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Page 10

by Niki Jilvontae

  I quickly concluded that I would be able to get through it without hurting myself after a short inspection and turned to face Sha before suggesting we go back through the vent. I figured we’d have a better chance getting out the closet door than the steel door of the room we were in. I stared at Sha and waited on his response before darting over to the bed to get my stick Denise had left in the room after our fight. She had taken my piece of metal and used my piece of wire to bind me; however, there was two weapons she didn’t get. She didn’t get the piece of wood I held in my hand or the pocket knife I kept tucked deep inside. I had left placed that knife inside of me every day since I found it just waiting until I needed it most. I could feel that time was coming as I stared at my dingy brother.

  “I heard her, Tisha, but I was in the vents. Most of the vents in this house are connected. That could be our way out. The one on the opposite side of the closet leads to the hallway. We could find Terricka. Let’s go, Tish.” Sha said crawling back into the vent as I followed with my stick in hand.

  The squeeze into the vent was a little more snug than I anticipated as I twisted and turned my body until I made it through. Once inside the small, dark, stinky, cramped closet, Sha led me straight to the other vent, stopping just before he climbed inside.

  “Okay Tisha, this one is about the same size as the last one with a sharp left turn just ahead. When you get up there, turn your head left as you go in and keep turning your body left along with it, you’ll make it through. Now follow me.” Sha said as he began going through the vent.

  Halfway inside my brother stopped and turned back to look at me as I crouched down with the stick in my hand.

  “On second thought, Tisha, I think you should go first. That way if you get stuck I can push you from behind.” Sha said coming back out of the vent and pulling me forward.

  I crawled into the vent and realized that what my brother said was true. That vent was pretty much the same size as the other with an exception of the sharp turn. When I got to it, I tried turning my head easily to the left and letting the rest of my body glide along through the vent like Sha had said. However, when I did that shit nothing went as planned. My head and neck went through fine, but when it got to my shoulders and turning my abdomen straight to come through, pain shot up my body like electricity. I tried to cover my mouth with my hand to muffle my screams as my legs and feet cramped up and my shoulders got lodged in the turn.

  Before the panic that was brewing in my stomach could kick in to full capacity, Sha was at my feet massaging them and my legs as he calmed me down.

  “Shhh, Tisha, you’re okay. I’ve done this a dozen time in the past two days. You’ll be fine just do a slow wiggle like a fish out of water while moving your head to the left. As you do that, push off of my hands and I will help guide you forward.” Sha said as I did everything he told me to do. Suddenly I bust head first through the open vent into the hall way.

  I fell on to my side and quickly jumped to my feet, pressing my body into the wall trying to blend into the darkness. I could hear someone hollering right outside of the building as I helped Sha up to his feet while keeping my eyes trained on the doorway to the hall.

  “Follow me Sha and stay close.” I whispered to my brother through the darkness as we stealth down the hallway towards the living room and the front door.

  I held my breath at the doorway before summoning the courage to peek inside. When I looked into the living room, I was shocked by what I saw. The entire room was in shambles from what I could see through the darkness and blood was everywhere. A man I recognized to be Duck’s friend was laying by the door with gashes, wounds, knots, and cuts all over him. I gasped as I crept closer and noticed that his face had been beaten so severely you couldn’t even see where his eyes were. I pushed Sha behind me as I stepped over the man’s body and he moaned while pee poured from between his legs and formed a puddle beneath him.

  My legs trembled as I made it passed the man with Sha behind me and approached the open front door. I swallowed hard and encouraged myself as I got a good grip on my stick and prepared to fight. I stepped forward with Sha almost attached at my hip, and peered out into the hallway to see my sister wrapped in a vicious fight with my mother. Terricka had my mother by the hair, smashing her in the face with her fist as my mother delivered punch after punch to my sister’s head. I quickly glanced around to see if anyone else was in the hall before turning to tell Sha to stay put.

  As soon as the words left my mouth, I dashed out of the door and ran at my mother and sister like a runaway freight train. I hit my mother with force using the stick in my hand as the nails penetrated her back and she let go of her grip on my sister’s hair. Denise fell to the floor hard like a 100 year old oak tree as my sister and I commenced to beating her ass like a runaway slave.

  I stomped my mother repeatedly in the head and back as Terricka punched her in the face and cursed, remembering every single thing she had ever done to us. I couldn’t control my rage as I straddled my mother’s back and put her in a head lock, choking her until I felt her body get weak. Suddenly as I choked my mother and Terricka punched her over and over in the face, Sha’s frantic voice filled the air consuming my heart with fear.

  I slowly turned my head to look at my brother and find out what was so important when I was met suddenly by something hard and forceful. The impact from whatever hit me in my face was so powerful I felt my body glide across the hallway and hit the wall as Terricka yelled out my name. The next thing I saw was momentary darkness followed by flashes of my mother kicking me in the face and then hearing her yell for Duck to call the police and tell them that Terricka and Fat had done everything. I passed out after that and only woke up again when Duck threw me across his shoulder and carried me out of the hall. I tried to open my eyes to see where I was being taken as Duck told someone that Terricka and Fat were hiding in the building. However, the blood and tears on my eyes was so crusty I couldn’t open them. All I could do was beg Duck to put me down and let me go.

  “Please Duck let me go. Where is my brother, where’s Terricka? Please let me and my baby go. Please.” I pleaded with Duck as he continued to walk slowly and quietly like an undertaker with a new body.

  I struggled in his arms as I felt him take me inside somewhere cramped, and stinky. I quickly recognized the smell as that of the closet Sha was kept in and felt some relief knowing that at least I would be with my brother. However, when I felt Duck throw me down to the floor and heard a board in the closet move, I knew things were different. Suddenly, I was being flung into an even smaller and darker space as Sha moaned out in pain from my body being thrust on top of his. I quickly moved slightly to the side and ground the dried blood out of my eyes to see. When I was able to focus and look around the tiny space, I gasped in horror. Someone had cut a small two by four foot hole in the wall and fixed a bar on the outside, in which they locked me and Sha in like we were animals. I cringed as Duck slammed the metal bars closed and pressed his ugly, perverse ass face up against it.

  “Damn princess, you fucked up now. Ain’t shit I can to do help none of y’all. Your sister good as dead if her ass don’t go to jail first. Y’all fucked your mama up good. She on the way to the hospital so I’ma deal with you later. Sweet dreams.” Duck said laughing as he threw a can with thick white fog coming out of it into the cage.

  I spit in his face as the smoke started filling the tiny space and I watched through blurred vision as he wiped my spit off with his finger before licking it. I began to cough uncontrollably as I pressed my body up against Sha’s while pulling my shirt up over my nose and mouth while instructing my brother to do the same. The chemicals in the fog burned my lungs, skin, eyes, and throat as I gasped for air and cradled my brother, trying to take the brunt of the punishment. Duck laughed at us huddled together as he put the piece of plaster that hid the cage back in place and left the closet.

  I breathed some of the fresh air that was still in my lungs into my brother’s mouth as h
e turned purple and began to go unconscious. I tried to fight the effects of the chemicals for as long as I could; however, as I held Sha’s head in my hands and called his name, I knew I was in a never winning battle. The last thing I remember before darkness took me again was hearing the muffled voices of police officers as they entered the apartment, after that I was gone.

  Chapter 10

  I woke up the next day, April 27th, tied to the headboard with wire again as someone moaned in the darkness while sitting on the bed next to me. I squinted my eyes and stared at the back of a nappy head, which I quickly recognized as Duck as he moved his arm up and down quickly. I couldn’t see exactly what he was doing through the thick darkness in the room; however, the way he was moaning and moving his body told me that he was being nasty as fuck. I instantly felt flustered like I would pass out or hyperventilate as I squirmed in the bed and tried to pull my arms out of the wrapped wire that was cutting into my wrists. The realization that I couldn’t get out was apparent as blood began to trickle down my arms from the gashes I had formed trying to free my hands from the wire. I cried out in pain as the wounds throbbed and the wire continued to dig into the gashes.

  “Ahhh, Duck please, let me go. Undo my wrists. It’s hurting and I’m bleeding. Help me.” I cried as warm blood continued to run down my arms and into my armpits.

  I waited on Duck’s response as pain and anxiety surged through me and I peered around the room beyond the darkness just looking for something. I was looking for anything I could use to fuck up the pedophile sitting inches away from me, but of course nothing was within my reach. I held my breath as Duck slowly turned around towards me, bringing his face so close to mine I could smell the Burnette’s Vodka he had been drinking.

  I swallowed down the vomit that was creeping up my throat as Duck laughed and stared at me with those pop eyes, drinking me in as he turned to reveal himself to me. I quickly closed my eyes and bit my bottom lip, fuming and filled with fear over what I knew was about to happen. I tried to calm the rage burning inside of me that was derived from my fear, but there was no use. I yelled curses at Duck for sitting there staring at me with his dick in his hand like a real, To Catch a Predator, instead of helping me. I wanted to head butt him and knock his fucking teeth out as he laughed at my anger, treating me like a piece of shit.

  “You sick ass bitch help me. What the fuck wrong with you. HELP ME!” I yelled through clenched teeth as I struggled against the wires lifting my torso up off the bed before trying to bite Duck’s nose off.

  I almost had his slimy ass too, but the crack he had been smoking made him quick so he was able to jump back in time.

  “Ohhh, princess. Now you fucking up like yo lil hoe ass sister. Y’all lil bitches really think y’all bad, huh? Well, we will see how bad that lil nappy head bitch is locked up in jail for the next six to eight months.” Duck said as I gasped and growled before cursing and spitting at him.

  “You muthafucka. I hate you too. You bastard!” I screamed through my tears as I thought about my sister locked up, alone in an adult facility.

  I went crazy in the bed flapping my body around, trying to kick and punch at him but the wires barely allowed me to move. All that I could do was scream to the top of my lungs and curse my tormentor.

  “SHUT THE FUCK UP!” Duck yelled in a deep, sadistic tone that made my insides quiver.

  I quickly shut my mouth, biting my lip while crying and imagining the day I could fuck him up.

  I held my breath and closed my eyes as Duck laughed and used the index finger of his left hand to trace the curves of my body. I opened my eyes and stared at his face as he wore this far off, almost drugged out expression, while running his finger just below my breast. I cringed when his rough, callused skin touched me, causing goosebumps to pop up all over my body. I silently prayed and wished someone could help me as thoughts of what would take place ran through my mind.

  In that moment I knew that the turmoil of my past would surely continue. I knew right then that the peace I had gained living with the Robinson’s was gone. Once again my body would not be my own. I would have to barter my health, sanity, and life for my innocence. I felt defeated, but angry as fuck knowing that like countless times before I was going to have to wager the only piece of the world that was truly my own. I felt my heart break into a million pieces as Duck continued to laugh while tracing my body back down to my honey pot, rubbing it lightly.

  “Stop all that damn yelling, Tisha. I’m done fucking with you. I tried being nice to yo funky ass and giving you an opportunity to play the game the nice way, but you didn’t want that, did you? The nice way would have allowed you and your brother luxuries Denise would never approve, if you were nice to me. Now that doesn’t sound like such a bad plan considering all the shit yo mammy crazy ass do and has done to you. I was gonna make it so there was only one nigga you fucked and sucked on a regular, ME! I was gonna take care of yo silly ass girl.” Duck said rubbing his face up and down the side of mine.

  “You fucked that up though.” He said breathing hard like an overweight stripper on stage for three songs before kissing me in the corner of my mouth.

  The smell of Duck’s breath and just having him touching me, reminding me of my first monster Jerome, was too much for my little pregnant belly to handle. Before I knew it, I was puking up the little food in my stomach as Duck jumped up looking on with a smile on his face. I choked on my own vomit for a second before turning my head and allowing it to flow to the side instead of back up into my face. Once I caught my breath and was able to get all of the boiling contents of my stomach up, I glared at Duck through watery eyes.

  If looks could kill, I am sure he would have been dead at that second. I stared at that bastard with all of the pain and hurt I had for everyone who had ever abused or used me, wishing from my heart that God really would strike people down. I wished something would happen to his demented ass. I needed a miracle, something like a divine intervention that would save me from another degrading act. That was my wish, but wishes just like luck didn’t apply to me or any of my siblings. All that we got from the world was heartache, pain, and a reminder that we were cursed for ever being born. What Duck did next proved that.

  “Awww, the princess not feeling good, huh? Ha! Good you got all that shit out of yo stomach already because now we about to play my game. All that easy way shit out the window, Tisha. I got you here and I’m about to do what the fuck ever I want to.” Duck said as he ripped the shirt I had on down the middle revealing my engorged, perky DD breasts.

  I felt so disgusted, worthless, and just down right low as Duck admired my breasts and I begged him to just leave me alone for my baby’s sake. As he stepped up to me with his penis in his hand, I knew that there was no reasoning with him. Tears ran down the sides of my face as I cried out of anger huffing and biting my lip the entire time.

  “Alright now princess let’s get this straight now. I know this isn’t an ideal situation for getting or giving some head, BUT you leave me no choice. SO if YOU, bite, nip, or even scrape my dick I will beat you to death with my bare hands then cut that bastard out of yo stomach and beat him to death too. DO you understand?” Duck asked through clenched teeth with a sadistic expression on his face before quickly standing up straight while smiling.

  I shook my head yes that I understood as my tears continued to flow and I watched the black version of American Psycho prepare to put his penis in my mouth. At that moment I could hear my sister’s voice in my head telling me to be strong and to sing our song. I tucked my lips, closed my eyes, and blocked out the feelings consuming me, focusing on the words of the song as Duck walked over to the bed. I watched as he clicked on the lamp next to the bed before letting his pants fall down to the floor. I barely had time to squint my eyes in an effort to adjust them to the light before quickly jumping on the bed, straddling my face. The smell of Duck’s groin was poignant and rank as he waved his pink, spotty, five inch organ in my face. The stench was so bad that my eyes w
atered and I dry heaved in my mouth as he grabbed me in the back of my hair.

  “Now remember what I said Princess, suck it like a Popsicle. Oh my bad. I don’t have to tell you, you’re a pro. Now open yo MUTHAFUCKING mouth and go for what you know HOE!” Duck Said through clenched teeth as he grabbed my jaw, prying it open with his fingers as I cried and mentally hummed the Salvation Song.

  Before Duck’s dirty, stinky penis could even touch my tongue, the relief the Salvation Song offered had helped me to transcend out of my body once again. I felt numb as I laid there bound by my wrists and ankles as Duck thrust up and down in my mouth gagging me while pulling my hair. Tears ran down the side of my face as he held my hair in both hands and jerked my head back and forth like a madman. I felt nothing when he reached back and grabbed my breasts pinching and turning them like they were handles on a faucet.

  The only time I felt anything, coming back to the moment and feeling everything that was happening, was when he touched my stomach. As soon as I felt his evil touch on my precious gift, electricity shot through my body and I began flapping around wildly. In the process of flapping I nipped the tip of Duck’s dick and he quickly slapped me hard across the face as a punishment. I glared at him while biting my lip as he jerked my hair, pulling my face towards him.


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