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Page 6

by Niki Jilvontae

  Instead of listening to my mother’s empty ass threats, I got a better grip of her hair with my right hand as I reached around and slipped the index finger of my left hand into her mouth, stretching her jaw. Denise screamed out in agony as I yanked her jaw and hair as hard as I could at the same time, causing her head to jerk violently to the side. I had her ass whipping from side-to-side like a rag doll in that bitch until she suddenly yelled for Duck to help her. Within seconds his instigating ass appeared, laughing before grabbing me up. I watched in horror as my mother drug Sha away face down on the dirty, hardwood floor to be locked back in the closet.

  Duck held me by my waist gently as I tears rolled down my face and I screamed while trying to break free. I could hear Sha screaming my name and trying to claw his way out of the closet as Denise slammed the door shut and put a padlock on it from the outside.

  “Nooo, let him out you evil bitch. LET HIM OUT PLEASE!!” I yelled to the top of my lungs as I felt the words vibrate through my body.

  Sadness consumed me as I struggled to break away from Duck and get to my brother. Hearing Sha scream my name over and over again as my mother taunted him drove me crazy and fanned the flames of rage burning inside of me,

  “Calm down, Tisha, calm down. I won’t let her hurt you. If you say that you’re my friend and one day we will play my secret game, then maybe I will help you. You better make a decision fast though because yo mammy on her way back.” Duck whispered in my ear as he grinded his penis into my butt from behind.

  I could hear my mother’s heavy footsteps in the hall as I squirmed in Duck’s arms and my heart raced a mile a minute. I knew that he was right and that in a second my mother would be right there in front of me again ready to cause me and my baby pain. That was a chance I couldn’t take so I promised to give in to Satan’s helper.

  “Okay, okay...maybe. One day I will play your secret game with you. I promise, just please don’t let her hurt me or my baby. Make her stop hurting my brother. Please, help us. I’ll do whatever you want!” I said to Duck’s delight as he kissed me on the tip of my ear.

  I could tell that was what he had been waiting to hear as he started giggling like a school kid as he grinded my butt fast.

  “I knew you would play ball eventually. I mean you can’t fight the inevitable princess and you were meant to be mine. Now, let me do all the talking and shit, you just chill.” Duck said as he suddenly let me go and Denise appeared in the doorway.

  My mother marched right into the room with her fists clenched looking me straight in the eyes with nothing but hate. If she could have gotten to me at that moment it is no doubt in my mind that she would have beaten me to death with her bare hands, but lucky for me Duck was there. Before my mother could get to me and wrap her outstretched arms around my throat, Duck had stepped in between us and picked her up, carrying her out of the room as he cursed.

  “Hell naw, Denise! Stop that shit! You gonna quit beating them damn kids all the time. You said you was about getting money bitch, not beating them. Ole dumb ass hoe, then you broke all the shit I bought. Bitch is you crazy? I guess I gotta teach yo stupid ass a lesson, huh?” Duck yelled at my mother as he drug her down the hall.

  I felt the walls shake as he slammed her into their bedroom door before pushing her inside. Screams and the sounds of his fists hitting her flesh were all I heard for the ten minutes following as I crouched down in the hallway, talking to my brother through a crack in the door. When Denise’s screams finally stopped, I was able to sneak back into the room without being seen. I sat there for hours listening to my brother talk through the vent we discovered connected the closet to the room, and waiting on whatever disaster that was coming next.

  To my surprise hours went past and nothing happened. I didn’t even hear my mother’s voice again until well after nine that night when Duck’s nephew Fat came over to visit and serve my mother crack. He was a tall, fat, light skinned boy with freckles all over his face and long dreads. He looked familiar to me, like one of the boys in Terricka’s gang, but I wasn’t sure as I walked into the living room to see why Duck had called me.

  “Aye Tish, this my nephew Fat. He a real nigga you should holler at him instead of the nothing ass nigga who got you pregnant and disappeared. Anyway, its food and shit in here, you can eat and you can take your brother something. Denise stupid ass ain’t gonna fuck with ya. Ain’t that right, bitch?” Duck asked as he turned his head to the side like he was talking to the imaginary person standing behind the couch.

  Just then my mother stood up with a pipe in her hand, nothing on but a black g-string and black, leather dog collar, with a totally sprung expression on her battered face. Her right eye was completely swollen shut and she had bruises and cuts all over her caramel skin, but none of that stopped her from being as repulsive as possible. I thought I was in a scene straight out of New Jack City or The Wire as she took a big hit off the crack pipe, deeply inhaling and holding the thick white smoke before blowing it all out in a thin, faint line. She looked like a true cone, cracked out, prostitute as she stood there bucking her eyes at me while she continued to take long hits off the pipe before answering.

  “Yeah, that’s right daddy. I ain’t gonna fuck with them…right now.” My mother mumbled quickly before holding out her hand to Duck.

  I watched as Duck placed one 20 piece of rock in her palm before dismissing her to their room as he stood up smiling.

  “See I got that hoe trained. I told you, I’m in control. Not that junky bitch. Now, chill with my nephew while I go handle this.” Duck said before flipping my hair with his hand and blowing an air kiss at me.

  I held in my disgust and faked a small smile back at him before he disappeared down the hall, leaving me sitting there on the couch with his nephew. For a while we just sat there, saying nothing as we stared at the basketball game on TV. When the game went on its fourth commercial the boy finally spoke and began the conversation that would spark a new fire. After a little small talk I found out the apartments we were in was called the Peach Tree and that I was right across the street from The Overlook apartments where Terricka and her gang was. After a little more talking, I found out Fat was folk and that he knew my sister personally, so I pulled the gang’s loyalty card and made him promise that he would find my sister and tell her where I was.

  After my conversation with Fat, I felt a new found confidence and bravery so when Duck came back into the room I demanded my brother be let out to eat. My demand worked too because before I knew it Duck had went into his room and returned with the key, letting Sha out to eat in the living room with everyone else like a human. I hugged my brother and told him how much I loved him the entire time we ate, not taking my eye off of him for a second. After dinner I convinced Duck to let Sha take a bath and sleep in the same room as me.

  “Oh you gonna owe me big time, Tisha.” Duck said as he licked his tongue out to me while standing in the doorway of the room I slept in.

  I rolled my eyes at Duck as I lie there in the bed with Sha curled up behind me while I staring at his nasty ass do flicking motions with his tongue. All the while his nephew Fat, stood in the doorway behind him, looking at me with sympathy and compassion. I played on Fat’s soft heart at that moment, winking my eye to indicate I was depending on him. I watched Fat nod his head before I turned away so that Duck’s bullshit would stop. After a few seconds Duck finally got the picture and saw that I wasn’t turning back around so he laughed and taunted me as he slowly closed the door.

  “Yeaaaa…Tisha my Tisha. I got you!” Duck whispered before slamming the door and sealing my future fate.

  I breathed a breath of relief when Duck left the room; however, I knew that I would have to deal with him and answer to the promise I made one day. I just hoped that when that time came, I would be ready.

  Chapter 6

  The next day, April 18th and my sister Terricka’s 18th birthday, I heard nothing from her or Fat for that matter. I paced the floor and drove myself crazy wonder
ing where she was all day, hoping that she would be able to help us. I waited, I prayed, and I wished my sister a happy birthday over and over again as I stared out of the small window that my mother had boarded up from the inside; however, my sister never came. Two more days went by in a blur as I waited on my sister and her homies to rescue us while watching my mother regain her evil composure. By then my mother had already began her reign of terror on me and Sha again, refusing to let us eat or sleep. It seemed Duck’s powers were gone and so was he for the most part, leaving Sha and I to face evil alone, and evil is exactly what my mother was.

  Denise was like a possessed alley cat in our faces every second of the day trying to inflict pain on us. The only relief we got was when Duck came back that day and told my mother he had a lick downtown that would bring them lots of money. My mother had both me and Sha kneeling in rice on the kitchen floor, holding five books in each hand while she sliced us across the back with a leather belt when Duck bust into the house. From the look on Duck’s face when he came in, I could tell that even though he was fucked up in his own way he still had a conscious. The disgusted expression on his face when he saw our bloody backs and heard our moans of agony, told me that he didn’t like what my mother did to us. I think that is why he did what he did to get my mother out of the house and away from us. Beneath that pedophile, sadist exterior there was a nice man somewhere inside of Duck, and that was lucky for us.

  “Maine what the fuck you got going, Denise? Come on now, you said you was gonna cut that shit out. Let them kids the fuck up and let’s go get this money. We can go get some dope when we finish.” Duck said walking into the kitchen and winking his eye at me before grabbing my mother by the hand and pulling her to the door.

  Hearing a promise of money and drugs was all my mother needed to hear to distract her. Duck’s news instantly put my mother’s junky, greedy ass in the best mood ever as she let Duck guide her out of the room, leaving me and Sha alone to go get dressed. However, neither Sha nor I had the strength or indignation necessary to pull ourselves up and fight evil at that moment. We both remained on our knees, holding our breath, just waiting on our hell to end until Duck came back into the kitchen and told us to get up.

  “Maine, y’all get the fuck up off that floor. I’m taking her downtown for a few hours, but I ain’t coming back with her. Be in the room quiet, preferably sleep when she comes back and you should be okay. Now, smile my princess. Duck gonna take care of you remember? Remember our deal too. Okay?” Duck said nudging my chin with his knuckle before smiling and blowing a kiss at me.

  I swallowed down my screams and anxiety as I let Duck help me to my feet and then pulled my brother up beside me. Sha clung to me as we stood there watching Duck while he looked me up and down, licking his lips and rubbing his hands together. After a few seconds of staring at one another, we all suddenly stopped and looked towards the hallway as the sound of my mother dragging feet across the hardwood floor on her way to the door echoed through the air. I could feel the hair on the back of my neck stand up as she yelled and screamed curses from the door.

  “Come the fuck on Duck, while you in there in that lil slut fucking face.” My mother spat like venom before stepping into the kitchen to look at me as she spoke.

  “Oh yea, lil bitch don’t think I forgot. We got something to discuss tonight because I need my first fucking payment. This maid shit ain’t paying the fucking bills or helping me the fuck out so its time yo funky ass get with it...and you WILL get with it. Now, I want the retard back in his hole by the time I get back and yo funky ass better be done cleaned up, washed yo ass, and be in there waiting on me. I mean it, Tisha, and remember… they watching.” My mother said while looking up at the ceiling as she reached her arm out to grab my shoulder and I stepped out of her reach.

  I pushed Sha behind me and glared at my mother with malice as she stood in the door to the kitchen looking at me and smiling. After a few seconds, Duck came and grabbed my mother by the arm, pulling her to the door as he winked his eye at me. I rolled my eyes at him as I smirked at my mother while she struggled in Duck’s arms trying to break free to get to me.

  “Lil bitch, I don’t see what the fuck you smiling for. I’ll come smack that smirk right off yo fucking face. Silly ass Hiefa!” My mother yelled as she held on to the door jam and Duck tried to pull her out.

  “Oh. And don’t try to get away either, Tisha. The doors and windows are padlocked and I have people all around the apartments watching for me. Try me if you wonna, bitch. There is no escape so just don’t try it because you know what will happen when I find you. Just wait until I find yo funky ass sister and you will see. Remember what I said…they watching!” My mother yelled as Duck pushed her on out of the front door.

  As soon as the door slammed shut behind them, I felt instant relief as I ran to the door and put my ear to it, listening to the three deadbolts being locked and then a padlock being put on the door from the outside. I turned around to see a terrified yet angry expression on Sha’s face as I tried to hide the fear and malice surging through me. I manage a weak smile at my brother as he walked over to the door and stood beside me before speaking.

  “ We ain’t gonna never escape this hell, are we Tisha?” Sha asked me as I looked at him and saw the defeated look I once had now consuming him.

  I could do nothing but cry as I pulled my brother close to me and hugged him. I couldn’t answer his question because I didn’t know if we would ever escape. The only thing I did know was that I wouldn’t stop trying no matter what. After that I fixed Sha and I a good meal, cleaned the house, showered, and prepared for the horror that was to come. I tried to devise a safe way for Sha and I to escape from the third story kitchen window, over the parking lot after working on opening the front door, but no matter what I did I saw no safe way out, if any way at all. At about 11:30 p.m. I fell out in bed next to Sha, exhausted and hurting all over. I dreamed about Jerrod and I living a happy life and I could feel his love all over me.

  In my dream Jerrod ran his hands all over my stomach and covered the skin on my growing belly with his loving kisses. My dream felt so real that when I woke up my first instinct was to reach out for him, even before I opened my eyes. When I did reach out and actually touched someone’s face, I almost jumped out of the bed. I quickly opened my eyes and focused them on the person sitting in front of me on the bed as my heart raced and I pressed my body up against Sha’s, pinning him against the wall.

  I pulled my gown down with shaky hands as I stared around the dimly lit room quickly before focusing on the person in front of me again. When my eyes fully focused, I noticed there was a young mixed man, about 24 or 25 with a big nappy afro, huge glasses, and pimples all over his face, sitting there smiling at me. He was so creepy looking just sitting there with his hands stretched out towards me and his lips still puckered from when he was kissing my stomach. The whole Twilight Zone ass scene caught me off guard leaving nothing more for me to do other than scream.

  I screamed long and hard as the creepy little bastard still sitting on the bed tried to shush me and I kicked his ass with all of my might. One of my wild kicks hit him on the tip of his penis which was protruding through the tight Levis jeans he had on. That kick was enough to send his ass jolting up from the bed like he had touched a hot stove. In an instant he was on his feet and backing towards the door as I yelled for his perverted ass to get out and Sha slowly woke up out of his coma while calling my name.

  “Tisha, what’s going on? What’s wrong?” Sha asked as he ground the sleep out of his eyes with his fists and I cried while covering myself in the covers.

  I yelled for Sha to get back as I wrapped the sheet around myself and reached for the six inch piece of wood with nails sticking out of it I had on the floor next to the bed. After I couldn’t find a way to escape the day before, I broke a piece of the wood off of the window to use as weapon if I needed it. From the looks of the muthafucka in the room when I woke up, I definitely needed it then and for s
ome reason I wasn’t scared to use it.

  Sha jumped out of bed quickly and cowered down in the corner as I held the piece of wood in my hand like I was a batter ready to swing. I huffed and spat like a demon as I hurled curses at the stunned pervert ready to beat the fuck out of him if I had to. For a second I felt enraged and out of control like my mother and sister often got, and it felt good.

  “Come on muthafucka, touch me again. I want you to put yo muthafucking hands on me you perverted bitch and I’m about to body yo ass. I’M TIRED OF THIS BULLSHIT. GETTTT OUTTTTT!!!!” I yelled to the top of my lungs as I began swinging the piece of wood wildly in the air.

  I could hear the young pervert grunting and whimpering as I popped his creepy ass across the forearm with one of my wild swings. I didn’t give a fuck though. I kept my eyes closed tightly as I continued to swing the wood, releasing years of being tired of being scared and being tired in general. I cried and popped the creep repeatedly on the arms and head before suddenly the door to the room swung open and all of the air left my body once again.

  I stood there frozen with the piece of wood in my hands as I looked at my mother standing in the doorway asshole naked with a pair of white usher gloves on, white orthopedic heels, pearls, teacher’s glasses, and her hair brushed into a tight, high bun. It was the creepiest, most sadistically, perverse shit I had ever seen before in my life, and nothing my mother ever did shocked me anymore. However, as she walked into the room with her head held high smelling like Ivory soap, all clean and shit with a ruler in her hand, I knew she was on her worse behavior. That’s why I backed up against the wall with my stick still in hand ready to fuck her up if I had to. At that moment I was sure I would have to, eventually.


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