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Bowie Page 8

by KJ Dahlen

  Bowie surged inside her and held himself in place.

  Shayna gasped as a brief moment of pain ripped through her. Then as suddenly as it was there, the pain was gone and pleasure came in its place. After a moment, she tightened her hold on him and arched slightly to let him know she was ready.

  Bowie groaned and pulled out then surged inside her again and again. Each stroke brought him closer to the ending but he didn’t want this to end. She was going crazy in his embrace. He’d never felt this before. Such a sweet sexiness and an overwhelming pull from this woman in his arms. The feeling was exquisite, like nothing in his memory. Perfection. To him, it felt like forever and he wanted this every day for the rest of his life.

  Then she climaxed, her body bowing up into him, trembling in his arms and he couldn’t help it, he finally gave in and followed her over the edge. He growled as he shot his essence deep inside her.

  ~* * * *~

  His release flooded her and Shayna groaned as she felt his hot cum leaking out of her body.

  She’d never felt anything that intense before. He had given her so much more than he’d taken. She finally felt complete, like he had healed a part of her she hadn’t known was broken. This thought overwhelmed her.

  Bowie grabbed her wrists and dragged her to her feet. She groaned as he dragged her into the bathroom and started the shower again. Stepping into the small space, she felt the warm water running all over her body and she sighed. The hot water loosened her tight tired muscles and when Bowie soaped up a washcloth then running it over her body and she groaned again. Is this what love felt like? This unbelievable wholeness? She knew though that had it been any other man, it would not be like this.

  His touch felt so good, even through the cloth. He touched her everywhere and she felt the fire building again. When his hand went between her legs, she melted.

  Bowie groaned and stroked the cloth over and over her core. “I think we need the bed again,” He whispered in her ear.

  Moaning, she laid her head on his shoulder and whispered back, “Yes please...”

  He quickly rinsed her off and shut the water off. Then he scooped her up in his arms and carried her out to the bedroom. He didn’t even give her a chance to catch her breath as he surged inside her again. She gasped then gasped again when he withdrew and filled her over and over. His strokes got harder and faster as they both chased the ever-elusive conclusion.

  Shayna dared to reach out and explore his body and Bowie seemed to appreciate her efforts. Her kisses rained along his collar and neck area then she dropped down to his check. Then she tried licking his nipple.

  Just the touch of her tongue on his skin shot his heart beat into overdrive. Bowie lost control and hammered her into the mattress. Shayna accepted him as he dove deeper into her. Then without warning, she screamed as she went into overload. Bowie held his breath as he exploded into his own orgasm. Hot cum filled her for the second time.

  Bowie leaned over her and kissed her gently. “Can I keep you?’ he whispered in her ear.

  Shayna’s heart flooded with feeling and tears leaked from her eyes. “Yes, please do.”

  “Ok, I will. You are so precious. A gift and I knew it the minute I ran into you at the shop. I just didn’t know it.” You belong to me now and nothing and no one will take you away from me,” he vowed.

  “Ok,” she whispered in an awe filled voice.

  “Go to sleep now.” He kissed her gently. First her mouth then her eyes.

  Shayna closed her eyes then as she felt him wrap her up. She held him close to her. Never before had she felt so warm and so safe. It was a dream come true. One that she never had the courage or hope to wish for.

  ~* * * *~

  The sun shone through the window early the next morning when Shayna opened her eyes. She still felt warm and there was a soft snoring sound in her ear. She smiled and snuggled down, pulling the blanket tighter around her.

  A moment later, the arms wrapped around her tightened a bit and the snoring stopped as Bowie’s lips kissed her bare shoulder softly. “Good morning.” He whispered in her ear.

  Her skin tingled at the sound of his voice and she shivered with the delicious feeling. “Good morning,” she whispered back. Then she turned her head and saw his face. “Is this for real? Please tell me I didn’t imagine last night?”

  Bowie smiled. “Well, if you did imagine it then so did I. Last night was incredible.”

  “It was more than incredible, it was magical.” She sighed with satisfaction.

  Bowie’s smile deepened. “Then let’s revisit the magic.” He pulled her on her back and moved over her. Pressing his body against hers, Shayna felt the same strong wildness she felt last night.

  Winding her legs around his waist, she felt his hard cock nudging her core, her very wet core. Bowie pushed himself inside her and felt he was coming home. He gently stroked in and out of her. There was something about this gentle loving that added to the magic they found last night.

  There was no rush, no hurry at all yet they both moved as one. Their touches marveled in the awe of what they were racing for. With their tongues, they discovered new textures of each other, with their hands they rediscovered the differences in each other’s skin, muscles and firmness. With each stroke, it felt like a new avenue of pleasure. Shayna licked a seam across his shoulder that invisibly marked Bowie as her own while Bowie did the same to her.

  Their individual scents were mixed and mingled to form a new scent, one that was both pleasing and quite their own. Bowie felt a zing across the small of his back that told him he was ready to explode inside her just about the time he felt her walls tighten down on him.

  Finally, moving his hand down to her clit, he flicked it and Shayna’s eyes widened as she flew over the edge into the insanity of pleasure. Bowie sped up his strokes and quickly followed her over. He groaned as he pushed in one last time and then let loose, joining his essence with her own.

  Then he kissed her stealing the very breath she breathed away as they both came back to the world, as they knew it. Bowie went to move off her but she wouldn’t let him go. At the moment, his weight was the only thing anchoring her to this reality and she didn’t want to give it up.

  Finally, he moved again and she allowed it to happen, moaning as she felt him move to her side. She closed her eyes and ran her fingers over his shoulder as if to test the fact that he was real and lying beside her.

  Bowie watched her for a moment before he asked, “What are you thinking about right now?”

  She turned her head and slowly opened her eyes. There was dazed look in them, dazed and very satisfied, almost an awe quality. “I’m wondering if any of this is real. I mean I know what sex is, I may not have ever done it before, but I’ve heard how good it makes a person feel, but this? Last night and this morning is nothing like I ever felt before, nothing how I expected it to be. Is it like this every time?”

  Bowie smiled, hugging her closer before he answered. “Sex can and often does bring you pleasure but last night and just now? That was so much more than just sex.”

  Shayna gazed up at him. “What do you mean, more than just sex? What more is there?”

  Bowie chuckled. “Sweetheart, while sex can be great and is wonderful, there is that one person out there for everyone who belongs to them. They are called soulmates and you and I just found our soulmates. When it’s right between two people, they were meant to be together. I’ve had all kinds of sex before and none of it compares to last night and just now. What we found with each other is very rare and very special.” Leaning down he kissed her shoulder. “You belong to me, not only in this lifetime but in every lifetime, past, present and future.”

  Shayna felt humbled. She was finally wanted. When she and Danny were ripped away from their parents, she thought being wanted again would never happen for them. Sean and Axel certainly never wanted them in any way that really mattered. While she knew what it felt like to have a family, Danny never did. He was too young when
they lost their parents to know what feeling love and being wanted was like.

  She wanted to ask Bowie about her brother but didn’t know how to do it.

  Bowie looked down in her eyes and could see the question there. “What is it? I see a question you want to ask, what is it?”

  Shayna gathered her courage and blurted out, “What about Danny?”

  Bowie frowned. “What about Danny? You don’t want him to live with us or what?”

  Shayna stared at him for a moment before his words finally sank in. “You’d let him live with us? Does that mean you’re keeping us both?”

  “Well, of course I am.” Bowie stared intently at her. “You belong to me and he belongs to you. He’s your brother. I may be a lot of things, but family means something to me, to all us Morgan’s.”

  Shayna’s whole attitude lit up then she remembered something and her face fell again. “But I can’t get custody of him. Sean has made sure of that.”

  Bowie hugged her closer briefly. “You let me worry about that. You and Danny belong together and when this is over you will be.”

  Shayna thought about his words for a moment then said, “You have a feeling this isn’t over too?”

  Bowie nodded. “No Sweetness, this isn’t over yet. Please don’t think just because Sean is in jail that he’ll stay there or that Brody won’t come after you. Right now, anything is possible. The brotherhood is looking into Sean and Brody’s activity. I know the police are too, here in Troy and in Boston. What you told us is only the tip of their activities. We won’t stop until we unearth everything, as far back to the beginning as we can get.”

  Shayna studied him for a long moment before she asked, “Why? Why would you do all that?”

  Bowie tightened his hold on her then told her, “I don’t want to scare you but you have the right to know. I talked to Iceman last night. He used to lead the MC in Boston. He was aware of Brody’s crew and what they did when he lived there. In fact, one of Brody’s jobs resulted in the death of a very good friend of Iceman’s. A brother in his club. They have been looking for Brody for the last four years and just when they think they know where he is, he disappears on them. You’ll meet Iceman and the new president today. They want to know everything about Brody and where he might be hiding. They want to find him, so they can get justice for their brother.”

  “Do they want justice or revenge?” she had to ask.

  Bowie chuckled. “Babe, if you knew us at all you, wouldn’t have had to ask that. Bikers are a different sort of people. While we may not live by societies rules, we do live by a code. Well, most of us do anyway. If someone wrongs us, we go after them and sometimes we extract a rough justice but we do try not to kill anyone outright. What happened in Boston when Iceman lost his brother never should have happened. Iceman and Hawk only want justice. They won’t kill him.”

  Shayna nodded.

  “But they need answers. You were once part of Brody’s crew, so they will want to talk to you.”

  “Was their brother a man called Snake?” She remembered what happened the night Brody broke the rule he tried to live by. Brody and his crew were thieves not killers but that night Brody didn’t stop, he claimed he couldn’t stop. And a man died.

  Bowie froze when she said his name. “And what do you know about Snake?”

  Shayna hung her head and moved away from him.

  Bowie was so stunned he allowed her to. “I asked you a question.” He reminded her.

  “I think I should tell Iceman and Hawk at the same time as I tell you.” She couldn’t look at him.

  “Get some clothes on, we got to go.” Bowie ordered as he reached down and pulled his jeans on. After he was dressed, he checked his phone and saw a message that Hawk arrived early this morning. He looked over at Shayna and saw that she was dressed in the clothes she was wearing the day before and the day before that.

  But at the moment he couldn’t care about the state of her clothing. He had to get her to the clubhouse. Iceman and Hawk were waiting along with his own brothers. He ushered her out to his bike and threw his leg over the beast and when she was on, he took off for the club.

  Chapter Nine

  Shayna was scared to death, she’d never ridden on a bike before and she didn’t know what awaited her once they got to where they needed to be.

  After about ten minutes, Bowie pulled into the clubhouse entrance and felt her arms tighten around his waist like steel bands. When he pulled into a parking spot and shut down the engine, he frowned as he looked down at her hands. She hadn’t let go of him and that was strange. Turning his head, he saw her pale face. Her eyes weren’t focused at all. She was zoned out she was so scared.

  Cursing, he tried to turn around but her grip wouldn’t let him. She had a death grip and she wasn’t letting go. He reached down and pulled her hands apart. That wasn’t as easy as he thought it would be but finally he got her hands apart. He stepped off the bike and turned to look at her.

  Her face looked like death warmed over. Her skin was pure white and her eyes still weren’t in focus.

  Bowie wrapped his arms around her and whispered words of encouragement in her ear. Eventually, he saw her skin warm to a regular shade and her eyes returned to normal.

  Bowie cupped her chin and brought her eyes to his. “What was that all about?”

  “I’ve never been on a bike before,” she whispered embarrassedly.

  Then he remembered they had gone home last night in his truck. He wanted to slap his forehead. “Sorry about that.” He had to hold back his grin. He needed to think about things like this in the future. He just never had someone with him like this. Then his grin faded as he turned to look at the door of the clubhouse. They were waiting on them just inside and he had no clue how the next little while would go. Turning back to Shayna, he urged her, “Come on you have some questions to answer.”

  Shayna glanced over at the doorway and shivered. She grabbed his hand and hung on tightly. Step by step, she acted like she was walking to her death but they finally got to the door.

  Bowie opened it up and led her inside. The inside of the clubhouse was dim but the amount of men waiting for her overwhelmed her. They were all looking at her and as they walked in.... one by one, the talking stopped and each one of them stared at her.

  ~* * * *~

  Bowie led her to a table where Deke and four other men were sitting. She recognized one of the men as Deke’s father Sam-Bones but she didn’t know the other two men.

  Bowie pulled out two more chairs and they sat down. He nodded to Sam and Deke then turned to the other two. “Iceman, Hawk this is Shayna.”

  She turned to them and nodded. She hadn’t said a word yet.

  “I understand that you know a man named Brody Alkins,” the man called Hawk asked.

  Shayna nodded. “Yes, I know him.”

  “Do you know where he lives? Where he does his business in Boston?”

  Shayna nodded.

  “I need to find him.” Hawk growled. “He killed a brother.”

  Shayna nodded, “Four years ago, September 4th.”

  Hawk glared at her for a moment then slowly turned his head to catch Iceman’s gaze. Then they both turned back to Shayna. “What do you know about what happened that night?”

  Shayna tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. Swallowing hard, she looked at the two men. “My uncle Sean knew something big was going down that night but Brody wouldn’t include him on the deal. He ordered me to follow Brody that night. So I followed Brody. I saw the deal he was working and I saw your man when he arrived. He was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Brody didn’t want any witnesses and he just shot him. Then he dragged his body over to the water and pushed him over the edge.”

  “What was the deal Brody was working that night?” Iceman asked.

  Shayna just stared at him. “I’m not sure that’s relevant.”

  Iceman leaned forward and narrowed his eyes at her. “I asked you a question and I expect an
answer. I lost a brother that night and I want to know why.”

  “I can’t tell you,” she whispered.

  “Why not?” Hawk slapped the table hard enough to rattle the cup sitting there.

  “I just can’t.” She shook her head.

  Bowie turned and leaned toward her. “Honey what’s going on? Just tell them what you know. They aren’t going to hurt you.”

  Shayna looked at him as tears filled her eyes. “I can’t tell them.”

  “Why not?” Bowie frowned. “What are you hiding?”

  Shayna pushed her chair back and intended to flee but Bowie grabbed her wrist and wouldn’t let her go.

  He forcefully but gently sat her back down in her chair. “What happened that night?” he asked her. “What did Snake stumble into that got him killed?”

  She started to shake her head but Bowie moved his face closer while looking into her eyes and she couldn’t take it anymore. “Brody wasn’t only the master of a ring of thieves, but he was also selling members of his crew to the highest bidder.”

  “What?” Bowie frowned. Glancing at his brothers, he then looked back at her. “What did you say?”

  Shayna hung her head. “He was selling off his kids.”

  “Okay, as disgusted as that is why did he shoot Snake?” Hawk wanted to know.

  Shayna turned her head to stare at him. “It wasn’t because of the kid he was selling that night but who he was selling him to.”

  “And who would that have been?” Iceman demanded.

  “Senator Ryan Jenner from New Jersey.”

  Iceman’s jaw dropped as he looked to Hawk then to Deke then finally back to her. “Senator Jenner. Are you sure about that? He’s made his career about keeping the kids safe.”

  Shayna nodded. “Brody asked him the same thing and Jenner said he would make them safe but that his vice was little girls and he was getting too hungry to stay away.” Nodding she added, “That’s what Snake overheard before they shot him. Jenner was having a fit and demanded that Brody take care of Snake before word got out about something that could ruin him. Brody walked over to where his men had Snake and he shot him before Snake could blink an eye. Then his men dragged his body over to the river and threw him in.”


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