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Addiction Page 6

by Pelaam

  His infuriating smirk back in place, Gethin held up his hands. “Don’t fret, my friend. He may remain here and recover from his exertions. How many shells are we talking about?”

  The eager tone mage Aydin smile “I think I can promise that these shells will be all you could wish for. I’ll wait for the food and drink before leaving. I want to…encourage him.”

  “As you wish.” Gethin waved his hands airily and inclined his head before heading back the way he’d arrived.

  Staring after him, Aydin would have liked nothing better than to smash his fist, at his hardest, into the goblin’s smug face. But he was a professional. He had a job to do, and more than a simple case of drug manufacturing was a work here. If demons became addicted to the powder, they would soon be the slaves of goblins. Something that didn’t bear thinking of.

  Thankfully, for the present, Gethin was only concerned about lining his own pockets. But if knowledge of the drug spread, the demon world was at risk.

  Chapter Fourteen

  This dark night of the soul comes just before revelation.

  When everything is lost, and all seems darkness,

  Joseph Campbell

  Keeping his return to Quillon as brief as possible, Aydin’s mind was torn between Cavan, the mission, and how Sean fared back with the others. Picking up the special package he wanted, Aydin hurried to get back to Gethin’s palace. He was so focused on seeing Cavan again that as he came across the scene unfolding before him, he was too stunned to react.

  Instead he remained motionless for several seconds as his mind finally registered what he was seeing. Aydin watched as Sean struggled furiously in the grip of a couple of goblins as they attempted to drag him toward Gethin’s underground kingdom.

  Shock was quickly replaced by fury as one of the goblins slammed a fist into Sean’s stomach. His friend tried to bend over, but was held in place by the goblins, whose laughter was cruel and cold.

  With a bellow of rage Aydin thundered forward. The goblin who had struck Sean shrieked and ran, his hands flailing at his face, as Aydin spat fire at him. The stench of burned flesh hung heavy in the air. Not wanting to share the other warrior’s fate, the second goblin released Sean and started to run, but Sean had recovered enough to stick out a foot and trip him.

  Without hesitation, Aydin wrapped his hands around the goblin’s head and twisted. The sound of snapping bone finally assuaged his wrath. Taking no further notice of the goblin, Aydin went to Sean. Holding his friend’s upper arms, Aydin checked to make sure there were no obvious injuries.

  “You okay? What happened? Why did you come through the Blood Gate?”

  “I’m fine. It wasn’t from choice. Those goblins hid behind their glamour. That was bad enough. But they actually thought I was Lachlan. He was their target. They just got the wrong redhead.”

  “Why would Gethin be interested in Lachlan?”

  “I don’t know for sure. But I think that someone’s realised there’s a change in the relationship between him and Emer. The woman who runs the Swan’s Nest Inn is a nasty piece of work, and she hates Emer with a passion. She also takes delivery of at least three times as many paua shells than Emer.”

  A low growl reverberated in Aydin’s chest. “You think she’s the other supplier.”

  “I’m only going by instinct so far, but my gut feeling is that if she isn’t, she knows who is, and she’s involved in some way. Even if it’s no more than simply getting the shells.”

  Glancing back at the dead goblin, Aydin grimaced. “Give me a minute. I need to get rid of that.”

  He grabbed the corpse and took to the air. He couldn’t go far, and then swooped, a cold smile curving his lips. Flying low over a small pool, Aydin dropped the body. The weight of the armour the guard wore ensured the body sank. There was no guarantee it would remain hidden, but there was nothing else he could do. He circled and returned to Sean.

  “So you weren’t able to follow up on this woman?” Aydin rubbed the back of his head. “Pity. Look, I’ll take you back to the Blood Gate.” Vargr was no place for an unaccompanied human to wander around.

  “Thanks. Unfortunately, now that I’m here, Emer and Lachlan are going to worry, so the sooner I go— Aw, shit!”

  Turning to see what had caught Sean’s attention, Aydin hissed angrily at the sight of four goblin soldiers approaching cautiously. “Sorry, my friend.”

  “If you have a plan, go for it. I’m not a lot of use in Vargr.”

  Hating himself for what he had to do, Aydin hit Sean on the chin with a perfectly weighted punch. He caught Sean before his friend’s unconscious body could hit the floor, and threw him over his shoulder.

  One soldier came forward. “Lord Gethin ordered us to make sure you returned safely.”

  “How very generous of him. I’ll be sure to thank him. Is there a problem?” Aydin leaned forward, pressing his face close to the soldier, and huffed a cloud of smoke in his face.

  The soldier fell back a few steps, coughing and wiping at his eyes. “We’ll follow you.”

  Without a single glance at the other goblins, Aydin strode past them, their fear almost palpable. That was good. The more they feared him, the less likely they were to attack without direct orders from Gethin.

  Now all Aydin had to do was come up with a believable reason for the unconscious Sean that Gethin would buy, a way to keep his partner safe from the goblin lord, and get both Sean and Cavan safely away.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Weary with longing for the boy that still

  Remains a dream of loveliness—to fill

  My soul, my life, at Aphrodite’s will.


  The amber glow in Gethin’s eyes meant the goblin was angry. Now Aydin had three lives to protect. Not throwing away his own life was the only way to keep Cavan and Sean safe. He met Gethin’s glare levelly, keeping his feelings and emotions battened down.

  “Who’s he? Why have you brought a human here?” Gethin pointed at Sean’s inert form.

  “He’s mine.” Aydin dropped his voice to a deep, sibilant hiss. “I didn’t want him to see where I was bringing him. He less he knows, the safer he is, as am I. I also brought your gift.” Aydin set Sean down on the floor by his feet. As he did, he noticed the quick wink from his partner.

  Straightening up, Aydin slowly unfastened his pouch. “He’s a concubine of mine. I’m partial to humans, and he likes to serve me. I wanted to enjoy him and the púca. I can get more of these.” He held out the giant shell, satisfied with the wide-eyed look from Gethin as he took it. “I also brought these.” Aydin dangled two shell necklaces, one made of polished paua shell.

  Taking them carefully from Aydin’s hands, Gethin smiled at him. “They are as magnificent as you claimed. I’ll return with some more powder for you, and you may take your other concubine to meet the latest addition to your harem.”

  “Indeed? I thought you needed him.”

  Gethin waved a hand as he headed from the chamber. “I have a new way to keep his brother loyal to me. I should be hearing from a couple of my warriors soon. I’ll be glad to rid my palace of the half-breed.”

  The moment Gethin left, Sean sat up and glared at Aydin. “Concubine?”

  The tone of disgust from Sean made Aydin smile. “I couldn’t think of anything better on such short notice. This way he isn’t going to question my wanting to keep you with me.”

  “I guess not. Well, now we know Gethin knows of Emer and Lachlan. The question is, who told him? The guys aren’t revealing anything. As far as they’re concerned, only you and I know they’re in a relationship.”

  Aydin sighed. “The púca wears his heart on his sleeve. Anyone looking at him when he’s with Lachlan can see the love.”

  Pursing his lips, Sean nodded. “That’s a very small number. Emer rarely leaves his restaurant or his home. When we get out of here, I think we need to pay a visit to the Swan’s Nest Inn.”

thin’s coming back.”

  At Aydin’s warning, Sean rolled his eyes, swivelled around where he sat, so that he leaned with head pressed against Aydin’s thigh. Looking down at his friend, Aydin fought back a bark of laughter. Sean fluttered his eyelashes, but stuck out his tongue.

  Striding back into the chamber, Gethin’s eyebrows rose at the sight of Sean gazing up at Aydin. Barely glancing at Gethin, Aydin reached down to card his fingers through Sean’s hair and massaged his scalp.

  “He does indeed like to serve you.”

  There was a tinge of envy to Gethin’s tone, and Aydin smirked. “Yes. Now I’d like to introduce him to the púca.” He took the powder from Gethin and gently tugged at Sean’s hair. His friend rose gracefully to his feet but kept his eyes on Aydin.

  “Of course. Do you need an escort?”

  Sliding an arm around Sean’s waist, Aydin shook his head. “I remember the way. Thank you, Lord Gethin.” The last words almost stuck in Aydin’s throat, but the goblin lord smiled widely.

  “My pleasure, Aydin. Enjoy yourself, my friend.”

  Leaving the chamber, Sean leaned against Aydin, and kept his face averted. Apart from his distinctive red hair, no one in Gethin’s palace had seen Sean to identify him. Aydin admired his friend’s resourcefulness. If they needed to get out quickly, so long as they covered Sean’s hair, no one would recognise him.

  “Nearly there.” Aydin leaned his head toward Sean, and whispered. “Gethin had better have kept his promise to me, or I’ll shut down his operation by taking his head off.”

  “Cavan means that much to you?” Sean whispered back.

  “Yes. Yes he does.”

  Deep in conversation with Sean, Aydin unthinkingly entered the bedroom, his arm still around his partner. He instantly realised his mistake. The eager smile on Cavan’s face crumpled away, and his head and shoulders drooped.

  Tossing the key to Sean, Aydin rushed to the bed. Cavan didn’t resist as Aydin gently tipped his head up, but already tears slid down Cavan’s cheeks.

  “I know how that looked. But I swear to you, Sean is my WRAITH partner, nothing more. Please, believe me.”

  Cavan’s gaze shifted to Sean.

  “He means it. We’re work partners and friends. That’s it.”

  Despite his desire to just grab Cavan and hold him tightly, Aydin waited, wanting Cavan to come of his own choice.

  “Really?” Cavan’s voice was a husky whisper.

  “Really.” Aydin nodded. “I missed you.”

  The confession drew a wistful smile from Cavan. “I missed you, too. I thought you said your partner was with my brother?”

  “I was. Gethin sent two of his warriors to kidnap Lachlan, and got me instead. Aydin is passing me off as his human concubine.”

  Sean’s sour look made Aydin smile, and he was delighted to see Cavan smile, too.

  “So what do we do now?” Sean remained leaning against the door, his arms folded.

  “First things first.” Aydin leaned forward, and pressed a light kiss on Cavan’s lips. The púca looked shocked, then his cheeks flushed crimson, and he ducked his head. But his hand slid over Aydin’s. “Now, I don’t trust that fireplace.”

  Easing away from Cavan, Aydin headed to the fireplace, to be joined by Sean. They both peered carefully.

  “I can’t see anything.” Sean shook his head.

  “No.” Aydin’s voice was thoughtful. “That doesn’t mean there isn’t a secret entrance. It may be hidden from human eyes. He laid a hand on the top of the iron fender, stroking a large orb. He focused intensely, bringing all he demonic powers to bear. He felt something… a hint of power.

  “Do you have a plan?” Sean tapped Aydin’s arm.

  “I have to get you and Cavan out of here. I just need to work out how.”

  “I don’t want to leave without you.” Cavan slid from the bed and hurried to Aydin’s side.

  Wrapping his arm around Cavan’s slender body, Aydin hugged him gently. “And I don’t want you and Sean here, in danger, and potential hostages if things go badly. I killed one of Gethin’s warriors, the other, if alive, will be badly burned. That might be enough for Gethin to look a little more closely at the relationship between Sean and me if he’s found. I can’t assume I’ll get away with it.”

  “You think there’s a passage behind here?” Sean pointed at the hearth.

  “Yes.” Aydin nodded. “I just have to work out how to open it. Then you and Cavan can go through, and I’ll ignite the fire before following you. Then we have to hope that Gethin keeps the passageways clear, and that the passages are a secret he keeps close to his chest so that he can spy freely on his guests.”

  Bending down a little Aydin dropped a kiss to the top of Cavan’s head. “I’m glad to see Gethin provided better clothing for you.”

  “I suppose so.” Cavan wrinkled his nose as he gazed down at the red, almost translucent harem pants he wore.

  “I don’t want others looking at you.” Aydin wasn’t able to keep the possessiveness out of his voice, but Cavan simply leaned into him.

  “I only want your eyes to see me.”

  Aydin glanced around the room. “Sean, can you turn one of the sheets or the fur throw into some kind of wrap? Mainly to hide your hair.”

  “On it.” Sean headed over to the bed, pulling off the sheets and throw to try and disguise himself. Using the thinnest fur throw, Sean managed to turn it into a combination of turban and cape. The main thing was, it covered his trademark red-blond hair.

  “Good.” Aydin nodded at Sean’s success. “Now, let me see if this works.” Running his hands over the ornate black iron fender, Aydin tried to feel for just something that felt different. Sliding his fingers over the rails, he caressed one of the spiral tips. “Here,” He murmured the word aloud, feeling for what was needed. To push, pull, or twist, and hope there was no incantation required.

  A tortured groan accompanied him pulling the spire to a ninety-degree angle. Despite his wince at the noise, elation swept through Aydin as a portion of the wall behind the gate creaked slowly open.

  “I’ll go first.” Sean patted Cavan’s shoulder. “You keep an eye on the big guy, okay?”

  Cavan nodded, his expression earnest, and Aydin felt a surge of protectiveness and love for both men sweep through his body. Then he grimaced as the hidden tunnel illuminated the moment Sean stepped through.

  “It’s okay.” Sean called softly from the passage. “Nothing here except the light.”

  That much was a relief, and Aydin gently urged Cavan through next. He set the kindling ablaze with his flames, and easily located the switch to close the secret entrance. As the flames slowly vanished from view, Aydin hoped he and his friends weren’t hopping from the skillet pan into the flames themselves.

  Chapter Sixteen

  A courage so sublime and unafraid,

  It wears its sorrows like a coat of mail;

  And fate, the archer, passes by dismayed,

  Knowing his best barbed arrows needs must fail

  Ella Wheeler Wilcox

  Fortune appeared to be on their side. Aydin knew they were walking steadily uphill. Nothing had happened, and no one had appeared. Once he’d sent Sean and Cavan off through the Blood Gate back to Emer, he’d return to Quillon. If the woman back in the human world knew anything, WRAITH would soon find out.

  He stepped out into the forest behind Sean and Cavan. “Let’s get to the Blood Gate.” This time he led the way, but they didn’t get far before Gethin stepped out in front of Aydin.

  “Leaving so soon, Aydin? I rather think not.” Gethin waved his hand, and several warriors closed in on him.

  Glancing around, Aydin weighed up the odds. Not in their favour, but not insurmountable either. “I changed my mind about being a dealer.” He shrugged. “Is that a problem?”

  “I don’t know what you’re up to, Aydin, but something smells.” Gethin pointed at Sean. “My men went
to bring back a redhead human. One made it back, his face a burned ruin. And I have good intelligence that he was the man they brought. A human you claim is a concubine. You also picked a worthless púca half-breed. I doubt whether I’d get the truth from you. You might talk for the sake of the púca, but I think it’s far easier to just be rid of all of you.”

  Heading toward his palace, Gethin stopped, and looked over his shoulder. “I wouldn’t want it all to end too suddenly. That’s too easy an out for you. Kill them.”

  As the warriors closed in slowly, war yells and screeches ringing out, Aydin dispensed with even the vestigial remnants of glamour he’d kept up. With a bellow that shook the air, his features hardened, became sharper, and his skin turned grey as though he was carved from granite. His wings extended, and Aydin blew a mix of smoke and flame. He tossed his knife to Sean who, despite having been unarmed, stood beside him as they sought to protect Cavan.

  “When we attack, run as fast as you can. Go to the Blood Gate and get back to your brother. Tell him what we suspect about Jane.” Sean pointed Cavan in the direction of the Blood Gate.

  Standing slightly in front of his partner, Aydin looked down on his love and nodded. “Do it, Cavan. For me, if not for yourself. Sean and I have to do this, but I want you safe, and reunited with Emer.”

  “I want to be with you.” Cavan cried out.

  “I know. But I need you to make sure Gethin is stopped. If not, my people could end up slaves of the goblins. Please, Cavan.”

  His shoulders drooped, but Cavan nodded. “I know what that’s like. I’ll be back, though. To help.”

  “Thank you, my love.” Aydin used his sorrow to fuel his anger. If he and Sean were going to die, Aydin was going to make sure he took as many of Gethin’s soldiers as he could with them. He reached back to squeeze Sean’s hand. “I couldn’t have asked for a better partner.”


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