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Page 11

by Tina Donahue

  Logan ran his hand between her cheeks, bypassing her anus to reach her cleft.

  Desire transformed her features, turning them dreamy, wanting. Precisely what he liked.

  “Don’t moan too loud,” he warned, “or you might disturb the wildlife.”

  Her mouth turned up in a blissful smile. “And that would be you?”

  Fucking A. Reinforced steel had nothing on his cock. The damn thing hadn’t been this hard since his teens. Tessa did that to him.

  And something else. She brought out his protective nature again. “Oh shit,” he groaned. “I forgot the condoms.”

  “Don’t go,” she said before he could. “You don’t need them. I’m on the Pill.”

  Of course. And she’d also been checked out by the agency, the same as him, so no one would be harmed physically.

  Uncertain whether to be grateful about that or troubled by his mounting lust, Logan shut down all of his feelings except for desire. With one hand on Tessa’s waist to keep her still, he lifted his shaft in the other, running the crown down the length of her slit. Slippery with her arousal. Plump with longing. A gift no sane man could have refused.

  He eased the tip of his cock inside.

  Jesus. His head fell forward. He forgot how to breathe. Suede couldn’t have been softer, more yielding than Tessa’s body. Her supple folds hugged the crown of his cock. Her sheath welcomed and harbored it. He burrowed inside slowly, starved for every sensation, craving for this to last.

  Tessa moaned.

  Coming from her, the sound was lusty and honest. It fed Logan’s passion, the same as her pussy’s intense tightness and heat, filling the emptiness deep within him. That would return. It always did. Though not until this was over.

  Inch by inch, he tunneled into her, drawing out the act. Tessa wiggled. She lifted her ass. No doubt hoping he’d get a move on and give her some sexual relief. Logan didn’t. Not yet, at least. She was his prize, his pleasure slave, right? He commanded. She obeyed.

  Just shy of their bodies touching, he paused and gulped air, relishing the moment. Her sheath caressing him, encouraging his cock to thicken a bit more, increasing the astonishing pressure. If there was a heaven, this was it. Though not all that he needed.

  Powerless to wait any longer, Logan drove the last of himself inside, his balls tapping her, his body trembling with ecstasy.

  She curled her fingers into the afghan, holding tight.

  Wouldn’t do her any good. He was going to give Tessa the ride of her life. Her pleasure mattered. More than Logan wanted to admit. Partly because he had to prove that he still had it in this department…the rest of him might be fucked up, but he’d remained a good lover. Partly because he liked her. Got her, as she seemed to get him. Yep, they were definitely on the same wavelength.

  And if he’d met her earlier in his life, they might have been lovers and friends.

  Too late for that now.

  Denying everything except this moment, Logan eased out of Tessa and thrust back inside. The richness of her moan proved she liked that. Whatever doubt he’d had eased away, replaced by wonder, excitement, eagerness he hadn’t experienced in too long. Leaning down, he ran his hand over her belly to her clit, stroking it.

  She grunted indelicately.


  “Like that?” he murmured.

  “Oh god, yeah.”

  She’d blurted her words, her manner ingenuous. Exactly as a woman should be when having a good time. Grinning, Logan pumped once more, his movement measured and unrelenting. Tessa huffed. Her sheath narrowed with her building excitement, embracing him even more. She was beyond wet, fucking drenched with arousal. By degrees, he increased the pace of his thrusts even as he stroked her clit unhurriedly.

  Her head moved from side to side, her silky hair swaying. Perspiration coated her shoulders and the small of her back. Logan’s tee clung to his sweaty chest. His jaw ached from clenching his teeth, his determination to hold off.

  Tessa didn’t even try. She whimpered then cried out, heedless about his earlier admonition not to scare the wildlife.

  Fear didn’t drive Logan now. Pure male hunger did. With his hands on Tessa’s hips, he pumped without constraint. The breeze picked up, pushing the leaves aside, allowing the sun to spill over them, turning her skin from rosy to ivory beneath its radiant glow. So goddamn alluring, Logan nearly lost it.

  Teeth gritted, he fought his urges, doing mathematical equations in his head so he wouldn’t come too fast.

  Didn’t help.

  Tessa’s snug warmth, her female scent, the pulsing deep within her channel from her climax undid him.

  Logan bellowed his delight, his heart and chest pumping so hard it was a miracle neither of them burst. Damp with perspiration, weary as hell, he sagged forward, wrapping his arms around Tessa, holding her close. Not wanting to think about anything except this.

  This time, they fell asleep together and awoke near dusk. Smears of clouds tinted the sky pink and orange. Far above the horizon it was deep blue. A fat moon hung to the right. Already Tessa could see a few faint stars. The country air smelled wonderful, scrubbed clean by vegetation, fresh and promising.

  Logan smelled even better.

  She pressed her face to his neck, enjoying the lingering hint of soap, his musk, and her scent that she’d rubbed on him. Like a cat, wanting to mark him as her property.

  They kissed deeply for several minutes, her hand wandering back to his hairy groin and magnificent cock, his travelling over her breasts, cunt, and jewelry.

  Tessa’s smile ended their kiss. With her lips still to his, she whispered, “If you’re good, I may let you wear that.” She placed her hand on his to let him know what she meant.

  He kept fingering the gems. “Red’s not my color.”

  “You’re sure?”

  “Absolutely. So I guess I’ll have to be bad.”

  “Always an option. Let’s go inside. Race you.”


  She’d shoved him down as she had earlier, taking advantage of his surprise to overcome his strength. Even in her wedged sandals, Tessa was yards away before he hollered, “You are so going to pay for that.”

  Turning to him, she took another couple of steps back. “Are you threatening to punish me?”

  He looked up from buttoning his jeans. “Who said it’s a threat?”

  Ah. A promise. Even better. “You’d have to catch me first, wouldn’t—”

  Oh, shit. He was on his feet, barreling toward her.

  Tessa gaped, then bolted across the lawn in a diagonal direction. Not an easy thing given the slope of the property, her wedged sandals, and the increasing gloom she hadn’t yet adjusted to. She squealed as Logan gave serious chase, coming up behind her, pressing close. Alternately laughing and panting, Tessa changed course, running toward him. She saw a flash of his face—complete surprise—as she zipped past. Okay, not zipped exactly. More like wobbled.

  He laughed, then growled, catching up, grabbing her arm. “Guess what?” he panted. “I’ve caught you.”

  That he had. “Congratulations. For a man your age, that’s some feat.”

  “Oh, you are so in for it.” He directed her toward the steps. “Grab the railing and bend over, ass high.”

  Tessa turned from him to the rail and back. “What?”

  Logan crowded her, all laughter gone. “Don’t pretend you don’t know what I’m talking about. Just do it.”

  He was actually going to punish her?

  Tessa’s mouth went so dry, her upper lip stuck to her teeth. Lightheaded with excitement, she planted her hands on the railing and bent at the waist.

  “Did I just see you move?” he asked.

  Well, her heart was certainly sprinting to his put-on macho act. Damn, it was delicious. “I’m just breathing.”

  “I think you’re trying to escape.” He leaned down to her and warned, “Don’t you dare budge an inch from this spot, or it’ll be even worse for you.”

bsp; He went to the afghan, grabbing two napkins, tying their ends together. Returning to her, he used the linen to secure Tessa’s hands to the railing. She tugged hard, testing the bonds.

  Logan placed his hand on hers. “Are you fighting me?”

  Nope. Tessa turned limp with longing. She met his gaze in the growing moonlight, adoring the sin in his eyes, and shook her head.

  “Lift your ass,” he ordered.

  She obeyed gladly.

  Logan strode from one side of her to the other, regarding her subservient position. Truly his property. Her pussy so congested with desire, she had to hold back a wanting moan. He hadn’t given her permission to speak. She was his slave. He, her master.

  “Not one sound,” he warned.

  Tessa bit her bottom lip as he went behind her this time, remaining there, no doubt viewing her ass and openings. In the increasing darkness, that was perfectly all right with her. However, seconds eventually turned to minutes. How long was he going to stay back there, making her wait? She wanted to look, see the expression on his face, but at the same time she didn’t, enjoying the suspense.

  At last, he came around to her right side, his hand resting heavily on her waist to keep her still and obedient. A moment passed, then another and another, forcing her to wait once more for the inevitable.

  She made a whining noise without meaning to.

  Calm as could be, he murmured, “What did I just say about making noise?”


  “You will be.”

  Tessa tensed.

  Nothing happened.

  She looked over.

  At just that moment, Logan’s hand connected with her ass. Hard and assured, causing her to start, the crack sounding too loud. The sting lasted only a second, replaced by incredible warmth. Tessa moaned.

  “Quiet,” he ordered.

  She whimpered.

  Logan mumbled something she didn’t catch, then paddled her well and long, until her head hung between her shoulders and Tessa could scarcely catch her breath. She kept babbling her thanks, wanting him to take her again while she was still tied up.

  He leaned over and kissed the top of her head instead. “You going to be good now?”

  “Only if you make me…that was amazing.”

  He made a sound that said he thought so too and untied her.

  “Wait,” Tessa said as he strode away, napkins in hand. “Where are you going?”

  He pointed to the stuff they’d left on the ground.

  She sagged against the rail. “Want me to help?”

  Logan regarded her obvious aversion to doing so, then flung the afghan over his shoulder. He next shoved the grocery bag beneath his arm. As he approached, Tessa expected him to stop at her side. He did, but only when he was practically on top of her, all virile and dominant. With the tips of his toes touching her sandals, he leaned down and murmured, “Some servant you turned out to be.”

  “Sorry, but I’m a pleasure slave, not a maid,” Tessa informed. “There is a difference.” Showing him, she kissed his neck, then suckled it.

  His Adam’s apple bobbed with his forceful swallow, his free hand travelling to her ass. He cupped one cheek in his palm and fondled her roughly, then stopped. “Are you giving me a hickey?”

  She was. Foolishly branding him. Better quit. After a moment she did. “Let’s go inside.”

  The pups went crazy at their master’s return. Tessa couldn’t blame them. He was some guy. Tenderness wrapped in strength. Protective. Definitely in love with Molly and Jack. On one knee in the kitchen, he stroked their heads as they gobbled the puppy treats he fed them, leaving slobber all over the place. Making as much of a mess as kids would.

  Logan didn’t seem to mind. A really nice guy.

  More than Tessa had expected. She enjoyed talking with him, tasting him, playing their carnal games, having his solid weight on her. Their bodies so close, their souls still far away. She sensed his control returning, the way he was suddenly holding back again. All of his attention on the pups, none left for her.

  Tessa glanced at the windowed wall, the faint overhead lighting in here reflected on the glass, tiny pinpoints of brightness. She wondered if he hadn’t turned the bulbs up to full blast because someone in a passing plane might see inside, the pilot having taken the wrong route. Unless he was flaunting the rules in his single engine or executive jet, giving his passengers a show, encouraging them to witness her nudity. Logan knew she’d be worried about that, and so he was clearly concerned too.

  Liking him even more, Tessa scratched her hip. Her skin itched from grass that had somehow gotten onto the afghan, and from having perspired so much while they’d be screwing around…literally.

  She waited as the pups finished their treats, stuffed and ready to roll. With one in each arm, Logan left the kitchen. Tessa followed him to the front porch, watching from there as he let them run themselves down, after which they each picked a spot and did what comes naturally. They protested quite a bit when Logan herded them back inside the room they’d been in earlier.

  Scolding them gently, he pointed to the two doggie beds. One all frilly and pink, the other with a Spiderman theme. The pups ignored the items, sniffing the kiddy chairs instead. With two bowls of fresh water, Molly’s pacifier, and Jack’s chew toys surrounding their beds, they were clearly down for the evening.

  Both pups whined and tried to escape as Logan headed out.

  Tessa murmured, “Do they always sleep in there?”

  “Only since early last week.” He closed the door and faced her. The light in the foyer was as meek as that in the kitchen. Of course, there were windows here too, in the ceiling. “They’re usually upstairs with me.”

  Not tonight. Tessa played with the hem of his tee. “You relocated them to this room because I was going to be here?”

  “What do you think?”

  She thought it was an excellent idea. “How about a bath…or a shower. Whichever you prefer.”

  Something passed over his face. For a moment, Tessa expected him to refuse, but then with a nod that looked resigned he took her hand and led her up the stairs.

  What she guessed was the master bedroom had the same glass wall as the kitchen, showing the silvery scene outside, a contrast of lighter and darker objects or shadows. The night sky held hundreds of stars. A wayward gust brushed against the house, rattling the panes briefly.

  As he’d done downstairs, Logan turned on the recessed lights in here to their lowest setting. A warm, gentle glow that revealed the massive four-poster bed and brick fireplace directly across from it. Chunky, masculine furniture, in dark wood and what looked to be maroon leather, barely filled the expansive space. It was breathtaking, rather than cozy. Not really a home.

  Logan regarded her, his eyes glimmering in the meager light, his expression unreadable.

  Tessa’s skin prickled, partly from excitement, a bit from uncertainty at how he kept looking at her, as if he were trying to decide something. “What?” she asked.

  He lowered his fly and dropped his jeans, stepping out of them. “Bath or shower?”

  Damn, he was hung, wonderfully blessed. Tessa’s cunt ached for more of his cock, the comfort of having him inside her once again. Especially during the time they’d be floating down from their climaxes, their arms and bodies caressing. How wonderful that had been. How deprived she was without it.

  That need rang in her voice. “Shower. You’re kind of big to fit in a tub.”

  He smiled briefly at her praise, his expression saying he was only being polite. “A shower it is.”

  Without fanfare, he finally removed his tee and dropped it to the side.

  Tessa stared at his chest, that muscular expanse of flesh, superbly toned, male as all hell. His firm pecs and abs called to her as few things had, promising all sorts of decadent pleasures. With her eyes finally adjusted to the murky illumination in here, she saw that his nipples were a bit lighter than his hair, nearly the same shade as his cock, the r
oot of his shaft snuggled within a beautiful nest of thick, equally dark curls.

  A rush of desire hit Tessa so hard, the room swayed slightly. She recalled his cock in her mouth and then each of his balls. Lord, she loved his sac, so pendulous and erotic. Tessa nearly licked her lips, but thought better of it. However, she did smile.

  Logan turned.

  Her smile froze, making her face feel weird, as if she’d had a stroke.

  Oh god. At his brutal scarring, Tessa pressed her fingers to her mouth to keep from making even the faintest sound.

  Even if she had, Logan wouldn’t have heard. He’d already padded away from her into the adjoining bath.

  Chapter Nine

  “More?” Alexa lifted the bottle of French merlot.

  Ronnie put her hand on top of her wineglass. “I’m good. You might want to offer something stronger to the guys though.”

  The clack of tools and mutters coming from the spare bedroom told Ronnie that Hunt and Wallace were having a time of it putting together the baby stuff.

  Alexa called out, “If you two don’t play nice, we’re going to have to take your toys away.”

  More mutters, some peppered with louder swears. Then what sounded like wood cracking.

  “Don’t you worry,” Ronnie said to Alexa. “Whatever they just broke, I’ll replace it.”

  Smiling, Alexa moved the wrapping paper from the sofa and joined her. “If you give us anything else, we’re going to have to get a bigger place.”

  Weeks ago, she and Hunt had purchased this Victorian row house in Georgetown, not all that far from where they’d first met when she still called herself Magique.

  What, to Ronnie, seemed a lifetime away.

  She marveled at the change in Alexa. Blessed with Eurasian features, delicate yet exotic, she’d always been lovely. Now she glowed with happiness and trust. Not an easy thing for her. Her parents’ indifference, especially her father’s, to everything she did, had made it hard for Alexa to love, to give her heart to a man. She’d needed to control her encounters with them, using her elegant sensuality to seduce, while zealously protecting her heart.


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