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Strictly Business [Stud Service 3] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 10

by Missy Lyons

  In bed.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Ethan rolled his eyes when he saw Susannah retreat inside the guest house. “This figures!”

  Now he had to wait it out until she felt like coming out again.

  Ethan needed a raise if he had to add babysitter to his job description, especially to a spoiled brat like Susannah Gibson.

  Ditching him at the airport and then trying to blow him off at the coffee shop wasn’t making him a happy camper. Getting the run around was actually just pissing him off.

  Big time.

  He found a seat next to the pool and sat back in the chair and texted his boss.

  Found her. I’ll be here as long as she is.

  Those were the orders, and he intended to follow the directions of William Gibson to a tee. He closed his phone with a snap. Now he just had to wait out a week. He was either going to put her on a boat and hope she was safe and sound or drag her back home. With her present attitude, the odds were most likely with her kicking and screaming. But he could care less. He had a job to do, and this was it.

  He kept an eye on her door and looked over his email messages on his phone.

  “Have a little spat with your girl?” Ethan looked up to see a beautiful woman in a hot pink bathing suit and a sarong. She had a pretty face and a professional-grade camera with a telephoto lens hanging from a thick strap around her right shoulder.

  He shook his head. “Oh, she is not my girlfriend.” Emphasis on not. Susannah was easy on the eyes but she had made it clear she wasn’t interested in him from day one. So he could push any ideas of romance to the back of his mind.

  “Oh, I thought you had a lover’s quarrel or something like that.” She shrugged nonchalantly. “Lots of couples are honeymooning here. It kind of sucks to be single.”

  His lips twisted in a wry grin. “You’re not a reporter are you?”

  “Oh, no, nothing like that.” She took a step back and put the lens cover on her camera. “I’m here taking pictures of the birds. I am a photographer, but I use the pictures in my artwork. Reporters aren’t allowed on the resort property. It’s the owner’s policy. Something to do with the privacy of the guests who stay here.”

  Ethan still felt a little skeptical. That camera was very expensive, and bird-watchers didn’t usually spend so much money on a camera. “Excuse me if I sounded a little rude. I am not really fond of the media”—his voice went an octave deeper as he looked down at her camera with the nine-inch lens—“and the paparazzi have a history with me.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry if we started off on the wrong foot. Name’s Sarah.” The blonde woman took a seat next to him and extended her hand.

  “Ethan.” A smile tugged at his lips as he encased her tender hand within his.

  She looked down for a moment as if she were slightly embarrassed. “You have to forgive me for being so bold, but are you single?”

  “Technically. Yes.”

  “So the girl I saw isn’t…” Ethan could tell she wanted some kind of answer. If they were related or what the deal was between him and Susannah.

  He had to admit he was curious about this woman, and he wouldn’t mind having a fling while he was working.

  “Susannah is my job. I am here on business to watch her.”

  “Sounds like an odd job. Is she royalty or something that she needs a bodyguard?” Sarah’s head tilted curiously.

  “No, nothing like that. You ever heard of the Gibson Petroleum Products?” he asked.

  “No, should I be familiar with it?”

  “She’s an oil heiress.”

  “Sounds interesting.” Sarah licked her lips and her eyes seemed to widen in excitement. “Maybe we could go get some breakfast together and talk some more over food.”

  “I would love to, but I can’t exactly leave or she will disappear on me again. I’m here to play babysitter until she makes Daddy happy with grandchild or gets on the boat to study her fish.”

  Sarah frowned and looked at the closed door to the cottage. “She could stay barricaded in there all day.”

  “I know. She probably will, too, just to irritate me.” He folded his arms across his chest.

  The clouds opened up, and it suddenly began to rain down on Ethan and Sarah. Droplets of water pelted his face as he looked to the sky.

  “Are you kidding me?” He threw up his arms in the air. “Of course, it’s going to rain now.”

  “Maybe it’s fate. She’s not going anywhere if it’s going to pour down cats and dogs. I’m going to go get something to eat before it gets any worse. Do you want to join me?” Sarah shielded her precious camera with her hands.

  Ethan took one last look at the door. What would it hurt to get something to eat with a beautiful lady? It’s not like he could do anything on the other side of this door, and Susannah wasn’t going anywhere. “Fine.”

  Sarah laughed and reached for his hand. They ran into the hotel lobby, laughing and soaking wet by the time they got inside.

  Ethan used a folded towel by the door for the guests to dry his face and hair. Sarah took the time to dry her very expensive looking camera.

  Thank goodness he had already checked in.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Susannah was so relieved to see her father’s bloodhound had seemed to give up his post. The rain hadn’t lasted long, but it was enough to chase him away and give her an opening to leave.

  She wasn’t hungry, but she was anxious about seeing her lover again. If only there were a button she could press and have time move for her.

  Susannah hurried through the gardens to the corner of the hotel she needed to be at. She had a private massage.

  She arrived without any interference, and her fears eased when the door was closed behind her.

  “Do you have an appointment?” The short, Asian woman behind the counter looked so tiny Susannah could have picked her up like a doll.

  “Of course. My name’s Susannah Gibson, and I am a guest of Colt Vance.”

  “Ahh, here you are.” She scrolled down the computer screen to find the appointment. “Now what can I do for you today?”

  Susannah looked at a slip of paper on the counter which was much like a menu, describing the types of massages and services. “I don’t know. I don’t often treat myself to this kind of things.”

  Susannah wasn’t a high-maintenance kind of girl. She didn’t usually wear a lot of makeup or dress to find a boyfriend. As soon as they found out she was related to one of the wealthier families in America she didn’t have to open her mouth.

  “How about a hot stone massage?”

  The lady bowed her head and said, “Good choice. The hot stone massage provides a relaxing experience for the body, mind, and soul. It is my personal favorite to give to our honored guests as well.”


  “Please come with me.” She gestured for Susannah to follow and led her into a room with a padded table. She spread out a towel on the table for Susannah to lie on. Another oversized towel was left folded on top of the table. “If you would be so kind as to remove your clothes and wrap this towel around yourself, Brian will be in here shortly to help you.”

  Susannah smiled at her as she turned on the soft tropical music and left the room.

  A large clay fireplace was featured in the room, and Susannah could feel the heat emanate from the man-made oven. Smooth, deep-black lava stones were visible from the outside, warming beside the fire.

  Susannah took her time and made herself comfortable, removing all her clothing as directed. She lay down on the table and used the folded towel to cover her nudity.

  She sighed contently and waited for her massage.

  About five minutes later she heard a knock on the door and she answered, “Come in.”

  A nicely groomed young man entered and closed the door behind him. She smiled. He must be the Brian the other lady spoke of. He seemed to be in very good shape. He could have been a cover model on a romance novel, and he probably spent hour
s in the gym keeping his physique up. It didn’t matter because Susannah only had eyes for Colt now.

  In the past she may have enjoyed looking at this hot, young man, but today it only reminded her that she would rather be in Colt’s arms.

  “I’m your masseur, Brian, and I hear you would like a hot stone massage today.”

  “Oh, yes! I have been under so much stress lately I thought this would be just the thing to help me relax.”

  “You will be so relaxed when you leave here, you’ll be wondering if you forgot your spine on my table.”

  Susannah giggled and snuggled her face into her folded arms. “I don’t think I would mind after the day I’ve had.”

  “Well, you can relax now.” Brian picked up a bottle of oil and rubbed it between his hands. “You’re in good hands.”

  “Thank you.” She mumbled the words the moment his talented hands hit her skin. Nimble fingertips smoothed the oil all over her exposed skin. A pleasant, minty scent filled her nostrils, and she closed her eyes against the pleasurable sensations.

  “Sometimes I find it helps to talk about my troubles.” He seemed very empathetic.

  “I don’t normally talk about my problems with complete strangers.” She let out a twisted chuckle.

  She felt the first of the hot stones glide along her muscles, and she let the breath hiss between her teeth.

  “It’s part of my job to see you relaxed. Forgive me if I overstepped my bounds.” His hands massaged her shoulders and back before placing hot stones upon her back. She felt the blood rush through her body and respond to the heat, opening herself up and relaxing.

  “You were just trying to help.” She let out another wistful sigh. It probably wouldn’t matter if she told this one guy her troubles. It wasn’t like she was going to see him again. Ever. “Not many people understand.”

  “Try me.”

  “Okay, but you asked for it. Normal people are allowed to figure out who they want to marry and wait to have kids, but my mom is so excited to have a grandkid that she is willing to cut off my trust fund money to make sure I get pregnant.”


  “It is. Especially when I don’t even have a boyfriend.”

  “So let me get this straight, they want grandchildren without a father?”

  “Mmm-hmmm. Now you see my problems with it. I have a life, I have a career, and they want me to go find a sperm donor.”

  “Any takers?”

  She groaned. “Not really, but that isn’t exactly the thing you want to mention on a first date. Hi, my name is Susie, and I need to have kids right now.”

  “Yeah, that would be a downer.”

  “I even met someone I like, and I think we could have been right for each other, but I don’t want him to think I was interested in him just for his sperm.”

  “I understand.” The hot stones were placed strategically all over her body, on the palms of her hands and in between her toes.

  “Do you? I am afraid if I tell him what’s going on in my life I might chase him away. Colt’s been so good to me.”

  “Colt Vance? The hotel owner?” His gentle touch stopped.

  Alarmed, Susannah nearly sat up. How could she be so stupid as to say his name? Of course all the employees knew his name. He was an icon here. “Yes, but please don’t tell him about my situation. I’ll tell him when the time is right, but I just want to enjoy what we have for now.” She tried to read Brian’s face. She had never felt so scared that she might lose something she cherished with Colt, and she didn’t know what they had yet. She could hardly call this love in the first days, but she would like to be able to in the future. “I really like him.”

  “Colt’s a good man.”

  “I know.” She blushed and turned her face away so he wouldn’t see it. She didn’t understand why they connected so quickly, but she liked him. A lot. “That’s why I don’t want to hurt him.”

  “Do you know what? I think you are a good woman.”

  “Are you going to tell him?” She felt her stomach turn at the idea of him finding out her life secrets.

  “No, don’t worry. Your secret is safe with me.”

  Susannah let out a relieved breath with those words of reassurance. Whoosh. She hadn’t realized she had been holding her breath until that moment.

  The hot stones seemed to be doing their job of relaxing her muscles. It almost felt she took a sleeping pill before she came in for the massage.

  “Thank you,” she murmured.

  Susannah felt a sense of peace and calm.

  He waited for her to relax and the stones to cool before beginning to remove them. “Feel better?”

  “Yes,” she mumbled.

  Her body felt like a wet noodle. It was so relaxed she wasn’t sure she would be able to stand when the massage was over.

  Brian put the stones down back in the oven and used his hands directly on her body to help massage the skin and deeply penetrate the muscles.

  “Are there any areas of your body you need help with or experience pain in?” he asked.

  “No. It all feels so good,” Susannah murmured.

  “Then I’ll just help you to relax, and your session will be over in a few minutes.”

  She closed her eyes against the pleasurable sensations. “Thank you, Brian.”

  It was an amazing experience.

  When it was time to leave, Susannah didn’t want to go. She watched him leave and let a few minutes pass before she got the strength to get off the table and dress again.

  The hot stone massage was really enjoyable, and it wasn’t just the massage but finally getting the pressure she was feeling off of her chest. Her sisters understood because they were each going through the same thing, but she couldn’t imagine anyone else in the world knowing what it meant to her.

  When she paid for the massage at the counter, she doubled Brian’s tip. It was nice to use him like a therapist, and she was sure that wasn’t part of his usual job description.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Susannah returned to her cottage to take a nice, long nap, and when she faced the world again, she felt like a new woman.

  She was still several hours out from being able to see her lover Colt, and she had energy and time to burn.

  She wanted to stay near the hotel in case he had any free time or her bags suddenly arrived.

  She could spend it watching hours of television locked up in her room, or she could get some fresh air and work on her tan.

  Susannah opted for the last option. She craved sunshine like other people hungered for food. It made her happier to be in the great outdoors.

  Weighing her options, she decided to go swimming and sit by the pool for a few hours. She gathered up her things and got dressed in a bathing suit, matching sarong, and flip-flops. Large, oversized sunglasses topped her head, and she pulled her long hair back in a French twist away from her neckline.

  A quick coat of sun lotion and a good book, and she was ready to go.

  She whistled on her journey to the pool, filled with an inner happiness. The pool wasn’t busy at all, which was surprising considering the heat of the day.

  She claimed a lounge by the bar with her towel and set her oversized bag to the side of her chair. After making herself comfortable, she set down to read a new book by her favorite romance author.

  A few pages turned before she was rudely interrupted by a man shadowing her body.

  “Comfy, ice princess?” The familiar, deep voice set her teeth on edge.

  “Excuse me? Why can’t you go bother someone else? I have three other sisters you could be following around.”

  Ethan glared at her and folded his arms over his chest. “They aren’t on Daddy’s shit list.”

  “Neither am I. Have you called him lately? He’s turned the credit cards back on and is giving me another six months before my ultimatum kicks in.”

  “Well, aren’t you the manipulative little…” Ethan shook his head.

“Little what? I hope you weren’t going to call me any names, because my daddy would be very disappointed in your behavior.” She put the book down and smirked at him.

  “I am sure you aren’t used to having anyone talk back to you. Are you? In fact, I’m pretty sure no one ever stands up to you.”

  “You might be surprised.”

  “I think it’s time you get what’s coming to you,” he said before coming within inches of her body.

  “What are you doing?” she screeched as he lifted her in the air, and she hung tightly onto his shoulders with both hands, barely noticing it took him any effort. “You’re going to drop me!”

  “If I dropped you it wouldn’t be an accident,” he teased back.

  She turned her head, noting he approached the edge of the pool. They were precariously close to the edge. The blue water ripples glistened white in the sunlight.

  “You wouldn’t dare!” At the same time as she protested, she knew she was pressing her luck. She scrambled to get a better grip, or higher up. At the very least she wanted to take him in the water, too, if he threw her in.

  “Paybacks are a bitch, aren’t they?” His voice was determined, and she knew he was going to throw her in.

  “No—Ethan, don’t!” Her pleas fell on deaf ears.

  He tossed her in front of him, and she turned in midair, grabbing tightly onto his arms.

  She didn’t mind getting wet. She was an experienced swimmer and physically fit, but it was an assault to her ego to get thrown in the pool without taking the guy in with her. She was strong enough she wasn’t about to go in by herself. He went in with her.

  She sputtered and spurted a mouthful of water back into the pool.

  He was fully clothed and completely drenched. His soggy hat brim nearly touched his eyebrows.

  Ethan wasn’t wet enough as far as Susannah was concerned. She sprayed him with water, splashing as hard as she could.


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