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The Blythe College Complete Series Box Set

Page 54

by Rochelle Paige

  And now I had no idea what she was talking about. “Knew what?”

  “That you were brilliant,” she crowed. “I was so damn excited to try it out with Alex at the hotel so I wouldn’t have to clean up the mess, but I never even thought about having to sleep in it.”

  “Well, there you go. Problem solved,” I said, laughing at how overly dramatic she could be sometimes.

  Luckily, the game started and that conversation ended so we could focus on cheering for our guys. Since Alex was only in net for the middle game, Lucy was a lot more relaxed. She hadn’t been joking when she’d said that she was a nervous wreck when he was playing. It was nice that she was able to enjoy the trip more than she would have been if the rotation had put him in net for two of the games instead.

  Luka played very well, and the team won their first game with a two-to-zero shutout. Unfortunately, I only got a few moments alone with him before he had to go, so Lucy and I grabbed dinner and headed back to the room for an early night. It was weird to have traveled all this way to support Luka without even getting a chance to see him except on the ice for the most part.

  The team didn’t fare as well in their second game. I sat through it while Lucy fidgeted at my side, getting more and more anxious because their opponent had already scored three goals while we’d only gotten one in net. The third period was about to begin, and it didn’t look great for the team.

  “Shit. He’s going to be in a horrible mood,” she whispered.

  “It’s okay, Luce,” I consoled her. “Even if they don’t win this one, you’ll lift his spirits tonight. I have no doubt about that.”

  “True, but it’s always so much more fun when he feels like the conquering hero,” she grumbled.

  “I’m sure it is,” I agreed. “But just imagine how grateful he will be for you cheering him up. Either because the grapefruit job is as good as they said it was online or because you guys are laughing too hard if it’s horrible.”

  “True. And I can always pull up the video for shits and giggles if I need to,” she added. “Can you imagine what the guys would think about those noises she made?”

  I laughed hard at the thought of showing it to Luka as I imagined his horrified expression. “Hey, you never know. Maybe there are guys out there who have a Star Wars fetish and would love it.”

  Lucy and I looked at each other for a moment before we both started to hum the theme song from the movie. “Can you just imagine if a guy asked you to wear a Stormtroopers costume or something to bed?”

  “Um, no. I’d rather not,” I said, shaking my head to try to get the image out of my mind as the buzzer sounded for the start of the period.

  Lucy leaned closer towards me. “Thanks for taking my mind off the game,” she whispered in my ear.

  “No problem,” I replied while the ref dropped the puck.

  The team looked more energized, like their coach had gotten them motivated to come back hard to fight and turn the game around. They quickly scored another goal, putting them only one more away from a tie. I thought the momentum had changed in their favor until their opponent managed to score again less than a minute later, and things went downhill from there. They just couldn’t seem to catch a break this game between unlucky puck bounces and penalties. By the end of the period, the final score was five to two, and Alex really did look defeated as they skated off the ice.

  “Do you mind if we wait to see if we can catch them before we get lunch?” Lucy asked me.

  The guys had a team lunch and then some free time before they had to come back to the rink for their last game. We’d planned to meet up with them after everyone had eaten, but I understood why she wanted to see Alex now if she could.

  “Not at all,” I replied.

  We walked down the stands and headed to the lobby, where a lot of family and friends were already waiting. I recognized most of them now since I’d been to so many games, but I was happy to see that there were a lot more people here to cheer the team on since it was right after the holiday. Luka’s family hadn’t been able to come because his younger brother also had a tournament closer to home, so he was really appreciative that I’d decided to make the road trip.

  We didn’t have long to wait before Luka came out to find me.

  “Tough game,” I said as I gave him a big hug.

  “Hopefully we can pull a win out for the next one,” he replied, squeezing me tight.

  When he stepped away from me, I noticed a wince cross his face before he shifted his stance.

  “Hey, you okay?” I asked.

  “Yeah, I just tweaked my knee a little,” he assured me. “It’s an old injury that’s flaring up. I’m going to grab an ice bag, and I’m sure it will feel better later.”

  “Go do that now and I’ll just see you later tonight,” I urged him. “I know how tough it was for you to recover from your injury this summer.”

  “Such a little worrier, you are,” he teased as he kissed my nose.

  “That’s what good girlfriends do,” I reminded him.

  Luka smiled and gave me another hug. “And you’re the very best.”

  I nudged him back in the direction of the locker room. The last thing I wanted was for him to ignore an injury because he was hanging out with me. I’d get my time with him tonight.

  I turned back to where I had left Lucy standing and saw her talking to Alex. He was slumped over, looking defeated as she whispered in his ear. I pointed to the door to let her know I’d be waiting outside for her and walked out to the car. By the time she joined me, it was warmed up and ready to go.

  Lucy was pretty quiet at lunch, and I was still worrying about Luka’s knee. We decided to head back to the hotel to rest a little before the next game. Lucy went down to the hot tub while I hung out in the room and watched a movie. Since I was on my own, I picked out a chick flick I hadn’t had the chance to see yet and it lifted my spirits a bit.

  I must have drifted off towards the end of the movie, though, because I woke up when Lucy shook my shoulder.

  “Hey, sleepyhead. We better get going if we’re going to make it back to the rink before the game starts.”

  I glanced at the clock and was surprised to see a couple of hours had passed. “Shit,” I muttered.

  “Yeah, you were sound asleep,” Lucy said. “I tried waking you up a bunch of times but you just kept rolling back over. I think you were even drooling.”

  Sure enough, there was a wet spot on my pillow. “Damn, I was tired.”

  “Then it’s a good thing you got a nap in because I’m pretty sure you won’t get much sleep tonight,” she replied, wagging her eyebrows at me and pointing to the bag of grapefruit on the dresser.

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah,” I mumbled as I walked into the bathroom to fix my hair and makeup since I was sure I had a bad case of bed head from sleeping so soundly.

  By the time I was ready to go, we had to rush back to the rink. I’d missed dinner, so I grabbed a hot dog as we headed to our seats. I wolfed it down as we watched the start of the game, thinking that there was something about concession stand dogs that made them taste better than anywhere else.

  “How can you eat junk like that and still look so good?” Lucy grumbled.

  “Just lucky I guess,” I answered.

  “You know that means I should hate you, right?” she said.

  “Nah. You know you love me,” I disagreed. “Besides, you’re gorgeous, so you don’t have anything to worry about.”

  We focused our attention on the game and watched as Luka got called for a penalty. Jason skated over, pulled him away from another guy, and went with him over to the penalty box. They talked for a moment and Luka nodded before shutting the door and sitting on the bench. It wasn’t often that he got called for stuff, and he seemed pissed this time around.

  It only got worse when the other team scored during their power play, and I knew he felt guilty for letting his team down. I watched him closely as the game continued and felt like something was off. W
e’d managed to tie the game up and he was playing hard, but he seemed to be skating more slowly than usual. He also made some mistakes that normally didn’t happen with a couple of missed passes and letting the puck get past the blue line when we were playing in the offensive zone. I hoped that it was just because he was tired from the other games and not because his leg was still bothering him. They still had three months left in the season if they made it to the NCAA championship tournament like Luka was hoping they would.

  By the last two minutes of the third period, Luka’s team was winning by one goal. He and Jason skated onto the ice together for another shift and Luka glanced up at me. He flashed me a big smile and I figured he’d gotten his second wind and was ready to play hard so they could win the game. I kept my eye on the clock as time wound down, and they shut down the other team’s offense to secure the win. It was a great way to end the tournament for his team, and I was looking forward to celebrating with him tonight.

  “Woohoo!” Lucy cheered next to me. “They did it! Two out of three isn’t bad, even though Alex was in net for the loss. I’m hoping this win will put him in a better mood tonight.”

  “And if not?” I asked.

  “Then I’ll just have to do what I can to make it up to him,” she answered while wagging her eyebrows.

  We didn’t wait around the rink very long. Since Alex hadn’t played, he came and found us in the lobby pretty quickly. Lucy gave her room key to Alex to pass along to Luka in the locker room, so I sent him a quick text before leaving.

  Me: Meet u at hotel

  Luka: :)

  Me: I have a surprise for u

  Luka: I’ll hurry

  I went up to the room to get things ready before he got there. I was thrilled when I realized earlier that I had packed black lingerie for the trip because I was about to be very naughty. Luka had made it pretty clear that he loved seeing me in black, and I wanted to fulfill that promise I had made to him to wear it for him again when I was going to be bad. Dirty hotel sex should certainly fit the bill.

  By the time Luka made it to the room, I had everything exactly the way I wanted it. Lucy had grabbed her bag before she’d gone to meet Alex in the guys’ room, and Luka had his stuff with him now, so I didn’t need to worry about any interruptions. He was all mine until he had to meet the team in the morning to head back to campus.

  The sheets were pulled down on one of the beds, and I’d moved a couple of pillows over to the other bed so they wouldn’t get messy. I laid a towel down in the middle of the bed and tucked my scarf under the one pillow that remained. I’d already sliced the ends off the grapefruit and made a hole in the middle, so it was ready to go. I’d placed it in the bedside table so Luka wouldn’t see it. My plan wouldn’t work quite as well if he knew what was going on.

  I had my black lace bra and panties on under the hotel robe and quickly dropped it when Luka sat on the bed.

  “Aubrey,” he groaned as he reached to pull me down on his lap and kissed me passionately.

  He ran his hands across my back and up into my hair as things started to spiral out of control. I slid off his lap and onto the bed. Luka looked at me oddly when I pulled the scarf out.

  “I don’t think that really goes with what you’re wearing right now,” he said.

  “Do you trust me?” I asked as I grinned wickedly at him.

  “You know I do,” he answered.

  I crawled around so I was kneeling behind him. I pressed my boobs against his back as I whispered in his ear, “Enough to let me blindfold you for a little bit? So we can try something new?”

  “Are you sure I can’t be the one to blindfold you instead?” he countered. “I promise to do wicked things to your body if you let me.”

  “Maybe later,” I offered. “But with what I had in mind, I definitely need to be able to see what I’m doing.”

  Luka’s swiveled his head to look at me, and his eyes lit up at my words. “You’ve been planning something naughty, haven’t you?”

  “Very, very naughty,” I promised.

  “I wouldn’t want to ruin your plans,” he murmured as he turned his head back around so I could tie my scarf over his eyes.

  “Not when they are going to be so much fun for you,” I whispered in his ear. I moved on the bed to make room for where I wanted him to be and pushed him down so he was lying on the towel. “But you need to be naked for what I have in mind.”

  Luka helped me pull off his clothes, and I checked the scarf to make sure he still couldn’t see before I opened the drawer and pulled out the grapefruit to set it beside him on the bed. He gasped as I licked down his chest and swirled my tongue around his nipples before moving farther down. I nudged his legs apart so I could sit between them for better access to his body. I teased his belly button with my tongue, dipping it in and out several times. My tits were brushing against his dick as I moved, and his hips jerked up in time with my movements.

  I slithered farther down so my mouth was directly over his cock and blew gently on it before licking the bead of pre-cum that was about to drip down from the tip. Luka’s hands slid up my back and into my hair to hold me there.

  “Your mouth feels even more amazing when I can’t see anything,” he groaned.

  I sucked him deep into my mouth and slowly slid my mouth off him. “Just wait,” I promised. “It’s going to get even better.”

  I reached over to pick up the grapefruit and slowly slid it down his cock. His hips lifted off the bed, and I pushed them back down so I could control the pace.

  “Holy fuck, Aubrey,” he gasped. “What the hell is that?”

  Instead of answering him, I licked the tip of his cock as I pushed the grapefruit on him until it rested at the base. Juice was already dripping down his balls, so I sucked each one into my mouth to clean it off.

  “My surprise,” I whispered right before I closed my mouth around his length and turned the grapefruit at the same time.

  I bobbed my head up and down, moving quickly over his shaft with my mouth. I moved my hand more slowly, wanting him to feel the difference more starkly. My hot, wet mouth sucked hard and fast while my hand twisted the cold, wet grapefruit round and round. In a matter of minutes, his hands were fisted in my hair as he pumped his hips so he could drive his cock into my mouth as far as it could go until I was blocked by the fruit.

  “It’s like I’m fucking you while you’re sucking me,” he groaned.

  “Mmmmmm,” I hummed against him as I squeezed his balls with my free hand.

  “I can’t take it much longer. You better pull off if you don’t want me to come in your mouth,” he warned.

  That only made me suck harder, wanting desperately to send him over the edge. He bucked underneath me and shot his hot seed deep into my mouth. His hips pumped several times as his cock spurted over and over again. I waited until he was done and moved my head back so I could swallow.

  “I think you liked that,” I said as I slid the scarf up and over his head.

  Luka looked down at his softening cock and his eyes bugged out. “What the fuck?” he asked. “I thought you’d bought something at a sex shop or online or something. But a grapefruit? How in the hell did you even come up with that idea?”

  “Lucy,” I admitted, but I didn’t get any further before he stopped me by placing a finger over my lips.

  “Nope. I don’t need to hear any more. The last thing I want to do before I try to blow your mind the way you just did mine is think about what Alex is doing with Lucy in our room right now,” he growled before pouncing on me and showing his appreciation for what I’d just done. Several times, until the early hours of the morning.

  Chapter 12


  If someone had told me eight months ago that, after Kat and I had broken up, I’d meet someone I wanted to build a future with soon, I would have told them they were crazy. Then I met Aubrey and couldn’t get her out of my mind. I didn’t think she realized that I remembered bumping into her in the elevator, bu
t I did. The guys had dragged me out that night yet again in the hopes that I’d get back on the saddle, but I’d spent the night avoiding easy pussy and thinking about the hot blond who’d run into me instead. I hadn’t known who she was and I hadn’t planned on going there, but thoughts of her still kept popping into my head.

  When she showed up at the library for a tutoring session, I should have known that I didn’t stand a chance. I fought the attraction as hard as I could, worried about her reputation because I knew she was different and could have the power to hurt me if I let her. But even as I denied it, deep down inside, I knew there was just no chance that I wouldn’t eventually make this girl mine. And now she was.

  The sex was amazing. Mind-blowing even. But it was more than that. I liked spending quiet time with her, too. Like right now, as she helped me make dinner in my kitchen. I could easily picture years spent with her just like this.

  “Hey, you,” Aubrey whispered as she wrapped her arms around me and tilted her face up to mine. “Everything okay?”

  “Perfect, now that you’re here,” I answered, dropping a kiss onto her lips.

  Jason was out of town to see his parents, so we had the apartment to ourselves. Since Valentine’s Day was only a couple of days away, we were celebrating tonight with a candlelit dinner for two because I had hockey stuff going on the rest of the week. We didn’t get complete privacy as often as we’d like since I had a roommate and Aubrey’s bed in her dorm room was small enough that we preferred to stay here. So when I’d asked Aubrey where she wanted to eat out tonight, she’d asked if we could just stay in instead. Sometimes she was just so damn sweet and easy to please. It made me want to do more for her when she was like this.

  Aubrey put out the candles I’d bought and set the table while I finished making dinner. I’d bought things I knew she would enjoy eating because tonight was supposed to be all about Aubrey. I opened a bottle of her favorite wine to go with the meal and brought her a glass.

  “Go ahead and sit down while I bring everything out to you,” I urged her.


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