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Crazy About Curves: 10 Luscious Reads

Page 6

by Adriana Hunter

  “I want you, Lainey. Now. Like I’ve never wanted anything else.”

  His words created a throbbing deep inside her, awakening a need to be taken by this man, to have him ignite the passion and lust and arousal she’d held in check for so long. Her body cried out for him, urgent and all-consuming.

  “I want you too, Gideon.” The conviction in her voice surprised her. It had been so hard with Scott, asking for what she wanted. But here, with Gideon, the words came readily to her lips.

  She turned, her arms around his neck, pulling him down to her mouth. She kissed him hard, her body pressed against his. His cock rested against her stomach, hard and hot, and she pressed herself against him, forcing her hips forward. Gideon grunted against her mouth, his hips answering her movement, his cock sliding against her wet skin. With a rough gasp, he broke away.

  “Come here.” His voice was a barely contained growl. Grabbing her hand, he pulled her quickly beneath the waterfall. The light was green and wavy, and she realized there was a small cave behind the falls, the large rocks ringing a shallow pool.

  Hands on her waist, Gideon spun her around, guiding her a few steps toward a large boulder. Pushing her forward, he grabbed her hips and she bent forward, hands on the rock. Immediately he pressed himself against her. Slowly, he slid his cock against her ass and she gasped, spreading her legs in a clear invitation. But he continued to tease her, sliding himself between her legs, against the insides of her thighs, over and over, teasing her with the promise of all he had to offer.

  Anticipation built inside Lainey, the longing, the want becoming stronger, almost unbearable. Shifting in Gideon’s grip, she arched her back in a clear invitation, aching to feel him inside her, filling her. As if sensing what she wanted, he pulled back, his touches feather light, barely brushing against her. It was a whole new sensation, a burning building with each touch until she couldn’t stand it.

  Twisting her head, she looked at him over her shoulder.

  “Gideon, stop teasing me. Please...”

  “Please?” Gideon slid his hands back, his fingers caressing her ass, moving down to the backs of her thighs. “I don’t think I’ve heard you say please, or ask for anything, since I met you.”

  She was breathing hard, her frustration taking over.

  “Oh, for God’s sake, fuck me, Gideon. Please...”

  His eyes blazed and he pulled her back so hard she lost her grip on the rock, staggering against him. But he grabbed her by the waist and steadied her, fingers sunk into her flesh.

  Lainey cried out as he pushed into her wet heat, his cock sliding home, one long stroke that left her gasping. Closing her eyes, she tipped her head back as Gideon ground his hips against her ass.

  “Is that what you wanted?” He leaned over her back, his breath scorching her neck.

  “Yes. Oh, God. Yes.”

  “And you want more?” His hand slid up her waist, fingers kneading one breast, rolling the hard nipple between his fingers. She moaned as he pinched the nipple, an electric jolt traveling straight through her, straight to her core.

  “Yes, more. All of it...all of you.” She breathed the words, her voice low.

  “Say please again.” His voice growled out the words, his lips caressing her neck, chest warm against her back.

  “You want me to beg?” As she turned her head back, he caught her lips with his, his tongue lashing against hers.

  “Maybe later...on your knees.”

  Before she could answer, he grabbed a handful of her hair, dragging her head back as he straightened, pulling his cock back. His hips flexed forward sharply, driving himself further into her, further than she could have imagined. His other hand slid down her body between her legs, found her swollen clit, and rolled it between his fingers.

  From then on she was totally at his mercy, pinned between his hands, impaled on his cock as he drove it into her over and over. Every nerve in her body came alive at his touch, her body taking on a life of its own as he thrust into her.

  Lainey’s emotions and the sensations Gideon created in her body spiraled higher and higher until the moment everything came together at that perfect place. She hung there for a long moment and then she broke, her body jerking and shuddering in Gideon’s grasp.

  “Come for me, Lainey. Come on, baby.” He was right there with her, his breath rasping in her ear, thrusting hard as he came, his heat matching hers.

  Lainey went limp in Gideon’s arms, breathing hard. From a distance, she could hear Gideon’s final sounds, his grunts and sharp cries as his body wound down from his climax. He finally released her hair and she let her head fall forward.

  Gideon hugged her to him briefly as he slipped out of her then turned her to face him, pulling her against his chest, his hands gently caressing her back.

  “Lainey...oh, man. You felt so good.” His lips found hers, his kiss deep and lingering as they stood in the fading light behind the waterfall.

  “We need to find some kind of shelter.”

  He’d taken her back beneath the waterfall, washing her with the cool falling water, surprising her with his gentleness. For a moment, she felt closer to him than she had all day.

  She’d climbed up on the rocks while Gideon took her wet muddy clothes back beneath the waterfall, rinsing the mud out of them the best he could. He came back, handing her the dripping garments.

  “They’re still wet, but they’re clean. I can offer you my t-shirt till your stuff dries, but that’s about it.”

  Lainey nodded. “The shirt would be great. I think I can manage with that.”

  Gideon handed her his shirt and she pulled it over her head. It smelled like Gideon and she closed her eyes, drawing a deep breath. A tingle ran through her, the fire she’d felt behind the waterfall flaring quickly again.

  “There’s a ledge over there where we can hole up for the night.” Gideon scanned the surrounding jungle. “I’m not sure I can make a fire, and I’m not sure I want to. The smell of the smoke might attract attention. And anything we could use as fuel is probably soaking wet.”

  Lainey found a flat rock and sat down at the edge of the stream, trying in vain to pull the wet knots from her hair. She was wearing Gideon’s t-shirt, but at least she felt moderately clean. And the mud was out of her hair, even if it was a tangled rat’s nest.

  “How close are we to Aiden?” Lainey wrung out her clothes, trying to get the worst of the water out of them. Gideon was standing a few feet away. Her eyes lingered over the broad shoulders and muscular arms. The tattoo she’d seen earlier was visible, something vaguely military.

  “A couple miles, no more. From what Francesca told me, they’re not active in the area, not doing active raids. It seems like they stumbled on Aiden, took the opportunity to grab him, and now don’t really know what to do with him.”

  “That’s a good thing then, right? They won’t be so eager to hurt him.”

  Gideon shook his head, brows quirked. “I’m not so sure. Maybe. Or...” His voice trailed off, his face clouded.

  “Or? You can say it. I want to know what you think.”

  “Or they’ll be more eager to get rid of him...and that doesn’t mean letting him go. He’s a liability. People disappear in the Petén all the time.”

  Lainey’s face went numb and she wrapped her arms around her knees. She stared at the waterfall, not really seeing it or hearing the musical sound of the water. At some point she was aware Gideon had walked a few feet away. Somewhere deep inside she wanted comfort, but she didn’t know how to ask. And Gideon didn’t strike her as the warm fuzzy type. She hugged her knees tighter then drew a deep breath, straightening. This wasn’t the time to fall apart. Her brother was still out there, and she was here with the man who was going to get him out. Forcing back the negative thoughts about Aiden, she looked up at Gideon.

  “So what do we eat? If we don’t have a fire, how can we cook food?”

  “I have MREs. They’re not the tastiest, but it will fill you up. They’re sor
t of self-heating.” Gideon walked over to where she sat and stood beside her, pointing toward an outcropping of rocks. “Let’s head up there, see what we can find.” He hoisted the duffel and held out his hand, pulling Lainey up from rocks.

  “It’s getting dark, watch...”

  She punched him in the arm. “Yeah, I know. Watch my step. You know, I’m really not that clumsy. I’m a good dancer.”

  “No doubt.” He glanced at her. “Let’s find shelter. I don’t want to be out here in the dark.”

  Lainey sighed; Gideon was back in mercenary mode. He moved off around the edge of the pool, following the outcropping that created the waterfall. A short distance away, the rocks created a shallow ledge with a space underneath. Lainey peered into the darkness as Gideon ducked beneath the edge of the rocks.

  A light flash briefly, dimmed, and then disappeared completely. Goosebumps prickled her skin despite the heat. A sudden wave of loneliness washed over her, an overwhelming sense of being alone. Looking up, she was surprised to see stars overhead.

  “Lainey.” Gideon’s voice startled her, and she jumped. “Come on. It’s a fairly dry place.”

  He turned and she reached out, her hand on his back. Stumbling, she followed him as he moved with feline grace over the rocks and tree roots.

  “Watch your head.”

  She ducked beneath the edge of the rocks and stopped. The light flicked on again, illuminating the space. The floor was sand and rocks, the area extending much further than she thought.

  “Are there animals back there? Snakes?” She took a step backward, tripping over a rock. Gideon reached out, grabbing her elbow.

  “I didn’t see any.”

  Lainey let out a breath.

  “But I can’t guarantee something won’t come in during the night. Particularly if we eat.”

  “Oh. Yeah.” She took a hesitant step forward. “At least it’s dry. But no fire?”

  Gideon shook his head. “It’s a little risky but even so, there’s no fuel.”

  “Well, at least it’s not cold.”

  Gideon dumped the duffel on the ground. “Yeah, at least your brother didn’t head off to the Artic.” He looked around the space, pointing to a flat area.

  “Let’s move some of these smaller rocks over there, clear a space to sleep. You do that and I’ll deal with the MREs.” He handed her a second flashlight.

  Lainey nodded. Near the back of the space was an area with several small rocks strewn across the floor. Once the rocks were moved, the area was big enough for both of them to lie down. She took a minute to spread her damp clothes on some of the cleaner rocks, hoping they’d dry in the humid air. Gideon was preparing the MREs and she sat on a rock, watching him work.

  “Here.” Gideon sat down beside her, handing her a spoon and a packet of something hot that smelled like chicken. She sniffed, dipped the spoon into the packet, and took a tentative taste.

  “No criticizing the cooking...or the cook.” Gideon had his head down, stirring his MRE. He took a mouthful of food, chewing for a moment. “It’s not gourmet or even really edible, but it packs well and it’s easy to make.”

  Gideon looked up and sputtered a laugh. Lainey was eagerly scooping up food, already scraping the bottom of the pouch. As he watched, she licked the spoon clean. Finally she looked at him, wide-eyed.

  “What? It’s not that bad. Is there any more?”

  “Here.” Gideon tossed her a package of crackers before he took another mouthful of food. He watched as Lainey tore the package open. The crackers were gone in minutes.

  “Nice to see a girl with an appetite.” He gathered up the empty packages, stuffing them into a plastic bag, which disappeared into the depths of his duffel.

  “We should get some sleep. The duffel is what I usually use for a pillow. I think we can share if you’re okay with that.”

  For a moment, Lainey sensed something tentative in Gideon, a hesitancy that surprised her. He stuck the flashlight into the sand, its beam casting a circle on the rocks above them.

  “Yeah, that’ll work.”

  “I’ll just take out some stuff...” He reached inside, pulling out two pistols and a long knife in a sheath, laying them on the sand beside him. Lainey had heard the metallic clank and rattle every time Gideon dropped the duffel, but actually seeing Gideon handle them had her heart in her throat. He was going to use those to get Aiden, and there was a distinct possibility someone might get hurt. She just prayed it wouldn’t be Aiden or Gideon. Or her.

  Gideon laid the duffel bag on the sand then sat down next to Lainey. He looked at her for a moment, eyes searching her face, before he reached out to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear.

  “You okay? You’re quiet all of a sudden.”

  “’s just...” She cast a sidelong glance at the guns. “It’s real all of a sudden.” Tears welled up in her eyes and she dropped her head.

  “Come here.” Gideon’s voice was soft and he reached out, pulling her down onto the sand. He reached above his head, switching off the lone flashlight. The darkness was immediate and overwhelming. She tried unsuccessfully to choke back a sob. In the dark, Gideon’s arms went around her, drawing her against his body.

  “Lainey...I can’t tell you it’s going to be okay. That would be giving you false hope. But I can tell you that I’m going to do everything I can to get Aiden and make sure he’s okay.”

  “I know.” She rubbed a hand across her face. “It’s hard...I’m out of my element. Totally.”

  His soft laugh echoed in their little cave. “Yeah. You are.”

  Lainey wanted comfort, wanted to push back the thoughts crowding her mind. The only way she could get that comfort was from the man lying beside her. A twinge of guilt ran through her; she was using him for her own purposes. But somehow she didn’t think Gideon would mind. He seemed only too willing beneath the waterfall.

  Slowly she ran her hands along Gideon’s bare chest, fingers brushing over his hard nipples. His arms tightened around her, one hand slipping beneath the edge of the t-shirt. Her body responded, hips rolling forward, throwing one leg over his hip.

  Shifting his weight, he cradled her against his chest, one arm beneath her, the other sliding between her legs, gently caressing the inside of her thigh. The sensation of his fingers against her drove any other thoughts out of her mind. Every nerve in her body was instantly alive, arousal hovering just beneath the surface.

  Reaching down, Lainey undid the buttons on Gideon’s pants, slipping her hand inside. He was already hard, and she wrapped her fingers around him. Tucking her head against his shoulder, she smiled at his deep moan of pleasure as she began slowly stroking his length.

  His fingers dipped into her hot wetness, at first gently circling, lightly stroking. Her body reacted, her hips moving in time with his movements. But this time, instead of teasing her, he began thrusting into her, deeper each time, fingers twisting, as if he was searching for something. And then he hit some magic spot and her hips jerked forward, a sharp cry on her lips.

  “Jackpot.” She could hear the smile in his voice.

  Her hand faltered against him, every fiber of her being concentrating on the sensations Gideon was creating in her body. “Gideon...”

  “Shhhh...just enjoy.”

  Back arching, she gave in to whatever it was he was doing to her. Her body shuddered in his arms, head tilted back, mouth open.

  Everything spiraled out of control, her body jerking in time to his thrusts. She didn’t think she had ever felt anything as intense as what he was doing to her. Suddenly she arched back, her hands against Gideon’s chest, crying out, her body overwhelmed with the ecstasy flooding through her.

  “Lainey...” She heard Gideon’s voice from a distance, became aware of his arms around her again.

  “You okay?” He was rocking her gently, brushing the hair back from her forehead. His lips brushed against her skin, lingering along her hairline, moving down, nuzzling her neck.

I am.” And she realized she was. At least her body was relaxed, the aftershocks of her climax still ebbing and flowing through her body. The voices in her mind, for the moment, had been pushed back.

  Gideon held her gently but there was no disguising his arousal, his need. She ran her hand across his chest, her fingers skimming over the hard muscles. She lingered a moment over a small defect in all that smooth taut skin, a ragged hole in his shoulder. Bullet wound, she thought.

  His hand covered hers, gently stopping her explorations. He pulled her hand lower, down over his stomach, releasing her as her hand brushed against his erection. He was hard and at her touch, his hips moved forward and he breathed a low moan against her skin.

  As her fingers tightened around his cock, he slid a hand beneath the t-shirt. He found her breast, caressing it at first, then increasing the pressure until he was kneading her flesh. She arched against his hand and he lifted his head, his mouth finding hers, tongue flicking across her lips.

  His moans intensified as she ran her hand lower, cupping his balls, teasing him with her fingers. Shifting his weight, he tried to roll on top of her, forcing his leg between her knees, but she put her hand on his chest, pushing against him. He broke away from their kiss, breathing hard.

  “No so fast. You don’t always get everything your way.”


  “Shut up.”

  He resisted only a little as she forcefully pushed him onto his back, quickly straddling his hips. With one hand she grasped him, wrapping her fingers around his thick shaft. In the hot dark, she lowered herself, rubbing him against her body. His hips flexed upward, his hands on her hips, forcing her down, trying to bring the two of them together. But she leaned forward, one hand resting beside him, the other holding his erection tightly just out of reach of her body. Being in the dark was slightly infuriating; she wanted to see Gideon’s face, see the passion in his eyes. Watch him watching her. But the dark made her braver than she felt, the sense of control almost as intoxicating as the feel of Gideon’s hard body beneath hers.


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