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Addiction Page 7

by Pelaam

  The squeeze was returned. “Fuck, I was going to buy myself a nice new suit since you’d want me as your Best Man.” Sean sighed heavily. “Same here, my friend.”

  The attempt at humour, despite the situation, was typical Sean, but his last words made Aydin even more determined to inflict heavy casualties among Gethin’s men. At least in that way, their replacements would benefit.

  “See you on the other side, man. Go, Cavan. Go. Go!” Sean yelled as he charged a couple of warriors to make a space for Cavan to get through.

  The sound of Sean’s urging tore like a dagger through Aydin’s heart. Sorrow made it hard for him to breathe, but he pushed aside his emotion.

  “Please, Cavan.” Aydin didn’t look back. He couldn’t. The sight would crush him. He knew there was no way that he and Sean could possibly defeat Gethin and his soldiers. Aydin didn’t want his last vision of his love to be Cavan leaving him. Even if it was for his own safety.

  With another bellow, Aydin whirled around and charged the attacking warriors. Flinging some aside, he spat fire and hot smoke at others, he even used his wings as weapons, their strength enough to send goblins tumbling in Aydin’s wake.

  He didn’t have time to see how Sean was faring. His partner was an expert in martial arts, but he was still a human battling goblins. For a few minutes, Aydin simply absorbed the blows struck by those goblins still alive when close enough to reach him. But even he wasn’t entirely impervious to repeated strikes.

  The meaning of Gethin’s words grew clear now. He could have simply overwhelmed Aydin and Sean with sheer numbers, but that would be too easy. Every time the number of goblins they fought battled reduced, another few replaced them. Gethin was toying with them.

  Raucous laughter behind Aydin made him turn simultaneously, slamming his wing into a couple of cautiously approaching goblins. A scream of primal grief tore free from his chest. Sean lay unmoving on the ground, blood oozing from his head and body.

  The goblin’s laughter became agonised death screams as blind fury consumed Aydin. Bursts of flame enveloped his friend’s killers. Whirling around, he charged into the advancing goblins. Fists and wings, fire and smoke, kicks, punches, and full body slams, Aydin used them all. As each adversary fell, Aydin deliberately stomped on them, prepared to settle for a maiming if he couldn’t be sure of an outright kill.

  Reinforcements came, but Aydin didn’t care. Sounds behind him slowly broke into his consciousness. The sounds of baying, and a rumbling roar grew closer, but Aydin didn’t allow himself to be distracted. Not until five huge black dogs burst into view.

  Or perhaps hounds from hell would be more apt.

  Disproportionately large heads, with slavering maws of sharp teeth, sat on solidly-muscled squat necks. Their bodies were coated with black, leathery skin, rather than fur, and their oversized paws ended in lethally sharp claws.

  Still reeling from their attack, Aydin was further stunned when a flight of arrows arced over his head, landing with eerie accuracy on the goblins farther back. Several figures burst through the foliage–Quillon and another demonic cousin, plus a small band of fae, their bows ready to release another flight of arrows. Last came someone Aydin would never have expected to see.

  “Aydin. Are you all right?” Lachlan ran to him, grabbing Aydin’s upper arm. “Man, you feel like granite.”

  Taking a moment to gather his reeling wits, Aydin glanced around. His cousins slashed and crushed their opponents, the dogs left a trail of savaged and bloodied bodies in their wake, and the fae were unerringly accurate with their arrows.

  The goblins, routed, ran back to the safety of their underground kingdom. Aydin’s gaze turned to Sean’s body. Just a few more minutes.


  The concern in Lachlan’s voice drew Aydin’s attention. He looked into his friend’s eyes. “I lost Sean.”

  Releasing him, Lachlan looked around and then hurried to where Sean lay. Aydin followed more slowly as Lachlan dropped to his knees to check Sean’s lifeless form.

  “He’s not dead.”

  Frozen in mid-stride, Aydin shook his head. He’d misheard, surely. “Not—?” He closed the space in three rapid steps and kneeled beside Lachlan. He placed his hand over Sean’s chest. His friend’s body bore several wounds in addition to that on his head, but Lachlan was right, Sean was alive. A hand on his shoulder alerted him to Quillon’s presence.

  “He lives?”

  “Yes. But he’s badly hurt.”

  “I’ll get one of my men to take him.” Quillon squeezed Aydin’s shoulder.

  “Men?” Aydin looked behind him. About a half-dozen fae headed toward them, flanked by the dogs, and his other cousin. He looked up, puzzled.

  A cold smile curved Quillon’s lips. “We received word you and Sean were in trouble. When those goblins get back to Gethin, they’ll find him already in our custody. Plus someone else of interest.”

  Before Aydin could reply, a heavily muscled man came from the direction of Gethin’s palace. Aydin recognised Dix, a Hunter, and nodded at him.

  “I’ll take him.” Dix held out his arms.

  One of the fae came over as Aydin slid his arms under Sean’s body. Aydin carefully handed his friend to Dix. “Take good care of him. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

  Dix nodded. “I will.”

  “I’ll go with them. In case protection is needed.” The fae didn’t wait for permission. His bow in his hand, he walked beside the Hunter.

  Aydin watched for a moment and turned back to Quillon “Good. It’s time to wrap this all up.” Aydin growled the words. “Cavan, Emer’s brother. Sean and I sent him to safety. Did you see him?”

  The smile on Quillon’s face became a full-fledged grin. “Don’t you recognise him, cousin?” He swept a hand toward the dogs.

  Frowning, Aydin looked over, and then gasped. The dogs rose up on their hind legs, their shapes morphing, until Cavan, Emer, and three other dark-haired men faced him. They were smiling, and almost before he could react, Cavan ran toward him. Aydin caught his love in a tight embrace, softening his rock-like body to ensure he didn’t hurt Cavan.

  “My parents and a couple of his friends were at the house when I got there. Then Lachlan and Emer arrived. My parents had received word Emer and I were in danger.”

  “And I received word that a kinsman of the fae was in danger.” The fae who’d stepped forward pointed at Lachlan. “My name is Dhanvin, and I’m a captain amongst my Lord Agron’s guards.”

  Looking over Cavan at Dhanvin, Aydin recognised the fae’s standing by the tattooing along his arm. In appearance he and all his men looked a similar indeterminate age, with long red hair, green eyes and pale skin. He was well aware they could be anything from several hundreds to several thousands of years old.

  “It’s like—”

  “We were summoned to help.” Quillon completed Aydin’s sentence.

  “Does it matter?” Cavan spoke up from Aydin’s chest. “You’re safe.”

  A discreet cough alerted Aydin to the presence of a smiling human woman. The other púcas were dressing, and she held out Cavan’s clothing. He nodded at Cavan and stood close to Quillon while his love dressed.

  “You were alerted. The púcas, even the fae. Who knew so much?”

  Quillon shook his head. “On the positive side, we now have additional allies. Lachlan isn’t descended from this particular fae tribe, but they consider all fae kinsmen, and an attack against one is an attack against all. With the púcas, their family and friends will rally. Púcas aren’t naturally aggressive. What we witnessed was the most extreme of their shifts, something almost never seen.”

  “I would never have believed Cavan or Emer capable of that.” Aydin jerked a thumb back in the direction of the carnage.

  “Apparently it’s only ever done in a group, and someone always remains unchanged nearby so that the aggressively animalistic nature of the beasts don’t take control. In this ins
tance, Cavan’s mother was the calming influence.”

  “Can we go home yet?” Cavan came and stood next to Aydin, looking up at him, his expression pleading.

  “You can if you wish.” Quillon patted Aydin’s shoulder. “But perhaps you would like to see this to its resolution.”

  “I would.” Aydin smiled at Cavan. “Then we can go home, my love.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  In spite of Virtue and the Muse,

  Nemesis will have her dues,

  Ralph Waldo Emerson

  Returning to Gethin’s palace with Quillon, Cavan, Lachlan and Emer, Aydin was surprised at the emptiness and stillness. A few demons and another Hunter patrolled around and nodded to them as they passed. Aydin turned to Quillon, his eyebrows raised.

  “Gethin’s no fool. He isn’t going to risk his own life. His people are simply confined to quarters, much like Gethin. All we need to do is neutralise any memories about the drug. My intention is to leave him with the memory that he was victim of a coup attempt, and that we just happened to be able to help him.”

  “Not that he’d remain grateful enough to us in the future.” Aydin snorted, sending a blue plume of smoke in the air.

  “True enough.” Quillon barked a grim laugh. “But the likes of Gethin are no more than foot soldiers in the greater conflict. Cannon fodder, as humans would call them.”

  They went through into Gethin’s lavish reception room. Several demons stood around guarding Gethin, who was devoid of his glamour. He still looked more refined than his warriors. His skin was smooth, and Aydin recognised the nobility in his features. But his real attention was elsewhere.

  His brows furrowed as he glared at Jane.

  “You.” Emer gasped the word.

  Nodding, Aydin patted his friend’s shoulder. “Makes sense.”

  The expression on Jane’s face turned to disgust as she looked from Gethin in his true form to Emer. Aydin felt ice slide down his spine. Her expression was one of pure venom.

  “You were meant to be taken away by them. With you gone, he would be mine.” Jane’s voice dripped hate as she waved at Aydin, and then pointed at Lachlan.

  “You little fool.” Gethin rose to his feet. “You ruined everything because you wanted one miserable human male? You could have had any with the riches I gave you.”

  “I wanted him.” Jane voice rose in pitch. “Fuck, I can’t even bear to look at you. That’s what you really look like? You’re disgusting. If you hadn’t gone after Lachlan, my plan would have worked. I would your only supplier, Emer would be in whatever these creatures use for a prison, and he would be mine.” Jane pointed at Lachlan.

  Resuming his glamour, Gethin waved a hand at her. “I recall many very enjoyable evenings we’ve shared since we first met, my dear.”

  The colour drained from Jane’s face.

  “Money wouldn’t have mattered. I don’t want a woman in my life. I wanted Emer, and now I have him.” Lachlan’s voice betrayed his own revulsion.

  “Don’t worry.” Quillon spoke up. “We’ll take care of everything. Emer, please take your brother and Lachlan back outside. What happens now is private.”

  “That’s fine by me. All I want is for my family to be safe.” Emer leaned against Lachlan, his left arm around Cavan’s shoulders.

  “I can assure you, we’ll take appropriate measures to ensure that.” Quillon folded his arms and waited for them to leave.

  Going to his cousin, Aydin whispered into Quillon’s ears. When he stood back, Quillon’s smile was grim as he nodded.

  “Seems fitting enough to me. Gethin, you and I are going to have a private chat. Aydin, I’ll leave you with the woman for a few minutes. I’m sure you’d like to explain to her just what she can expect.”

  “Just what does that mean? I’m not guilty of anything illegal back home, and I’m not responsible for what Gethin did with the ground shell I gave him.”

  Jane stood with her hands on her hips, and her lips curved in a parody of a smile. Aydin felt an almost overwhelming desire to wipe that smile from her face.

  “But you aren’t back home. You’re here, in Vargr, and the drug you prepared for Gethin is dangerous here. I have every right to lock you up and throw away the key. Like Quillon, I’m a member of WRATH. That’s my job. To neutralise dangers to this world, and that of the human race.”

  The smile on Jane’s face faltered. “You’re bluffing.”

  “No. I’m not.” This time Aydin smiled, a curve of his lips bereft of warmth or humour. He watched with satisfaction as Jane’s eyes grew round, and her mouth opened and closed, but no sound escaped. She started to tremble, but Aydin felt no pity. An image of Sean’s bloodied body was forefront in his mind.

  “Because of you, a much loved friend almost died here today. Because of you, kinsmen of mine will have to suffer while the effect of that drug is purged from their bodies. You didn’t care about anything or anyone other than yourself. You’re a self-centred, cold-hearted bitch, and you deserve all you’re going to get.”

  “You can’t do anything to me.” Jane shrieked and darted forward, pummelling her fists uselessly against Aydin’s chest.

  Grabbing her wrists, Aydin held her away from his body. She’d only hurt herself, and Aydin’s conscience wouldn’t let her continue with her futile attack. He bent forward until his face was millimetres from hers.

  “You won’t be hurt. You won’t even be put into a prison. We’ll ensure all the memories you have about the drug, every one, are neutralised.”

  “Then you’ll send me home?”

  Relaxing so that Aydin released her, Jane then took a step back. She didn’t meet Aydin’s stare. Instead her gaze darted from side to side, and Aydin could almost hear the wheels turning in the woman’s mind. He shook his head, and her eyes grew wide once more.

  “You’ve enjoyed Gethin’s company before. He’ll be more than happy with an addition to his harem.”

  “You can’t leave me here. Not with…with that thing. You can’t. You can’t.” Her voice grew to a screech, and she clawed at Aydin.

  With a shove, Aydin pushed her into the arms of one of the demonic guards. “Yes, I can.”


  Outside the reception room, Aydin waited for Quillon. “All done?”

  “Yes.” Quillon slapped Aydin’s back. “With his glamour in place, the human woman was fawning all over Gethin when I left. Of course, he has no reason to keep his true body hidden once we leave, and she’ll also discover that he has several other human women he shares his bed with. Somehow I don’t think she’ll be so happy then.”

  “I’m counting on it. Life as a goblin’s concubine will suit her.”

  Laughing, they draped their arms around one another’s shoulders and headed outside. As soon as Aydin saw Cavan standing with Lachlan and Emer, he held out his arms, delighted when his love ran to him, hugging him hard.

  “Now can we go home?” Cavan asked.

  Bending down, Aydin claimed Cavan’s lips, thrusting his tongue past his love’s lips, and heard a soft sigh of pleasure. He eased back, and smiled. “Yes. We can go home now.”

  With a smile that lit up his face, Cavan grasped Aydin’s hand and led him to where his parents stood.

  “This is my mom and dad, and this is Aydin. He saved me.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you. I may suffer from wanderlust, but I love my sons.” Cavan’s father reached to squeeze his son’s shoulder.

  “And to meet you both.” Aydin tilted his head slightly. “It’s my intention to take Cavan to see my home.” He looked between his love’s parents.

  “I’m sure he’ll like that very much.” Cavan’s mother stepped forward. Laying her hands on Aydin’s shoulders, pecked a kiss on his cheek.

  “If you need to contact me, do it through Emer. We’ll be visiting him often. Won’t we?”

  There was no way Aydin could refuse Cavan’s beautiful, pleading gaze. He cupped C
avan’s cheek. “We will indeed, my love.”

  Hugging and kissing his parents, Cavan followed Aydin over to Emer and Lachlan. Aydin waited while his love hugged both men.

  “We’ll visit you,” Aydin promised as he, too, hugged the couple.

  “Let us know about Sean.” Lachlan laid his hand on Aydin’s arm. “They were after me, weren’t they?”

  With a heavy sigh, Aydin nodded. “Yes, and I will.”

  “You and Sean, when he’s well enough, are welcome to visit any time you wish.” Emer hugged Aydin again. “Thank you for rescuing my brother.”

  “I rather think it was he, and your family, who rescued me.” Aydin smiled down at Cavan, he was looking forward to going home, and even more so with Cavan. He looked up and hissed a worried sigh. There was one dark shadow that hovered over him. Just how badly hurt was Sean?

  Chapter Eighteen

  For love, after all, Is the purpose of life;

  The purpose of struggle, And turmoil and strife.

  If somebody loves you, Why worry and sigh?

  For love we are living, And love cannot die.

  Edgar Guest

  Reaching Lachlan’s farm, Emer busied himself getting a shower, and then stepped in the kitchen while Lachlan checked on and fed his stock. Performing the mundane tasks after the events during the last couple of days caused Emer to laugh a little shakily. He’d think it all a dream, apart from his bandaged forearm. He couldn’t really ignore a sword wound.

  He wasn’t looking to make anything fancy. Just some basic comfort food, so he chose to do his personal favourite of macaroni and cheese. While Emer waited for the pasta to cook, he lit the oven. Then he made a basic roux, added a generous portion of cheese, a dollop of mustard and a sprinkling of black pepper.

  Spying some bacon in the fridge, he fried it and then combined everything into a greased dish. Another sprinkling of cheese, and Emer put the dish in the oven. Slicing some bread thickly, Emer melted some butter, and added crushed garlic and oregano, then dipped the sliced bread in the mix. Finally he laid it on a baking tray and put it into the oven.


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