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In the Mood for Love: A Cupcake Lovers Novel (The Cupcake Lovers)

Page 27

by Beth Ciotta

  Meanwhile, Tasha’s husband—also kind of snooty, but definitely in love with his wife—was seated in the VIP area along with Vincent, and Helen’s husband, Daniel.

  Sam … Sam was somewhere out there with Edward. He’d taken off with Jayce, Nash, Tripp, and Ian an hour before spectators started gathering. Even though they’d split up, they were in touch via their phones. The whole time they’d been prowling the premises for Edward, Harper had concentrated on doing her job while keeping one eye peeled for Edward herself.

  What if he slips past them?

  She’d nipped the negative what if in the bud, but remained alert all the same. Alert and on pins and needles. She’d busied herself putting the Cupcake Lovers at ease, reminding them they went on after Oksana, a Russian performer who dazzled audiences with acrobatic skills and hula hoops. She reminded them that Brice and Kaylee would take the lead, prompting them throughout the feature. They’d cover the history and mission of the club, stories related to baking and charity events. They’d talk soldiers and cupcakes, and the recipe book. There’d be a Q&A with the audience. As a bonus spectators would be gifted with their own copy of Cupcake Lovers Delectable Delights: Making a Difference One Cupcake at a Time on behalf of Brice and Kaylee.

  Somewhere toward the end of her pep talk, Harper got a text from Sam. Her heart pounded as she read: GOT HIM. B WITH U IN A FEW.

  She froze up with a mix of elation and dread. That meant Sam and his team had whisked Edward away. It meant that Sam and Edward were in the midst of a confrontation. She just wanted it to be over. She wanted Sam here beside her and Edward gone.

  The Cupcake Lovers were scheduled to take the stage about twenty minutes into the show which was about five minutes from now. She refrained from texting, WHERE ARE YOU, and a heartbeat later she heard, “Here I am.”

  Sam hugged her from behind, spoke close to her ear. “It’s all good.”

  So Sam had issued his threat of a harassment charge? A restraining order? The “I’ll make your life hell” speech as dictated by Jayce who was privy to some not so legal computer tricks? So Edward had buckled and was now being escorted back to the airport by Jayce, Nash, Tripp, and Ian?

  Before she could ask for details, Sebastian tapped Sam’s shoulder. “We need to wire you with a mic, Sam.”

  The production assistant dragged Sam away and Harper grabbed hold of the back of a chair for stability. She felt dizzy with relief, blindsided by the anticlimactic moment. She realized suddenly that deep down she’d expected something horrible to happen.

  Instead Sam and friends had saved the day—a peaceful takedown. Everything was fine. She let out a shaky breath, rubbed the ache in her chest until she felt a tiny blip of glee. A smile touched her lips as she glanced over and saw Sam huddled with the other CLs—all wired and ready to go. Everyone but Daisy.

  “What the—”

  Harper whirled and knocked into five feet of cocoa-brown fur.

  Oh, no.

  “Are my antlers straight?” she asked then used her paw to give Harper a playful nudge. “Don’t look so horrified, Slick. I checked with Kaylee first and she said it would be a hoot!”

  * * *

  A twenty-minute feature flew by in a heartbeat. Harper had watched from the sidelines, tears filling her eyes as each and every member of the attending Cupcake Lovers shared sentimental memories and uplifting stories all revolving around cupcakes and their mission to bring joy to soldiers and their families. She never realized Judy had a dry sense of humor or that Ethel had lost her first husband in a foreign conflict. She learned that Helen could bake one hundred and twenty different cupcake recipes from memory. Daisy had been Daisy—except for when she was Millie Moose—and Tasha had dazzled. Sam had endured Kaylee’s none-too-subtle flirtations, remaining quiet for the most part until he’d spoken as a former soldier, sharing his personal experiences when it came to receiving care packages while serving overseas.

  The audience loved them. Brice and Kaylee praised them. And Harper knew, without a doubt, that recipe book sales as well as outright donations to charities supporting the military would spike and soar. It was her proudest moment as a publicist and she felt honored to call the Cupcake Lovers friends.

  As for Sam, Harper loved him so much it hurt. She wanted to hug him and tell him as soon as he stepped offstage, but he whispered, “I need to borrow you. Can we duck out for a few minutes?”

  Pulse skipping, she moved to Sebastian, telling him she’d be back and asking him to please keep an eye on the ladies who were settling back in the green room to watch the rest of the show while being treated to fruity cocktails.

  Sam guided her quietly along the sidelines, away from the crowd, away from the pool. Once inside the building, he pulled Harper aside. He gently grasped her shoulders. “Edward wants a moment with you.”

  Her heart hammered. “What?”

  “I was wrong about his reasons for being here, hon. Yes, when he originally booked the flight it was with foul intentions. But then he received your lengthy, heartfelt letter and my short, but heartfelt phone call. Maybe it’s because it’s been three years now, maybe it’s because something you said finally got through to him, and I know, soldier to soldier, I gave him pause regarding his behavior.” Sam squeezed her shoulder. “I need you to breathe, babe.”

  She nodded, unaware that she’d been holding her breath, grateful that Sam had a grip on her because she felt a little woozy.

  “He decided not to cancel his reservation and instead to fly out here to close this chapter of your lives in person. He’s just a few steps away, in the lounge with Jayce and the guys. Nash stepped up his return flight so time’s an issue.” Sam pulled her into his arms, held her tight and spoke close to her ear. “You don’t have to see him, Harper. But I think you, and Mr. Wilson, would benefit if you did.”

  She held Sam tight, absorbed his calm, his words. She was speechless and she couldn’t believe what he’d said, although she very much wanted to. She licked her lips and eased away. She nodded.

  Sam took her hand and led her around the corner, into a quiet, dimly lit lounge. She saw Jayce and Nash first, and when they stood, Edward, who’d been sitting with his back to her, rose as well.

  Harper approached the man and Jayce and friends jockeyed to the sidelines. Harper noted how much older Edward looked. Three years of bitterness and grief had been unkind to him. Still, his posture was ramrod straight, his gray hair buzzed. He wore creased trousers and a neatly tucked polo shirt. He didn’t extend a hand in greeting and neither did she, but she did move closer.

  Sam stayed near, but far enough away to suggest he was giving them privacy.


  “Mr. Wilson.”

  He cleared his throat, bolstered his shoulders.

  Harper clasped her hands in front of her, her thumb brushing her wedding ring. She relaxed a little, but she didn’t smile.

  “I’m sure Sam filled you in and I’m not comfortable articulating my feelings. Especially since I’m still wrestling with a few. So I’ll make this brief. Your letter … I acknowledge your words and sentiments and I believe them. You won’t be hearing from me again. I wish you and Sam well.”

  Harper squeezed her fingers together, still at a loss for words, not sure any were needed.

  Edward reached down and pulled a large plastic bag from his over-the-shoulder briefcase. “These were among Andrew’s belongings. They’re some of the letters you wrote to him while he was overseas. There’s also a journal.” He cleared his throat again—a gruff staccato sound that bumped Harper’s heart to her throat. “Andrew jotted down some of his experiences, his musings while he was away. The, uh, references to battle, they’re rough. You may want to skip those. But the parts about you…” He passed her the bag, full of crinkled envelopes and a small brown book. “I thought you might want these.”

  As he backed away, Harper licked her lips, clutching her and Andrew’s words to her aching stomach.

  Edward picked up his
briefcase, checked his watch. “I should be going.”

  Jayce, Nash, and Tripp moved out ahead of him, and the gentleman she didn’t know—Ian, she assumed—took up the rear.

  Edward nodded at Sam then at Harper as he passed.

  She turned slowly, watching him go, her heart lightening with his every step. “Mr. Wilson. Thank you,” she said, when he looked over his shoulder. “I wish you peace.”

  Her mind was whirling, but Harper didn’t have time to slump into a seat and decompress. She had to get back to the Cupcake Lovers, to the show that would soon be wrapping. She had a job to do.

  Sam touched her elbow. “You okay?”

  She nodded, looked down at the bag clutched in her hands. “I’m not sure I want to read Andrew’s journal.”

  “From what Edward said, I’m guessing there are several pages in there expressing Andrew’s love for you.”

  “It’s the pages referring to whatever horrors he saw, whatever he experienced, that broke him … I’m not sure I want to know.”

  “I doubt Andrew would want you to know those specifics. I know I wouldn’t.”

  She held Sam’s gaze. “My feelings for Andrew and what we shared are separate from what I feel and share with you.”

  “As are my feelings for Paula and my feelings for you. One relationship doesn’t negate the other.”

  “So you don’t mind if I keep the journal?”

  “I don’t mind.”

  “Although I may never read it.”

  “I understand.”

  She blew out a breath, feeling the weight of the world lift away. “I need to get back.”

  “I know.”

  Holding her past in her hands, she turned to leave then abruptly swiveled and rushed into the arms of her present and future. “I love you, Sam.”

  His body molded to hers, their hearts beating in tandem—hard and fast—as he cupped her face, looked into her eyes and hugged her soul. “I love you, Harper.”

  He kissed her and the world sparkled. This, she thought, is happy.

  “I could tack on a couple of days,” Sam said, “treat you to a fairy-tale honeymoon.”

  She thought about that, and though it appealed, something else called to her more. “Would you mind if we went back tomorrow as planned?”

  He raised a brow.

  “Remember when you said, home is where the heart is?” She smiled up into his eyes. “My heart is in Sugar Creek with you and the children. Bowling and burgers? Miss Kitty fashion shows and superhero movies? Snuggling with you in our own bed? I couldn’t spin a better honeymoon.”


  Seven months later

  Sugar Creek, VT

  Harper typed fast and furious, trying to bullet-point her publicity agenda for the Cupcake Lovers’ latest charity project before the ideas flew out of her head. She’d been finding it harder and harder to concentrate on business. She was preoccupied with family.

  Never more so than today.

  Summer with Sam and the kids had been a delight, giving new meaning to the cliché: honeymoon phase. Monica and Leo had welcomed twin boys into the world, and soon after Rae and Luke had welcomed Jillian—the cutest baby girl in Sugar Creek with the exception of her slightly older cousin Lily. There’d been several family celebrations—big and small. And of course there were the traditional Sunday dinners at Rocky and Jayce’s house. With the exception of Daisy and Vincent, not everyone made every dinner, but they all caught up with each other at some point during the week. The Monroes and their extended clan were tightknit and ever growing. Harper finally had what she’d always dreamed of.

  A family.

  It was more challenging and vastly more wonderful than she’d ever imagined. And it was about to get better.


  Ignoring a fluttery feeling in her stomach, Harper focused hard on her computer screen. The sooner she finished this publicity plan, the sooner she could join Sam and the kids downstairs. Ben and Mina had decided the Christmas tree they’d trimmed just after Thanksgiving was in dire need of more decorations. There was scarcely a spare needle on the massively tall spruce, but who was she to argue? Day by day, as a family, they’d infused this house with joy and warmth, and dozens of beautiful memories. Either Mary’s spirit had at last crossed over to join her beloved Joseph or she was simply too happy to be sad. The house fairly burst with vibrant, loving energy.

  Speaking of …


  Harper turned just as Mina skidded into the room. She’d traded her signature tiara for an elf’s cap—albeit a pink elf’s cap—and sported a brown moustache—compliments of hot cocoa. Harper’s chest swelled with love. “What’s up, baby?”

  The animated imp, who’d just recently turned six, thrust a smartphone at Harper. “Daddy said you forgot this.”

  No longer plugged in twenty-four/seven, Harper had been forgetting her phone a lot. She was too busy living her own life and managing the needs of family as opposed to the needs of virtual strangers. She skimmed new messages, noting a text from Daisy regarding the annual Cupcake Lovers’ holiday party. It would be Harper’s first. She couldn’t wait.

  “Are you coming down soon, Mommy?”

  “Very soon.”

  “Ben made popcorn and now we’re sticking a needle and thread through it. Only I stuck myself.” She held up her tiny index finger. “See?”

  Sam had already applied a princess adhesive strip, and Harper was sure it was nothing. All the same, Mina sniffed back crocodile tears. Luckily Harper had a lot of practice with drama queens. “Stupid needle,” she said, then kissed the tip of Mina’s finger. “Better?”

  “Mommy magic!” Beaming, she skipped from the room.

  Harper stemmed her own tears—joyful tears—and focused back on work. Even if she only hit the highlights …

  Her phone blipped with a new text.



  More warm fuzzies. Harper glanced at the time, then her barely-there agenda. Had she really been at it for an hour? “Screw it.”

  She powered off and hurried downstairs. She heard Christmas music and laughter. Smelled pine needles and freshly baked peppermint cupcakes. Sam was mending a nutcracker’s broken leg. Mina was dancing with a stuffed reindeer. And Ben was hard at work on his popcorn garland.

  Harper moved in behind her creative son and squeezed his shoulder. He’d taken his time, placing every ornament and tinsel strand just so. “The perfect touch for the most beautiful tree in Sugar Creek.”

  Ben didn’t look up, but she caught his crooked smile and the shy affection in his voice. “Thanks, Mom.”

  Mom. The most special word in the world, she’d decided, alongside love.

  Sam caught Harper’s gaze and winked, causing her heart to dance along with Mina and her furry reindeer.

  Harper battled emotional tears while counting her lucky stars. She thanked Mary for pulling her to Sugar Creek and Sugar Creek for introducing her to the Cupcake Lovers. She blessed each and every member for inspiring her to be a better person and for exposing her to the love of her life. She’d fought hard against the fall, but, looking back, she’d been a goner from their adrenaline-charged first meeting. She’d agreed to marry Sam in order to obtain a green card. She’d been prepared for a business arrangement and instead had been gifted with a passionate, caring husband and two amazing children.


  How many times in the last few months had Sam declared their lives perfect? She glanced at her wedding band. Four diamonds winked back. Diamonds that represented their family—only now they didn’t.

  Assaulted by stomach jitters, Harper nodded toward three empty mugs and a plate of cupcake crumbs. “Who’s up for eggnog and Christmas cookies?”

  A unanimous “me” had Harper scrambling toward the kitchen. “Get it together,” she told herself. She’d only been living with this secret since morning. She’d feel better once she told Sam.


; What if he wasn’t happy about her rocking their perfect boat? What if Ben and Mina resented the change? What if—

  “Need some help, Slick?”

  Harper started at the sound of her husband’s voice. “No, I’m good. Thanks,” she added without making eye contact. She willed her hands and mind steady as she poured four servings of alcohol-free eggnog.

  Sam moved in, turned, and lazed back against the counter. “Learned some family gossip today. You’ll get the dirt tomorrow at dinner, but if you want the early scoop—”

  “Always.” She sprinkled nutmeg on their tasty treats, all too aware of the tasty treat standing beside her. Sam’s presence was unnerving and exhilarating. God, she loved this man.

  “After months of maintaining a long-distance relationship, Peppy’s moving home to be with Adam.”

  “She’s quitting that band?”

  “In order to focus more on her true passions. Songwriting and Adam.”

  Harper smiled. “That’s nice.”

  “That resort he bought is thriving under his management. The pub is small but perfect if Peppy gets the itch to perform her tunes.”

  “Bonus.” Harper liked Adam. Everyone liked Adam. His happily-ever-after had been long in the making. “Daisy and Vincent must be thrilled.” A good grounded man for Vincent’s impetuous, artistic granddaughter.

  “There’s more,” Sam said, while helping Harper to reach the cookie tin stashed on top of the fridge. “Between his poker winnings and several smart investments, Nash is buying Starlight Airfield.”


  “And he’s hiring Joey to manage it.”

  The goth-girl Cupcake Lover with super-smart business skills. “I wonder if Daisy had a hand in that?” Harper asked as she arranged colorful cookies on a festive Santa plate.

  “Why would she?”

  “Nash is on her family bucket list.”


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