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The Blythe College Complete Series Box Set

Page 12

by Rochelle Paige

  “Shit. I’m gonna come,” he said as he tried to pull my head away from his body. I tightened my hold on him and shook my head in protest. I sucked him deeper into mouth until I could feel the tip of his cock bump against the back of my throat. I bobbed up and down, quickening my pace. I wanted to send him over the edge, and I got my wish as jets of come exploded from his body in long streams. I swallowed them down as best I could.

  His hold on my hair loosened, and I lapped at him with my tongue as I licked drops of semen from his skin. I peeked up at him to find his head thrown back. His eyes were closed and his chest was heaving. I giggled, deliriously happy to have pleased him so much.

  His eyes popped open at the sound and he smiled in response. “Changed my mind. Get into as much trouble as you want if that’s how you’re gonna say you’re sorry from now on.”

  I launched myself into his arms. “Be careful what you wish for. You never know what type of mischief I can find.”

  “I’m sure I can handle it,” he said as he tightened his hold before glancing at the clock. “There’s no way you’re making it to your other class this morning.”

  “Don’t wanna go, anyway. Just want to stay here with you for a little bit, okay?”

  He pulled the blanket up over our naked bodies. “You want me, you got me.”

  I snuggled into his warmth and my eyes slid shut. I drifted off to sleep and didn’t wake up until a couple hours later when my phone buzzed from the pocket of my jeans on the floor. Drake was sleeping soundly beside me, so I reached as quietly as I could to pull my phone out. I had several missed text messages, all from Aubrey asking me where I was and if I was okay. I tapped out a quick response to her, telling her I was with Drake and we were going to miss lunch today. I’m sure she’d have questions for me later.

  I dropped the phone back to the floor and cuddled back against Drake. My movements must have woken him up because his arms tightened around me. His stomach growled loudly, making me laugh.

  “We missed our normal lunch time at the café,” I said.

  “Was worth it though,” he responded.

  “Tell that to your stomach! Sounds like you need food,” I teased.

  “Worked up an appetite,” he said with a smirk on his face. “We can grab lunch downstairs if you want.”

  “Is that okay?” I asked. I wasn’t sure about eating in the frat house. I’d visited Jackson here over the last couple years but hadn’t ever eaten with the guys.

  “You’re with me,” he replied, as though that was explanation enough. I guessed nobody would question him about me being there, too.

  “Sounds perfect. Then I won’t miss my afternoon class, too.”

  He smacked my butt, but not too hard. “Better get moving if you want to make it in time.”

  I hopped out of the bed and pulled my clothes back on. I glanced in the mirror and realized my hair was an absolute mess. As I finger-combed it, Drake came up behind me. He was dressed, and he rested his hands on my hips as he watched me in the mirror while I fixed my hair. “Can you make it to my game this weekend?”

  I turned in his arms so we were facing each other. “Absolutely. I wouldn’t miss it for anything. I’d be a horrible girlfriend if I didn’t show up when you’re going to win our school a championship.”

  “Shit, I hope so. That would make my dad a very happy man.”

  “And you?” I asked.

  “I have you. I’m already happy,” he said with a sexy smirk.


  We didn’t have far to travel for the American Collegiate Rugby Championship match this year, which was a good thing since Drake’s team made it through the single elimination tournament a couple weekends ago and then won our conference title last weekend. It was their first year as an NCAA team, and their success was kind of a shock to everyone. They’d always had a good club team, but they were playing against schools from across the country with really competitive teams this season. I was a little biased, but I couldn’t help but think that having Drake transfer here for the team was part of the reason for their unexpected success.

  Drake had to travel with the team, so Aubrey and Jackson came with me. We hit the road early Saturday morning to make the four-hour trek to Elkhart, Indiana’s Moose Rugby Grounds. Notre Dame’s club team was hosting the game. Jackson borrowed an SUV from his dad so we’d have four-wheel drive just in case it snowed again. The bad part about Jackson driving was that he controlled the stereo and wouldn’t budge on letting us change the music from his rock ‘n’ roll to anything else. I was riding in the passenger seat and moved to turn the volume down, but he swatted my hand away.

  “Jackson’s rules,” he reminded.

  “No fiddling with the radio,” Aubrey and I said in unison, used to his tyranny on road trips.

  “You want something, you ask for it,” he said.

  Aubrey looked up at us with pleading eyes. “Please turn down the music, bro. My head is pounding back here.”

  “Yeah, Jackson. We’re not even asking you to change it. Just turn it down a little. Please,” I asked.

  “Since you both asked so nicely,” he teased as he turned the dial down a few notches.

  “Whew! Now we can actually talk without screaming to hear each other!” Aubrey exclaimed, leaning over the console to see us better. “I’m bored back here.”

  “I’d offer to join you, but I don’t think you want to watch me hurl for entertainment,” I joked. I didn’t do very well on long road trips in the back seat. I usually ended up getting car sick.

  “Yeah, I still don’t understand how you can fly a frickin’ plane without any problems, but if we throw you in the back seat of a car for too long you get sick. There’s something wrong with that,” Aubrey replied, shuddering a little at the mention of vomit.

  I’d only done it a couple times, but any sign of puke made Aubrey sick, too. So we didn’t take any more chances after the second time with her chain reaction. I now rode in front anytime we were in the car for more than half an hour. I flipped her a sassy grin. “Sucks to be you.”

  She punched me in the arm. “Don’t be a bitch,” she complained.

  “Enough of that, you two. We’re almost there. I’m not going to listen to your whining the rest of the way,” Jackson said.

  “Wah-wah-wah,” I muttered under my breath, earning myself a glare from him. I smiled weakly in return. “Sorry.”

  Aubrey found it hilarious as she busted up laughing. It took her a few minutes to calm down. “How long is the game?” she asked.

  “A couple hours,” I answered.

  “Ugh! How did you talk me into this again? We’ll be in the car longer than we’ll actually be there,” she complained.

  “Hey, you didn’t have to come,” Jackson reminded his sister. “It’s not like you’re driving or anything.”

  “Oh, stop.” She glared at her brother. “Like I would miss out on a road trip with my bestie. I’m just cranky.”

  Luckily, we pulled up at the field a few minutes later, Aubrey pouting a bit in the back seat. “You should have taken a nap on the way,” I told her.

  “Nah, I’ll just grab an energy drink. I’ll be fine, and I can sleep all the way back anyway.”

  We paid to get in, and I saw Drake warming up on the field. He was so sexy in his uniform, sweat already dripping his forehead. As he ran, I watched the pumping of his legs, his thigh muscles clenching as he moved. Jackson waved a hand in front of my face. “Anyone home?”

  I looked over at him, startled. “Sorry, I was distracted.”

  He glanced over at the field to where Drake was and grimaced. “Yeah, I can see that. C’mon, let’s grab our seats. It’s gonna start soon.”

  As we sat down, I smiled over at Drake and took off my coat so I could show him my Blythe College Rugby sweatshirt. I turned around so he could see his name on the back and he flashed me a huge grin. I’d taken it to a shop in town so I could surprise him.

  “That’s gotta make him happy,”
Jackson muttered when he saw it.

  “What?” I asked.

  “You’ve branded yourself as his with his name across your back,” he said, tracing his name over the letters.

  “Do you really think he likes it?” I asked.

  “I’m sure he fucking loves it.”

  “Yay!” I grinned up at Jackson. “I thought your sister was an idiot for suggesting it. It sounded so high school. But I really wanted to show Drake that I support him today.”

  “Hey!” Aubrey protested. “You know you should never doubt me like that.”

  “Sorry,” I apologized. “You were totally right. Again.”

  The match began, and I watched avidly. It was really close, and I couldn’t tell if Drake’s team was going to manage to pull it off. It seemed like Purdue was going to beat us during the first half of the match. Luckily, I had Jackson with me to explain everything. I was apparently a slow learner when it came to all the rugby slang and rules. A tough series of penalties brought the Boilermakers up 0-12 early on. Blythe had a successful trip into the opposition’s try zone, bringing the score to 7-12. I grew worried as Purdue was doing so well. The score remained the same with just a few minutes left in the half.

  With a quick turnaround off the restart, we managed to tie the match at the thirty-seven-minute mark. Some quick plays came in the final minutes of the half, seeing a significant attempt to the try zone by Purdue that worked, and a missed conversion brought Purdue ahead by five. With just moments left, Purdue brought in three penalty points by launching the ball through the uprights from thirty-six meters out. The halftime score saw Purdue up 17-25. Things were not looking good for Drake’s team.

  I watched Drake as the team walked off the field, his head hung low. He was walking stiffly, favoring his right leg. I rushed over to him to make sure he was okay. He waved his teammates ahead when he saw me coming.

  “Are you hurt?” I asked worriedly.

  He shook his head. “Not really. Just a pulled muscle.”

  I gave him a quick hug, knowing he needed to get into the locker room with his team. “Hey, you’ve got this,” I reassured him with a kiss on the cheek.

  After a short intermission, they came back out looking energized for the next half. Whatever their coach had said to them must have worked because after just five minutes into the second half, we crossed the ball over Purdue’s try line, pulling us within one point of the Boilermakers. Maintaining the momentum, Drake’s team continued to apply pressure and brought the ball deep within Purdue’s half. A successful goal-line stand ended up with a Blythe knock-on, resulting in a Purdue scrum. Luckily, we brought in five more points. The clock kept ticking down, and with a few minutes left in the match, Purdue drew a penalty. They made a penalty kick, bringing the score to within one point. Argh! We couldn’t lose this close to the end. Drake would be crushed.

  Blythe knew it was now or never, and they really brought up the heat. They had a successful conversion and won the game by eight points. Drake was celebrating with his team on the field, all the guys super excited to have won the championship. He glanced up at me and flashed a wicked grin before charging toward the stands to lift me out of my seat and swing me around.

  “We won!” he yelled.

  “You were awesome,” I breathed into his ear.

  “Hell yeah I was. You’re my good luck charm, baby,” he said.

  “How’s the leg?”

  “What leg?” he joked, letting me know he was fine. He dropped me back onto my feet and swooped down for a kiss. “Can you wait until I get out before you leave? I need to grab a shower.”

  “Sure. I’m sure Jackson and Aubrey won’t mind waiting. It’s not like we’re in a rush or anything.”

  “I’ll go fast. Just want to see you before I have to get back on the bus.”

  I watched him walk away before turning back to my friends. “That’s okay with you guys, right?”

  “Yeah,” Jackson grumbled before wandering away.

  “Don’t mind him,” Aubrey said as she bounced down the stands towards me. “He’s grumpy today.”

  Drake had really meant it when he said he’d hurry since he was back in about five minutes. I was talking to Aubrey when he came up from behind and wrapped his arms around me. “Hey, baby. Thanks for waiting.”

  “Totally worth the wait,” I answered as I cuddled into his hold.

  “So glad you were here,” he said, nuzzling my neck. “It sucks that my parents couldn’t make it this weekend. Sent them a quick text to let them know we won, and I’ll call them as soon as you head out. Wouldn’t have been the same without someone cheering me on today.”

  “I’m sorry they couldn’t come, but at least you’ll see them in a couple weeks for Thanksgiving.”

  “I’m not sure I want to be away from you for that long. Can’t you talk to your dad about coming with me? You know my parents would love to have both of you.”

  “Hey, no fair! No stealing my bestie for the holidays, Drake,” Aubrey complained.

  “She’s my girl, Aubrey. You’re lucky I let you steal her from me at all,” Drake replied. He gently bit my neck in a possessive gesture that made me squeal in response.

  “I’m not sure what Dad would say, but I’ll ask,” I reassured Drake. “Sorry, Aubrey. A girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do.”

  “Yeah, yeah. Just abandon me, why don’t ya?” she teased back.

  Jackson wandered back over to us and nodded to Drake. “Good game, man.”

  “Thanks,” Drake responded. Several of his teammates headed back our way. “I gotta get back to the team, Alexa. Be safe on the trip back.”

  “I’ll take good care of her for you,” Jackson said.

  “You better,” Drake warned before he turned me around and kissed the heck out of me. He flashed Jackson a triumphant grin before walking away.

  “Let’s head home,” Aubrey said as she dragged me back to the car. “I’m ready for a road trip nap.”

  The trip back was uneventful since we both fell asleep, leaving Jackson to play his music as loud as he wanted. He dropped us at the dorm, and I headed back inside for more sleep. Drake was going to be back late since the team was going out to eat and celebrate on the way back home. I figured it would be good to catch up on lost sleep as long as I had a night to myself, and I was still tired from the road trip.


  Things were going so well with Drake, and I was excited to make another trip to Connecticut with him. I’d get to fly with my dad and then spend time with Drake over the long holiday weekend. When we went last time, our situation had been so different. I’d felt awkward being around his family since we’d barely known each other, and everyone had assumed we were dating. Now I really was his girlfriend, and I looked forward to getting to know them because they were a huge part of his life.

  It would be weird not spending Thanksgiving with Dad and Aubrey’s family though. Dad got a last-minute request to do a charter for a past customer whose plans had changed due to an illness in the family, and they were willing to pay a huge bonus because they needed the flight so badly. Dad felt bad for them because it might be the last Thanksgiving their kids could spend with their grandparents, so he felt like he needed to say yes even though it meant missing the holiday with me. I talked it over with Drake and convinced my dad that it was perfect because it meant I could spend the weekend with Drake’s family without feeling guilty. Luckily, his charter was on the East Coast, so he could take us to Drake’s hometown first before heading up to pick up his passengers.

  Aubrey pulled dresses out of both closets and tossed them onto the bed next to my suitcase. “You bitch. I can’t believe you are abandoning me on Thanksgiving with my brothers! It’s a good thing for you that your boyfriend is super-hot, so I understand why you’re going with him instead of staying here,” she teased. “But you owe me one! And I’m calling in my marker now. Listen up! You absolutely must pack more than you usually do! I know Drake said his parents didn’t
have anything big planned for the weekend, but you need to be prepared just in case. You got lucky last time being able to borrow this from his sister,” she said as she held up the purple dress I had fallen in love with when we were there. I’d brought it home and had it dry cleaned so I could return it to Drea. I figured I’d get the chance to do it in person, so I didn’t ship it back to her. I’d left the shoes in the pool house with a thank-you note.

  “Well, if you’re going to use up your ‘I’m abandoning you for Thanksgiving IOU’ for this, then I guess I have to listen. What do you think I’ll need for four days?”

  Aubrey wagged her eyebrows at me in a suggestive way. “Four days and nights, you mean.”

  “At his family’s home! It’s not going to be like that.”

  “That’s what you say now, but what do you think is going to happen when Drake gives you that fuck-me look he gets when he’s looking at you? Your dad won’t be staying with you this time since he has other flights booked, so you’ll probably be in the pool house all by yourself. With only Drake to keep you company at night. Go ahead and pack all granny panties. I’m pretty sure you’re just going to end up naked anyway. Hell, you could wear a sack and Drake would still want to strip it off and take you hard.”

  “You are so bad, Aubrey!” I glanced down at the clothes I was packing and pulled out some lingerie to throw into the bag.

  “Bad? Who me? You’re the one who’s listening to my advice. Bring these, too. I bet Mr. Alpha would really enjoy you looking all innocent while he’s being naughty,” she said as she handed me a matching, white lace bra and panty set.

  I smiled, knowing she was right. He really would love the white set. My bag now overflowed with clothes for the weekend. I should be prepared for just about anything planned, but I was still a little nervous. Aubrey made a good point—we’d probably spend the nights together. Away from the house. And I wasn’t sure I could survive another night alone with him without us having sex. He had proven to me that he wasn’t in this just for the sex by insisting that we wait this long, that’s for sure. But I was at the point where I might end up begging!


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