing down as I pushed her firmly into the mat.

  She hissed, “Okay! I get it! Now, get off me.”

  I hopped off her and grabbed her wrist, tugging her up.

  “Oh, you’re good, Jace. You can beat up girls. Well done,” she said sarcastically.

  I tilted my chin. “Thanks. I do work hard.”

  “Shut up,” she snarled, rolling her eyes.

  I was loving her feistiness, and I wanted to see how far I could take it. “Your wish is my command," I say, putting my fingers to my l
ips and mimicking zipping them shut. I twisted my wrist as if I was locking my lips together. I knew this was silly, but I wanted to tease her. I tossed the fictional key over my shoulder and waited.

  "Hilarious, Jace." She glared. “Back to our conversation earlier. I asked what you’re doing to make me feel the way I do when I’m around you.”

  I gave her a sly look of amusement, keeping quiet.

  “What? Now you’re not talking to me? Jace, did you run out of witty comebacks?" Charlie gasped, bringing one hand up to her chest. “Oh no! You mean to tell me I finally won?” A fake look of shock crossed her face. She clasped her hands together and threw them above her head in celebration.

  I smirked.

  "Okay. Okay…you can talk to me now, I’ll be a good girl, I promise." She made a cross over her heart. I held my ground, even though I wanted to bust out laughing. “What? Come on. Tell me. What do I have to do to get you talking again, Jace? Wait. What do I have to do that won’t morally corrupt me?”

  I shrugged and looked over my shoulders at the spot I was sure my fictional key would have landed. I smirked and pointed at my mouth. Then, I pointed at the imaginary key.

  “Oh…I get it. You want me to pick up the make-believe key and unlock your mouth?”

  I nodded.

  She sighed, saying dryly, “Fine.” It seemed Charlie was going to play along with my little game. She walked over to where the key should’ve been and picked it up. She beamed at me.

  I pushed my magic into her mind.

  Charlie: What a freaking jerk! Making me play this ridiculous game. It’s kind of fun, but he doesn’t need to know that. It’s strange how we fight and do this whole back-and-forth bantering. It’s like we’ve been friends forever.

  My eyes were wide with disbelief, but I nodded at her train of thought. Maybe she was starting to remember?

  Charlie: Sometimes it seems like Jace is reading my mind.

  I quickly pulled out of her mind and looked down, feeling like a dick for taking her privacy. I knew I had to stop invading her thoughts, but it was also starting to become an addiction. Charlie moved closer, and I knew the game was back in play. I didn't want to make it easy on her. I took a tiny step backwards.


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