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Page 2

by Pelaam

  “Midnight likes you riding him, and I don’t want another horse. I’ll see you later. I’m sure Midnight will let you know he’s ready and waiting.”

  The next hour flew by. Emer grimaced as he hurried breathlessly through to his living room. Then he stopped in the doorway and smiled at the sight of Lachlan busily arranging the Scrabble game. Two glasses of brandy already sat on the table and the scene was so domestic and homely, Emer actually felt a deep ache in his chest.

  Longingly he wondered what it would be like to live with Lachlan. To not have to offer him the guest bed downstairs when they decided it was time to retire, to have Lachlan’s strong arms wrapped around him as Emer rubbed his own smooth chest against Lachlan’s broader, furred one.

  “You okay, bro? You look like you ran here from that restaurant. You need to take more time out for yourself.”

  The concern in Lachlan’s voice only made the ache in Emer’s chest all the more poignant, but he smiled as best he could. “Restaurants don’t run themselves, and the more prepping I do now, the less there is tomorrow.”

  “I can’t wait to get you out on the boat. You and me, sea, sun and sky. Perfect. No running off to that damn restaurant.”

  Sitting opposite his friend, Emer laughed as Lachlan sat back in his chair, hands behind his head, and a wide, contented smile on his face.

  “I might remind you that the restaurant was how we met.” Emer lifted his brandy glass. “And I salute that day.”

  Sitting forward, Lachlan lifted his own glass. “And I toast the friendship that came of it. May it continue and grow.”

  For a second, Emer thought he saw a gleam in Lachlan’s eye. But it was gone almost before he’d seen it. His friend was now engrossed in shifting the tiles in his stand. Lachlan wasn’t only a good fisherman, he was a good Scrabble player, too.

  Focusing on the game, Emer put everything else from his mind.

  Chapter Four

  Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,

  I took the one less travelled by,

  And that has made all the difference.

  Robert Frost

  “Man, I hate these Blood Gates.” Sean grumbled darkly as they made their way to the gate. There was little reason to travel any other way, given that a gate would send them to the other side of the world in a matter of seconds.

  “Toughen up.” Aydin’s hiss of laughter earned him a glare through narrowed eyes from his partner. That caused him to laugh out loud, and this time Sean punched his arm.

  “Shit! I forgot I might as well be punching stone.”

  Draping an arm around the human’s shoulders, Aydin leaned in close. “Don’t worry. I’ll hold your hand.”

  “Yeah?” Sean gave Aydin a sideways glance. “And who’s gonna hold yours?”

  They were still laughing as they approached the gate. In truth, Aydin actually felt sorry for his human partner. Not all humans travelled well through the gate, and unfortunately Sean was one who always felt the aftereffects. He’d described it to Aydin as like mild seasickness, as if the world was moving or rocking around him.

  The sensation wasn’t one that Aydin could imagine, but he knew it left Sean a little unsteady and nauseous for a short time. Their banter was a way for him to express his concern, without fussing unduly. A routine they’d developed during their partnership.

  He rested a hand on Sean’s shoulder. “Ready for this?”

  “Of course. Can’t wait.” Sean’s voice dripped sarcasm, but Aydin felt the way Sean’s body tensed.

  “Close your eyes, relax, lean into me.” Aydin stood behind Sean, and they moved forward together. As they stepped into the Blood Gate, Aydin slid an arm around his partner’s waist, and Sean leaned back against Aydin’s chest.

  Travelling through it only took seconds, and as they arrived, Aydin eased them both forward. “You okay?” He kept his voice soft, and quiet.

  “Yeah. Just give me a minute to get my bearings back.”

  “Take as long as you want. I’ll move when you’re ready.”


  While he waited for Sean, Aydin opted to put his glamour in place. Anyone looking at him now would see a copper-skinned man with straight, jet-black hair that reached his shoulders. He remained several inches over six feet in height, as well as keeping his broad build, and his tawny eyes. He felt it was a good compromise.

  “Looking sharp, bro.” Sean huffed a laugh.

  With an indulgent smile, Aydin released his partner. He watched carefully, ready to go to Sean’s aid as his friend took a couple of shaky steps. Then he relaxed as Sean looked over his shoulder at Aydin and nodded.

  “I’m fine. Let’s go find the quickest way to where we need to be. I think I’d rather just get there and then relax.”

  “Sounds good.”

  Chapter Five

  How much are they deceived who vainly strive,

  By jealous fears, to keep our flames alive?

  Love’s like a torch, which if secured from blasts,

  Will faintlier burn; but then it longer lasts.

  Exposed to storms of jealousy and doubt,

  The blaze grows greater, but ’tis sooner out.

  William Walsh

  Side by side, Emer and Lachlan walked slowly along the beach to the small marina near the port where Lachlan had moored his boat. Although Emer wouldn’t see Lachlan that night, Friday being one of his busiest nights, Lachlan would drop off some of his catch Saturday morning, and then Emer would shut the restaurant after lunch Sunday and be picked up at the marina. He was already wishing for Sunday as they finalised the arrangements.

  “You won’t need anything. I have it all covered.”

  The excitement in Lachlan’s voice was contagious, and Emer’s adrenaline started pumping. “I think I’ll bring a basket of goodies with me. And maybe some cooking utensils?”

  Lachlan’s cheeks flushed and he grinned widely. “Okay. Yeah. I don’t really have much in the way of cooking gear in the galley. I usually just go out early, do my fishing, and then go back to the farm. Okay, bring your basket.”

  Their laughter was interrupted by a shout.

  “Hey, Lachlan! Wait up, guys.”

  At the instantly recognised voice, Emer’s heart sank. Sure enough, a woman ran up and inserted herself between him and Lachlan. As Lachlan and the woman moved forward side by side, Emer made sure he was a step or two behind.

  A mutual acquaintance, Jane was a thin woman who was never anything less than immaculately dressed. Even when clearly out on an early morning jog, she wore designer gear that wouldn’t look out of place on a night out, and wore full makeup. She was also the manger and part owner of The Swan’s Nest bar and restaurant at the other end of town. Emer’s restaurant was far enough away not to be a direct competitor. Which was just as well.

  Jane had a well-earned reputation as a woman who didn’t let anything, or anyone, stand in her way. Direct at best and actually aggressive at worst, she was also a notorious predator when it came to men. Emer had heard on the grapevine that Jane had developed an interest in Lachlan. Of course, Emer could understand it. More than one lady had fluttered her eyelashes at his friend.

  However, his decidedly bachelor lifestyle tended to ensure Lachlan rarely went into town and mixed little with other people, with the exception of Emer himself. When not working on his farm, Lachlan went out fishing. Even this weekend was a little out of character for him. Not that Emer was complaining in the least.

  While they tried to schedule a couple of evenings to eat Lachlan’s catch and play board games, being taken out on Lachlan’s new boat was going to be a rare treat. Even more exciting, this would be Emer’s first time on the new craft. Emer intended to make the most of every second alone with Lachlan.

  “Hey, Emer. Don’t forget. I’ll be waiting,”

  At Lachlan’s shout, Emer jerked back into the present. His friend stood with his hands on his hips and an affectio
nate smile on his face.

  “I won’t,” Emer said.

  “You coming into town, Lachlan? We don’t see much of you.” Jane smiled brightly, and deliberately moved to stand between Lachlan and Emer.

  “No thanks. Not really my scene. I’ll drop off some of my catch tomorrow, Emer. I’m really looking forward to Sunday.”

  Emer was lost for words as his friend’s decidedly sultry tone caused heat to pool at his groin. Before he could recover or respond, Lachlan was already heading toward the small marina where he’d moored his boat overnight.

  Catching a glimpse of Jane’s sour face out of the corner of his eyes, Emer quickly turned to head back to his restaurant.

  “How he puts up with you trailing behind him like a puppy with those big dark eyes is beyond me.” Jane’s voice was sharp and acidic. “If he’s not careful, he’ll get the wrong kind of reputation. Such a waste of a man, him living all alone on that farm.”

  Stopping, Emer looked over his shoulder at Jane. “He’s a good friend. A good man.” Emer couldn’t stop himself speaking up for Lachlan.

  “He is a good man.” Jane practically purred. “No one doubts that. What he needs is to find himself a good woman.”

  Tremors shook Emer’s body as he watched Jane jog away. He hadn’t really given thought to what others in town would think of him and Lachlan and their occasional evenings together. Nor of what would happen to him if Lachlan found himself a girlfriend. Sighing deeply, his shoulders slumped, Emer made his way back home.

  Chapter Six

  A path winding across the horizon

  over mountains, across seas

  through blue skies and gray

  never ceasing, continuous.

  My love for you.

  A.J. Miller

  The sky was blue, the ocean calm and the sun warm. Lachlan was settled with his rods, and Emer just stood and looked at the beautiful blue vista.

  “I could get used to this.” Emer moved to join his friend.

  “Do whatever you want. Pick up a rod, read, just chill. I know you like your fish fresh, so I want to get a couple of catches in so we have fish for dinner. What did you bring?”

  Flopping into the seat next to Lachlan, Emer laughed. “Oh, so now you’re keen to know if I brought treats.”

  “Well…yeah.” Lachlan joined in Emer’s laughter. “You offered. So ’fess up. What was in the basket?”

  “I made some fresh bread and a salmon pate for a late lunch for us. There’s salad to have with it, and some chocolate-dipped fruit for dessert. I have a Sav Blanc to go with that. I also made chocolate orange mousse for after dinner, and the veggies are already roasted in a honey balsamic glaze. They just need reheating when I do the fish. Assuming you catch one.”

  Emer watched his friend from the corner of his eye as Lachlan laughed loudly.

  “That sounds like a challenge, my friend. So I accept. If I don’t have three majestic fish for the table in the next two hours I will pay a forfeit. How does that sound?”

  “And just what might that be?” Emer asked, picking a beer from the chilly box between them.

  “Oh, I have something in mind that I think will be perfect. Let me see if I’m right later.”

  “Shouldn’t I pick your forfeit?” Emer chinked bottles with Lachlan. He wished he could see his friend’s eyes, but they both wore sunglasses as well as hats as protection against the sun. He had a strange feeling there was a lot more behind Lachlan’s apparently casual words.

  “Under normal circumstances. But these aren’t normal. They’re special. Now, don’t scare the sea life and let me show my amazing prowess as a magnificent catcher of fish.”

  Settling comfortably to just enjoy the day, Emer pushed everything else from his mind.


  Several hours, and only two fish later, Emer and Lachlan sat with glasses of port. The meal had been as enjoyable as any they’d shared, but despite losing his bet, Lachlan seemed happy and relaxed. But there was just something about his friend that Emer couldn’t quite put his finger on.

  “Fancy a game of Scrabble? I brought it with me.” Emer asked.

  “Not tonight. I have something else in mind.”

  Lachlan’s smile seemed different, edgier than normal. Emer really had no words to describe it. His friend stood and came closer. Emer tried for a casual tone as Lachlan stopped in front of him.

  “You gonna tell me what your forfeit is, then?”

  “Nope. I’m gonna show you. Stand up.”


  Emer obeyed as Lachlan tilted his head, and tapped a foot impatiently. As he stood, Lachlan sank to his knees, unfastened Emer’s shorts, and teased them over Emer’s hips so that they fell to the floor.

  “I don’t think... don’t think—” Emer knew he should stop his friend now. Before it was too late. Before all was lost, but his body betrayed his mind. Eager for Lachlan’s touch.

  “Good. Don’t think. Just feel.”

  Emer’s head fell back against the ship’s hull as Lachlan reached inside his Speedos and eased his cock free. He whimpered as Lachlan rubbed it over his stubbled cheeks, stroking gently, as if it were the most precious thing he’d held.

  “You have no idea how long I’ve dreamed of this. Wanted this.”

  Unable to tear his gaze away from Lachlan, Emer almost giggled as a random thought flashed through his mind. I’ve always loved Lachlan’s sun tattoo with that symbol. Wanted to lick it.

  The low, husky rasp of Lachlan’s voice drew him from his lust-laden thoughts and made Emer’s blood burn with want. The first lick over his cockhead threatened to make him lose all control, but Lachlan seemed ready, tugging firmly at Emer’s sac. “Flattering, but not so fast. I want to really taste you.”

  Emer’s legs trembled as Lachlan took him deep into his mouth, and sucked hard as he eased back. Lachlan slid his lips off Emer’s shaft with a loud, and lewd slurping noise.

  “I think we need to take this to the bedroom.”

  The room was only big enough for the bed, and Lachlan was already pulling off his own clothes as Emer stood and stared, feeling he’d fallen into some crazy fantasy world, where dreams came true.

  “Come on, sexy. Get that stuff off or I’ll take it off for you.”

  As unbelievable as it seemed, Lachlan wanted him. Emer’s eyes widened at the sight of long, thick, erect flesh liberally surrounded by a lush halo of red-gold curls. Lachlan was hard for him. Finally Emer dragged off his T-shirt and pushed his Speedos down. Naked, he looked across the bed to where Lachlan kneeled, waiting for him. The gleam of anticipation in Lachlan’s eyes was unmissable. Emer climbed onto the bed to face Lachlan, who framed Emer’s face in his hands.

  “If you tell me you don’t want this, truthfully, I won’t go any further. But it will break my heart.”

  Emer mimicked Lachlan, putting his hands on Lachlan’s cheeks, feeling heat, and the slight rasp of stubble. “I want it. It’s a dream come true.” He couldn’t deny either of them now. Time had long since passed where he could have walked away. He had no idea what the future would bring, but Emer knew he’d do all in his power to ensure Lachlan remained in his life.

  “Lie back, sexy.” Lachlan trailed his fingertips down Emer’s throat, across his pecs, and circled his nipples. They hardened instantly, silently begging for Lachlan’s touch.

  Settling on his back, Emer looked up at Lachlan. His friend gazed back with a look of such hunger that Emer writhed. Lachlan took Emer’s cock in his hand and licked over the head. Emer tried to thrust upward, but Lachlan shifted to hold firmly to Emer’s hip to keep him in place as he took just the tip of Emer’s dick into his mouth.

  “You’re killing me,” Emer moaned.

  “Just lie back and let me take care of you, sexy. You know you want to.” Lachlan smirked, and even that simple action made Emer’s cock throb.

  This time when Lachlan took Emer into his mouth, he didn’t
stop until he’d reached the dark curls around Emer’s dick. A soft whimpering sound of need escaped Emer’s lips. He was trapped between heaven and hell, paradise and purgatory, as one part of him desperately wanted to continue enjoying the warm, wet heat surrounding his cock, and the other equally eagerly wanted to come.

  Lachlan reached to stroke a hand over Emer’s chest, and tweaked in nipple gently. Once again Emer tried to thrust and felt himself held down. Then Lachlan eased up and off the hard flesh.

  “Go for it, babe.”

  With a moan, Emer obeyed, thrusting up into Lachlan’s mouth as his lover fondled Emer’s balls, rolling them with perfect pressure. Emer couldn’t hold back. Losing his rhythm as his climax neared, Emer moaned as Lachlan held his hips down, and took over. Seeing his lover’s obvious enjoyment, Emer gave himself over to the impending pleasure.

  His climax was intensely powerful. Emer groaned Lachlan’s name as his lover swallowed his release. His body jerked repeatedly until he was sucked dry, and he finally sagged back against the bed.

  “You okay?”

  Emer looked up at Lachlan. His face was flushed and his lips glistened. “Very okay,” he murmured.


  “What do you want?” Emer asked.

  “I want to fuck you. But if you’d rather wait...”

  A hot bolt of lust ignited Emer’s arousal despite his recent orgasm. “Yes. I want that.”

  “Roll over and put the pillows under your hips. I have everything we need.”

  Lachlan knelt between Emer’s spread thighs, and whispered his encouragement in between kisses to Emer’s back, ass cheeks, even the nape of his neck. His fingers thrust deep, twisting, scissoring, and occasionally brushing over Emer’s prostate, until Emer was rubbing his renewed erection into the pillow.

  “I think you’re ready.”

  Lachlan’s voice was deep and husky, and Emer looked over his shoulder. “Yes. Do it.”


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