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Cousin - Improper (A Bad Boy Romance)

Page 13

by Wilde, Delilah

  Then the couple in front of us turned and separated to take their spots up on either side of the arch. Standing in the center of the aisle, the pastor smiled and nodded. Next to him, the groom.

  My breath escaped before I could catch it.

  His smirk and arrogant stance glared at me as if to say he won. Aaron let go of my arm and smiled as he left me to take his place over with the other groomsmen. I froze in place, staring at the groom.

  The pastor finally reached his arm out and pointed toward the rest of the bridesmaids.

  Oh God. Now the groom was here, and I was the bridesmaid who messed up the march.

  I stepped over to my spot and stared at the ground in front of me. He must have gotten out--simple as that. But had he stopped to visit Tim before he left the hospital?

  Was Tim okay?

  How had he beaten Grams and me here?

  My mind raced with questions and the sweat built up in my palms. I tried to calm my thoughts and my breathing by taking in a few deep breaths. They proved useless. All I could do was stand here and wait for things to unfold. Wait for this guy to make his move.

  The suspense was killing me.

  The pastor read through the ceremony. Introducing Cody and Marti to the crowd. Asking who would be giving the bride over to Cody. He talked about how they met, the love they shared, and the journey they were about to take.

  It all passed in a blur. Then the pastor asked the crowd for objections.

  "If any of you hold any reasons that these two should not be married, please speak now or forever hold your peace."

  I stared over at Marti. She would hate me if I said something. But could I really stand here and watch her marry this man? I shook my head and took in a deep breath. I suppose someone needed to be the hated black sheep of the family - and it might as well be me. Not the most comforting words I could think to myself as I prepared to ruin my sister's big day. But better than nothing.

  I took a step forward and prepared to say the words when police sirens echoed out through the driveway.

  Everyone turned to face the house and I stepped back in line.

  Marti glanced around. Her eyebrows furrowed in disgust and confusion.

  The next thing anyone knew, half a dozen police officers poured into the backyard. "Cody Grimes," one officer said.

  Everyone's eyes fell on the groom.

  "You're under arrest for insurance fraud, conspiracy to commit insurance fraud, and tax evasion."

  "Holy shit," I said out loud as my mouth dropped.

  "What is this all about?" Marti glared at Cody as he tried to find the words to say anything.

  Instead he ran. The crowd gasped in unison as he shoved the pastor aside and began jumping over chairs and people to get away. I held my hand up over my mouth to stifle a laugh as he tripped and fell into a rose bush. The police officers caught up to him quickly, yanking his hands up behind his back and slapping the handcuffs on him.

  Marti's face turned bright red. Her eyes darted around the crowd as tears welled up and made them glossy. Seconds later, she ran into the house, followed by the pastor. I glanced around the yard. People were whispering and asking each other questions. Even the bridesmaid standing next to me asked if I had any idea what was going on.

  No one sat still for very long.

  We all stared as the police dragged him away from the crowd, still reading him his rights as they ducked his head down into the back of the police car.

  I took advantage of the chaos and snuck back through the house. Grams and I met up in the kitchen.

  "Well, today just finally got interesting. What the hell do you think all that was about?" Grams asked.

  "I have no idea," I laughed.


  I had to get out of here before Grams brought Angela back here. But I couldn't until I knew for sure that everything was okay. And the wait was killing me.

  Normally, I hate giving my phone number out to anyone. But today I found myself wishing I knew Angela's so I could at least text her to find out what was happening. What did she do with Cody? Did he show up at the wedding after all?

  "Holy fucking shit, Tim, stop it," I told myself.

  My thoughts were getting too wrapped up in Angela. That much was obvious. I was going to need to get away from her before it went much further.

  Nothing against Angela, I thought. She's great. If I were ever to want to settle down and stick with someone, it'd probably be her. But that was just the thing.

  I didn't want to settle down.

  Settling down meant no more runs. No more freedom. It meant endless arguments over finances, money, whose house to hold Thanksgiving at. Not to mention the family history there.

  "No, better to make a clean break," I said out loud.

  "Clean break from what?" the nurse said as he closed the door behind him.

  "Nothing. Just rehearsing. Am I ready to get out of here yet?"

  "You know the doctor wants to monitor you for at least another night."

  "Not happening," I said as I slid out of the bed and grabbed my clothes to change into.

  "Okay. I can get a resident to explain to you about signing out AMA."


  "Against medical advice. It means we are telling you not to go because something bad might happen, and you are choosing to go anyway even though you understand all the bad things that might happen."

  "To keep me from suing you? Sign me up. I'll sign a waiver."

  "All right. Get dressed and I'll go grab a resident to bring in the forms."

  By the time I finished tying up my shoes, the nurse was back in the room with the doctor.

  "All right. Now, so you understand, carbon monoxide poisoning is very serious. You can sign these forms to leave, but if you develop any new or worsening symptoms, get yourself into an emergency room right away. Severe nausea, severe and persistent headache, changes in vision, or muscle fatigue. Do you understand the risks?"

  "Yep," I said and grabbed the forms from her. "I sign here?"

  "Yea, right there at the bottom of the form."

  "All right." I handed the clipboard back over to the doctor. "Is that it?"

  "That's it."


  I grabbed my jacket and started toward the hospital doors. Flagging down a cab was easy, since they were all sitting right there in front of the main entrance to the hospital, just waiting for people who might need a ride somewhere.

  Crawling into the backseat of one cab, I gave the driver Grams's address and settled in for the ride. A short while later, we were staring at Grams's front yard. My heart sank and my stomach clenched into knots. Police cars filled the driveway.

  "That's $24.50." The cab driver said over his shoulder.

  "Right. Sorry. Here," I said as I grabbed my wallet and handed him the cash. I jumped out of the cab and he drove off without another word.

  I started to jog up to the front door and into the house. Everyone was out in the backyard, completely unaware that I was inside grabbing my stuff and getting ready to take off.

  "Timmy, you're home," Grams said. "We were just getting ready to leave here to visit you."


  I took a deep breath and turned around to hug her. "Hi Grams. I'm sorry. I have to run."

  "You what?"

  "I got a call from Trish. There's a big bike run for charity happening tomorrow. And if I leave now I can make it to LA in time."

  Grams's eyes glazed over in tears and disappointment. "Timmy."

  "Hey, did the groom ever show up? What's with the police cars?"

  "He showed up," Angela's voice came into the kitchen next. "And he got arrested for insurance fraud and a bunch of other things."

  Just my luck I would run into the two people whom I was trying to avoid the most. I turned around to face her. The sunset caught her hair and made it shine like a fire. I was mesmerized by her smile. Those soft, full lips.

  I shook my head and grabbed my keys.

nbsp; "Insurance fraud. Are you kidding?"

  "No," said Grams. "What's going on? Tim?"

  I paused and tapped along the edge of the countertop. "Yea, Grams. I have to run. I'm sorry. I'll be back in a week to help you get everything put together and settled. I promise. Okay?"

  Come on, Grams. Just say it's okay so I can go.

  Grams took in a deep breath and smiled. I could tell the smile was forced, but at least it was a smile. "Okay, Timmy. That's fine. How can I say no to that? I know how important your work is."


  I wasn't sure what to say. More than anything I wanted to ask him why he was leaving. Was he leaving because of me? Had I done something to offend him, somehow? Or did he think I wanted more than I really wanted?

  What if he thought I wanted a serious relationship? Had I given him the wrong impression?

  I couldn't ask him any of these questions without sounding like some clingy little girl. The exact opposite of what we had agreed on. Yet my heart was sinking. The corners of my mouth tugged my lips down, and I could feel my eyes fighting back the urge to cry.

  "Um," I tried to think of the words to talk to him. "Do you need any help with anything?"

  Lame. What the hell is the matter with me?

  "No, I'm fine. Really."

  I knew this was coming. I knew we were going to part ways after the wedding and that would be the end of everything between us. But somehow I thought we would have more time. More time for me to adjust and to prepare myself.

  This sudden heartache was unexpected.

  "Oh, shit that's right. Your car. Look, I'm sorry I won't be able to fix it, but here." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small pack of business cards. "I won't be in the office this week, obviously. But call tomorrow anyway and have someone pick you up. You can just borrow my car until yours gets fixed. I'll leave instructions with my assistant."

  I glanced down at the card. Timothy P. Sanders, Sanders Realty.

  "Sanders Realty?" I said. "You're a realtor?"

  "Yea. Why?"

  "Oh. Uh - no reason. But you don't need to do that. I mean thank you for thinking of that. But I can figure out a ride to work tomorrow. Don't worry about me."

  "Well, I'll leave the instructions anyway. If you get it figured out, great. If not, call my office and you can borrow the car until yours is fixed."

  A realtor? He's a fucking realtor? What else didn't I know about him? I wanted to ask. Every question led to another question. Curiosity was boring a hole into my brain.

  But I didn't. He turned and hugged Grams, nodded at me, and then trotted out the door. And I was left standing there, open mouthed and dumbfounded.

  "Ah well," Grams said. "It's probably for the best, given all that's happened today. I can't very well make any announcements today."

  "I -I don't. What announcement?"

  She took in a deep breath and led me over to the small table tucked into the corner of the kitchen. "Have a seat dear."


  I stood next to my bike and pondered. Grams had needed my help. She called me because she trusted me to take care of things for her. Was I really going to be deserting her now? No. One week with Trish on a run would set me straight again. I could forget about Angela and the pull she seemed to hold over me. I was ready to go, Trish's number already set up and ready to dial on my phone. I just needed to hit call. So what was stopping me?

  The spot.

  The small, almost unnoticeable stain Angela left on the seat of my bike.

  "So I guess you heard," Marti's voice pulled me out of my thoughts. I broke my stare with the bike and looked up. The sky released a new round of rain.

  "Heard about what?"

  "About Cody. And the wedding being cancelled."

  I blinked and shook my head. "Actually, I hadn't heard."

  "I know about you and Angela."

  "Excuse me?"

  "You and Angela. I know all about you two."

  "What about us two?"

  "I'm not an idiot, Tim. She came in with twigs and leaves stuck to that dress and said she went out for a walk. Then a few minutes later you walk into the house with leaves and twigs stuck to your suit because you went out for a walk."

  "You don't.... Just." I wanted to tell her to fuck off. You don't know what you're talking about. That's what I wanted to tell her. Instead the start of two thoughts fought to come out and ended up a jumbled mess. I grabbed the handlebars of my bike and started to walk it around to take off.

  Marti didn't seem pleased. She raced around my bike and grabbed my arm, pulling me over toward her. I jerked my arm back away from her, and she jumped in closer. Her lips brushed against mine. "I can give you more," she whispered. "I can give you so much more."

  "Get off me," I said as I peeled her arms away from me.

  She jumped on me again. Her hands cupped around my face as she tried to pull me down for a kiss.

  "Get off!" I yelled and threw her back again.

  "Why?" she yelled back.

  "Because I'm in love with Angela--." The words dried and caught in my throat. Had I just said those words out loud? Is that what I meant to say?

  But I couldn't take it back.

  Marti's eyes widened and her jaw dropped. "Y-you what? Y-you''re in love-in love?" She stuttered. "I knew you guys were fucking around but you're in love? Like the time you were in love with me?"

  "No, Marti," I said. "Nothing like the time I thought I was in love with you." I mumbled and tried to get my bike moving again.

  Marti's eyes darted around as raindrops cascaded down her face. She turned around and walked back toward the house. That was when I noticed Angela standing on the front porch next to Grams.


  My mind raced with thoughts about how to explain this. How to buy myself some time so I could straighten out my thoughts. "I--I just." I couldn't do it. I couldn't think of the words. And what was worse, my muscles were beginning to shiver in the cold rain, making me look pathetic and shaky.

  Angela stepped down closer to me. Her eyebrows furrowed into a look of confusion. "Is that why you were trying to leave so fast all of a sudden?" she asked. "Because you think you're in love with me?"

  "I don't. I have no idea. I don't know." I finally spit the words out. "I know you said you wanted it all to end, and I really did too. Just a one night fuck. That's all I wanted, until I didn't anymore." I couldn't figure out how she did it. But somehow her voice calmed my heartbeat down, and made my heart race all at the same time.

  She smiled. Oh my God, that gentle smile. I suddenly found myself wanting to see it again. "I get it," she whispered.

  I shook my head. "I don't think you do. I am not a nice guy. I'm not a good boyfriend. I don't even know how to be a boyfriend. I'll end up hurting you. I'll end up saying something or doing something or missing something--."

  "You don't have to be a good boyfriend," she interrupted me. "No one said the only alternative to a one-night fuck was to jump into being a boyfriend. Just, don't run away."

  I took a deep breath and glanced back at the house. Grams was still standing on the porch, smiling into her clasped hands like someone just bought her a puppy. Inside, everyone seemed to be comforting Marti.

  Angela's eyes continued to smile. Life was going to be miserable here for both of us. The impossible Marti, being humiliated in front of her friends and family? And then this?

  "Come with me," I said before I finished running through my thoughts.

  "What?" she asked.

  "Come with me on my run."

  "Twenty seconds ago you were saying you were worried about whether or not you'd be a bad boyfriend. Now you want us to go away together?"

  I paused a minute before continuing, rubbing her shoulders and smiling. "Don't come with me as my girlfriend. I don't know what we are right now. But--we can't see, I mean we won't be able to see how things go while we're here. Not with all this looming over us. Come with me and we'll have a chance to see where
things go."

  "What about that job interview tomorrow? You vouched for me and everything. I can't just blow them off."

  "I'll take care of that."

  She smiled and took in a deep breath. "Okay," she whispered. "I'll go."

  <<<< THE END >>>>




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