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Trying To Live With The Dead

Page 19

by B. L. Brunnemer

  “What’s your favorite kind of food?” Zeke asked grinning.


  “What’s your favorite color?” Asher asked. I took another drink and gestured to my clothes.

  “Take a guess.”

  “What the green or black?” Zeke asked.

  “Both.” Finally, the coffee kicked in, and my brain woke up. It was like I was in a haze and now everything was sharp. All my gears were finally moving again. I blinked hard a couple times and looked up at the boys. “And you’re out of time.” The boys burst out laughing again.

  “What did we miss?” I turned to see Isaac and Ethan just joining us. Ethan in all black again, with his silver hoops in his ear. Isaac wore a bright blue hoodie today, orange shirt and dark blue jeans. “Apparently when Lexie gets really, really tired her filter shuts off.” Asher announced holding back another laugh.

  “We’ve been asking her questions the last couple of minutes.” Zeke chimed in.

  “Ooh! I want in on this!” Isaac got excited.

  “Too late, my coffee kicked in.” His smiled dropped.

  “Oh that’s not fair.” Isaac whined.

  “Before I forget,” Asher tapped my shoulder. “I picked this up this morning.” He handed me a little brown bottle labeled rosemary oil.

  “Asher you are my hero for the day and if it works, you’ll be for the week, maybe month, possibly year.” I told him honestly as I opened the bottle. There was a plastic ball for rolling just like on a perfume bottle. I quickly rolled a bit on my wrists, on both sides of my neck. Then for an extra measure, I pulled out the neck of my shirt and rolled some between my breasts right over my heart. I knew I was kind of flashing the guys but I was wearing a bra. I was covered. While I was doing that a guy was walking by watching me, he slowed down as if to keep watching. “Keep walking.” I snapped as I pulled the bottle out and readjusted my shirt. The guys burst out laughing and the guy hurried off.

  “That... uh... was quite a sight there Lexie.” Ethan said smiling.

  “That was a good view, but I think Zeke got a better one.” Isaac replied. I stopped to think about that. Zeke was two heads taller than I was; I reached the middle of his chest. And he was standing right next to me, towering over me. Then again, Asher was a head and a half taller than I was.

  “Yeah, a great view.” Zeke admitted. I looked up at Asher, whose cheeks were slightly pink. Asher had a great view too. I sighed. I know I should be embarrassed; a normal girl would be blushing like hell right now. But I have nice breasts. Anyway, it was kind of nice to see that they remembered I was a girl once in awhile. I clapped once.

  “Okay, let’s stop talking about my breasts.”

  “You guys were talking about her chest?” Miles asked his face full of disbelief, as he walked up to fill in the circle.

  “Not anymore.” Ethan answered. I was looking closely at Miles. His hair didn’t look like it was combed; he had big bags under his eyes. He was also wearing a collared shirt buttoned all the way up.

  “Miles, are you okay?” I asked worrying more the longer I looked at him. Miles' mouth made a tense line before answering.

  “You guys know how hard I sleep, right?”

  “Yeah, you work until you pass out.” Asher supplied.

  “Well, I woke up last night to my room freezing cold, as in ice actually forming on the windows cold.” Miles began. My heart dropped. I was afraid I knew where he was going with this. He stepped in closer to us and lowered his voice. “Then something was choking me. Really choking me.” Miles undid the top two buttons and pulled his shirt away. Five bruised smudges were in the shape of fingertips wrapped around his throat. My stomach knotted as fear raced through me. That wasn’t possible; ghosts didn't leave their haunting grounds. They couldn’t jump from place to place. Claire was an exception because she was psychic when she was alive. But I doubt Bitch Ghost was. Seeing those smudges on Miles neck terrified me, not for myself but for the guys. Deep inside something ignited and began a slow burn. “I was about to pass out when it finally let go, my room smelled like patchouli.” I kept my face completely calm; there was no reason to freak the guys out. I held out the bottle of oil.

  “Let’s have everyone put this on.” I suggested; my voice light like it wasn’t a big deal when I added. “And let’s have everyone sleep over at my house tonight. Just to be safe.” I was going to stick those guys in a salt circle so fast their heads were going to spin. Rory too, if I had too.

  “You sure that’s a good idea?” Isaac asked, rolling the oil along his neck. Yes! Can’t you see I’m freaking out here! I nodded, keeping up my fake calm.

  “Yeah, I think all of us in the same house would be the best option.” Asher handed me back the oil after everyone was done. I took it and tucked it into my pocket.

  “Is Rory going to be cool with this?” Ethan asked. No! He’s going to kill me, bring me back and kill me again. Having guys over was one thing, having them sleep over was entirely another.

  “Oh yeah, I’ll explain what's happening. He’ll agree once he knows what’s going on.” I lied through my teeth. Hell, he might if he let me explain at all before he strangled me. The first bell rang. “Bring pillows, sleeping bags, jammies and clothes for tomorrow. Alright?” I waited until everyone agreed to spend the night at Rory’s house. Everyone headed to class except Zeke and Miles who were both watching me with a strange look on their faces. I picked up my bag and walked around the corner. In the exact opposite direction of my class. I all but ran across campus. I had to find a way to protect the guys; I couldn’t let them get hurt because of me. How the fuck did she change locations? Fuck! She should have popped back to the campus yesterday, drained as a fucking dead battery. What the fuck is going on?! I don’t know what the fuck to do! This shouldn’t be happening! When I figure out how, I’m going to rip that ghost to shreds. By the time I reached the edge of campus, my chest was tight and it was a little hard to breathe.

  “Lexie!” I looked over my shoulder to see Zeke striding towards me, his face was determined. I don’t remember my train of thought but I knew that Zeke would stop me from leaving and I had to go. We needed answers. I turned away from him and ran across the street. I heard Zeke’s boots speed up behind me. My heart slammed against my ribs as I jumped onto the curb in front of me and kept going. I spotted the Blazer at the end of the block and pumped my arms harder. I was halfway there before Zeke caught me. A thick arm snagged me around the waist. I was yanked off my feet, my butt slamming into his stomach, my back against his chest. I pushed my weight forward trying to make him to drop me when his other arm wrapped around my chest. His arm between my breasts, his hand on my right shoulder pinning me back against his chest. I swung my legs around, cursing at him. It did nothing; he was as steady as a rock.

  “Let me go!” I snarled through my teeth. I lifted my legs as high as I could and threw them out trying to knock him off balance. He budged, barely.

  “When you calm down.” He promised calmly. I didn’t want calm. I wasn’t calm so how could he be calm?! I yanked at his arm across my chest, using everything I had.

  “I have to go!” I yelled swinging my legs again hoping to get one of his legs. He dodged and lifted me higher, taking my shorter legs out of range. My head tilted back, my face was looking up at the sky.

  “You have to stop freaking out.” He growled against my neck.

  “I will scream Zeke, I swear to God!” I warned him trying to slam my head against his hoping to stun him. He pressed his face against my neck dodging me.

  “Go ahead. I think they’ll believe me over you right now anyway.” His voice never lost that annoying calm.

  “You have no idea what’s going on!” I shouted hitting my fists against his arm across my chest.

  “You’re freaking out. That’s what’s going on.”

  “Of course I’m freaking out! I don’t know what the fuck to do!” I yelled vehemently. I stopped fighting Zeke and covered my face with shaking hands. Ou
t of breath, I rubbed my hands down my face, resting them against his arm across my chest.

  “You have no idea how bad this is.” I told him, tears running down my face and past my earlobes. “Miles got hurt! That shouldn’t have happened. They aren't supposed to change locations like that.” I took a deep breath trying to calm down, it was all I could do, Zeke had me completely pinned against him. “Claire is scared of the other ghosts in town, something is fucking with them. There is energy flying everywhere.” I took a breath, my voice getting quieter. “I’m in over my head, and I’m taking you guys with me.” That was it; I was out of fight. I hung limply in Zeke’s arms, my hands resting against his forearm.

  “I’m guessing it's Miles getting hurt that’s bothering you the most?” Zeke asked. I nodded the back of my head rubbing against his shoulder, tears still falling as I looked up at the gray sky.

  “It happened to him, it can happen to you and the others.” I took a shaking breath. “I can’t let that happen, not because of me.” He was silent for a heartbeat.

  “Baby, this isn’t your fault.” His voice was gentle. The scruff on his face rubbed on my neck as he spoke. “Miles didn’t get hurt because of you.” I shook my head, he was wrong. He did, it’s all my fault.

  “Yes, he did. If I wasn’t here none of you would be in danger.”

  “Did you send the ghost over to Miles' house? Are you the one who amped up the power to the dead in town?” He asked me, his voice was soft and full of understanding. I sniffed and wiped my tears away from my face.


  “Then you aren’t the one who caused it.” He pointed out logically. “Whatever this is, it was happening before you even got here.” I was quiet for several minutes, going over what he said in my mind. Zeke stood like a rock, waiting patiently in the middle of the sidewalk. Was he right? I know I didn't cause the energy floating around. And I knew I didn't send Bitch Ghost over to Miles. And…..Claire did say the whole area is wrong, and I've only been here for a few days. I cursed. Zeke was right; I wasn’t the one who hurt Miles. I hadn’t started this. But I sure as hell was going to end it. I swallowed hard, took a big calming breath, and let it out. Then as usual, I was a smart ass.

  “Well, if you’re going to bring logic into it.” I was starting to feel better than I had since getting jumped. I was going to find whoever hurt Miles and beat them into the bedrock. Magically speaking... maybe physically, you know, if it was possible. Zeke smiled against my neck. He slowly lowered me to the ground, he removed the arm across my chest then let go of my waist. I turned around looking up at him. His face was soft, his eyes understanding as they met mine. “How did you know I was leaving?” Zeke’s mouth made that half grin. He reached out and started brushing my crazy hair away from my face.

  “It’s what I would do.” He admitted. “If someone hurt someone I cared about, I’d make a plan, find who did it, and tear them apart.” I reached up and tucked some hair behind my ear out of my face. His eyes unfocused as he thought about it for a second. “Sometimes I skip the plan part.”

  “I was thinking more about protecting you guys, finding answers.” I told him honestly. “Then tearing Bitch Ghost apart.” Zeke smiled down at me. He reached out and lifted my chin with a finger, his thumb on the middle of my chin grazing my bottom lip.

  “There’s my girl.” I raised an eyebrow at him as he dropped his hand.


  “You’ve been looking entirely too scared to me since yesterday.” His smirk was back. “You’ve got that fire back in your eyes.” Stepping back, he rubbed his thumb against his jeans. “You look more like you again.” It was strange; I felt more like me again. Was forgetting myself a side effect of getting jumped? I never really thought about it.

  “How did you know I was freaking out?” I asked picking my book bag up from where I dropped it.

  “I didn’t, Miles did. He said you were way too calm, and way too cheerful.” He picked up his bag from the sidewalk. “He knew I was going to follow to see if you actually went to class, he warned me you might be having a freak out. Well, he said panic attack.” I snorted at him, shaking my head. Miles was way too observant. His eyes met mine again. “Did you really think you could outrun me?” I sighed but reluctantly admitted the truth.

  “Wasn’t much thinking involved.” He snorted a laugh before his face turned serious.

  “I take it you have a plan?” I nodded.

  “Claire gave me a lead on someone who might be able to help me. She runs a store over in Bridgeport.” Zeke took a slow deep breath, running his hand through his hair for a couple seconds. Then he dropped his arm.

  “Then let’s go.” Wait. What? He wanted to come? I didn’t want to bother any of them with this.

  “You don’t need to come, it’s a store. I shouldn’t have a problem.” I tried to reassure him, but he seemed to be ignoring me. He grabbed my hand and gave me a tug to get me moving towards the blazer.

  “You’re not going anywhere alone.” He ordered.” Until that ghost is dealt with I want one of us with you as much as possible.” He seemed to think on that. “Well, not in the bathroom, but someone is standing outside the door, yeah that’s happening.” I laughed hoping he was kidding; he gave my hand a squeeze as we walked to my truck.

  Before leaving town, I stopped and picked up some money from Rory’s emergency jar. If this woman had anything to protect the guys, I was buying it. I’d make it up to Rory later. Two towns over in the mountains turned out to be an hour and a half on curving roads. We talked about the music we each liked as we fought over the radio. I demanded that he listen to a few girly pop songs just to mess with him. He bitched and complained the whole time as if it was killing him. It wasn’t until I had to pull over because I was laughing so hard that he realized I was messing with him.

  “That’s cruel Lexie, real cruel.” He sounded angry, but he was still smirking. I pulled back onto the two-lane road unrepentant. We talked about school, his work at the garage and the guys. He was in the middle of telling me a story about Ethan and a blonde chick when we reached Bridgeport. Bridgeport was bigger than Spring Mountain, about double the size. I handed Zeke the address, and he looked up the directions to the store. It wasn’t long before we parked in the gravel parking lot in front of a cute building that looked like a small cabin, complete with front porch. I got out and walked around the truck, my stomach in knots. Zeke was a comforting presence next to me. Okay, yeah, I was glad he came along. I bit the corner of my lower lip before walking up the steps. Wind chimes were tinkling in the small breeze as I opened the half glass door with an open sign hanging from it. I stepped in and looked around. Shelves were everywhere, packed full of all sorts of things. Crystals, small statues, books, you name it and it was here. The store felt cramped simply by all the shelves. Lavender tickled my nose as I walked to the counter, behind it counter were even more shelves, but these were stuffed with jars of all sizes. And they reached the ceiling. I was looking at a ladder that hooked to a rail in front of the shelves when someone stepped out from behind a cloth curtain in the back of the shop. She was stunning, skin the color of mocha. Clear and flawless. I instantly wanted to ask what skin care products she used and go buy them for myself. I pushed that thought away and focused. She had high cheekbones, a small chin and big silvery eyes. Her hair hung to her shoulders, a mass of brown spiral curls. She was wearing a loose purple sweater and white skirt. Her eyes ran over me, accessing. I got the distinct impression she was seeing more than just the surface. She started to frown then quickly covered it with a welcoming smile.

  “Welcome to Serenity. Is there anything I can help you with?” She stepped forward, her hands clasped in front of her. I felt Zeke step closer behind me, his presence, well, reassuring.

  “Claire sent me.” Her smile disappeared; her eyes ran over me again. When she met my eyes her eyebrows drew down, her mouth pursed shut.

  “You’re in trouble girl.” She announced her voice matter-of fact
. “You’re about running on empty, and that is not a good place to be.” She gestured for us to follow before turning around and heading back through the curtain. “Come on, we can talk back here.” I followed her behind the curtain; she led us down a short hallway into a small kitchen in the back. “Have a seat.” She gestured toward the two-seater table. I looked at Zeke as he settled himself leaning against the right wall a couple feet from the table. I sat down in the chair closest to him and watched the woman put a teakettle on the stove. When she turned back to me, she was frowning again as she joined me at the table. “You must be Alexis.” She gave me a small smile. “I’m Serena. I know a little of what I could get from Claire.” Her eyes narrowed on my face. “Now you tell me, what have you been dealing with?” That was all it took. Once I started talking, I couldn’t seem to stop. I told her everything, from my first ghost at five, to Claire protecting me all the way up to this morning. It took awhile. During that time the tea kettle whistled, she poured three mugs of tea handed two to us and sat down with hers all the while still listening intently. By the end, my voice was rough; I sipped my now cold tea and waited. She looked at me, her face full of sympathy.

  “Alexis, from what you’re telling me. You don’t have the Sight.” She announced. My world stopped, my heart gave a hard thump. This had come out of nowhere; out of any scenario I could imagine this one never came to mind. She didn’t believe me; I had to make her believe me. She was the only lead I had.

  “I see the dead.” I stated clearly, my mind racing. She waved her hand as she finished sipping her tea.

  “Oh, I don’t doubt that at all.” She put her cup down. Her eyes met mine assessing me. “The dead find you, yes?” I nodded.

  “They can try to possess you, hurt you and you can push them back. Like you did at school that first day right?” I nodded again, having no clue where she was going with this. Her face was soft as she continued. “Seer’s are only witnesses. They have true Sight, they see what is really there. You see everything and interact with the dead.” For some reason her words filled me with dread. Interacting with the dead didn’t seem good, or healthy, or anywhere close to normal. I focused on what she was saying.


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