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Addiction Page 5

by Pelaam

  “That she does. Two, possibly three. I think one stopped, given he didn’t really want to drink here, and since she doesn’t serve the paua either, he felt it was a waste.”

  “Interesting,” Sean said. “May be worth following up.”

  Emer stared at him. “You really think...?”

  Sean shrugged. “She’s getting a large amount of paua, doesn’t serve it here. You either put it on your menu or cook it for Lachlan. So unless she lives on paua, where does it all go? Every day, two or three men’s worth of them. That’s a lot.”

  “It is.” Lachlan nodded. “But she may share it with friends. Just because she gets it doesn’t mean she keeps it.”

  “Then let me look into it to exclude her. Either way, she’s the only other person we currently know off who has paua shells that rival Emer’s supply. They key thing for both is freshness. Emer said the paua must be shelled very quickly to make the drug.”

  “I guess. Well, she’d probably accept a date. Or I suppose I could invite her to the farm. But then she’d probably think I was interested.”

  The look of misery on Lachlan’s face was enough to make Emer slide a hand onto his lover’s thigh and squeeze gently.

  “No.” Sean sighed dramatically. “Once again, I’m only wanted for my body, not my brains.” He picked up his wine glass and raised it. “Wish me luck.”

  Emer raised his glass, as did Lachlan. “Success to you and to Aydin.”

  The three of them tapped their glasses, before taking a drink. Sean hastily took another swallow or two. “Back in five.”

  “Until this is all sorted, I’m moving in with you. Then when it is sorted, we can alternate between your place and mine.” Lachlan’s face was as determined as his tone.

  “You want us to live together? Already?” Emer knew his eyes were wide, but the declaration surprised him.

  “I should have said, I love you.” Lachlan smiled. “I do. I have for a long time. This is a dream come true for me, and it just feels so right. Doesn’t it?”

  There was an anxious note to Lachlan’s voice, and Emer quickly took Lachlan’s hand in his. “Yes. Yes it does. But I would have waited for you to be sure.”

  “No need to wait, sexy. I was sure before we became lovers, and my love has only deepened in intensity. What we do long term we can discuss once this is all over. That okay with you?”

  “Very okay.” Emer wanted to hug and kiss Lachlan, but settled for a wide smile of delight.

  Both he and Lachlan looked across to the inn as Sean came out. He circled a finger in the air, and flopped back into his seat. “Hey, guys, I have a date tonight. Aren’t I the lucky one? Jane just happens to be free.”

  A half-muffled snort escaped Emer, and then he and Lachlan laughed softly as Sean narrowed his eyes at them before taking another large swallow of wine.

  “Well, I have to work tonight. Sorry, Sean.” Emer tried for a sympathetic look.

  “Tell you what. We’ll exchange cell phone numbers.” Lachlan rummaged in his pocket. “When you’ve had enough, text me. I’ll call you back five minutes later. You can make up whatever excuse you like, and I’ll come and rescue you.”

  “You can stay at my place, Sean. I have a small guest room.” Emer wanted to offer his support the only way he knew how.

  “Cool.” Sean grinned widely. “That sounds perfect to me.”

  Emer glanced at his watch, and grimaced. “Sorry, guys. I have to go.”

  “We’ll head back to your place when we’ve finished here,” Lachlan said.

  “Actually, I need to buy clothes. We used a Blood Gate to get here, so I have nothing to change into, or many toiletries.” Sean looked apologetically at Lachlan.

  “No worries. I’ll take you into town from here, and then we can head back to Emer’s.”

  “There’s a spare house key under the plant pot to the left of the door. Just let yourselves in. Lachlan knows where everything is.” As Emer turned to leave, Lachlan grabbed his hand and tugged him down to swiftly kiss his cheek.

  “See you later, babe.”

  Despite the heat of the blush that seemed to have started at Emer’s toes, he grinned with delight. “Later.”

  There was a distinct spring in his step as Emer headed home.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Let me brush aside Your tousled hair,

  Wipe the tears From off your cheek;

  See into your lonely heart

  And lift the pain.

  Barbara Aldrich

  Stretched out on a divan, Grecian style, Aydin used a small dagger to spear a piece of cake that was incredibly sweet. He forced himself not to grimace as he swallowed quickly.

  “Let me make sure I have this right.” Gethin speared a fruit with his own small dagger and nibbled daintily at it. “You want to offer my, ah, enhancement to other demons. With you as their sole supplier.”

  “That’s right.” Aydin copied Gethin’s action, selecting fruit this time. “I keep your identity a secret. I make the sales. I get to increase my personal wealth, which then enables me to act like my princely cousins. As, of course, do you. I brought this as a token of my goodwill.”

  Making a show of taking and unwrapping his gift, Aydin watched Gethin from the corner of his eye. Already the goblin lord was leaning forward, anxious to see what Aydin was holding. The loud gasp was all Aydin could have hoped for.

  The triton shell was large as well as beautiful, and Aydin had several more of them on order through WRAITH. These shells were so large that they were used as a musical instrument on islands such as New Zealand.

  “Shells like these acceptable, Gethin?”

  The goblin lord was busy turning the shell back and forth in his hands, and took a minute to reply. “Indeed. When do you want your first batch?”

  “I want to test it first. Not much. I don’t want to become dependent on it. Just a tiny sample… and someone to test my prowess on.”

  Gethin looked over at Aydin, a sly expression in his eyes. “I have many concubines.”

  “I’m sure you do. But I want the púca.”

  Gethin’s gaze darted to where the slave stood almost out of sight. “I have better options than a half-blood. Not all of my concubines are goblin. I have several humans, too.”

  That was a titbit for Aydin to remember. “Indeed? They may be of interest another time. But for now, the púca is my choice.”

  Gethin wrinkled his nose. “Very well. I promised his brother no goblin would touch him. I’ve kept my bargain. Boy, come here.” Gethin snapped his fingers and the slave came quickly.

  Ducking his head slightly, Aydin studied Cavan as he came at Gethin’s command. He was thinner than Emer with dark shadows under his eyes. His hair was lighter than his brother’s, held back in a long braid. Aydin’s groin heated as Cavan approached, and Aydin was thankful for the solidity of the leather pants he wore, which held his burgeoning erection at bay.

  “Yes, my lord?” Cavan stood with his head bowed, not looking at the goblin.

  “Aydin here has taken a shine to you. You will go with him and…amuse him.”

  Looking up, his eyes wide and fearful, Cavan stared between Aydin and Gethin, shaking his head. “You promised Emer. You said if he did what you wanted, I’d be safe.”

  “So you shall. Aydin will take good care of you. Won’t you, my friend?”

  “Give me the powder and a room that I can lock from the inside. I have no mind to indulge in worthless niceties.”

  “Oh, you are keen. Very well.” Gethin reached into a pocket in his pants and withdrew a small sachet of grey powder. “Use as much or as little as you wish. Follow me. Boy, you will come with us.”

  “No. No, I won’t.” Cavan turned to run.

  Afraid the young púca would be hurt by the guards, Aydin lunged forward and grabbed him, holding him tightly around the waist as he followed Gethin out of the room and along well-illuminated hallways.

p; With each step he took, Aydin felt his heart flayed that little bit more. By the time they reached the room Gethin selected, Cavan was limp in Aydin’s arms, and his voice hoarse from screaming.

  “Vocal little thing, isn’t he?” Gethin smirked as he opened the dark wooden door. “Here’s your key. I’ll station a guard at the end of the hallway. Once you’ve ah … attended to your immediate needs, you might want some refreshments.”

  “Also tell him that if I think anyone is listening at the door, the penalty will be his head.” The threat was heartfelt. The desire to carve the smirk from Gethin’s face was almost irresistible. But Aydin had a job to do.

  Gethin’s laugh was a little brittle, but the goblin turned to head back to his main palace. “Have fun,” he called over his shoulder.

  Slamming the door behind him, Aydin immediately looked around. The room had a huge bed against the far wall. A large wooden table was on his right, and on the left a couple of big, ornate wooden chairs stood on either side of a wide hearth that was nearly as tall as Aydin himself.

  Striding to the bed, Aydin attempted to lie Cavan down, but the púca immediately tried to squirm away. A bellow escaped Aydin as he grabbed Cavan and tried to pull him to his chest. Cavan fought wildly, his fists pummelling uselessly against Aydin. Physically, Aydin barely felt the blows, but each one crushed him emotionally.

  Finally, unable to do anything else, he extended his wings. Lying on his back, he pulled Cavan on top of him, wrapping first his arms and then his wings around the sobbing púca. He let himself drift into a semi trance, murmuring words he wasn’t even conscious of to try and calm Cavan.

  Unaware of how much time had passed, Aydin only stirred when an inner instinct alerted him to a change in Cavan. He opened his eyes, slowly waking from his reverie. Cavan still lay enveloped in Aydin’s wings and arms. Not wanting to frighten Cavan, Aydin cautiously opened his wings and looked down at the púca.

  Small patches of dried tears encrusted Aydin’s skin, but Cavan wasn’t crying any more. He was looking up at Aydin. His dark eyes were bloodshot, but they were also curious.

  “Forgive me.” Aydin couldn’t bring himself to say anything else. Not just yet.

  “You haven’t touched me. I don’t understand. I heard you whisper words of love to me.” Cavan spoke the words so softly that Aydin strained to hear them.

  “If I release you, will you wait here while I make sure we are secure?”

  Cavan nodded, and Aydin opened his arms. Cavan slid off Aydin’s chest to lie on the bed, but remained close. Aydin rose from the bed. The first thing he did was lift the table as if it weighed nothing and position it against the door as added security. Then he went to the hearth. He knew of many places where hearths such as these also had entrances to secret passageways.

  The fire was laid, but unlit. Aydin concentrated hard. Smoke was easy, but flame—

  With a deep growl, he spat a blue flame that instantly caught the kindling. As the flames danced, Aydin built up the fire. Thanks to his flame, the fire was bigger and hotter than normal. If anyone did try coming through a secret entrance, they’d find it much harder to pass his flames than those of a normal fire.

  Then he turned to face Cavan, who remained on the bed, watching him intently. Aydin pressed a finger to his lips and went to the door. He listened, using all of his demonic powers. Once certain no one was close, he headed back to the bed.

  “May I join you? I can stand if you prefer.”

  Cavan sat cross-legged and indicated the large space in front of him. “Please.”

  Keeping his movements slow and deliberate, Aydin eased onto the bed. Before sitting comfortably, he pulled the photograph from inside his leather pants. Unfolding it, he handed it to Cavan.

  “Your brother gave me this, and told me to say ‘race.’” Aydin’s heart twisted as a single tear slid down Cavan’s right cheek. Reaching across the space between them, Aydin briefly let his fingertips rest on the bare flesh of Cavan’s knee.

  “Emer and I took on horse form and ran along the beach. I beat him. It was my first win. Is he all right?” Cavan looked up at Aydin, concern in his dark eyes.

  “He’s as worried about you as you are about him.”

  “I don’t understand why you told Gethin you wanted me. You didn’t touch me. He expects you to…to…”

  Aydin cut in as Cavan began to get upset. “I’m an agent of WRAITH. I’m here to shut down Gethin’s drug production. My partner’s with your brother now. He explained why he was involved. So I also need to find a way of getting you out safely. Is there anything you can tell me that might help me?”

  “As a half-blood, the goblins have little to do with me. So they don’t really notice me. I’ve been stuck here for a couple of months now, but Emer isn’t the only producer. From what I heard, the other suggested him so that more of the drug could be used. Emer wouldn’t do it if it wasn’t for me. Please don’t punish him.”

  That revelation was a surprise. Aydin leaned forward. “Don’t worry. Emer’s helping us, too. Anything else?”

  Pursing his lips, Cavan looked upwards as he thought. “Gethin never lets anyone see the other producer. Even I haven’t. Which is kind of surprising, Gethin likes to be waited on. When the other comes, he wears a long cloak, and his face is hidden.” Cavan dropped his voice. “Once, when Gethin forgot to send me away, I was sure I caught a glimpse of them. Just a very quick glance. Not much to help you.”

  Aydin rubbed his chin. “We were tipped off about your brother. As if he was the main supplier.”

  Cavan shook his head emphatically. “Gethin’s had this other supplier for the best part of a year. Emer and I were dragged into this only three, or maybe it would be four, months now. You lose track of time down here. I hate it. I hate Gethin. I want to go home.”

  “I get a distinct feeling there’s something going on that we’re not seeing. I’ll make sure you get out of here, Cavan.”

  “Aydin. When you held me. Your words soothed me. And…and some you whispered were words of love.” Cavan whispered the last word.

  Was it worth even trying to lie? Aydin decided not. “That’s because I’m certain you are meant to be my mate. Your brother failed to recognise his mate in Lachlan. Perhaps your human DNA blunts this ability.”

  “Your mate?” Cavan’s voice was laced with incredulity. “But you’re related to the Blood Princes. I heard the guards speak of it.”

  “That makes no difference when it comes to a mate, Cavan. “

  “I’m just a half-blood.” Cavan shook his head.

  Taking Cavan’s hands in his, Aydin squeezed gently, and then released them. “I’m a half-blood, for that matter. Demon and gargoyle. Does that matter to you?”

  His eyes widening, Cavan shook his head. “No. No it doesn’t. But what do we do now?”

  “Gethin can’t know, or even suspect about me, or us. I’ll try and keep you with me as much as possible, but I have to leave here temporarily while I pick up some more triton shells to keep Gethin sweet and relay my finding back to WRAITH headquarters. I’m certain you won’t be molested, in part because of your brother, and in part because I’ll make sure Gethin knows that if you’re so much as touched by a goblin, I’ll tear off the heads of a dozen of Gethin’s men.”

  His hand trembling, Cavan reached to touch Aydin’s arm. He shivered, and Aydin wondered if the púca felt the same tingle he did. “I wish you didn’t have to go,” he whispered.

  Covering Cavan’s hand with his own, Aydin sighed heavily, and a plume of blue smoke rose into the air. “So do I. I want you away from here. Safe. You’ll have to pretend to hate me, fear me, glad to see me gone. You understand?”

  Wriggling a little closer, Cavan nodded. “I understand. I’ll pretend you’re Gethin.” He traced his finger along Aydin’s forearm. “What do we do now?”

  “Are you hungry? You look so much thinner than your brother.” What Aydin really wanted was just to wrap his
body around Cavan and keep him safe.

  “I am a little. Feeding me isn’t a priority.”

  Moving the table aside, Aydin opened the door and peered out. A guard leaned against the wall, staring upward, lost in his own reverie.

  “Hey, you! I want food. Fresh fruit, vegetables, and bread. Bring some good, clean water, too.”

  “I’m not your servant—”

  Aydin took several steps toward the guard who’d turned to glower at him.

  “While Aydin is my guest, you’ll take his orders as if they were mine. Get the food as he wishes. So, was your …experience all you wished for?” Gethin smirked as he came into view behind the guard.

  Bowing deeply at his king, the guard shot Aydin a venomous glance, then hurried away.

  A slow, dark smile curved Aydin’s lips. “Indeed. I want to leave the púca here, to rest and eat. I’ll get more shells for you. I have some beauties I’m sure you’ll like.” Aydin glimpsed the gleam of anticipation in Gethin’s eyes. He held out his hands, indicating a size even bigger than the previous shell he’d gifted to the goblin. “You’ll soon be the envy of your peers.”

  “I look forward to seeing if reality matches, Aydin. Very well. The púca may remain here while you’re gone. I take it you’ll want a little more of my powder? It will enhance…performance as well as endurance.”

  Aydin licked his lips slowly, deliberately, smiling to himself as he watched Gethin’s eyes follow the movement. “A little more won’t hurt. But not just yet. The púca is exhausted. He needs to eat and regain his strength.”

  “Your concern for him surprises me.”

  Aydin allowed some of the glamour he still kept around him to shift, and took a perverse pleasure in seeing Gethin’s discomfiture.

  “I enjoyed him. I wish to do so again. If he lacks the strength to attempt to resist me, where’s the pleasure?”

  The fawning smile on Gethin’s lips turned Aydin’s stomach.

  “Ah, yes indeed. Now I see. Of course.”

  “While I’m gone getting your shells, I want your oath that the púca will be left here.” Aydin pointed at the room. “I don’t want him touched or bothered in any way.”


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