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Planet DAN-X34

Page 11

by Lamees Alhassar

  “Yes, Richard. We have always known about them. But at the point when we handed it over to you they had been gone for a long while. In fact, we thought that they had relocated from that galaxy or maybe become extinct,” Intaaku said.

  “You see, our main objective for owning this planet was to get the gold. That was all that mattered to us,” Nevoaru said.

  “I don’t seem to understand you. Why do you need the gold so desperately?” Richard asked.

  “That too should be obvious to you by now, Mr. Daniels. So that we can offer it in exchange for other planets. With the gold in our possession, we can easily enter into any business dealing and get even more planets,” Joseeba replied.

  “So you planned on using the gold to get more planets?” Richard asked.

  Intaaku nodded. “Exactly, Richard. But our major problem was that we could not extract the gold. And that was why we gave the planet to you, because we knew that you could come up with a way to extract it.”

  Richard sighed. “Well, you can see that I was already far from discovering this before the invasion. Right now, extraction of the gold should be the least thing on my mind.”

  “We know, Richard. And that is why we are offering to help you with what is now bugging your mind. We are going to help you with the giants,” Nevoaru said.

  Richard’s eyes brightened up. “Really? Just like that? But I thought you said you were businesspeople and never engaged in fights of any kind?”

  “Don’t worry about that for now, Mr. Daniels. Just note that we are now willing to help you with the giants. But in exchange for whatever assistance we will render to you, we want the gold on your planet,” Joseeba said.

  "Really? Okay. That sounds wonderful. See, if you help me with the giants, I am going to give you my word that I will work hard at finding a way to extract the gold. And when I do, I am going to give you 10 percent of everything we extract on that planet,” Richard said.

  Intaaku shook his head. "No, Richard. Ten percent is too small. We want much more. Make it 40 percent.”

  “Did you say 40 percent? But that is too much! Okay, how about we make it 25 percent?” Richard said.

  “30 percent,” Joseeba said.

  Richard rubbed his chin. “Okay. You’ll get 30 percent of the gold.”

  “Okay, Mr. Daniels. We have a deal,” Intaaku said.

  Richard nodded. “It’s a deal.”

  Nevoaru nodded. “That is perfect. Now, from what you said about what happened on your planet DanX34, it is obvious that you did not know about the gates to your planet. And this was what enabled them to gain unfettered access into your planet.”

  “Wait, wait, wait,” Richard said. “What gates are you talking about?”

  “You don’t know about the gates to your planet?” Joseeba asked.

  Richard shook his head vehemently. “I am sorry, but what is that supposed to mean?”

  “Every planet has gates that aliens and invaders like the Tarvians can easily use to get through to it,” Intaaku said.

  “Gates?" Richard repeated. “What kind of gates?”

  “It is an intergalactic pathway which can connect planets to other galaxies and other universes. And depending on the type of planet, there could be more than just one gate. For instance, your Planet Earth here has a huge number of gates,” Joseeba said.

  “Gates on Planet Earth? You mean our Planet Earth has intergalactic gates of its own?” Richard asked.

  Nevoaru nodded. “Yes. Your planet has its own gates; several of them, actually.”

  “Where are they located?” Richard asked.

  “On Earth and in most planets, they are embedded within pyramids,” Joseeba replied.

  “Pyramids? You mean Earth’s gates are situated in our pyramids? That is strange. How come no one has ever seen aliens coming through them?” Richard asked.

  “You may have never seen any aliens coming through them in recent times, but there was a time when this was the norm. That was a very long time ago, much before your present civilization. In that period, aliens like the giant Tarvians and others were always invading Earth. With determination and ingenuity, the people of Earth fought them off and succeeded. Since then, no alien has dared to invade Earth again,” Nevoaru said.

  “So you are telling me that we are no longer experiencing any type of external aggressions from invaders and aliens because we were able to defeat them?” Richard asked.

  “Yes, but not just defeat them. The people of Earth equally made sure that they kept them all out by shutting the gates into Earth,” Intaaku added.

  “So you are saying that the pyramids contain the gates of most planets. And that by keeping those gates closed, all the aliens and invaders will effectively be shut out?” Richard clarified.

  “Not exactly, Mr. Daniels. You see, the gates are designed to keep any type of invader out of a host planet. However, aliens like us are screened and permitted by the gates to come into the planet in question. This is because we do not come with ulterior motives and are always going to leave. That is how we are able to come and leave at will, Richard. That is how we are able to meet with you,” Joseeba said.

  “Wait, are you saying that other aliens still come into Earth through the pyramids?” Richard asked.

  Nevoaru nodded. “They do. And they leave once they have completed their mission, which, in the first place, must not be an ulterior one. Otherwise, the gate in your pyramid will have blocked them from coming into Earth in the first place.”

  Richard shook his head vigorously. “My. This is really some very deep stuff. I cannot believe that this same Earth on which a lot of conflicts are ongoing was once the destination of invaders and aliens alike.”

  “Yes, Richard. It is a well-known fact all over the universe. In the past, your Earth was always raided by thieves, rogues, and other hostile alien forms who were fond of raiding it for its abundant resources of food crops and minerals. But in those days, the people of Earth were always winning. And with the gates now locked, Earth is no longer experiencing any attacks,” Intaaku said.

  “So, my planet Dan-X34 has three gates?” Richard asked.

  “Yes, Richard. The gates on your planet are embedded in the pyramid-like structures. And through these gates you can actually travel to other planetary bodies within and outside your universe,” Nevoaru said.

  “Okay. But how do we tackle these giants?” Richard asked.

  “Everything must be done to ensure that when the Tarvians are fought, the news of the battle gets spread all across the universe in such a way that other invaders are kept at bay and will refuse to come to your planet in the future,” Joseeba said.

  “Why go through all that trouble? Can’t they just be eradicated and obliterated once and for all?” Richard asked.

  “Look, Mr. Daniels. What we are trying to let you know is that it is impossible to destroy the Tarvians. The only way to keep them completely off your planet is through fear and intimidation,” Intaaku said.

  “Fear and intimidation?” Richard repeated.

  Joseeba nodded. “In other words, through the use of the fear of defeat, the Tarvians can be prevented from returning to your planet.”

  “But how can I get them to be afraid when it is me and my men who are scared beyond words?” Richard asked.

  “Don’t worry about that, Mr. Daniels. You made mention of your people being chased away from the planet, right?” Joseeba asked.

  Richard nodded. “Yes. We were all literally frightened and I had to give the order for everyone to leave there immediately.”

  “This means that in your absence, there is every probability that even more Tarvians will have gained access into your planet already,” Intaaku added.

  “More of them already? My goodness. What is going on?” Richard asked.

  “Usually, whenever the Tarvians raid a planet, they will chase away its inhabitants. Once this is accomplished, they will then return in their hundreds to plunder the planet and take anything they
desire before settling down on that planet to live as its new inhabitants,” Joseeba said.

  “What? They will treat it as their own? Do you mean that they treat any captured planet like a kind of store or reserve to which they will return from time to time, and even convert it completely to theirs?” Richard asked.

  “Exactly, Mr. Daniels,” Nevoaru said.

  “In that case, what would you advise me to do here?” Richard asked. “You all know that this is clearly daylight robbery. Those giants—Tarvians—robbed me of the planet that I bought from you!”

  “Richard, you will have to hire an army to fight the Tarvians,” Nevoaru said.

  “Hire an army to do what? From where?” Richard asked.

  “The hired army will repel the Tarvian threat. And there are many places in this galaxy from where such armies can be hired,” Intaaku said.

  “Intergalactic mercenaries?” Richard asked. “I don’t believe this. And they can deal with the giants?”

  “Yes. These armies will be able to fight against the Tarvians, but not completely destroy them. However, the armies will be able to instill sufficient fear into them to force them to run away and tell the tale of their own defeat,” Joseeba said.

  “So you are saying that I will need intergalactic mercenaries? Where am I going to get those from?” Richard asked.

  “We will guide you on how to gain access to the best mercenaries in the universe. You, on the other hand, will have to choose the most appropriate set of mercenaries for your problem,” Nevoaru said.

  “I just hope that I will not have to deal with various teams. I hope that just one team will be able to coordinate the entire tasks ahead,” Richard said.

  “Races, not teams, Richard,” Intaaku said. “The armies are going to be from races amongst other planets.”

  “Okay, armies and mercenaries from other races that are not human, races from other planets, right? Is this even legal? I mean, under planetary laws and statutes, is it legal to engage with mercenaries?” Richard asked.

  “Of course, yes, Richard,” Joseeba replied. “Whatever you do in order to preserve the territorial integrity and sovereignty of your planet is supported by interplanetary and galactic laws and statutes. Besides, the Tarvians are well-known aggressors and invaders who do not have any respect for any laws whatsoever. So, in this case, you actions are justified, Richard.”

  “Well, that should be some relief, shouldn’t it? What I need to know is where do I get access to these mercenaries?” Richard asked.

  “We will not bore you with too many details about the dark places in the universe where such races exist,” Intaaku said. “We will give you a shortlist of just four planets where you can find what you are looking for.”

  “Four planets?” Richard repeated.

  Joseeba nodded. “Yes, Richard. Each of these four races is very powerful, and they have the right capabilities for combating the Tarvians. Once you get to meet with them and state your mission, all you will have to do is negotiate with them for the services that they will provide to you. Finally, you make your selection and decide on your choice.”

  “I see. Well, I guess you should give me a kind of communication device which will make communicating with these four races easier. And maybe a kind of introduction so that they will be expecting my arrival as well. Besides, how am I supposed to pay them when the deal is secured?” Richard asked.

  “For the introduction, that will not be necessary. We are going to provide you with the necessary coordinates to each of those planets. They are mercenaries, not invaders. So they are always on the lookout for visitors who will obviously come to hire them for their services. And for payment, each race will probably want a different thing. In most cases, they will want something that you can offer. Their requests are not unreasonable. Considering your business skills, you can easily handle that aspect without much stress,” Nevoaru said.

  “In other words, I am supposed to meet with these people on my own and without your presence?”

  “You remember what we told you earlier, Richard? You are the sole owner of the planet, and we are just businesspeople. We are willing to render assistance to you, but it will be in exchange for the gold on your planet,” Joseeba said.

  “No problem. I will contact you in case things don’t go the way I expect them to,” Richard said.

  Nevoaru then clapped, and a white tablet appeared out of thin air. It was in the shape of a small handheld computing device. Nevoaru pointed at it and directed it towards Richard.

  The tablet floated in the air and glided towards Richard. When it was before Richard, he reached up and grabbed it.

  “The coordinates of the four planets are contained in this tablet,” Nevoaru said. “Once you are in your preferred means of transportation, you turn it on from the side and it will interact with your transport device by overriding its navigational systems and will take you to each destination.”

  “I see. It will do this automatically?” Richard asked.

  “Exactly, Richard,” Joseeba replied. “You do not have to do anything to it. In addition, it is going to enable you to locate the gate on your planet, which will enable you to make use of the gate to get to the first planet where the mercenaries reside.”

  Richard’s eyes widened in fear. “Are you saying that I have to go back to Dan-X34 again? With those giants there?”

  “Yes. But the device we gave you will autopilot you until you reach the gate, Richard,” Intaaku explained.

  “I am not really comfortable with this arrangement,” Richard admitted. “Can’t there be another way to get to those planets?”

  Nevoaru shook his head. “I am sorry, Richard. There is no other way to get to those planets except by using the gate on your planet.”

  Richard sighed. “Okay. I guess I don’t have a choice. At least this tablet will see me through.”

  “Do not be afraid, Richard,” Intaaku said. “If you need any clarifications, you can always reach us through the ball.”

  “We take our leave now, Richard,” Joseeba said. “We wish you all the best.”

  And they were gone.

  Richard stood up from his chair and stretched. He picked up the tablet and took a closer look at it.

  He then picked up his phone and dialed a number.

  “Hello, Professor. How are you doing?” Richard said as the line was picked up.

  “I am fine, Mr. Daniels,” Andrews replied.

  “How soon can you ready a Traveler for me?” Richard asked as he examined the tablet.

  “A Traveler? For you? Don’t tell me you are thinking of travelling back to Dan-X34!”

  “I am afraid that it is imperative that I return to Dan-X34; and I will have to do it alone, Professor. I have just spoken to the three alien businessmen and they have given me a whole lot of details about the planet, those giants, how we can tackle them, and even the pyramids as well. I’ll brief you before I embark on the flight,” Richard said.

  “Okay, Mr. Daniels. Let me ready a shuttle immediately,” Andrews replied.


  “Mr. Daniels, I hope you are not thinking of going back there all alone,” Andrews was saying as Richard came in through the door. Richard’s helicopter pilot had just dropped him on the helipad of the GEI Operations facilities.

  “I am sorry, Professor, but there is no other way that this can be handled except if I go alone,” Richard replied.

  “It could be risky, Mr. Daniels. I must ask you to reconsider your decision please. You cannot go back there. And even if you must, not alone. It is completely unadvisable, sir,” Andrews insisted.

  “Look, Professor, I am fully aware of all this. But it will not be reasonable of me to ask anyone to follow me back to that planet; not after what happened on it.”

  “But if you must go, why do you want to do so alone?”

  “Well, what do you suggest then, Professor?”

  “We all work with you in GEI. Some of us will definitely come along
with you,” Andrews replied.

  “You will come with me, Professor?”

  “Not just me alone. I have already taken the liberty of contacting Katrina and Michael as well,” Andrews said.

  “I don’t know what to say, Professor. But why do you want to embark on such a risky mission?”

  “Did you think that we would miss out on an opportunity to follow our CEO into other planets?” Andrews asked. “If you did, then you thought wrong, Mr. Daniels.”

  At that moment, they were met by Katrina and Michael.

  “Good morning, Mr. Daniels,” Katrina greeted.

  “Good morning, sir,” Michael greeted.

  “Good morning, Katrina and Michael,” Richard replied. “How can I thank you for volunteering to come with me?”

  “Sir, we are the ones to thank you for the honor of working with you in GEI,” Michael replied. “We are dedicated to the company, and there is absolutely nothing that any person can do about it. In addition to that, any scientist would love to visit four planets any time.”

  “I am impressed and really grateful,” Richard said. “Let us go and get suited up so that we can begin boarding in earnest.”

  After they had all gotten dressed and boarded the shuttle, Katrina turned her attention to Richard. “Sir, I believe that our destination should be set for Planet Dan-X34, right?”

  “Yes, Katrina. But we are going to be guided to the exact location by this tablet,” Richard replied, handing the device to her.

  “Is it some kind of surveillance system?” Katrina asked as she turned it on.

  “Perhaps, and maybe with navigation as well,” Richard said. “The alien businessmen said that it is going to guide us to the precise point on Dan-X34 where the gate of the planet is located.”

  “The gate of Dan-X34?” Katrina repeated. “What gate are you talking about, Mr. Daniels?”

  “It sounds crazy, right? Well, the aliens told me a lot of things that I am sure are going to upturn every scientific theory and fact we all know, especially with regards to space and planetary travel and interstellar affairs. First off, every planet has a gate. In fact, some, like earth, have multiple gates. These gates are supposed to be the pathways through which we can go to other planets. And in like manner, it is the pathway through which other entities can gain access to any planet from outside. That was how those giants were able to get into Dan-X34,” Richard said.


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