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Escape Velocity (The Black Star Chronicles Book 1)

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by E. P. Wyck

  Escape Velocity

  E.P. Wyck

  Published by E.P. Wyck

  Copyright 2017 E.P. Wyck

  Version: 0.1.1

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher, E.P. Wyck.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  E.P. Wyck is not affiliated with Spacetime Studios or their game Star Legends: The Blackstar Chronicles. Any relation to any intellectual property is purely accidental.

  If you would like to read more of E.P. Wyck's work or contact the author please like him on Facebook at:

  The Black Star Chronicles

  Book 1: Escape Velocity

  Book 2: Entropy Horizon - Summer 2017

  Book 3: Millennium In A Minute - Fall/Winter 2017

  Table of Contents

  Escape Velocity

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 1

  Air traffic thickened as Ryn approached the city of Tresopolis. Most Empyreans chose to travel in personal aircraft, however he enjoyed stretching his wings every day on the way to work.

  The outskirts of Tresopolis sprang up beneath Ryn. After a short dive, he glided between buildings nestled in the natural fortress of the mountains using only the occasional flap of his wings to stay aloft.

  The buildings stretched higher into the sky. He set his sights on the tallest building in the city, the Capitol building of the Trinity Space Alliance.

  Ryn noticed a group of three female Seraphim flying above him. Thoughts of the gendercide attacks briefly entered his mind but he quickly dismissed them. After they continued to follow him for a while he became nervous and took an unnecessary left between two buildings. They turned as well.

  He hoped he misjudged them but they started gaining on him. He beat his wings to gain speed and altitude. He used the mirror finish on the windows of the tall office buildings to check his pursuers.

  To his surprise, they closed fast. Their wings blurred with speed in their pursuit of him. He entered a nose dive. He gained so much speed he needed to hold his breath as the wind pushed against his face. At the last second before hitting the ground he pushed his wings out with all of his might, leveling his flight just in time to fly into an aircraft tunnel.

  Aircraft darted out of his way sounding their horns. He dived down. Just before scraping his chest on the pavement, he pressed his wings out to glide below the traffic. As he approached the end of the tunnel, he could smell the fresh air.

  Looking behind him, Ryn saw only two Seraphim making their way through the tunnel. He looked around for the other one. ‘Where did she go?’ He wondered to himself.

  He didn’t let her whereabouts bother him. Not much further until Ryn would enter the protection of the Trinity Space Alliance security. They monitored the area around the Capitol building to protect various dignitaries doing business there.

  With open sky above him, he beat his wings hard trying to evade who chased him. Just then, the other Seraphim cut him off. He dove to fly beneath her. She flipped backwards and gave chase.

  She flew faster than him, gaining on him. Ryn could see the security patrols around the Capitol building. He cried out for assistance, “Help! I am being chased!” They could not hear him.

  She grabbed his right ankle and started pulling him toward her. Ryn kicked as hard as he could. His foot missed and the kick unbalanced his flight.

  His attacker took advantage and gripped Ryn’s left wing. He kicked, flapped, and stretched, but could not get free. The other two attackers grabbed onto him forcing him to land. They dropped him on the ground.

  Ryn instinctually held his hands out just before he skidded across the rough pavement. Road grit stung his now raw hands. He struggled to get to his feet, but managed to face the approaching attackers.

  Backpedaling, Ryn yelled, “You don’t have to do this. Help!”

  “Scream all you want. There are more in support of our movement than against it. You’re going to die today.” Said one of the attackers.

  Another lunged forward and kicked Ryn in the knee. The force twisted his knee causing him to limp. Another attacker pulled out a small blade. “Just a quick slice with this and it’ll be over before you realize it. Don’t struggle.” She said.

  The sun glinted off the short blade. Ryn panicked and cried out again, “Help! They’re going to kill me!”

  “It really is useless.”

  Ryn hobbled back and tripped over a curb. He fell flat on his backside with a thud. The trio of assailants surrounded him. One held down his feet, the other secured his arms. The attacker with the blade knelt beside Ryn.

  “NuhNuhNuhNuh,” Ryn stuttered, “No, don’t, stop!”

  “Oh, don’t stop. Ok,” said the armed Seraphim. She pushed his head to the side. Pressed the blade against his neck.

  “You’re all making a mistake!” Boomed a security officer through the public-address system of his patrol vehicle. Three male Seraphim security officers flew in and landed near the attackers.

  “They’re getting away!” Shouted an officer. “After them.”

  The officer in the patrol vehicle sped after the assailants. Another officer offered a hand to Ryn, “Are you alright?”

  “I think so. They got my knee pretty good. Other than that, I should be ok. Thank you for saving my life,” Ryn said.

  “Don’t mention it. Just doing our job. If we’re not careful, soon there won’t be any males left.”

  “Let’s hope not. I really do appreciate it.” Ryn turned and limped to work. The entrance to the Capitol building sat atop a long flight of wide stairs. Ordinarily, he would fly to the top. However, today he limped up each stair using the pain as a reminder he still lived.

  Chapter 2

  The lobby of the 135-year-old Capitol Building seemed to stretch on forever through the vast foyer supported by towering arches. The modern metal and glass construction contrasted most of the old stone buildings with glass facades throughout the city.

  Ryn walked to the lift leading to his department. He boarded and selected his floor. After a few stops, Ryn disembarked the lift and walked towards the entrance to his lab.

  A scientist in charge of a secre
t projects division, Ryn reported directly to the Triumvirate Maximus. The Triumvirate Maximus consisted of three Triumvirs who governed the Trinity Space Alliance as a ruling council.

  Walking into the lab, Ryn said, “Contact the TriMax and see if they have time to see me this morning. I was attacked on my way in, and I don’t think they’ll take it lightly that their research almost died with me today.”

  “Oh, Dominus, I am glad you made it ok. Were you hurt?”

  “Just some bumps and scrapes.” Ryn replied.

  “That is good to hear.” sighed his assistant.

  Ryn entered his office and sat at his work bench. He held his face in his hands and breathed deeply. He heard the stories about the gendercide continuing to worsen, however he never thought he would have to fear for his life. This terrified him.

  Ryn’s assistant walked in. He composed himself before looking at her. “Any word from the Triumvirs?”

  “Yes, Dominus. They said they can’t see you this morning, but will have time for you before you leave for the day.”

  “Thank you, Arina.” Ryn nodded.

  “Are you sure you’re ok?”

  “Of course,” Ryn replied, “just trying to get my bearings after this morning.”

  “If you say so. You know we all support you. I will be at my desk if you need me Dominus.” Arina turned and left his office.

  With plenty to do, Ryn started working.

  _ _ _

  “Dominus,” Arina said to Ryn, “time to go to your meeting with the Triumvirate Maximus.”

  The sound of her voice startled Ryn who worked the entire morning and most of the afternoon without stopping. “I’ll be right there,” he told her.

  After finishing up, Ryn left his office and made his way to the receiving hall for the Triumvirate Maximus. Upon approach, a guard stopped him.


  “Ryn from SPEAR.”

  “Nobody from Special Projects Engineering and Research, including you, is on the list.”

  “I requested a last-minute meeting with the Triumvirate, and someone just notified my office I was cleared to meet with them,” Ryn explained.

  “I can’t let you in if you aren’t on the list. Simple as that.”

  “There must be someone you can call or talk to.” Ryn pleaded.

  “Make an appointment like everyone else and come then.” The guard scoffed.

  “You don’t understand, I almost died today!”

  “That’s my problem, because..?”

  “Because the gendercide will get you too if you’re not careful,” Ryn shouted.

  One of the tall half arch shaped tinted glass doors open and someone stepped out of the receiving hall. They asked, “Is Ryn of Special Projects Engineering and Research here yet?”

  “That’s me!” Ryn answered, “See, I was expected. Now let me through!”

  The guard rolled his eyes and allowed Ryn to enter the hall. Ryn thanked the person who called for him before entering.

  The three Triumvirs of the Triumvirate Maximus sat at their individual dais on a raised platform at the back of the Receiving Hall. The sound of Ryn’s footsteps echoed as he walked until he stood at the base of the stairs leading up to the Triumvirs.

  “Triumvirs, I am grateful for you seeing me on such short notice. I have requested this visit in fear of my life. Today on my flight to work I was attacked by three of the gendercide fanatics.” Ryn explained.

  “Yes, we’ve read the request from your assistant.” Triumvir Attor said.

  “I would like to be assigned security until this fanaticism has been squashed,” Ryn said.

  “I don’t think that is necessary.” Triumvir Kyneska told him.

  “Triumvir, you must understand I am close to a breakthrough in my research. Research that I know is crucial to you.”

  “First, we must do nothing you expect.” Triumvir Attor said, “Second, there are dozens of scientists who would gladly take your place. All as talented if not more talented than you.”

  “If you want to replace me, then do so. I believe you selected me because you know that I am the most qualified to solve the problem you want to be solved.”

  “Nobody wants to replace you,” Triumvir Kyneska said, “we just want you to do your job without sniveling like a child. You are a Seraphim. You should act like it!”

  “When I started here you told me that if I needed anything to complete my research all I had to do was ask, Triumvir. I am saying I don’t think I’ll live to finish my work. I need some security to ensure I can complete the work you’ve assigned me,” Ryn explained.

  “We are all concerned about your wellbeing Ryn, but if we give you special treatment, every other male Seraphim will expect the same thing.” Triumvir Attor said.

  “Just wait until the Cherubim start asking!” Triumvir Kyneska exclaimed.

  “No kidding,” Triumvir Attor said.

  “Triumvirs,” Triumvir Genevieve interjected, “I think I have a solution that will be mutually beneficial.”

  “Which is?” Asked Triumvir Attor.

  “My daughter, Kali.” Triumvir Genevieve said.

  “I appreciate the offer Triumvir, but that won’t be necessary.” Ryn backtracked.

  “Either you need protection, or you don’t. Which is it?” Triumvir Kyneska asked.

  “Hear me out Ryn,” Triumvir Genevieve said. “As you know Kali has reacted poorly to death of her father, Egil. She has audaciously asserted that my fellow Triumvir, Kyneska, is behind the gendercide movement.”

  Triumvir Kyneska shot her a stern look. “We both know that is not true.” Triumvir Genevieve interjected. “However, this is providing fuel for those who may wish to further the gendercide movement. I know my fellow Triumvirs have provided her with more leniency than she deserves, but I need her to stop attacking those she believes are involved with the gendercide.”

  Triumvir Genevieve continued, “If I assign her to protect you perhaps that will satiate her desire to track down gendercide fanatics. Additionally, you’ll have a voracious protector.”

  “That settles it then.” Said Triumvir Attor. “Kali will be your protector. In return, I expect that she will stop killing Seraphim.” Attor stood and left the hall. Kyneska followed close behind him.

  “Leave us,” Triumvir Genevieve ordered the various assistants who stood ready in the hall. Their many footsteps echoed in the large hall while they ushered through the small side entrance.

  When only Ryn and her remained, she continued, “I understand your concern with Kali. Believe me, I do. However, after Egil died, she is all I have left. I believe the fact that you’re not traveling alone coupled with her anti-gendercide reputation will keep you very safe. Additionally, I hope while keeping you safe she will be too busy to continue her anti-gendercide activities.”

  “Triumvir, while I am grateful for the offer I would feel terrible if something were to happen to her while she attempted to protect me. I just couldn’t…”

  “I insist.” Triumvir Genevieve said interrupting Ryn. “You must complete your research. I must keep my daughter from being executed for treason. Agreed?”

  Ryn sighed in defeat, “I agree, Triumvir.”

  “Excellent. I am sure you have more work to attend to. I’ll have Kali meet you at your office shortly.”

  Chapter 3

  Genevieve, or Eve as she prefers, entered her private office. She told her assistants to hold any calls and move any remaining appointments for the day.

  Eve knew the call she must make would try her patience. Despite decades of effort, Kali remained rebellious. With a deep sigh, she initiated the call.

  Kali answered, “Yes.”

  “How are you, Kali?”

  “Fine. Why are you calling?”

  “Would it hurt you to ask your mother how she is?”

  “Maybe,” Kali paused and allowed a smirk to break her glower before saying, “I don’t want to risk it.”

  “If you want to get to t
he point, you’re being assigned to provide security for a top-level scientist.”

  Kali interrupted her mother, “Are you kidding me? First, I don't work for you. Second, I am not a bodyguard. There must be plenty of other people who are actually qualified to be his babysitter!”

  “Kali, his work is vital to us.”

  Kali cut Eve off again, “How is this relevant to me? I have things to do. I can’t just…”

  This time Eve stopped Kali, “Enough! You will do this. You will keep him alive, and you will not continue to chase after those gendercide fanatics. You’ve forced my hand to the point where you have to stop or be stopped. Attor and Kyneska will not tolerate further indiscretions on your behalf.”

  “What do you mean indiscretions?”

  “Killing people, Kali. What do you think I mean? How many is it now?” Eve paused, “You don’t even know, do you? How far are you going to go?”

  “As far as I have to. At least I am doing something about his death. Did you even love him?”

  That question hurt Eve more than she expected. “Did I love him? I stood in front of two warring nations and confessed my treasonous love for your father. Did I love him?” Tears began to fall down Eve’s face, “I abandoned my own people to form a new nation. A nation that neither Ascendants or Razers supported. How dare you even ask me that!”

  Eve’s emotions switched from sadness and loss to rage. “As your Triumvir, I order you to protect the life of Ryn. You will be with him when he leaves for work. You will be with him when returns home. You will ensure his every move is safe and secure. Is that in any way unclear?”

  Kali’s mouth dropped half-opened in shock at her mother’s outburst. Eve never let Kali see this side of her before.

  Kali composed herself before saying, “No, Triumvir.”

  Eve disconnected the call. As she wiped the tears from her face, she almost regretted taking such a firm tone with her daughter. The thought of holding her dying husband caused more tears to rush forth. After her husband had died Kali lost it. The three Seraphim she killed on their property became a long list of murders in the wake of Egil’s death.


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