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The Blythe College Complete Series Box Set

Page 50

by Rochelle Paige

  By the end of the second period, the score was tied 2-2. None of the other team’s goals had been scored while Luka and Jason had been on the ice, which Lucy explained was a good thing. She was fidgeting in her seat, upset that Alex had let two goals slip past him.

  “Dammit,” she muttered as the final period started. “I hope they don’t lose this one. Alex will be so mad at himself for letting that last goal get in. He was screened for the first one so he couldn’t see it coming, but that second one was all him.”

  I reached out and held her hand as the game continued, pulled into the action just as much as she was. There were a lot of close calls both ways. Alex seemed to be on fire as this period started to wind down, stopping shot after shot on net.

  “He’s doing well, right?” I asked her.

  “Hell yeah he is. He’s practically standing on his head now,” she agreed. “Our offense just needs to get the puck in the net so we can win this one.”

  The clock kept winding down as we cheered the team on. Luka and Jason were on the ice while the other team was killing a penalty with less than two minutes remaining on the clock. They were on the other side of the ice, passing the puck around, trying to get a goal. They’d taken a few shots already, but the goalie kept deflecting them.

  “C’mon, Luka!” I screamed. “Get me a power play goal!”

  Just as I yelled out to him, one of the offensive players passed the puck back to Jason at the blue line. He sent it across the ice to Luka, who wound back his stick and hit the shit out of it, sending it straight towards the goalie. I watched in amazement as the puck soared over the goalie’s shoulder and into the back of the net. I jumped to my feet and screamed wildly, celebrating his goal.

  “Holy shit, that boy has one hell of a slap shot!” Lucy crowed as we both bounced up and down with excitement.

  There was only about one more minute left, and we watched as the ref dropped the puck. Our guys kept control of it while that last minute wound down, and then the buzzer sounded.

  Luka skated back to the bench and stopped to look up at me. Taking a page from Lucy’s book, I threw him a kiss. He reached up and pretended to grab it, making me laugh, before he skated off the ice to join his team in the locker room.

  “Wanna wait downstairs with me until our guys are ready to go?” Lucy asked.

  “That would be great,” I answered. “I have no idea where to go or how long it will take. Just like I had no idea what hockey was all about. Thanks so much for taking me under your wing tonight.”

  “Are you kidding me?” she scoffed. “This is the most fun I’ve had a game in like…well, forever! Why don’t we trade numbers so you can let me know whenever you’d like to go to another game? I’d love to sit with you again.”

  “How about you sell me your extra seat and I’ll just come to all of them?” I asked.

  “Oh, you don’t need to do that. I’ve already got the seats and you really are welcome to join me for the rest of the season if you’d like.”

  “Okay, but only if you let me buy our drinks and snacks from here on out,” I countered.

  “Deal,” she said, and we shook on it before going outside to wait for the guys.

  Chapter 8


  I’d enjoyed looking up in the stands to see Aubrey cheering me on all night, but walking out of the rink to the sight of Aubrey resting against my car and talking to Alex’s girlfriend was fucking incredible. She looked insanely hot tonight, and each time I looked up, I couldn’t help but be satisfied that she was mine. I hadn’t planned for her to overhear me calling her my girlfriend this morning. Hell, I hadn’t even planned to call her that, but it’s the way I’d been thinking of her in my head ever since we started dating. If Jason hadn’t pissed me off, the whole conversation wouldn’t have happened. I guessed I owed him one since it meant that I’d been able to pin Aubrey down to a commitment.

  Most guys would be scared shitless of being in a serious relationship so soon after the clusterfuck that had happened with Kat. Hell, sometimes I figured I was nuts to even consider it, but there was just something about Aubrey that pulled me in. It was so very different from how my relationship with Kat had grown over time and developed into us dating. It reminded me a little of the tortoise and the hare fairytale my mother used to love when we were little children, only in reverse. It was one of the first children’s books they had bought us that was written in English, and she read it to us over and over, trying to make sure we understood that life was a marathon and not a sprint.

  In this case, it seemed the opposite was true since my marathon with Kat had ended badly, but I felt like I was sprinting towards a goal with Aubrey and I was going to win. She was the prize at the end of the finish line, and I sure as hell wasn’t going to let anyone else win her. And based on the way she leapt into my arms as soon as I reached my car, she didn’t want anyone else other than me anyway.

  “You blew me away tonight,” she whispered in my ear. “I had no idea hockey was so exciting.”

  I gripped her ass in my palms as she wrapped her legs and arms around me and held on tight. “It was one hell of a game, especially with you in the stands.”

  “Great job on the winning goal,” she congratulated me. “How cool is it that I got to see you score on the ice at my very first game?”

  I set her down on the ground to pull a memento out of my pocket and pressed it into her palm. “Very cool. Coach even gave me the game puck.”

  “Really?” she asked, looking down at it. “This was the puck you scored with?”

  “Yup,” I answered. “And I want you to keep it.”

  “But, Luka, you should have it. Not me. You may not score another game winning goal, and it’s your senior year,” she argued.

  “And you brought me good luck by coming to my game,” I countered. “How about you agree to keep it but also to come to the rest of my home games? And some of the away ones too if you can swing it.”

  “I was already planning to do that,” she replied sweetly.

  “Then I’ve gotten exactly what I want,” I whispered against her lips before stealing a kiss.

  “Not yet, but you’re going to tonight,” she murmured back, looking up at me with eyes that flared with desire. “Tonight really is your lucky night, because you scored on the ice and you’re going to score off it too.”

  My cock jumped at her words like it had heard and understood what she’d insinuated. That he was going to finally get inside her hot body tonight.

  “Fuck,” I grunted, glancing around at all the people surrounding us. “I need to get us out of here as quickly as possible. Normally I’d say we should celebrate the win with everyone, but I’d rather have a private celebration with you. In. My. Bed.”

  “If we just get in the car and go, we may hear about it later, but would anybody try and stop us?” she asked.

  I looked over at Jason to get his attention. He must have felt my stare because he turned his head pretty quickly and caught my nod in Aubrey’s direction. My thoughts must have been transparent because he flashed me a shit-eating grin before giving me the thumbs-up sign and turning back to his conversation.

  “Nope. We’re in the clear.”

  I practically dragged her into the car as she said goodbye to Lucy. I didn’t really care what anyone else thought. If Aubrey was ready for this to happen, then we were outta there right now. It felt like I’d waited forever already. I wasn’t going to waste another second or give her a chance to rethink her decision. Not that I really needed to worry about that, because it was like a flip had been switched and Aubrey had turned into a sexy siren intent on seducing me.

  The drive back to my place wasn’t that long, so I didn’t think much when she pulled her seatbelt behind her back so she could lean closer to me. She pressed kisses into my neck, slowing running her tongue up and down, biting occasionally.

  “Hurry,” she urged me on.

  “Trust me. I’m going as fast as I can right now, Aubrey
,” I assured her after glancing at my dash to make sure I wasn’t speeding too much. The last thing I wanted was to get pulled over.

  “I need you,” she whispered in my ear before biting down on it and lightly running her nails over my dick through my jeans.

  My hips jerked up involuntarily at her touch. I heard her laugh softly as she used her palm to rub the length of me.

  “Fuck, Aubrey,” I groaned, widening my legs so she could reach better.

  “God, Luka,” she breathed out. “All I could think about tonight was this. Touching you. Licking you. Sucking you.”

  “We’re almost there.” I promised as I turned down my street.

  “Being touched by you,” she continued. “Licked by you. Fucked by you.”

  I slammed the car into park as soon as I claimed an open spot and ripped my seatbelt off so I could turn towards her. She’d unclicked hers as well so I was able to pull her on top of me.

  “Holy shit, Aubrey. I don’t know what’s gotten into you, but I fucking love it.”

  “Knowing that you’re about to get into me has driven me crazy all night long,” she sighed as she straddled me and rubbed her warm pussy against my cock.

  I kissed her roughly, smashing my lips against hers and gripping her hair in one hand as I palmed her ass with the other. By the time we came up for air, we were both panting harshly and grinding together through our clothes.

  “We need to get inside. Now,” I growled. I opened my door, and she climbed off my lap and out of the car.

  She wiggled her ass at me a little and looked over her shoulder playfully. “C’mon, Luka. I’ve got a surprise for you.”

  I wasn’t sure I could survive another one, but I sure as hell was going to try. I pulled her to my side and wrapped my arm around her as we walked quickly into the building. I stabbed the button at the elevator, nodding briefly to the guy at security as we waited for what seemed like fucking forever.

  The elevator doors finally opened, and I pushed Aubrey against the wall as they slid closed again with just the two of us inside. I pressed my body against hers as I leaned down to whisper in her ear, “A surprise?”

  “Oh yes,” she confirmed. “Do you like unwrapping presents?”

  I was a little thrown off by what I thought was her sudden change in topics. “It’s one of my favorite parts of getting a gift. I used to drive my family crazy with how careful I was about not messing up the wrapping paper,” I admitted.

  “Perfect,” she said. “Maybe you won’t ruin what I’ve wrapped myself in when we get up to your room then.”

  I gazed down at her perfect tits as they more than peeked out of the top of her shirt. I pulled the fabric back a little so I could see inside, and the cream and red bra she was wearing caught my attention.

  “Very sexy,” I complimented her on her choice.

  “Wait ‘til you see the panties,” she murmured. “They’re the best part.”

  “No, what’s inside is the best part,” I corrected her.

  “You haven’t seen me naked yet.”

  I pulled her out of the elevator when we reached my floor. “And that’s going to change in about two minutes.”

  “Maybe just one,” she sighed before running for my room, pulling her shirt over her head on the way.

  I raced behind her, not wanting to miss a second of her undressing. I wanted to see every inch of her skin as she exposed it to me.

  “Now,” I growled as she sat down on the edge of my bed and took her boots off.

  Her jeans followed quickly behind, and then she stood before me in nothing but her bra and panties. Cream silk and red lace hugged her body with red bows tied at her sides that practically screamed for me to pull them loose to see if her panties would fall to the floor.

  “Definitely the best part, right?” she asked huskily, her eyes raking my naked chest as I tossed my shirt to the side.

  I walked towards her and traced my finger along the edge of her bra, over both tits, and then up each strap. I saw her nipples bead harder at my touch against her skin. I dropped down to my knees so I could watch as I trailed my finger down her stomach, circling her belly button before heading to the top of her panties.

  “Fuck, Aubrey. You may be right,” I groaned. “These are fucking hot as hell.”

  “I thought you might like them,” she whispered as she ran her fingers through my hair.

  “Knowing you wore them for me makes them even hotter,” I rasped out.

  “And I didn’t even know when I did it that you were going to earn a reward for winning the game,” she sighed.

  “If you’re my reward, I think the team is going to be on a winning streak from now on because I’ll do just about whatever I can to make sure we end up just like this after every single game,” I promised.

  “Win, lose, or tie—it doesn’t matter because I’m yours,” she replied.

  Her words lit a fire inside me. I took a step back and circled around to stand behind her. I ran my hands down her spine and gripped her ass for a moment before pulling one of the ribbons on her hip. Her panties dangled from that side, barely holding on.

  “Bend over,” I commanded. “So flexible,” I complimented her before gripping her hips in my hands and grinding my hard-on against her ass.

  “I guess all those stretches during dance classes are finally paying off,” she gasped out.

  “Then this shouldn’t be a problem for you,” I challenged before nudging her legs farther apart and pushing against her back until her hands rested flat on the ground.

  I heard her moan as I nipped one cheek of her ass followed by the other before dropping to my knees behind her. I ran my hands from her ankles, along the outside of her legs, until I reached her hips.

  “You smell so fucking good. I can’t wait to get a taste of you.”

  “Please,” she sighed. “Don’t wait.”

  I licked along the seam her pussy lips at the point where they met her inner thigh on the side where her panties had fallen open. My hands gripped her thighs to hold them open as she clenched them together at my touch.

  “Do you want my mouth on you?” I asked as I untied the other ribbon but kept it gripped in my fist. Then I huffed out a puff of hot hair through the material over her opening.

  “Yes,” she hissed.

  I opened my hand and let go of the ribbon so her panties fell to the floor. I teased my tongue along the crease in her upper thigh, trailed upwards, and bit her ass a little bit harder than before.

  “How badly do you want it?” I murmured.

  “Please, Luka,” she whimpered. “So badly.”

  I levered my shoulders between her legs and rolled so that I was lying directly beneath her. I opened my mouth wide and placed it over her pussy, breathing heavily to make sure she could feel the heat of my mouth on her each time. I slowly snaked my tongue out and traced along her flesh until I reached her clit.

  “You taste so damn good,” I whispered against her flesh. “I think I could eat you like this for hours and hours.”

  I heard her gasp as I sucked her clit into my mouth and felt her legs tremble. I flicked it a few times before running my tongue back down and dipping it into her entrance. I stiffened my tongue and drove it deeper inside, fucking her with my tongue and mimicking what I planned to do with my cock as soon as I’d had my fill.

  “I’m so close,” she mewled.

  I pulled my tongue out of her dripping opening and found her clit again. I sucked hard, applying enough pressure to push her over the edge. I tightened my abs so I could curl upwards and hold her body in place at the same time that she trembled above me, crying out. I didn’t let up until I felt her nails scratch up my back as she stood up straight.

  I licked my lips, enjoying the taste of her as she looked down at me. Her face was flushed and she was panting for breath.

  “My turn,” she said before walking over to my bed and lying down on it with her feet pointing towards the pillows and her head hanging over the edg

  She was naked except for the bra that cupped her tits. I could see her beaded nipples through the cream silk. I got to my feet and stepped closer to her.

  “The bra needs to come off first,” I commanded.

  Aubrey chuckled softly before she reached to undo the clasp between her breasts. She sat up for a moment, and I watched as the material slid down her back. Then she leaned back again.

  “What about your jeans?”

  I kicked off my shoes before I undid my button and slid my zipper down. I was going commando, so I pulled my cock out and walked towards her.

  “They aren’t in the way now,” I growled as I nudged her lips open.

  Her tongue slid out and she licked the bead of pre-cum gathered at the tip. She swirled her tongue around in circles and then licked her way down. I felt one of her hands grip my cock at the same time that she sucked one of my balls into her mouth. My cock jumped in response and she squeezed tighter.

  “Don’t tease,” I growled, desperate to feel her lips around my cock.

  “But you teased me,” she pointed out. “And we both enjoyed it so much.”

  “I need you too much for that right now,” I admitted huskily as I gathered her hair that was hanging off the edge of the bed.

  She opened her mouth wide and sucked on the tip of my cock, swirling her tongue round and round. She was determined to drive me wild and doing a hell of a job at it.

  “Mmmmmm,” she hummed against me as I slid farther inside.

  Her hands swept up the backs of my thighs, stopping to rest on my ass. I felt the sting of her nails as she gripped tight, driving me deeper into her mouth.

  At this angle, I was able to slide deep into her mouth. Far enough to reach the back of her throat. The wet heat of her mouth felt amazing as she sucked me off. From her position, I was able to control her movements, using her mouth for my pleasure. It didn’t take long for her to drive me to the edge of madness, and I was close to losing control. I didn’t want it to end this way—not our first time.


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